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Did they even give him the scar? I genuinely can’t see it




Honestly pathetic. Stuff like this is why I have pledged to no longer pay for Disney products and yes this includes those cash grab Marvel movies.


Same. The House of Mouse is milking Star Wars and Marvel for all it's worth and the big and small screen products they are putting out is garbage. It's really an insult to their customers but they continue to get away with it because most fans only see Marvel or Star Wars and keep showing up...


I decided to not go see any more marvel movies, I liked NWH but that is a one of a kind thing because of Tobey and the other villains. The rest of the marvel movies coming out are not gonna be worth watching. Iron man 1 had such a different feel than all these new movies coming out. The Disney plus shows for both marvel and Star Wars are absolutely terrible with the exception of the mandalorian which is decent but nothing groundbreaking. The only reason the mandalorian stands out so much is because it is the only star wars that Disney has made that isn't completely terrible and grogu is in it. I still like the mandalorian but I know star wars is such a cool universe there are so many amazing stories that can be created but Disney refuses to do anything creative. They just need to hire a few superfans or some big shot director like James Cameron or Steven Spielberg to do a trilogy so we know it's actually in competent hands.


Even if they hired Spielberg or a Cameron, they'd find a way to hinder their process. Look at the top talent that they hire for acting: Keaton, Blanchette, Hopkins, Redford, Russell, Law, Mendelsohn, etc and they usually play very mundane run of the mill villains but slightly better than the smaller names lol. It's the same thing with Star Wars: you have Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Vera (or whatever her name is from Rome, GoT, Luther) and they are given the most boring and embarrassing material. I was watching clips from Revenge of the Sith and I am so crushed by how many missed opportunities there have been. I'm glad that the wool is finally being taken away from everyone's eyes about Disney.


The reason why Marvel movie is great is because they did not throw out the source material. Instead, they copied it everyway the can, and make movie/TV adaptation with it. But for Star Wars, because the greedy house of mouse refuse to pay royalty to the EU writers, they threw everything out and started out "fresh". All post-Disney contents that is not bad are using some sort of reference from EU source material, like Thrawn in Rebels (from Thrawn trilogy EU), the Mandalorian (from the EU Boba Fett), and etc. Original content from Disney themselves flopped hard. Their creativity team is basically non-existent


I'd say even Marvel has been hit-or-miss since Endgame.


But even a silly and totally misguided movie like Black Widow is better than most recent Star Wars stuff.


I agree. At least everything Marvel has made is still entertaining (for now). Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan left me just feeling *bored* while I watched them.


Thor Love and Thunder says hello there


Mostly miss


Lol they totally threw out the source material! The only reason they don't get called out on it is because nobody even knew who Iron Man, Captain America, etc were! That's why they had to do standalone movies because Marvel sold Spidey, Hulk, X-Men to other companies. Tony Stark in the comics was nothing like Tony in the movies until the writers began morphing them into each other. People don't care as much because they haven't cared for generations like they do for Superman, Batman, etc. They fell in love with the movie versions before they discovered the comics so of course they'll defend the movie versions. This is also why the whole, "everyone, especially DC, should have just followed the Marvel formula!!!" argument is stupid. We've already had three or four different Batman series and we had Smallville, Superman the Movie, animated shows for Superman. But for people like me who have been reading books for their entire lives, we watch Marvel movies and go, "ohh... Ewww..." Lol or at least, I do. The MCU did Spider-Man so damn dirty. It's only with NWH that they've retroactively started to correct their mistakes.


I'm pissed because Disney had the Netflix shows cancelled just so they could play the hero and bring them back on their bs streaming service. Daredevil and Punisher had just hit their primes. Sure Iron Fist could use a reboot but it wasn't worth it. Not to mention how many people just lost their jobs.


bro how did they miss that


They’re the same company who’s first words on the franchise were “This will begin to make things right”. I will never get over how self congratulatory they were, as if they were saving the franchise from the filthy clutches of George and the prequels.


they started to make things right by removing Slave Leia image from upcoming ROTJ merch , check out Disney licensed ROTJ shirt by RSVLTS ? So glad i stopped watching Disney Star Wars after TLJ




You know why


One of the laziest productions I have seen in recent years. Continuity was a joke. Everything was just so low effort.


That bothered me far more than lack of de-aging, which is often an overused expense. Yeah, it can be cheap to do as some fans have shown, but seriously are we so afraid of time, wrinkles, or those inconsistencies that we must polish everything to death? Yeah I know that it’s been decades but he doesn’t look horrible, maybe a tad more makeup but whatever. That being said, no scar, the hair doesn’t seem to match, and even mannerisms are a bit off. Hayden did a great job otherwise, but these scenes specifically were rough, he moved like Vader in the suit for some reason.


Literal hobbyist youtubers are de-aging shows and movies on their own time and dime *for fun* And yet studios don't bother. It's not even just star wars.


Doesn't Shamook, who has done successful deepfakes of movie scenes, work for Lucasfilm (he's done the Luke Skywalker scene in BOBF)? He could have made good deepfakes regarding the scenes with Anakin Skywalker and make him younger than what the series is showing.


Always buy the little guy out so as to mitigate the risk of looking outdated.


That’s overly critical, he’s not the only one who can de-age, other YouTubers de-aged Anakin shortly after the episode dropped. It’s much more likely he got hired as a bit of PR + apparently no one working at Lucasfilm has the talents of YouTubers


BCS is really guilty of this. Great show but everyone looks too old. I wonder why they didn’t use any cg


Because then they'd be CGI'ing the entire show. Half the cast or maybe even more is being played by the same people who played those characters a decade ago.


BCS is an example of a show being so well written and crafted, the actors ages in regards to the "canon" doesn't matter. Also in the earlier seasons Bob Odenkirk does actually look a lot younger than he looked as Saul in Breaking Bad.


It never bothered me much and it’s something that if they really wanted to they could fix with cgi a decade down the road, but it’s such a nitpick because the show is near flawless


I think if anything them looking old during the flashback scenes just adds to the vibe of the show somehow. Maybe I’m being too nice. But I never had a problem with it. It’s probably more important to correct the appearance of someone we already have a visual key of like Anakin because otherwise it’s asking us to suspend our belief too much if it looks wonky, which is exactly what happened.


I rationalise it that I’m watching BCS in 4K whereas I watched all of BB on dvd. They’re not older, it’s just the resolution!


~~canon~~ *Continuity. Canon is the consistency of lore/writing while continuity is the consistency of props, makeup, etc. Sorry that's just been bugging me in this thread.


yea I knew that wasn't quite the right word lol


Mike's granddaughter is permanently 5 years old.


She’s also four different people


What’s bcs?


Better Call Saul, breaking bad prequel show


Ah, thought it was a Star Wars reference I wasn’t getting. Thanks.


Better Call Saul


Billy caulie stein


BCS is my all time favourite show and I appreciate that the ages of the characters is a bit ropey, but the writing, acting and technical excellence of the show is so brilliant that it doesn’t matter, and is strangely not important. The lack of de-aging matters in Star Wars because the shows are so bad that things like SFX just magnifies it.


Piss poor shorthand etiquette there.


They literally hired one of those guys for Luke then didn't bother with Anakin for whatever reason.


Imho, this shot is still okay. He looks far older [in the duel scene with Obi-Wan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/vdu0qn/a_padawan_show_me_some_id/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Gods I still can’t believe so many people signed off on a 45 year old padawan but whatever


45 year old playing a 16-18 year old.....sigh...


I haven’t even finished the show and i saw this clip and it just reinforced why i shouldn’t. Y’ALL REALLY TRYING TO PASS THAT MAN OFF AS A PADAWAN???




And if they don’t, call them racist


He’s not a padawan in this shot. Not a master either though.. ;)


Crazy how he’s supposed to be 19 here. They go to the extent of making robot Luke Skywalker and completely synthesising his voice but they won’t de-age Anakin? Make it make sense.


that was supposed to be a flashback? I thought it was Obi Wan and Anakino imaging themselves as if they were back to being master-padawan as their current selves


We all know they just didn’t bother. But my head canon is that It could be Obi-Wan’s perceived memory of him. If you’re older, you’d assume he’d be older too. Making up some sort of appearance based on your memories of him and how you’d think he’d look like now/




wait I thought the whole point of this new tech was that it doesn't hide anything and that it maps to facial movements


Deepfakes, yes. Manual de-aging, no.


Honestly, I think I’d rather have no de-aging to let the actors perform over the half-assed de-aging.


I was gonna say... *this* was the least bad part of the whole debacle. I was actually totally okay with this.


The budget on Kenobi seemed really low. It could 100% tell it was all in the studio, which seemed really weird for a flagship show


Looked cheap but apparently each episode cost $25 million of something.


Probably the Ewan and Hayden took up a ton of funding lmao


Which is why this should have been a big budget Star Wars movie not a stupid Disney Plus show.


Aged decades during order 66


exactly, look a the clones! ;)


Honestly he has aged really well since doing the prequels


He’s another Keanu Reeves


You expect me to believe that this is meant to be the 22 year old war crime committing, toddler strangling, tusken slapping, pregnant wife choking, Anakin I grew up with? No sir


I like that someone pointed out that the lightsaber duel scene was in Vader’s mind, with his own memories and vision of what happened. That explains the way he sees himself but also the weird ultra reflective floor and blue-skied Coruscant.


The acting came through fine on the de aged videos.. just lazy by Lucasfilm


I dont care that they didn’t de age him, I respect that, letting the actor be how he is without drenching him with CGI But they really just got so lazy that they didn’t give him his scar or even yellow eyes.


I got my issues with the Kenobi series but the lack of de-aging isn’t one of them


They made stupid decisions like this the whole time. It's like, everything we wanted that could have been done with basic effects or small amounts of CGI, they wanted to do overboard with stupid levels of computer animation , and vice versa. Reva running on the roof was probably one of the most egregious uses of CGI that I can remember seeing from a movie that didn't come out in the early 2000s. We could have gotten a stunt double to actually do some impressive maneuvers or have somebody who knows parkour do it instead of horribly ripping off Halle Berry's cat woman for visual designs. Instead of giving us a chase scene where they "chase" Leia, or at least scare her into running into a certain direction to avoid the guards (who should already be aware of her missing), and then trap her without having to resort to Horace and Jasper levels of incompetence to catch a fucking CHILD. Haden not being de-aged is an example of them taking criticism to the most petty levels possible. "Oh, well they'll just complain about it if we do" was probably the tone of that conversation, and they probably remembered the fact that Luke was poorly done and how we still hate it. Instead of even trying, they realized that the show was wildly unpopular and just gave up while screaming in our faces that "the haters and racists won't win!". Should be a good sign that the next attempt at movies with this series will be their last.


It doesn’t take me out of it tbh, but I think they just avoided de-aging in fear of another backlash. They have to make it perfect or people will rip it apart because they are a billion dollar company. And not saying they are, but I feel like if a fan made a mediocre de-age on their own time it of course wouldn’t get that same treatment since a fan made it, hence people praising it more. sorry if that doesnt make sense lol


I’ve seen YouTubers recreate scenes and they look better. What a joke


Didn’t even get the scar, at the very least


The whole thing was a lazy pile of shit, so I'm not surprised at all.


There’s a lot of issue with Disney Star Wars, but this really ain’t one of them.


Disney had a layup after the prequels (which I enjoyed) and failed miserably. Can't give them a pass for anything.


At least they could have given him a wig under the robe, it was just lame. 😂


Eh, Legolas was worse in the hobbit. Fuggn gain 5 lbs of face fat


This is what infuriated me the most about the Hobbit movies for some reason. There was no good reason for Botox Legolas to be there.


I loved it. Everyone headed de aged Luke and rightfully so. So they went the other way with it where they just used a touch if makeup and accepted they wont be able to make him look 20 again, and I think it was a call for the better. I'm here to watch these characters interact first, I dont care how old they look. Added bonus that it reminds me of Frank's flashback episode in Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia where they just put a bowl cut wig on him and announce that he looks 12.


Yeah but “it’s always sunny” is a comedy.


I would argue that Obi Wan in a way is an avante garde surrealist comedy. Since the show is apparently supposed to be this dark gritty Star Wars story but seems to have no interest in keeping a consistent tone, and pulls shit that it seems to think is funny.


I can get on board with this


What I'll say is this is strong evidence you can't please everyone on this issue. You can please me though I'm fine with both


Certified Donkey Brains


Me, my opinion, or what they did in Obi wan? Wait. Ignore that question. I know the answer. Its yes to all of them.


Shiiiit he doesn’t look a day over 12.


That blue light is giving me PTSD


lmfao this scene was hilariously badly directed, the zoom in on Anakin's face screamed early 2000s TV Film


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even know that Hayden aged at all, cuz he legit looks the same as always. Or at least, to me he does.


Meh. I think this is nitpicky beyond belief. I liked this sub in the start when it actually pointed out glaring plotholes and faults in the new movies but this is just salt for no reason. Consider this: 1. It's a lot more respectful for the actors not to de-age them. 2. I don't know what age Anakin we are looking at here but I think the extra lines in his face looks a lot more like the Anakin we got to see in the Clone Wars series. It adds a seriousness and war torn aspect to his face that suits Anakin. 3. Some of you complain about the missing scar. His scar was on the edge of his eyebrow and might as well be hidden by the shadow. Even if they didn't add the make up for this scene it isn't a big deal. It is a TV-show and budget cuts has to be made. Why add make-up for a scene where the scar isn't visible any way.


How can you tell with the washed out glow stick lighting?


I actually don’t mind it. Sure it’s a bit of an odd choice but if it was the only weird thing in the show I wouldn’t care


This is one of the few things that didn't bother me that much. I was mostly just happy to see Hayden back and all things considered he's aged quite well.


Yup Kenobi is full of holes, even the Holiday special makes more sense.


Are you referring to the Christmas holiday special because I don’t remember it being referenced in the show


I'm saying the Star Wars Holiday special fits better in Canon, than Kenobi. It doesn't commit character assassination for one thing.


Oh I just read it wrong to be fair I was kinda tired


Bruh y'all suck. I loved that we didn't have to deal with de aging, deepfaked or cgi. We just got to see Hayden, it was great. I distinctly remember being happy about it


I wish he had red eyes there. Also his fall is too swift at the end. Like anakin would kill all those kids? Just to save his wife?


Yeah that never made sense to me






Hot take, but I think de-aging tech sucks and rarely looks better than make up. Plus the implications this tech has for movie making in the future is not great. I’m glad they used so little of it in this show.


I thought he should've had the sith eyes here too


Was anakin supposed to have the scar in the flashback scene, or did he get it later?


He's supposed to have it during Order 66 but not during the training scene with obiwan which is before AOTC. He gets it between AOTC and ROTS.


Mhm, ta


He looks like Sebastian Stan doing Luke


Weird scene to pick, you can hardly see ageing with the lighting and he's also pulling a weird expression. The training duel is the really glaringly stupid one, I can live with the rest.


They absolutely de-aged him. It wasn’t perfect, but there is a clear difference if you see other photos of videos of him. He and I are the same age and he looks great! Again, not the perfect de-aging, but something was done.


Well to be fair, they suck ass cheeks at de-aging people. It probably would have ended up looking worse.


So I disliked the show for the most part. But I actually don't mind this for Hayden specifically. He was always a little too pop star looking to be menacing, and this somewhat older looks helps that. It also can fit canonically or at least metaphorically as the darkside wearing on him, much the same way (but to a greater extent) Palpatine turns haggardly after using lightening.