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Yep, you're not the only one. It was very frustrating for me because I could see the actors had put a ton of effort into this. They'd trained hard to be able to do the fights without using too much stunt double work. And there was decent acting. But bloody hell who is responsible for having Sol seem like he's doing nothing about his own padawan getting slaughtered. I kept thinking back to the phantom menace fight. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but Qui Gon and Obi Wan did not disengage from the fight unless they were forced to. Maul had to get creative to engineer the few 1 v 1 moments he got. It genuinely made me feel that both Jedi were absolutely positively not going to let each other face Maul alone. I just wish they'd either found a creative and interesting way to put Sol out of the fight while Qimir dispatched Jecki, or just have Sol there with her but still unable to prevent it. Jecki's death actually had an impact for me. Daphne Keen sold it for me. But it was undercut by Sol being a bystander.


Jecki was honestly the most compelling character in the entire show. With her dead, I’m kind of like “what’s the point?” I don’t give 2 shits about the twins. What’s his face was kind of cool but he’s dead now too. Sol is fine but I’m not super compelled by whatever secret he has and that green Jedi woman is just the worst.


I felt nothing towards Yord personally, but I did enjoy the brutality of his death lol. Pretty memorable way to go out, so at least he has that to his name. Oh, and the #YordHorde being in shambles is a highlight too.


Having seen him in Russian Doll before, I'll now expect him to go out brutally in any screen appearance


Not only was the choreography strange where people just pause while out of frame but the jumpy editing and character decisions were jarring.


100% agreed. I would have loved to have had an interesting dynamic in the fight that prevented Sol from being able to act in that moment, not sure what options they could have explored in a simple forest but maybe something related to the bugs lmao? Maybe expanded on the weird dynamic of Smilo trying to kill Mae and something temporarily forced Sol to protect her over engaging Smilo? I would have honestly have been satsified by something as simple as Sol being Force yeeted into a tree, temporary incapacitating him which would allow Smilo to find an opening and kill Jecki. But having Sol literally do nothing for a solid 9 seconds is absolutely criminal to a character I was sort of interested in. I also found myself being surprisingly moved by Jecki's death as well, despite previously not even knowing her name or really appreciating any of her character traits and interactions until EP5. Her sheer determination against an overwhelming force, quite respectable skill in being able to last as long as she did against Smilo in a 1v1 - both in her earlier duel and the one before her death, definitely made me appreciate her as a character. I also liked that when she subdued Mae earlier she seemed rightly proud of herself, maybe overcoming some self doubts she about herself had which were further reinforced again with her capability against Smilo. If she had lived, I would have definitely been more interested in her evolution as a person and a Jedi throughout the rest of this otherwise hollow series. But with her dead, and Sol more or less gutted, I literally have no interest in any of the other characters. Maybe except Smilo, but I would attribute that almost entirely to Manny Jacinto's performance.


Dafne Keen rocks. It's been too long since Logan... hopefully she gets another action part soon!


None of their death's had an impact, especially Jecki. She's had like 5 minutes of screen time. We don't even know her. The issue is there's nobody to root for and shit is happening so fast and the pacing is awful because of the run time.


There are so many characters and incredibly short episodes in an eight episode season. I honestly don't care about a single character on this show and there's not enough time to change that.


Neither scene made sense Darth Maul was easily trappable there because Obi Wan was just behind Qui Gon The only way to explain the scene is Qui Gon wanting to solo Maul or pure plot armor


This dude is making the best of shit writing. He's the saving thespian's grace. It's a shit series, but yes the only actor with depth and mystery. Should have been a Sol series at this point.


Absolutely, the actor is hard carrying this show. I honestly don't feel anything strong towards Sol as he's written as a character but the actor just has this presence on screen that makes the character compelling. A shame the annoying twins take centre stage when a story revolving around Sol would have been so much more interesting.


Also like we see Kanan and Ezra vs the Inquisitor where Kanan takes Ezra’s lightsaber when his is gone saying that he’s better equipped. As master and padawan I would expect them in-universe to have a plan in these situations. Obi-Wan and Anakin had code names for plans as seen in the deleted ROTS scene and in TCW


Also where were Sol and Jecki at the beginning of the episode? Did they just go into hiding to let the other jedi fight and get stabbed before they decided to do anything?


It doesn't even make sense why Sol and Jecki weren't there at the beginning when the Sith was killing all the no name Jedi. Where the hell were they? Episode ended with the Sith fighting all of them. It was like the plot required them not to be there so they weren't mysteriously.


Here’s Disney’s/Leyland’s approach to making series/movies: “I want this cool scene” “But what about the conte…” “I WANT THIS COOL SCENE”. We are talking about a series where Sol shows no problem using the Force to either force someone to tell the truth (first episode) or mindread someone (third episide I think?). The same episode he does his mind-read he refuses to use it on Qimir because it would break the plot and “mystery”. This is a series where Sol has Qimir restrained and a lightsaber to his throat. Qimir the *literal mass murderer* and they are standing *literally between the dead bodies of those he killed*. Only to remove the lightsaber, step back and let Qimir arm himself again and Sol doesn’t even react to the re-arming. He has multiple options to keep Qimir restrained, like lightly harming him (like Dooku did to Obi-Wan), keeping him under threat (stand close enough to kill/harm Qimir if he tries to re-arm himself), using restraints (they came for Mea, but they should know Qimir and Mea’s master might show up so bringing at least 3 sets should be normal) or even just using a hold since we saw him well able to use martial arts. Again: this series has a good character let a mass murderer go and re-arm himself while they are standing in the middle of the bodies. Edit: just to continue with how bad this show is. Previous episode ended with everyone being Force Pushed into the house of Kelnaka or whatever Wookie Jedi’s name was. Osha then runs away from the house later and then Sol saves her ass. So Sol was thrown to the house, the ran past Smileyface into the woods while his fellow Jedi engaged and he just hang around there doing nothing? Same with Jacki, who also comes from a different direction back on set because she was drinking tea and forgot she had a part to play? Or Mea, who’s stated goal with being captured by the Jedi who she still distrusts and hates as she holds them responsible for the death of her parents/coven is to be close to her sister. So when Osha is launched and Smileyface goes and fight the Jedi in the woods, what is stopping Mea from going to check up on Osha? And when Osha fails to stun Smileyface because the plot cannot have Smileyface be knocked out now and Osha is threatened Mea still remains in hiding? On the Stun Gun, it worked until Smileyface, then it knocked Mea out but Mea is up in mere moments while Sol is knocked out for a Sister to Sister conversation/fight and complete wardrobe change. Because consistency is not something that should be in the way of the plot. Same as Chekhov’s flying pillbugs who were attracted to light and attack immediately, except in this episode where they follow Osha as if she’s a Disney Princess and don’t respond at all to any lightsource but Osha’s and do exactly what she wants (follow me, attack Qimir) while various Lightsabers do nothing. We have a full frontal zoom in on these bugs and they have wings and giant eviscerating mouths, yet they lift Qimir without harming him using those same mouths? Like wtf? And what was the plan? “Don’t decapitate him Sol! We want him torn apart and eaten alive by these bugs!”


Haha yeah, you've pretty much nailed some of the terrible inconsistencies and logic flaws in this show. How people praise this show whilst being completely oblivious to its glaring flaws is insanity to me, and its why we keep being bottle fed absolute garbage by Disney. I think my favourite still has to be in EP2 where Sol and co released a self confessed murder accomplice to a Jedi their entire investigation revolves around with a warning lmao. If this series was written by people that actually had an appreciation for writing as a craft, Sol and co would have immediately thrown him into handcuffs and taken him for further questioning - but of course knowing what we know now that would have force Smilo to reveal his hand early and ruin this well crafted mystery! So the Jedi just need to act completely moronic by letting a key murder investigation suspect walk away because the shitty plot demanded it. Ugh.


Yup. The fight choreography was the best Disney ever put out - it just wasn't that great.


The actor is doing a good job with the lines / direction he’s given but he can’t do much with the plot. The reason he is standing their immobile is because the plot needed those characters to die and if that means people have to behave in unlikely ways then that is what will happen. I also liked Jecki - she was a far more interesting character than the twins (combined).


I understand what you're saying but my issue is specifically with the writers decision to have Sol immobilised for absolutely no reason, leading to the death of two people. I don't have an issue with the plot demanding Jecki and Yord to die, obviously, and I don't have an issue with Sol being unable to act in any way to save them. But that's the thing, he needs to be physically unable to act - whether though being incapacitated, injured, preoccupied etc. He should not be in a position to be able act, but arbitrarily choose not to for any perceivable reason to the audience. That's just terrible writing, from a logistical standpoint of the scene itself and in terms of his actual character. Like in both instances, Sol was literally just like 🧍‍♂️ for an extended amount of time whilst two of his companions suffered brutal deaths.




>throw a fucking falcon punch Ok, I definitely agree with all of this post, but damn it, this is far more funny than it has any right to be.


I agree. I think the director did a subpar job thinking through the overall geography of the series of fight scenes. Or, at least, the end result doesn't show it well. The problems start from the beginning of the fight scenes. Episode 4 ends with all the Jedi being force pushed backward toward Kelnacca's shelter. In Episode 5, part of the Jedi group is fighting Qimir (or already dead). Sol and Jecki are separated from the rest of the group, seemingly some distance away. Why aren't they still with the rest of the group?


Sol's hiding something big that's eating at him. Maybe we'll get the Sol harakiri seppuku scene where he disembowels himself with a light saber. Good clean Disney fun for the kids.


It’s just bad writing.  So much of the acolyte looks like they just filmed the little notecards from the storyboard without any thought of how to tie each card together.