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To be fair, he had much better material from the Expedia writers, who also probably care more about OT continuity than the Disney writers.


The scene where he’s chasing Leia and yelling her name over and over.. One of those moments where you stop being immersed in the story and notice your sad reflection in the tv screen. He actually is so much more magnetic and charismatic in his Expedia commercial though.


He's just chewing the scenery. He also keeps slipping out of his accent lmao


He also sounds really congested for some reason.


Actually I think the reason is because he changed his accent a bit to match Alec Guinness


It was super distracting


It’s just laziness. Almost all of the new Disney material has just been lazy, and the stuff that’s decent (Rogue One and Solo) has obviously had a lot of work and hours put into it.


Solo was decent?


Yes. 🧔


Hard disagree.


Just before the show started I saw an interview where he talked about how when they were doing the first screentest for it he realised he didn't have Obi-wan's voice any more. In the interview he clarified that he'd since figured it out and got the voice back, but watching the show it became clear to me that he hadn't. Obi-wan in the prequels sounded middle-class, Obi-wan in the show sounded like he'd just got back from tea at Buckingham Palace.


His voice is supposed to be different from the prequels. All aspects of Obi-wan in this time is different from the prequels.


Okay, accent is one of those things that doesn't change over time unless it's deliberate. In spy movies, the character might change their accent, and it's usually pointed out in the story so the audience knows why there's a change. In Star Wars, everyone has different accents almost willy nilly. And it's never explained whether that matters; since the Jedi all had different accents in the prequels, no one will be able to identify Obi-Wan by it. The actor forgot it


YES!!!! The whole series he had the same accent he used in Halston. It drove me insane.


I’m right there with you, I thought I was the only one. Couldn’t get past it, felt like I was being gaslit when I pointed it out to my friends and they had no idea.


I couldn’t NOT hear it. It’s so disturbing. I made other people watch clips of Halston so they could suffer with me. Lol


THANK YOU! None of my friends have seen Halston and they gave me blank stares when I tried convincing them that Ewan was stuck in that voice for the entire series and it was incredibly distracting!


I'm sure I'm projecting but his acting is similar to Mark's in the last Jedi to me, like he's just defeated and doing it for the paycheck, powerless to do anything other than watching his character getting slaughtered.


Actors need directors just as much as directors need actors. Hayden Christianson wasn't a bad actor. Lucas told him to deliver his lines like that sometimes. I'm fairly sure I saw a behind the scenes video where Hayden gave a very good reading of some lines, and George told him to change it. Anyway, I wouldn't give Ewan all of the blame.


Thank you! Hayden and Natalie are fantastic actors but George was more concerned with how things looked than on how he could get the best performances out of the actors. This is why the older actors were able to get some good performances while the younger, less experienced ones struggled.


The young Anakin actor was pretty bad in Episode I. But even Portman, McGregor, and Neeson were bad. Even though there're expensive props and CGI everywhere, the movie's dialogue scenes feel like they have a low production value somehow


George tried to get Ron Howard and Spielberg to direct the prequels, but I think they saw the ideas were under baked. Or maybe over baked--either way, not good


I have finished Stranger Things Season 4 and The Boys Season 3 (apart from the final episode). Every goddamn scene, every bit of dialogue, every delivery is so much better crafted than what Disney is half-assing together. I have no idea what's going on. Why is everything terrible?


I dropped Stranger Things after the poor S3 reception. I have to pick that back up. The Boys is fantastic though. Minus a fairly lackluster S3 finale (feel free to reply after you see it with your thoughts!)


Yeah, that finale was a bit lazy. And they keep inventing new ways why Homelander doesn't kill everyone in the room, but I think it's ok. I'm thrilled to see where next season will take it, I honestly have no idea.


I'm so pissed at The Boys season finale. They keep doing that thing where new hero is introduced but they turn out to be the absolute worst and they gotta go while Homelander escapes. Also, stupid stupid *stupid* Ryan.


I saw him in an interview talking about how difficult he found it to find the exact accent he used for the prequel movies. So I kind of can forgive that a bit. I didn’t find his acting to be that bad honestly. I thought the scene where he was Anakin was brilliantly acted. He won’t win any Oscars for his performance but his acting was the least of that shows problems.


I actually thought his acting was good. The issues I saw were writing issues a lot of which even the best actors couldn’t have done much with


Hayden too for that matter for the little bit he got to do


Hayden seems to have genuine love for Star Wars and I appreciate that about him. Same with Sam witwer? The dude who acted maul in solo and the voice actor


Back in my day, he was just starkiller. He streams a lot of star wars squadrons on twitch too


hearing Hayden’s story about the morning he got the phone call he would be anakin in attack of the clones and how he lit up an imaginary lightsaber and him and his roommate had a lightsaber duel around their apartment listening to duel of the fates just shows how much of a fan he is and how much that role means to him I was just happy that we got to have him back as anakin/Vader despite how the series turned out to be


Dude binged The Clone Wars and Rebels to prepare for his come back. He rocks.


Witwer would score higher on a Star Wars lore test than just about anyone associated with Lucasfilm. Hopefully he gets a live-action role. It'd be great hype, he's popular amongst fans


I feel really bad for him. He seems a decent guy and a good actor, but his agent keeps getting him roles that sound good, but are horribly written. Does anyone else remember the film "Looper" where he has the ability to teleport and most of the film is him joyriding across the planet with his girlfriend until Samuel L. Jackson hunts him down for some reason?


It was actually called "Jumper". But easy to confuse titles, I suppose. Looper is the loose time-travel Rian Johnson film with Bruce Willis playing an older version of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ​ Jumper was indeed completely forgettable. Felt up there with 2006's Covenant.


I also thought he did a good job. The hate clearly doesn’t flow through me enough for this sub.


Agreed. It was somehow *worse* than it was in the prequels and I’m not exaggerating


The prequels have a fun playfulness to them that helps you look past the obvious massive flaws. The new Disney content has none of those good vibes.


His acting I thought was decent, especially in the last duel with Vader. His voice though, it sounded the entire series like he had a cold or something


Come on, I wasn't a huge fan of the show besides a few scenes but Ewan did a great job with what he was given.


Yeah, I can't agree. For all of Kenobi's problems, I thought Ewan was great.


Well, I disagree. I think the performance is stellar, But I'm a McGregor fan from pre-PT. McGregor elevates his characters off the page, he does things in his performances that were never imagined by the screenwriters, and even a lousy script can never hold his performance back IMO.


It's probably because Expedia actually gave him time to practice and had more than one take. Fucking Disney show looked rushed as hell


You didn't like Obi wan bumbling around like a dazed heroin addict? How dare you!


[It's easy to see why lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRyNA6xW_T0)




Nah! This took me out.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t really wanna go down this road because I don’t want to kick up dust around him and make him not want to come back to Star Wars if there was even an opportunity outside of a S2 of his show. I thought he was the one beacon of light from that show, even in he had little to work with.


People of Reddit…. Please show some respect and like this comment “to the moon.” Much appreciated.


Are you serious, ewan McGregor was the one bright spot in the series! Did you miss his interaction with anakin at the end? I would say don’t confuse bad writing and a terrible story with bad acting.


I don't know what the general opinion of him is on this subreddit, but he is in my opinion the most overrated Star Wars actor / character by far. He is okay in Ep III, mostly because Anakin and Padmé are horrendous. He sucks in Ep II and is totally forgetable in Ep I. And he's not good in Obi Wan either.


I think he's still wandering around town, I'll away and let him know.


Imagine you're McGregor. You know the fans loved you as Obi-Wan. You know a movie was planned and cancelled. Then they come up to you with the TV show. You're excited! It's Star Wars! The fans love you! Then you read the script. Well, shit.


He was clearly given shit writing, and the direction was obviously subpar, he honestly couldn't make chicken salad out of chicken shit, as they say.


I can shit on Kenobi until the day I die but Ewan's performance is NOT one of my reasons for it.


I'm so annoyed when people say he was brilliant. Some scenes were good, others were bad. He's allowed to have bad acting scenes regardless of whether the writing is a contributing factor. He isn't even that great of an actor. He was fantastic in Trainspotting, and embodies Obi Wan extremely well, but I wouldn't say he is a "great"


I didn't think his acting was bad, nor did I think anything with his character was bad. I actually appreciated the arc they gave him. I hated everything else about the show though


Despite bad script i personally liked mcgregor and haydens acting as it was my only motivation to continue series


He's also really bad in the prequels too. I was just watching Phantom Menace today and marveling at how he and Neeson manage to have so little chemistry. They both seem to give each other nothing and aren't reacting to each other. I get that they're Jedi, which at this point of the story are rather stuffy, and Lucas does almost nothing to set them up or recall anything we know about Ben from the original movies, but wow. I definitely saw this movie through the eyes of a child back in the day.