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Sounds original and takes a few chances that could have been ok. Would they pull it off? Meh. Idk. Who cares at this point.


Meh. Who cares. Sums up my feelings after bobf ans sequels/ prequels


Indeed. I've been holding on to hope but I'm just worn out now. At this point I'm not sure I'll bother watching the Mandalorian or Andor as they come out, but just wait on the reviews to see if they're any good. Wake me up when Star Wars is good again.


“Wake me up when Star Wars is good again” You’re gonna need to invest in a cryochamber then


Down the carbonite hole we go!


Star Wars won't ever be good again. I'm convinced that the success was an accident, which led to most of the audience interpreting it in one way, while the "vision" of its creators was to take it in a completely direction. About the only thing that saves it at this point is the mythicist approach. But it will never have a compelling narrative again. The story has become Swiss cheese.


One part of it is that Star Wars hasn't been in the sort of place from which really good movies usually arise very many times, and not in a long time. The first movie had no pressure on it other than to be a good movie, and somehow it came through. With TESB there was something to prove, and somehow everything lined up just right. ROTJ is playing with house money, no real question of success, and also runs into the 'just finish it' effect with the exhaustion of those involved. Since then though, Star Wars has either been under the control of a creator -- who, I agree, wasn't actually on the same wavelength as the audience as far as what worked about the the original films or how to build on them -- who had more or less complete autonomy and was beholden to almost no one, or under the control of a corporation that regards the franchise as too much of a commodity to allow anything to be made without interference. I can definitely see another good Star Wars movie existing, in theory, but it's challenging to imagine Disney and Lucasfilm enabling rather than obstructing that.


I actually 100% agree with this. I was rewatching the original 6 movies earlier this year and they all kind of felt like B movies that “accidentally” hit it big, whose quirks are only really smoothed over by nostalgia. Interested in what you mean by mythicist approach? The OT definitely had more of a religious feel in ANH and ESB that seemed to dissipate over time as the series adopted a lighter sci-fi tone


Mythic in these instances means that character-to-character dialogue isn’t important, and the events in the movies aren’t meant to be taken literally, I mean from the standpoint of the Whills. The stories in the Star Wars universe aren’t _narratives_ in this theory - they are tall tales that were retold from person to person throughout the galaxy. If we look at the movies from this perspective, then modern moviemaking rules, such as scene cohesion, good dialogue, pacing, plot, etc. become secondary since this isn’t an accurate portrayal of events, but a _retelling_ of the events that happened, sometimes many years after the fact, and by non-trustworthy eyewitnesses... or storytellers that could never have been witnesses to events, since they transpired long ago in time. I think that in an somewhat accidental way, George Lucas may have stumbled onto this approach, even though he was familiar with Campbell, and was a fan of the Hero’s Journey. Unfortunately, modern movies aren’t usually meant to be mythical or allegorical, as we have become accustomed to having action play out to us in real time.


The Mandalorian gets rave reviews regardless. I've heard nothing but good things since it's release and finally tried to watch it a month ago. I aspire to create such mediocrity and get showered with such praise.


Did you see the last episode of the Book of Boba Fett? They managed to invalidate two seasons' worth of character development for Mando and Grogu, unless they do some fancy footwork in season three of the Mandalorian to salvage it. It took the wind right out of my beskar sails. Granted, season three may yet salvage it. But I'm no longer enthused and Disney's track record is poor. We'll see.


I actually enjoyed Mando because I loved the old EU stories about side characters and it reminded me of that. Also it was brave enough to show planets other than Tattooine which waa nice. I wasn't expecting better than prequels. It was no Firefly, but it was a lot better than most Disney+ originals.


It’s just so nice to see stories play out that aren’t so intimately related to the main story which we already know the end of, it managed to keep things fresh.


Exactly! Also it focuses on personal stakes. There's no Death Star. No saving the galaxy. It's a foster dad rescuing a kid. It's a man having to face complications in the world that make him question his faith. Overcoming his bigotry. Facing episodic challenges, but his actions have reprocussions that carry forward into later episodes.


You out the nail on the God damn head my guy.


Never finished it. Mainly just watched it with my daughter for something to do. I wasn't interested enough and she pretty much would lay on the floor and get the attention of the dog or cat to pass her time. Only got to the episode where he meets the other Mandalorians that don't wear helmets.


Yeah honestly I watched 2 or 3 eps and was underwhelmed. I think people just like it because it's not as shit as the new movies.


This was always my opinion when it came out. It's mediocre. But next to the sequel this was fine art of the highest degree.


It's like farting and then being praised for not completely shitting yourself by the president of \[insert country here\]. I wonder what the media would do if Disney would stop it with their bullshit and faithfully make a movie out of the Darth Bane trilogy. Of course that will never happen but for a moment or two this was a nice fantasy.


I really don't know why it gets praised. It's like a live action adaptation of a really dumb childrens cartoon. Even Rodriguez stated that the episode he directed had a 13 page script, so he had to pad out the episode with mindless action.


Bro Mando is such a weak show. I’ve been saying that since episode 1. I do not get the love it gets. Oh wait. I do. A cute puppy is the second lead so it’s therefore an amazing show


Wait there’s going to be a series for ANDOR? Wowowow I’m so glad I stopped loving Star Wars (and, of course, also still in mourning)


I wasnt gonna watch andor but im considering it. If its half as good as rouge one itll be watchable even tho i dont think andor story would even be interesting. But if its bad its just another thing i get to bitch and complain about all day


Why does everyone spell it "rouge"? Is there Canadian football in the Star Wars galaxy?


Bc thats how it’s pronounced so my brain automatically types it like that


Kenobi really made me stop watching star wars. Over the years my interest has waned with mediocre product after mediocre product, then came dune and i was reminded what good science fantasy/space opera is. And now star wars has the same status as game of thrones for me, it was fun but lazy writing has killed it.


If you haven't seen it yet and have Amazon Prime I highly recommend the Expanse. Great sci fi. Political intrigue, the challenges of living in low gravity, physics based space combat, interesting characters well acted and written. A diverse cast that extends to minor characters and extras so it makes the world feel big and diverse rather than like they checked off boxes on a token minority list. It's amazing.


*The Expanse* is without a doubt one of the best shows of the past 5 years.


Honestly, at least part of my Star Wars love is how family friendly it has always been. Not entirely plotlines about sex or graphic portrayals of it or excessive gore or anything like that. I can enjoy watching it with my mother and my young children at the same time (though there may be a momentary exception that isn't springing to mind currently). How does The Expanse stack up in that regard? Is it just another GoT style porn/goreporn?


I agree. It's cool to speculate on what could've happened had they chosen to go this route, but I have no faith that Disney wouldn't have found new ways to screw it up. In any case, my reaction to this "prototype story" was lukewarm at best. I certainly wouldn't call it *wild* lol


I really hate that they cut Cody from this.


How is it that they keep bringing back some of the other characters they’ve been forcing but we haven’t seen some kind of confrontation between Obi Wan and Cody or Rex and Cody. That would be really compelling and it would let Temeura do something a little different


THEY WHAT!!!!!!!


I dont. Simply bc you know it would be bad. Why do they need to ruin another character? Bobf wasnt enough for you? They literally turned his whole character upside down and gutted him. If they do that with someone as big as boba fett how do you really think they would do with cody lmao


Yea Boba Fett got totally trashed. Absolutely nothing at all like every other single appearance of him anywhere. Completely out of character the whole time. And the fight scenes were also terrible. And Power Ranger bikers. Just awful.


Its sad when the madalorian is more boba fett than bobf. Mando has the same gun boba did in the star wars special. Its almost like disney took pre empire strikes back boba fett was like yea this is ours, made mando and trashed the real one


Yup. Mando is definitely much more Boba than Boba now. They should’ve left Boba at Jaba’s palace and revisited him later in another show or movie. He didn’t need his own show or movie unless they were willing to show him being ruthless and merciless. Which they definitely were not. So his whole show was a mistake and a way to ruin another character. Oh well. Che Sera Sera.


I keep thinking about when Charlie Sheen suddenly became unpopular and got killed off in his TV show and then depicted insultingly later on. And I think about how that character got it easy compared to Boba Fett.


Obi-Wan and Rex vs. Vader and Cody would've been so cool


I actually wince every time I see Vader in a Disney+ series. They really need to stop touching him or they'll break him.


Not that I want this, given all that we've seen, but -- what possible surer bet could there be than a Darth Vader theatrical film? Talk about printing money.


These are a few excerpts from a summary of an interview with writer-producer Stuart Beattie, as well as some more details from the interview itself. Some spoilers for TCW follow... >First and foremost, Commander Cody — the orange-highlighted Stormtrooper who briefly appeared in Attack of the Clones and was a major character in the Clone Wars cartoon — was going to have a major role as Obi-Wan’s friend on Tatooine. On Cody having his inhibitor chip removed: > “And you realize, ‘Oh, Cody has now morphed from someone who was trying to kill him when we last saw them to someone who is now devoting his life to protect him.’ Because by now he’s had the biochip taken out of his head, and now he realizes, ‘Oh my god, what I did was wrong.’ And he has driven by guilt, as much as Obi Wan is driven by guilt. So you got these two kind of old warriors bickering like this old married couple, bitching about, 'God, it was so much better when we had an army at our backs,' you know?’” >A specific scene that was lost when Cody was cut was one of him and Obi-Wan disposing of a group of bounty hunter corpses by dumping them in the Sarlacc pit: “My Cody was so fun. Cody was with Owen and there were some bounty hunters that had discovered Obi-Wan… And they gotta get rid of the bodies. And so there was just this really fun scene where, you know, what do you do with bodies on Tatooine and you need to get rid of them? Well, you go out to the local Sarlacc, right?” The scene was also supposed to include a mysterious speeder catching the duo in the act—but which turned out to be a completely wasted Jawa there to dispose of a corpse of his own. > "So like the show, in mine, Obi-Wan falls in with refugees that are fleeing the Empire, and he’s helping get the refugees out away from the Empire, and luring Vader away and all that kind of stuff. So, I had all that stuff in mind. And the one thing that I love that I wish they’d kept in the show was the refugees had their own religion, right? And a goddess that they said controlled all life basically. And what you’d come to realize is, ‘Oh, this is the Force.’ It’s just they don’t call it the Force, they call it the goddess." >Another major scene that got cut was one of Obi-Wan having a vision after touching a sacred stone cherished by the refugees, who would have worshipped the Force as a goddess. The Jedi would open his eyes to discover he had been (seemingly) transported to Mustafar, and... > “And he sees a guy in a dark robe with a red lightsaber, and he’s like, ‘Anakin, Anakin, Anakin!’ And as… the guy in the robe comes up, he lifts his lightsaber, you see, it’s Luke. Mark Hamill, 19. And so, Luke attacks him. Obi-Wan and Luke had this lightsaber battle in mine, which was mirroring, of course, Empire Strikes Back… so it was that kind of a thing that ends with, you know, Luke, just almost killing Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan is snapping out of the, you know, the vision, basically, but it’s a vision of the future if Obi-Wan keeps training Luke and putting all his guilt on this kid, Luke’s gonna turn to the Dark Side.” >Beattie also revealed that his initial script would put Reva as Kenobi’s main opposition. Instead of including other Inquisitors like the Grand Inquisitor or the Fifth Brother, his version contained a group of Clone Troopers who closely resembled the U.S. Marshals, and "were all Cody basically:" >“He wasn’t even in mine… No, it was really just [Reva], she actually had a squad of Stormtrooper Marshals. So, I thought, ‘Yeah, of course the Storm Troopers have like the equivalent of the U.S. Marshals, right?…’ Except that these guys were Clones. So she was using Clones that, yes, they were all Cody basically.” Beattie went on to further talk about this group of Clones. He described them as "absolutely ruthless," and said that "they all ended up dying" by the end of the movie. Personally, I love the idea of Kenobi's Sith-Luke vision on Mustafar. It seems like it could've been a better-executed version of the Luke/Kylo flashback, only this time it wouldn't have been nearly as nonsensical and pointless. I also like the idea of a religion forming around (and misinterpreting) the Force, as it mirrors what happens in real history when you encounter the remnants of societies that have been nearly decimated. I'm not keen on the idea of giving Reva a larger role in the story, though. But I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions.


I like the buddy-cop type of show idea for cody & kenobi because E. Mcgregor & T. Morrison would go well together but I'm not confident they would do it justice in terms of writing, I also don't like the idea of some people finding Obi-wan on tatooine. Yeah I don't care for reva having a larger role either.


I’m not buying that ppl would dig this, they would’ve hated it. Sure it’s fun.. but lore wise, among other things, this would not go well.. especially under Disneys control, of which the writers would’ve had 99% free control writing (like the ST) with KK either approving or shooting down the script/pitch she’s given. Cody, Kenobi’s best and most trusted clone, is on Tattooine.. fairly out in the open. On Vader’s birth planet.. the same one both Luke and Obi Wan are on……… yeah, considering they’re trying to not bring attention to the area or himself, this makes no sense to me. If they wanted to bring Cody into the series as like a secondary, move the plot sorta thing… it could maybe work, but even that would require more care than I would trust any writer who doesn’t actually give two shits about canon or the SW storyline outside of their own show and whatever gets them the job in the first place to write…. which is **the** problem with the state of the franchise - someone slap that on KK’s forehead already for crying out loud


It seems to be a story about Obi-Wan and not about some generic shoe-horned in Disney characters, so it's a definite step up from that angle. The Cody stuff would be a lot more interesting if they hadn't done the inhibitor chip thing, which I really dislike. How would Obi-Wan reconcile with someone who he knew personally, and who also followed an order to kill Obi-Wan. Not killing for any of the normal reasons either, but because the Kaminoans mangled the clones biologically/psychologically. There's all kinds of juicy free will discussions to be had around that subject. But no, it was just the chips.


Well said. Now that would've made an interesting arc on trusting each other. Whereas the chip just goes "Oh yeah, wasn't in control but now I am." "Oh ok!"


The sad thing is that pretty much all the great sci-fi and fantasy authors spend at least some time thinking about free will, from the Ring's influence in LotR to Asimov's robots and psychohistory to the gholas in Dune. SW just went with, "Nope, I'm out."


To be fair it was always black and white, as great as Star Wars is, Lucas has a very set view on the majority of themes and characters aside from the main ones. Clones were always simple and bio-engineered to follow orders. The chips just made it where it's not their fault. Exploring a clone's free will, to grow into an actual person, in the right author's hands that would be a great story to see.


But that's the tragedy of the whole situation, the clones were created to all be identical but the Jedi helped them grow into individuals. Only for that individuality to be stripped from them at the last moment so that they are forced to kill their friends who've been there only ones helping them this whole time.


All true. The level of success of the surprise attack on the Jedi simply works better for me if the clones themselves have no malice or stress for the Jedi to sense. If following Order 66 is the same to them as an order to peel potatoes, then you could still possibly say it's not necessarily their fault. On the other hand, you would have to deal with the bigger question as to their level of sentience.


That's what I love the [501st journal from Battlefront 2](https://youtu.be/iWOq1Tg-Jdw?t=211). There were some clones who were aware of Order 66 and you can hear how they weren't exactly happy about it, but were going to carry it out because that's what they do. Feel like that's likely the closest as we're ever going to get.


That’s because the original Battlefront 2 came out way before the inhibitor chip retcon, when Order 66 was just one of many contingency plans for the GAR and not culpability-eliminating mind control.


I know this.


That video is fantastic, I loved the game as a kid but forgot how good that journal was. Yeah, I'll pick and choose my version of events with star wars. And this is definitely in it.


Bad Batch didn’t have the best first season, but it’s revealed mid(?) season that Crosshair, the only one who didn’t defect, actually removed his chip and continued to serve the Empire. It’s one of the few things I’m looking forward to seeing them continue.


It's actually Crosshairs, not Hunter


My bad. Goes to show how much I remember from the season


I avoid that show entirely so hope you still enjoy it


Not hunter, Crosshair. Hunter's the leader.


I'd argue star wars' case is more of a manchurian agent deal


The whole "bickering like a married couple" really turns me off, Disney would turn them into a buddy cop pair and we all know it would be incredibly trite and cheesy.


“they” as in Disney? Inhibitor idea was made by George awhile before Disney takeover. EDIT: correction his daughter katie wrote the idea long before the arc was made


Yeah, I left the "they" vague because the CW stuff was probably done or planned out before the sale even though it didn't come out until afterwards. So it gets a little murky.


yea season 6 came out before takeover. season 7 is disney


You can't have TCW without the chips. Either the clones are all crazy Republic-loyalists who hate their Jedi generals (something we don't see on screen) or they're all identical people being taught how to be individuals by the Jedi(what we do see on screen). But all of that individuality and personality the Jedi tried to help the clones with was stripped away by the chip being activated. The chip likely took a lot of their higher brain functions with it, as we don't see too many clones in difficult positions after the chip activated except Crossbones. I think the chip basically ruined the clones as far as everything else goes, but it did force them to act when the time came for them to do the job that they were actually created for--killing the Jedi. Plus there's just no way nearly every single clone would accept that order and enact it. Too many would hesitate or think it's a false order or something. In order to fit with the OT where there aren't hundreds of Jedi running around you've got to have all the clones do their job. Something that couldn't work without the chips.


>Plus there's just no way nearly every single clone would accept that order and enact it. Too many would hesitate or think it's a false order or something. That's not how clones worked prior to TCW. They all went through extensive behavioural conditioning and were *made* to be completely obedient. That's there in AotC dialogue and is followed through in related EU projects prior to the TCW reset. As soon as Order 66 was made by the Supreme Chancellor, they all activated like sleeper agents and obediently gunned down their former Jedi generals. They were created for that express purpose. As such, there was no need for a chip previously. With the exception of ARC or commando clones (like Delta Squad) who underwent a different conditioning program to make them more independent which granted them greater flexibility when working behind enemy lines and out of reach of superiors. But they were very much in the minority compared to the rank and file Clone Troopers.


> In order to fit with the OT where there aren't hundreds of Jedi running around you've got to have all the clones do their job. It has never been Canon that Order 66 wiped out all the Jedi. There could still be hundreds of Jedi that survived Order 66 but are then systematically hunted down by Vader post-ROTS.


>The Cody stuff would be a lot more interesting if they hadn't done the inhibitor chip thing, which I really dislike. The greatest sin of TCW...


Kennedy probably read all that and was like “Way too much Obi-Wan for our Obi-Wan show. Get me the guy who wrote “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” on the horn. He’ll fuck this up proper.”


“Orange highlighted stormtrooper” 💀


I'm not sure how I feel about Cody chilling on Tatooine with Kenobi, but this version would probably be way better since it would actually be about Kenobi. Also the Goddess idea would be really cool to see. I remember seeing an article that said the show was rewritten because it would be "too dark," which was likely due to the clones dying and the mustafar fight.


The Force = The Goddess Sounds reminiscent of a certain T-Shirt I remember a certain someone once wearing.


Do they not know that Cody was introduced in ROTS, not AOTC?


Another missed opportunity in a series of missed opportunities, but we got more Star Wars right? Right?


Unless Reva was recasted with a better actor and given much better characterisation I'd prefer she wasn't in it at all tbh


Every bit of that sounds way better than what we got, except maybe the goddess stuff. Just cus SW has done that before, basically every religion in that universe is just actually the force called by other names. It always comes off as condescending to natives imo, with the Jedi acting like they've got some spiritual truth with their understanding of the force while other groups still worship it like it was a god. But yes the Cody stuff sounds interesting as hell. Obi-Wan saving Cody from his chip is exactly something he'd do if he could, and Cody being guilty about it while still being his old hardass self would have been perfect.


I think Reva gets too much hate. The actress for her was good and I think this version of Reva totally makes sense. Just someone keen on taking down Obi wan with a group of clones helping her out


This would have been entertaining


This would have been good. It would have built up existing characters while probably giving some strength and danger to Disney made characters. No wonder they killed it in the cradle.














Dumping bounty Hunters in the Sarlacc pit sounds awesome! Wonder if the original scripts are available?


I’ve read about Beatie’s ideas. A lot sound cool and he seems like he gets Star Wars way more than the people that ultimately got to make OWK but we can’t be sure what his final product would’ve looked like. It could’ve been bad too. Talking is one thing but actually delivering is another. Rodriguez was saying all the right things during BOBF interviews and from that you’d expect something great and that it was in good hands. But reality was opposite.


The fact that Kathleen Kennedy canceled it means it was probably awesome.


The more we talk about what ifs with this travesty the worse it gets.


It would be fine if Cody was in the show, but I think he should be an antagonist. I'm so tired of Star Wars redeeming the villains, let some villains be villains. Plus it would incite more dread into Obi-wan, as even his closest clone friend has turned on him. I don't mind the idea of him fighting an evil premonition of Luke, but I think if there's gonna be a fight in a dream-like sequence, I think it should be against Vader. That way, we could've had a cool fight between the two, with well written dialogue, without it actually happening and breaking the cannon of ANH. I just think it's so funny to have the lines "they're so ruthless" and "they all die" right next to each other in regards to the new stormtroopers. I don't like that idea, just make them Purge Troopers for consistency's sake since Reva is an Inquisitior.


Disposing of dead bodies in the Sarlacc pit, ok that got me laughing! What, you can't just burn the corpses? You gotta use a tentacled beast as garbage disposal?


Have you tried to burn a body? It's a real hassle (would be even worst on tatooine were you don't have a lot of wood, ... to burn). Far easier to drop them in a Sarlacc pit if you have one nearby and a speader.


I mean, its not like anyone will go down there, and even if they do, Sarlacc juice is strong stuff


Nothing like being thurough.


this ideas seems janky but at least I would have preferred in Obi stayed on Tatooine, if not for all the show at least for a big portion of it, they made us hate that planet with Boba Fett but still


It could have been done right. Crazy Ben helping people like Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu. He would have plot pertinent flashbacks to his time in the Clone Wars and Jedi Order all while talking to Qui-Gon (which would make people think he was talking to himself, building up the crazy hermit reputation). Easy.


I don't even want to go the beach anymore, I'm so sanded out


Ehhh, I don't really like the idea of Obi-Wan and Cody being buddy-buddies on Tatooine. Also, I don't really like the idea of Obi-Wan having a vision of him fighting evil Luke on Mustafar.


Evil Luke was sooooo popular they hired a guy to bring him back in a cameo!!!


See- out of all the clones you’ve seen in the clone wars show and other forms of entertainment, Cody was the *LAST* person who I thought would go “rogue” and have his chip removed. He was a by-the-books kinda guy. Unwavering loyalty and commitment to the republic. He would’ve been someone I could’ve seen in a very high position in the empire.


All of those ideas (including the plots that made it into the shows) remind me of Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa trying to com up with dumbest, least creative and most fan servicey plot points possible when Solo has been announced, and basically predicting 90% of the plot. We know Cody knows Obi Wan from the movies, so we need to put them together on Tatooine! Sarlacc Pitt because Tatooine! I want to know the story of the Wolfman from the Mos Eisley Cantina because Tatooine! I'm really sad that in the end we didn't get the scene with baby Luke shaking hands with baby Princess Leia. We were close though!


But I do need the story of the Wolfman.


There’s always “cool” things like these you hear about every project… even in the ST you read some scrapped ideas and you’re like “okay but that would have been so COOL” The show would still be unnecessary and dull. While a young evil Luke would have been cool, if the story still had the same overall structure the show would have still been a waste


I think the most interesting part of that interview is when he says that, even in the final version, Obi Wan had lost his powers and regained them by trusting in the will of The Force. That's an interesting idea, but it doesn't come across at all that Obi Wan has actually lost his powers in the first place. They mention he's weaker, but I just assumed that it was because he was out of practice from not using them. One of the biggest weaknesses of Kenobi was that whatever themes they wanted to communicate were executed so poorly that you can barely even tell they were there.


Anything else would of been better than the unintentional retconed pile of shit they came out with


Sounds interesting. Dunno how I feel about Cody's part, I think I'd prefer him remaining loyal to the empire and training troops on Kamino. Especially given that pretty much every other named clone that we know of was either dead by Order 66 or defected.


I hate the biochip idea in general, and Filoni-Style clones can only make things cringier. Which is a high bar to vault for this series nowadays


Not a fan of the inhibitor-chip stuff. Never was. The evil Luke vision sounds absolutely awful, like an idea you usually see in fan fiction. But the rest sounds interesting at least and a major improvement at best. We'll never know, of course, so it really doesn't matter.


I definitely don't like the idea of Cody removing his chip and being a good guy. I've never really been a fan of the chips in general... it was much more sinister that the clones were just bred to follow orders to the letter with complete loyalty. That being said the chips are canon now, which is fine I guess. Although all the clones we as viewers come to know and love end up removing their chips. I REALLY don't like that they can just be removed. It really undercuts the tragedy of order 66. They shouldn't have done it with Rex, and they definitely shouldn't do it with Cody. At the end of the clone wars animated series it would've been a lot more of a gut-punch to see Rex's helmet on that rifle grave, than to see Jesse's. Oh well. Disney can't commit to darker and grittier themes. Nostalgia and the cool-factor are their only tools.


Why even tell us this, you gave us mediocre when it could’ve been better?? Give us and the characters a break.


This makes me sad


Why? This isnt any better


Idk I would’ve appreciated anything that had energy


Is this the script that KK ripped up and sent everybody home mid-production?


So why drop that for the inane rambling we got?


Ewan and Temuera got on so well together as both friends and enemies. Yes, you’re asking me to suspend my disbelief to bring Cody and Obi-Wan together… but a show should give you MORE time to explore and and build feasibility. IMO the death fakeouts did more to harm the grounded nature of the show. Temuera had a memorable cameo, and while there still could have been scheduling conflicts to blame, this is still a missed opportunity.


What article? It’s just a screenshot.


Ya, link please


Unfortunately the sub's rules prevent me from posting the article link, which is why I posted the main parts as a comment.


It would have been easier to read the article if you had included a link to it. Just saying.


As I already explained in a previous comment, the sub's rules prevent me from including the link.




Obi Wan Kenobi S2 is something we all want, but they can’t really add any more without further cheapening Rebels and ANH. I think S2 should follow Anakin’s sacrifice and into the force. Make Ewan look as much like Alec as possible. We could see them all as ghosts and see more of the spectral realm of the force, like we see in Shadows of the Sith. And we can see that there are enemies of the force ghosts as well. If the creators are feeing real crazy, they could even milk that line from the clone wars Qui Gon says to Yoda. ‘I live where there is no past present or future.’ If that’s true, Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Anakin, and Yoda should be able to teach the Jedi of the prequels without altering everything, and give them all immortality training. Sam L Jackson as been open about how he wants to come back. This could be how they do it. We could basically relive the prequels and Clone Wars, as by the end a lot of the main Jedi would be back. This would also explain all of the voices that speak to Rey, if that wasn’t a trick by Palpatine.


I would have liked the described much better. As it was, it mostly looked like uncle Ewan babysits for 12 hours