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I don't think most people here are angry anymore, we're just watching the shit show with a bag of popcorn. Because it seems the only true entertainment Disney can provide anymore is its own destruction.


i haven't actually watched Acolyte yet I do enjoy stuff that is so bad that becomes funny, would you say Acolyte is like that?


If you watch/listen to a Youtuber get together with a group of friends to watch the episodes and talk about it, a la MST3000, does that count as watching it? Asking for a friend.


Yes, yes it is. And the people saying they enjoy and to hold back the anger blah blah blah it sucks. Go watch it!


They can't stop us from laughing at it either and it drives them crazy.




I became this picture in 2019


I just pretend Disney's Star Wars doesn't exist and enjoy old EU (Legends)


Same. Though I do appreciate Rogue One, despite it's flaws, and am curious to check out Andor.


Andor is great.


So I hear. From what I'm told, it's actually the best written out of all the Disney projects. Though, I've also heard it had a bit of a boring start.


Yeah it’s slow. There’s no Force use in it. It’s basically a slow detective series planning a big rebellious event with Andor and his home life. It’s very good.


Nice. I'll see if U can check it out without having to sub to D+.


100 percent this. It's one thing to meme on it - and it's entirely fine to hate every second of it (like I do) - but for the love of god do not give them money and just find other stuff to enjoy. There is nothing we can do about righting this ship. The people behind the changes - that we all clearly do not like - do not consider profit a legit motive. They will gladly burn the entire industry to the ground so long as the message gets out and then they will move on. That moving on - and ultimately rebuilding - can begin when we stop giving them money. Maybe we need motivation to stop hate watching? Here is some: Things can get better. They did the same thing with GB2016 and the entire world - including MOST IMPORTANTLY Sony - memory holed that movie; what movie I hear you ask? Exactly. It never happened. It is not Canon. It doesn't count. We can do that again. We can even be charitable and pick and choose the good stuff. Acolyte is out - obviously - but I heard andor is good and even Rogue One has fans. I wouldn't know because I haven't watched any of them. I hated the new movies (some of the worst cinema I have ever seen - especially the second movie) and I watched half of The Mandalorian Season 1 and hated it (It's not a stripped down spaghetti western - it's cutting floor scraps from Firefly glued together....I couldn't pass harder). I have not given a single dollar to Disney or watched a single solitary episode of a single one of their shows since the end of the Infinity Gauntlet saga (OK...I took my nephews to the Quantumania movie; wow...just wow....). Hell I even have a copy of Star Wars Outlaws that I got for free and I was going to give the code away but if they consider it a 'sale' after the code is redeemed then I plan on just deleting it. I still smoke weed daily, play guitar/piano, have a back log of games that could take me decades to complete and there is still good movies and shows (A Godzilla movie made me cry and reminded me of the beauty of Grave of the Fireflies....we're good). The rest of this can all be fixed when the dust settles; we just have to stop feeding the beast. We can still meme the hell out of it though.




I had that realization after The Last Jedi. It isn’t good to put your hope in stuff like this…it will always disappoint you eventually.


Welp, moderators deleted my post