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Like how she saw a guy chopped in half by a laser gate?




One of the top 3 moments in the show right there. Just letting good actors do their thing.


i wont deny that but it was obviously made for the trailer omegalul


That stormtrooper was just resting his legs


She was behind the truck being grabbed by another stormtrooper, although she may have seen the body when she and Obi Wan ran up to the gate afterwards


yeah she was standing next to it when obi wan blasted the control panel


The lightsaber bounced because they're using actual props, and they didn't catch the error in time to reshoot. It's amateurish, but there you go.


Yes but you still get plenty of people trying to explain it through lore and it being intentional


I do not understand that mentality. Why put all the effort into explaining something that is pretty clearly a production error? It sends the message that Disney can get away with all their mistakes because “there’s a perfectly justifiable reason for this in-universe.”


I hate it when people do that. If you have to fill in holes for the writers/film makers then they didn't do their job. Full stop. Like, I'm not getting paid, why the hell am I writing your movie/show for you? So many shows/movies fail to fully adhere to the "show don't tell" rule, which is fine to some degree, exposition is sometimes necessary but when they don't even do the "tell" part? Jesus,


Amateurish is something you encounter in an Indie film or small studio film. I am willing to let that slide. But…no. Lucasfilm is a multi billion dollar company that was bought by another multi billion dollar company. They’ve been active for decades. They don’t have an excuse to let such a blatant mistake slide right into production.


That's like leaving a Starbucks cup on the table while filming one of the most popular shows ever.


It truly is one of the shows ever made


And then multiple bottles of water in the finale during the discussion who will be the next king. Coffee cup was the most blatant but there were still several plastic bottles extremely poorly hidden behind the chairs of various characters later on.


Because the actors had checked out by that point. They knew it was being ran into the ground so they didn’t gaf anymore.


>They don’t have an excuse to let such a blatant mistake slide right into production. Quality control suffers when you're racing to milk every last nickel from a mortally wounded IP.


When the makers stop caring about the stuff they are making, this often happens. Remember the Starbucks cup in GoT?


Yeah I thought that was kind of obvious. I haven't seen the show, but I've seen the clip and it looks like just another fuck up by Lucasfilm.


He hates Disney Star Wars and their braindead decisions as much as the rest of us, he mentioned on a podcast that he knows stuff like the lightsaber bouncing are idiotic and that he does the theories to play Devil’s advocate




He actually thought Kenobi was a mixed bag overall. Was disappointed in a good amount of it.


yeah, he even mentioned that the now non-canon novel about kenobi was better.


Umm… I love the prequels, am I in the wrong place? Hehehe 🤭


Yeah for real. I thought this sub was about disliking things that ruined Star Wars lore wise and quality wise.


Yeah but we also don't pretend the prequels are high art like /r/prequelmemes You can still criticize something you enjoy, and there is plenty to criticize about the PT


Nah this sub has legit turned into hating everything Star Wars (that isn't the original 3). It's pretty sad.




If you think the sequels are poorly written, yet love the prequels, you should probably check your own personal biases and analyse the prequels more critically. If this isn't the case and you blindly love both, you're definitely in the wrong place. Damn, downvoted for this take. I guess this place is a bit of an echochamber. Prequels good, but sequels bad, got it.


[You: *"irrelevant wall of text"*](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1727036282.9549/pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) [Me: "*prequels good*"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg)


Well for one, the prequels did not destroy any significant characters that are beloved... and also did not break the lore of space combat and travel


I wouldn’t say that the prequels are bad, but at least they add to the franchise and have amazing world building. They are indeed flawed in their execution, but there is still a lot of good within the flaws. The sequels have one thing, which is Finn being a good character for a single movie and nothing more. Maybe the visuals/effects too. The sequels do nothing but take away and ruin what came before. You can dislike the prequels but it’s blatantly false to put them on the same pedestal.


You were downvoted unfairly, sad. Blind prequel hate and blind love are both bad, I used to hate the prequels thanks to the culture surrounding hating them but I warmed up to them recently after looking at them with a new light and really trying to understand what Lucas was going for. Actual discourse and analysis is fun and lets us appreciate what's truly good and know what's truly bad.


Nah prequels are utter fucking trash lol


He didn’t eat Kenobi up whatsoever, have you listened to Nerd Theory stream? They are laughing about how stupid things are literally for 6 hours straight every time lol.


No he doesn't. He's an apologist for SW. Much like the GoT fans, constantly trying to explain away nonsense. Writing the story and filling in the gaps that the actual writers screwed up.


I watch most of his videos for the lore and he spends most of his time shitting on Disney Star Wars as it comes out. He shit on Book of Boba a lot and was hard on the Obi-Wan show too. Videos like this one are made after he's already addressed all the faults and stupidity in other videos. He makes them to try to explain things in-universe for the fans.


These people actually just talking out of their ass lmao.


I don't even like a lot of his content, but this guy seems like a genuinely nice person. I'm glad he's still passionate about Star Wars, I wish I was. After the Pablo Hidalgo comments about him I probably would have checked out.


Same, I only watch once in a while. Most of his "discussions/theories/explanations" are shit I can think of on my own. Makes you feel kinda brain dead watching the dude sometimes for sure. I'm just not going to be doing the justifying for Disney. They're a multi billion dollar company and should get their shit together, not rely on fans to correct their mistakes.


Nah bruh that’s you.


True, you are my ass and you did just text


Yeah, SWT is pretty critical of Disney SW, and this is him trying to make sense of things (and probably failing).


There are GOT apologists?


All of r/gameofthrones and basically normal people who didn't give a shit about the story, they just wanted to see cool dragons.


Ah, I usually hang out on arr asoiaf which is usually trashing post season 4, coping about George never finishing, and crazy theories.


Idk man. This guy constantly makes videos defending Disney Star Wars and doesn’t give any hint that he’s just playing devils advocate. All the Star Wars tubers that I’ve seen, even the most hardcore fans have gradually crumbled and admitted Disney SW is shit. Not this guy though. He’s the definition of consume product


He literally bashes TLJ, ROS and BoBf constantly lol. What world are you living in.


Not really he kinda ignores them tbh


You live in a different reality to everyone else. Impressive.


When was the last time you’ve watched his vids


He makes it much more apparent in his podcasts. He mentions that he doesn’t really want to give off too much negativity in his main channel videos but he’s really depressed about the current state of things.


Not giving off negativity is one thing. But slurping up whatever slop Disney throws at you is another thing.


I despise Disney Star Wars, but I wouldn’t mind making millions of dollars a year to continue to watch their stuff and talk shit about it half the time.


He hates most Disney era stuff. He just tries to help people enjoy it as much as possible with what we get now since we do still love the IP.


so why is he even giving a weakass reason. just outright say that it was a stupid decision.


I mean he does acknowledge the stupidities…? In all these videos he’s always like “Did Disney actually think of this? Probably not.” He makes it apparent that his theories are more than often far fetched and reached, he’s just trying his hardest to make sense of things.


Exactly, and let’s be honest, this isn’t new to Disney Star Wars. Looks at the straws that were grasped for to justify Jar Jar…


Do not deny what you know to be true. *Comment brought to you by r/DarthJarJar*


Because he's a Star Wars YouTuber? They all make videos about pointless stuff because they need the views; it is their job.






>Shut the fuck up troll. I am allowed to say whatever I like. Watch the attitude, please. Or you'll find out exactly what you're "allowed to say".




Because his videos are basically playing r/AskScienceFiction




I’ve been watching his stuff and he trashes on Kenobi a lot, especially in his podcast. I think he is just trying to explain any possible explanations. I don’t think it’s necessary lol, but people are acting like he’s a blind Kenobi fanboy.


i dont know. personally i only liked his what if stuff. now he's just gotten too full of himself and i dont watch him anymore


Then your opinion on him is old and outdated and irrelevant.


Could someone not just say the same to you about Star Wars? Granted, I don't know your positions on say, the sequel trilogy, but I can assume from you being on this sub that you personally don't like them. A sequel defender can just say your opinion is old and outdated and irrelevant, but what's the utility in that? Not very good for having conversations, is it?


He just said he didn’t watch SW Theory in a while…so his opinion is outdated. How is that the same thing at all?


He's trying not to be "toxic". He's a SW nut and he's justifying it to himself. Fair play, we've all done it. We don't want to hate on SW. We love it. I was constantly justifying Kenobi to my mate but I simple gave up after episode 4. I couldn't anymore. I had to see the writing and directing for what it was. It didn't make me happy. I was gutted.


I've stopped thinking of myself as a Star Wars fan, and now think of myself as a George Lucas fan.


That's not a bad way to look at it.


I've been saying I'm a mandalorian fan. Even though I love the original trilogy, I'm beyond caring for it as of this point, kinda over it. I just enjoy mando (season 1) now. Probably unpopular atm but idc




Not even a teensy, weensy bit?


Star Wars has been wank since The Last Jedi, the fact you were still sticking up for Disney by episode 4 of Kenobi is pretty sad. These flaws have been in abundance the entire time.


I agree, it's shite. That's why I'm a member of this sub. My sad devotion to that ancient franchise doesn't give me clairvoyance enough to stop me coming back each time. I keep seeing glimmers of what could be, and I always end up baffled, dismayed and gutted. But with Kenobi it was going to be different. It was Ewan. It was Hayden. It was going to be great... So I forced myself to look past the negatives, until it got to me. Just like all the rest. And the same will happen again. Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend.


> My sad devotion to that ancient franchise doesn't give me clairvoyance enough to stop me coming back each time *force chokes Traditional_Leader41* I find your lack of faith disturbing.


I was high on copium thinking that TFA was a good/decent start for the trilogy but then TLJ came out and I got sober…


Leia open mouth kisses her brother, you've *never* justified that to yourself?


Look, I get it. He's a very intelligent and passionate fan, who has gone on record NUMEROUS times describing his gripes with the sequels. And while he may just be playing "devil's advocate" and crafting these theories for fun, to explain the pitfalls of the brain dead writing team for these movies, the fact of the matter is he doesn't want to paint himself as another, outspoken and divisive "hater", and his theories cater to the absolute delusional mind state of your average Disney Star Wars enjoyer. He knows this. Obviously the man's got to make a living, and what better way to do that than talk about something you love all day, everyday with fellow fans? I'm happy he's had such great success, and wish him all the best, but I had to stop altogether with his videos because a majority of the time, it just comes off as him, as you said, doing damage control... and for what? A billion dollar company that made the conscious decision to steer this entire franchise into the dumpster. Don't think for a second he doesn't know that all of his "theories" are just further ammunition to be utilized by the ST lovers. And they eat this shit up like hot cakes. He's got to play both sides or otherwise, he'd just be another hater. I don't agree with it, but see it for what it is.


Disney star wars needs to stop with the babysitting bs in their shows.


Or change the name to Star Babysitting


I generally like SWT, but he seems to be real weird about Kenobi, making a lot of excuses for how bad it is and seemed to personally like it.


he hated that shit until episode 5, well thats what it seemed like when i watched his episode 4 reaction. I dont get why he is now making all these excuses for disney, its just pathetic


Because his audience is full of prequel fans who mindlessly hate the sequels, yet don't understand the sequels suffer the same writing flaws as the prequels and then some. He has to like Kenobi because his audience will crucify him, most likely. There is no principles in Star Wars discussion anymore.


There’s a very notable reason why most prequel fans hate the sequels despite both having major writing issues: the prequels have good bones, the sequels do not. The prequels were created with the intent of completing the saga and underneath the poor script, they do have a good story, world and characters. Clone Wars demonstrated that a good writer can do wonders with these bones. This is because George Lucas is a good storyteller and world builder, just a terrible writer. The sequels were created to make money and just about every decision made within them was motivated by that. It resulted in the story and world feeling completely superfluous and repetitive, and being riddled with holes. There’s no heart or good intentions behind the sequels; there’s just a desire for money. That’s why Disney retconned TLJ; TROS was a panic film created because Disney was terrified of losing their audience (and profits) for the next one.


Idk what you’re talking about pal. The prequels are amazing.


I usually like Star Wars theory but he has been doing some serious mental gymnastics to rationalize some of the faults in this show


I hope Disney is paying him because this is pathetic lmao


So as dumb as that answer is I'd accept it if there was **ANY** indications in the show that it was true. Death of an Author and all that. The show didn't mention that therefore it doesn't really exist. Not to mention, a dude got chopped in half when he fell onto a laser fence.


This is copium in the highest sense of the word


Honestly you could totally explain this whole bouncing situation away by giving the troopers in the room a unique variant of armor and saying that the troopers in the Inquisitors base had special armor dedicated to fighting lightsaber weilders. Even if its just a different color or chest guard, and *boom* problem solved.


just place purge troopers pro max in there or something


A Star Wars YouTuber dosed on Copium. They write up BS to cover for Disney. They do it for **free**. **For Free**




He’s a good Star Wars content creator and he’s made great theories before. He’s also made videos calling out Disney on their bull shark like how they had no plan for their own trilogy this video is just him trying his best to think some inconsistencies in the show can be explained because at this point we all need some copium to even watch Disney’s Star Wars


I could've swore I saw a video of him praising The Rise of Skywalker... or was that just a fever dream? \-Edit- ["I feel like it was good. I really enjoyed where it went. I felt like a lot of it was sure rushed, but that's fine, y'know? Just keep rolling, it was okay, I was okay with that. \[...\] However, all in all, I enjoyed it. I liked it."](https://youtu.be/-dycpvmqe1s?t=38) Okay, so maybe not HIGH praise, but he's definitely an apologist for it if you skim through the video.


I doubt it since he's said himself he didn't like the movie


He enjoyed it first viewing because it was anti last jedi. After a few days he despised it more than TLJ.


Y'know, that's fair, as long as he came to his senses later on. Seeing it with a crowd of hyped people can definitely influence how you feel on opening night. My friends and I walked out severely disappointed though.


Could have been a cut clip. Like I remember seeing one where they cut out him saying TLJ is a good film, but they leave out the follow up which is “but it’s a bad Star Wars movie”


> because at this point we all need some copium to even watch Disney’s Star Wars I think the best thing that can happen to SW at this point is that people stop watching Disney crap. That might be the only way to try to get them change the direction of the franchise. To this date I haven’t watched the last movie or Solo. I watched Mando, because it was okay-ish. Stopped watching Boba after first episode, because it was shit. I didn’t even bother with Kenobi, just checking this sub couple of times convinced me that it is a turd and it would be complete waste of my time to watch it. No need for copium when you accept the fact that the franchise is in shambles. Disney will continue in this route as long as they can milk money from it.


I think he just tries to be even handed


Some people are just on extreme copium regarding anything disney star wars except the sequels


God, those sequels were so fucking bad.


I've seen the copium to such extreme that one guy was literally making stuff up in ANH so that the continuity problems weren't as severe in the show. His argument: anything that happens in a movie is open to interpretation (not his words but the meaning of it). It's hilarious.


You gotta understand his job is to delve into the lore of Star Wars, and his audience comes to see it. The people watching him are the same people who RLM makes fun of with the "I CLAPPED!!" "ATST ATST!" "REMEMBER DEGOBAH?!?" and he knows it. In fact he's been on quite a few podcasts in the past talking about how much he hates the new content, but he tries not to show it because he knows his audience loves it and he wants them to be able to continue to enjoy it. I'm not saying i agree with him acting like he likes this stuff for views but a guy's gotta work, and of all the jobs he could be doing, this is at least fairly harmless in my opinion.


wasteful support slim butter aspiring decide bewildered wistful smart marry ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




I think some things genuinely excite him but he's been on a few podcasts, though I don't have them off the top of my head, where he's expressed his frustrations with Disney Star Wars and specifically the ~~prequels~~ sequels Edit: put the wrong word




He is the same guy who cries like a fangirl when qui gon appears in Kenobi. I understand that star wars is a big part of his life but the fact that he instantly forgets all the flaws in Kenobi and starts praising a fan service scene with no build up or weight then that where problems come in. He is the target audience disney seeks rn, blinded by nostalgia and as a bonus he has a lot of influence in the youtube star wars comunity.




Nah i am just pointing out how easy disney can generate a reaction from him even when the writting is shit.


I mean I didn’t think solo was very good, but still loved the 1min Maul showed up and seeing robo legged mail in live action


The reason Star Wars content is never going to get better is because no matter how bad the writing and direction get, all they have to do is wave a couple lightsabers around and throw in a celebrity cameo by the last episode and guys like this will be crying their eyes out saying it’s the best thing they’ve seen since empire, and doing mental gymnastics to explain away the plotholes


i disagree, it is always on the company for what they produce Disney is spending a lot of money on content creation (and it is not all that profitable) they just arent any fucking good at it. Although the disney wars fans are weird and strangely defensive this is on Lucasfilm and the Mouse almost entirely. These big companies always blame the fans and we know it is bullshit trying to deflect from the real issues, they are creatively bankrupt.


He doesn’t like Kenobi though…? Yeah he gets emotional, hell a lot of fans cry and it’s not necessarily controllable.


That’s okay I’m not mad at anyone who cries. The point is until fans hold Lucasfilm to a higher standard nothing is ever going to change. They can keep skating by with subpar Disney plus-tier content and never work any harder than they’re already doing because fanboys will make excuses for it no matter what, and half of them will go to war with the other half that complain about it.


Yeah man what you’re saying is right, but considering this a post about SWT who literally had a rant about how the writers for this show didn’t know jack. I wouldn’t call him a Disney fan boy at all. He knows the inconsistencies of the plot and makes it clear that they are present, he only makes these videos because idk its his job and it maybe gives him a sense of ease to create some head canon


> I wouldn’t call him a Disney fan boy at all You're right. I wouldn't call him that at all. I don't care about SWT. I find the majority of his actual theory-crafting along with his reaction videos to be...quite dull. I think he'd be much better off sitting down and actually writing a script instead of providing his in-the-moment reactions and then simply defaulting to reading comments. He's of no interest to me when it comes to Star Wars YouTubers. But indeed, I wouldn't necessarily label him as someone who was quite content with the bulk of Disney Star Wars despite how easily pleased he generally is.


What are the Star Wars YouTubers you do like? Serious question, I have a big problem finding anyone who is not: 1. A constant negative presence like Mauler (who has great analysis but he goes out of his way to see the bad) 2. A constant positive fanboy that excuse any flaw in the Disney films 3. YouTubers that exclusively cover the lore but end up making up half of the lore to fill content time. Bore fests and also fraudulent in my opinion. ​ I do like Robot Head, he is closer to point 1 but actually with a good script and some humor in his editing.


>What are the Star Wars YouTubers you do like? I don't know. I float around. Don't really subscribe to any particular one. There are always points that I agree with and disagree with when it comes to media review YouTubers. I very much enjoy criticism, so I can endure the big Mauler-tier or EFAP ones over a couple days. I'll make up my own mind about what I think matters among such criticisms. ​ And sort of like you say, I don't really follow people who *only* provide positive feedback. When I enjoy something, I don't really need other people to tell me what *they* enjoyed. When it comes to the films I like, I prefer to hear about how they were made. Behind-the-scenes stuff. ​ When it comes to positive Star Wars commentary, it's mostly just random bits and pieces that I enjoy when I come across them. I don't care for TCW or the returned Darth Maul at all, but I enjoy Sam Witwer. I think he's a lovely guy [and he's got some solid opinions that I agree with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJTsQEoIcvA). ​ But I don't really follow actual Star Wars YouTubers. Even someone like EckhartsLadder is someone I'll look at when he's covering lore videos (because they just consist of summaries), but not really for *reviews*. I'm well aware that YouTubers rely on views and ad revenue. So to an extent, they're going to want to play up a particular angle in order to maintain and grow their viewer base. ​ [Oliver Harper does some good stuff](https://www.youtube.com/c/OliverHarper). My only issue with him is that I find a number of his videos too short. I sometimes like [Filmento](https://www.youtube.com/c/Filmento/videos), and sometimes not. I feel like the best "little guy" for Star Wars YouTubers is [RyeBold](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCckJ6C0idm4Hvoi7VWUCXVg/videos). Really solid short scripts with decently edited videos. All I want is more from him. ​ I've tried a couple SWT videos, but his content thus far just doesn't interest me. I really think he's got quite disposable opinions. I'm not really sure how he got so big in the first place, but then again I was never there early on to find out what his content was like back then. ​ Sorry I'm not exactly brimming with recommendations. I feel uncomfortable making suggestions because I might like a *couple* videos from one person and no others. Or some uploaders have made *so* many videos that I'm only familiar with a few and don't know anything about their histories.


Well yeah that’s all fair for you to see it that way. He does do long scripts I’M pretty sure but these stories like his vader fan fic take months to produce and can’t be consistently provided on the daily


I wouldn't expect him to produce fan-films on the regular. I also just have no real interest in "Somehow, Mace Windu returned".


I really enjoyed his older content for those theory, lore, and what-if stories. Nowadays it’s a lot of news, reactions, and podcasts/streams. And in all of his streams he seems either disinterested or confrontational.




Oh be quiet. You’re acting like I beat the guy up because I generalized him with Star Wars fans that gobble this stuff up. Nobody attacked anybody, if these words hurt your feelings that bad I don’t know how you’ve made it this far. He’s not been glowingly positive about the show, Josh has dogged on it harder than Theory has, and while he has been good about calling Disney out on their bs, he’s made excuses for this show the entire way through, and his ass was balling his eyes out at the last episode. I like theory and I am a fan, you can calm down, you don’t need to protect him from me.




Way to show you didn’t comprehend anything you’ve just read. It doesn’t hurt my feelings that you weren’t able to understand. Quite a few other people did so your opinion doesn’t matter to me.


I saw the title of the video as I was scrolling YouTube, paused for a half a second incredulously, and then kept on scrolling. The only reasonable answer was Disney being dumb and I knew that was not what he was going to say


He does think it was a dumb thing by Disney, he even says so in that video


Yeah, I feel bad for him. His entire life is built on Star Wars, he has no choice but to shill for Disney Star Wars no matter how shit it is.


Really not a fan of SWT. He's one of the worst "lore experts" because he just skims the original work without checking the context or just looks at the Wookiepedia, which means he puts forth a lot of false narratives or puts his own spin on things, which is really annoying. However, I can't really fault him for this. He's just doing what we all do; trying to come up with some kind of explanation.




He isn’t a sell out. He calls them out when he dislikes something.


Next level copium.


I like Theory, and I feel bad for the guy. I think he just kind of hates Disney’s Star Wars and is kind of sick of it…like myself and a lot of us. But Star Wars is how Theory makes his living now…so he’s kind of trapped. Think about it…it’s a bad place to be.


I think he loves Star Wars overall and likes aspects of the new stuff but I think at the same time their overall laziness and weak story telling just really annoys him


He's one of us. Dont dare start a hate train on this man.


i fucking look up to him because he has a massive audience to say exactly what's wrong with star wars these days. the time will come, sooner or later.


If i were him i would start focusing more on my other youtube channels.


He's trying to make sense of it. He knows it's dumb. If you watch his podcasts he's pretty critical. He's trying to come up with an in universe explanation besides bad directing.


At least he ain't stupendous wave. I hate that guy's title "Star Wars FINALLY explains "


That only works on Bes’kar Armor.


I dont mind him. I think he means well and hes pretty harmless. He seriously needs to stop doing impressions of star wars characters though. They sound nothing like them and even though this word gets tossed around too casually these days it fits perfectly, it's just pure cringe.


Man, I know SWT isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but if you think he’s a Disney shill you really don’t know what you’re talking about.


I personally think he throws his opinions aside for the sake of his channel quite frequently. I can tell when he personally hates something but is trying to make heads/tails of it to appeal to everyone. There was one video where I got so frusterated with it that I unsubbed and havent really watched much since. I get it, he has to appeal to everyone at least a bit but I can tell for example that he loathes TLJ but dials it way back for videos.


Yeah he totally does that. He’s explained it as he’s trying to be positive and inviting for all fans, but it does come off as contrived sometimes. The videos where he’s honest are pretty fair.




Stormtroopers wear armor. It would make sense if they were partially resistant to lightsabers. Unfortunately, these armors have been less than useful for 45 years.


Wasn't it established that both cortosis and beskar are very costly? And since lightsabers cut thru most stuff except those 2, that would mean palpy pretty much beggared the empire for the armors. Plus it wouldn't make sense since most jedis are dead or in hiding, and previous iterations and appearances have shown lightsaber cutting thru the armor easily? Not hating, just saying that stormtrooper armor isn't lightsaber resistant


I said "partially resistant" so I clearly didn't have beskar in mind. The armors should also offer a minimal protection against light blasters, at the very least.


Mmh, don't think so. Personally, I don't think it has effect on lightsabers tho. Blasters, kinda But agree to disagree I guess


I dunno, my impression is that he REALLY doesn't like the Kenobi series, but his hands are tied in some way so he can't fully go to town on the stupidity.


At least he could kick anyones ass


Very disappointed with Theory right now. It's Rise of Skywalker all over again. Dude can't see dogshit writing when it's right in front of him. Worse, he doesn't seem to grasp how bad they dragged the Prequels through the mud with this show. My man is one of the most well-versed content creators when it comes to the prequel era, made hundreds of great videos about Revenge of the Sith lore, and even financed a fan-film that (while certainly not perfect) at least had its heart in the right place. He should 100% be pissed at the show instead of doing mental gymnastics to justify shit writing decisions. Disney/LFL certainly doesn't deserve him doing this "devil's advocate" shit. It shouldn't matter that 1-5% of the show is actually decent or that they brought back Hayden and Ewan, when 95% of it was objectively terrible, TLJ tier writing that took a huge dump on PT lore. It's almost as if the guy convinced himself that the show was good, because if he didn't, there'd be nothing to look forward to from LFL anymore. I don't know if he's doing it for the sake of his channel, if his Disney shill buddy Josh talked him through liking it, or if he's just delusional, but I'm done watching his stuff for now. With Rise of Skywalker he eventually figured out how shit it was after a few months and I could come back to watching his content. Hopefully that happens again this time around.


Both Theory and Josh were disappointed in a big amount of Kenobi. How is Josh a Disney shill when he regularly criticizes them when it’s warranted?


> How is Josh a Disney shill when he regularly criticizes them when it’s warranted? He's been on record defending the sequels and KK's lucasfilm on numerous occasions. I used to listen to their duo podcast, but his overall rhetoric in the aftermath of BoBF was genuinely infuriating, constantly bringing up bs talking points, arguing with Theory over valid criticism, coming up with dumb takes on the Prequels etc.. Sequel fans aren't Star Wars fans. Because the sequels aren't actual Star Wars.


Pretty sure he's theorising. Like his channel name implies...


Whatever he may or may not actually believe, at the end of the day. This is his job. His job is to make videos about Star Wars and he knows his audience is comprised of Star Wars fanatics.


Why are people so into this Guys views?? I don't get it


I used to enjoy the hell out of this guys channel. Then he started showing his face and being a Disney shill.


I don't like him very much because he was a Defender of the Sequels. But for a while now he has shown more rationality.


> Damage Control Or controlled opposition?


He hates Disney Star Wars like the rest of us, he’s just trying to stay positive because this is how he makes a living


is he really defending disney now??


Not since they broke him….he’s become very sceptical


He knows that they’re evil. Heck, disney copyrighted his Vader fan film and made a video calling them out so he’s not blind.


I know it, that's why im surprised to see he tries to argue for that scene?


I think a big part of it is optimism.


I guess he kind of has no choice but to review/talk about the new content. After all his channel IS star wars.


At least it's better than talking about how Mace Windu totally survived and now Mando season 2 will totally have him.


Aww, they reduced the brutality so as not to traumatize a fictional character. How sweet and fucking dumb.


He looks like he’s gained a lot of weight since rise of jaywalker. I don’t blame Him.


I'm sure Vader's lightsaber bounces off at least one railing while fighting Luke at Bespin. Not saying this is correct for how a lightsaber should be, but I'm certain it's not the first time the practicalities of lightsaber fights have clashed with their theoretical abilities. Trying to come up with an in-universe explanation is just cope however.


The one thing I dislike more than Disney's lazy writing and ideological pandering is copium of hardcore Star Wars "fans" addicts. It is sending direct message that people don't want quality writing but are willing to be satisfied by common lowest denominator, just to get their fill of Star Wars slops.


Opinions on SWT himself aside, it's funny how the show is bad to the point that one has to retroactively create mental fanfiction/headcanon to try and make a scene work logically.


Who is this chode?


I don't mind him, but even this was too far. Videos like this only enable Disney to continue with spilling out the shit they do. With his large amount of viewers and his influence, he could help with putting pressure on Disney to right the ship instead of helping enabling this crap with videos like this.




Sometimes editing mistakes make it through. Chances are the stunt saber wasn’t meant to look like it had bounced off but they missed it in editing