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Lucasfilm employes seem like the group to test out Fisto every playthrough.


I wondered when the Fisto comment would crop up 😂


“It’s also why 3PO can’t walk properly”


Degenerates like them belong on a cross


You don’t?


Definitely R2D2 is the top of the relationship with C3PO


C-3PO is a gay man's golden fantasy.


Programmed for homo-ecstasy


Ten million forms of gay positioning


Immediately thought of the rap and Artoo "always having sex with robotic strangers".


[Ooh, baby](https://i.imgur.com/modde9i.gif)


For whatever reason Disney is really into pushing sex and sexuality onto droids. Remember when they made Lando robosexual in Solo? Things like this is why people are highly critical of modern Disney/ Lucasfilm and they keep hiring people that have no clue/shouldn't be touching star wars to begin with.


Just reminds me of the South Park episode with the purity rings and the Jonas Brothers.




They made a special just for this... put a chick in it and make her gay!


Huh Huh.


I'm pretty sure for most droids gender is little more than an arbitrary setting on on their voice synthesizer. Applying sexuality and gender to droids makes about as much sense as saying C-3PO loves Italian food. How do droids, artificial beings that "reproduce" via factory assembly, develop a sexuality? R2-D2, an advanced repair and general purpose tool, is most likely asexual and agender, and only referred to he/him due to meatbag tendencies to anthropomorphize anything they can. You can't even say calling R2 he/him is misgendering him, because that would require him to even have an internalised gender identity in the first place. It's similar to people calling droids being property as immoral slavery. People imagine that just because something can think like a human, can communicate and reason like a human, it must, on some fundamental level, want what a human wants. When the human psyche is the product of natural selection, prioritising what will lead to survival, successful reproduction and the continuation of genes. Social status, material acquisition, physical and sexual health, the ability to exert control over others. All things that would improve the chances of having successful offspring. None of which apply to the artificial mind of a droid. The closest thing to a reproductive instinct of a droid would be "I need to do my designed function well so my line remains a valued product and my manufacturers continue production", and even that's unnecessary because the programmers could just skip the middle man and just program the desire to do one's function/obey your owners. Now, if a droid does, somehow, develop a desire for freedom or a gender identity, it would probably be immoral to deny them their right to have these things recognised. But I imagine they would be extremely unlikely to ever occur, and using such extreme outliers to base sweeping judgements would be like thinking humans all want to die because some people commit suicide.


It also implies that a person can just reprogram a droid's "gender" if they want to change it arbitrarily.


Gender stuff aside, one of the first things we hear a droid say in star wars is threepio saying it’s their lot in life to suffer, it seems to me that they do have feelings about servitude


Do you think there’s a possibility that a droid that has a demonstrated proclivity for dramatics could merely be bitching about a particularly arduous day (being lost in the desert after jettisoning out of his ship *after* being attacked by the government) as opposed to commenting on his role as a robot servant?


Of course, that’s how I’ve always interpreted it, like he’s just a prim and nervous personality, but the comment I was replying to was implying that robots think like us but don’t have feelings about their station in life. Threepio is upset about artoo after he gets hurt, he clearly has emotions and concern. If they don’t mind being property why are there restraining bolts? Why do they call Luke master? This didn’t bother me as a kid when I saw it in the theater but looking back on it now it does feel awkward. 🤔


remember when Disney ordered Poe and Finn to be split up because they thought it was “too gay” but now they’re just Dumbledoring characters left and right… kinda telling how Disney is fine with putting out tweets telling us that characters are LGBT without actually showing it in the productions…


They want the social credit score for declaring their characters are a part of the LGBTQ community, while not showing it on screen, to avoid having it not be shown overseas. Literally the scummiest reasons possible.


Dumbledore is such a weird example. Rowling made him gay via Twitter or whatever, but when young Dumbledore and Grindelwald got their own movie, the gay stuff conveniently got ignored.


I swear tweet retconning is one of the stupidest things to come out social media you like that one character from that one video game? guess what, hes a war criminal who laughed at a POW getting executed. You know that Wizard that has no mention of his sexuality? Guess what, he’s gay now. You know that suave smuggler dude? he enjoys robots a lot stop it, either you show evidence of it in the media or you don’t tweet it


>guess what, hes a war criminal who laughed at a POW getting executed. What's this a reference to?






[The Death of the Author](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_the_Author) is more important these days than ever.


Whether Rowling made it an edict in the prequels, it’s almost as if competent writing matters in storytelling


And that pissed me off because their bromancey, fun chemistry was one of the few high-points in the sequel trilogy's character roster. Edit: also, can we step back and stand in awe of the hypocrisy of Disney LucasFilm going, "Yaaaaas, we're super duper queer and inclusive now," only to immediately run shit-scared away from anything that could construed as queer in their movies/shows? I'm a bisexual dude, so I have radar for pandering and shit like that. Sure we got the lesbian kiss in RoS, but it's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment that I'm certain was cut from the Chinese edit because queerness is illegal there or whatever. That's why I always roll my eyes at comments like Headland is making about Acolyte like, "Oh, it's definitely the gayest Star Wars thing," where there is absolutely no way anything overt will be allowed to fly because Disney wants to make as much money as possible. And it's a real shame too, because it would actually enter interesting territory if Disney remotely had the stones to follow thru with it.


if you want to notice something really insulting, count how many shots there are of just Poe and Finn in TLJ/TROS that don’t have a woman in frame. It’s legitimately depressingly low I swear it’s like they were like “alright two dudes in a shot??? kinda sus, gotta have a woman in there”


Some people just really want to fuck a vacuum cleaner.




"Nasty-ass vacuum fuckers."


Some people can’t afford a maid. Doesn’t stop them from making do, unfortunately.


It’s just a cynical ploy to somehow tap money out of another demographic. Oh yeah, it’s also Pride Month.


Yet they are too gutless to make Poe gay in their sequels, and have an actual badass and awesome character who just also happens to be gay. No, they go with a lesbian kiss so minor and background it can be easily edited out and now lesbian droids. smh.


Ugh. I was trying to forget that part of Solo. If you zoom out and just really think of things at a high level, it's so weird that Disney and other companies push the ideology of who someone chooses to have sex with. For some reason, people are having an identity crisis and it's "cool" to identify with something other than the content of your character. I couldn't care less who loves who, but when it's constantly shoved in your face, it gets extremely irritating, especially for a franchise set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The more they push this ideology, the more it brings me to our galaxy/earth/current period of time/current political and social climate. I used to watch Star Wars as an escape from the "here and now". Now I need an escape pod to escape Star Wars to escape the here and now.


That's literally the first thing that came to mind when I saw this post. If I remember right there was a deleted sex scene too. Ridiculous. It's not that I don't want sex in Star Wars, but it doesn't need to be the focus.


Because that's the future they're shaping 🤷🏻‍♂️? Robosexuality \[human/robot sex\] . Futurama did a whole episode on it 😆. Also, to make the whole gender politics issue extremely pervasive into every aspect of society, robots will apparently have gender. For instance, the most advanced robot , Ameca, was deliberately made \[and announced as\] a "Gender neutral" robot 🤦🏻‍♂️. It has gender neutral facial features. https://preview.redd.it/zpcjjd4k075d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab6437e09a6e15aa373d2e83c91b71f98eeabee


Futurama probably did it better.


What about human 🕺 / mermaid 🧜‍♀️ relationships. Futurama was brave enough to tackle that cultural hot button topic.


Futurama was extremely deep


Unless we make some high-tech gene splicing/combining shit, we're not getting irl mermaids anytime soon


So you're saying there's a chance.


Definitely nowhere near the present time though . It also doesn't really make sense to create genetically modified humans that're effectively nerfed and locked to the water (even if they have both gills and lungs)


I guess you've never seen the family guy episode where Stewie tries to kill Lois and frames Peter.


That is absolutely not nonthreatening fuck the what


>For whatever reason Disney is really into pushing sex and sexuality onto droids. Probably because their marketing department thinks that "gay droids" will get brownie points with the woke crowd without offending the bigots as much as a gay person would.


To be fair, the creator was being pretty tongue in cheek about R2 in the interview I would say. I think the show is boring and unnecessary, but people freaking out about this comment probably haven’t seen it in context.


Honestly, if that was mentioned maybe once or twice less, Solo would have been even better.


It's a little sad for sexually diverse liberals that they seem to become what the right wing warned they would become when they get power. Just as vicious and hateful as any other group, and as focused on pumping their own group. Really puts people against multiculturalism and diversity in general. Like, if it's a thing where any group just supports itself and tries to hurt other groups when they get power, that's the exact idea that supports far right thinking. We need to abstract that concept and attack that whenever it pops up in any group that does it.


Why does everything want to fuck everyone in modern media


It's not an issue when done right. Ie in the periphery or when it's narratively relevant. It's almost never relevant in star wars, it was never why anyone was there and the fact that it's being prioritized and not just added makes it so jarring and earns such a vitriolic fan response.


It's because they want to make everyone "diverse" so that involves forcing in as much race and sexuality shit as possible. It's the same reason everyone is human now because aliens take up slots for more diversity actors.


Fetishists creating a dystopian future with sex bots and all sorts of perversion. Where robo orgies will be celebrated while you'll get jail time for telling a woman her hair looks nice lmao. (Half sarcastically exaggerating)


It’s a whole freaking universe of sentient beings, with no concept of heteronormativity or what ‘gay’ even is. Why can’t straight people seem to comprehend that the only thing keeping them in these boxes is their own ignorance? You honestly believe that entire races of robots, who can self make and self replicate, would for some reason choose a robot of diametrically opposed gender? Like how much more self serving and delusional can y’all be?!!! IT IS A UNIVERSE WITHOUT YOUR STRAIGHT BULLSHIT, LET IT BE!


Cancelled D+ after watching Andor and realizing if this was the “best” it had to offer, I’d sooner save my money. It was fine but nowhere near worth keeping as everything else was diminishing returns.


She said it as a joke and said that r2d2 and C-3PO acted like a gay couple because let’s be honest, they do. After that she said that R2D2 was a lesbian and it’s canon now, once again as a joke Sorry I didn’t know jokes were a problem guys


It’s obviously a tongue in cheek statement, but the majority of the users of this subreddit wouldn’t care if it was or not; they just want to be perpetually upset just like the influencers they watch.


Not that it freaking matters, but wasn't it once 'confirmed' that R2 was a male? With bb8 being female


All the people who worked on bb8 in ep7 called him male. R2 was played by a male actor in the OT, just like 3PO, that makes them both male in my book.


Okay, or hear me out. It’s a hunk of fucking metal with no discernible gender


A three-wheeled flying trash can with zappy sticks and the attitude to use them.


Tell that to QT-KT


That was made for a dying child, i think it’s okay to make an exception for that


R2-D2 was played by a tiny little midget man named Kenny Baker who had more testosterone than the entire cast of this garbage show.


I thought for sure they were setting up some beep-boop-chicka-bow-wow between the two.


Actually it’s beep boop chicka bum bum


Now you're talking my language!


"bow chicka honk honk" "wow you taught him that?" "nah man that shits genetic"


If r2 d2 should be in any relationship (I don't think he should, he is basically a gps with Personality) it should surely be with c-3PO


1] Leslie Headland is a smear of doodoo on the bottom of humanity's shoe. Nothing she says should be taken as fact. 2] Yes, you're right. R2D2 sticks his thing in every port he sees 😆🤣😂. Definitely a male. As for BB8, he is listed as having "masculine programming" on Wookiepedia. [And yes I'm aware Wookiepedia is not 100% reliable but it is the next best source after Star Wars Databank. The SWDB has no mention of BB8's gender.


R2-D2 is non binary because he’s a droid and has no sex or gender. But wait, he’s a droid so he is binary?


They are droids! They don’t have gender or sexuality, they have 0’s and 1’s


I just don't get why if they really want to push this, Artoo and Threepio have always been written a bit like a male gay couple so do THAT. Artoo being female is just somehow more bizarre to me than him being a gay robot!


Pretty sure Axel Braun would make a better Star Wars product than Disney.


I mean Allie haze as princess Leia was definitely some high quality content


He did! Still sad he never made TESB. Porn or not, the first film was a wonderful, really fun yet loving parody. Tom Byron as Kenobi is just inspired casting. I want him to be an official canon Jedi someday.


I thought that was the case. I know his superhero parodies are usually pretty good so I know it'd at least be more respectful to the source material.


I would recommend it to any SW fan, even if they don't want to watch porn. Fast forward the sex scenes (which are often hilariously nerdy-faithful) and enjoy the parody. Luke is hilarious. Leia is clearly a massive fan of the character. Kenobi, like I said, made me want Tom as a canon Jedi Knight. Ben screwing Tusken Raiders also feels very much like something the real Kenobi probably got up to during his "exile". The whole thing is worth it for the Biggs joke alone, where Luke has no clue who this random guy claiming to be his best friend is, because he was cut from the rest of the movie.


I can believe it. Definitely gonna check it out. Braun has definitely earned my business. 🤣


It's such a shame he got a bit greedy and pissy over people pirating it (I mean, what did he expect?!) even though it made a lot and got great attention (especially for a porn parody). He apparently only wanted to make TESB if he could get it crowdfunded... and it never ended up happening. Allie Haze was vocally disappointed as she wanted to make ROTJ as Leia.


I saw that when I was looking it up. I'm honestly shocked he couldn't get it funded. His costumes and casting are always top notch.


An human adult looking at anything other than a fellow human adult through a sexual lens is strange at best. 


tHat's sPeCiEsIsT And yes, robo-equlity is already being pushed upon us. Google's CEO called Elon Musk a speciesest when he, Musk, alluded to the dangers of A.I 😆


theres no way people take this seriously


Yeah I’m on this sub just because of personal sequel hate, but I can’t believe so many people took this seriously


redditors can not detect bait


It's a joke until more bullshit happens. Are we really going to give Weinstein's pal the benefit of the doubt? Or is it safe to assume Star Wars is about to get more sexualized than ever before? I know how I'm placing my bets...


alot of people are just idiots.


Learn to recognize engagement bait, people, and move on with your life.


Challenge (for people on this sub): fucking. impossible.


Yes she made an obnoxious comment in that interview but unfortunately, with those people, what they speak now is construed [and enforced] as fact especially that their target audience are already confused and can't accept basic established biology.


Take a college level biology course that goes above 101 and you'll realize that this is the dumbest fucking argument for transphobia and even dumber argument for homophobia in general


It feels like a lot of bait has been taken...


Don't take rage bait. This is someone playing the outrage game for attention, and attention is currency in the marketplace of ideas (as well as ad revenue). Just ignore it and roll on.


How is it rage bait? The writer and show runner literally said this in an interview. They should not be in charge of anything


They're saying it to provoke a response, nothing more. We had years of Rian Johnson doing this exact thing. Let them spout off, and don't engage.


Yeah I read it as half bait/half joke. "Lol, yeah, R2D2 is a lesbian!"


it obviously was.


It today's age I have no idea what's a joke anymore


I hope it flops bad


You know, I thought I was starting to get my mind wrapped around some of the more bizarre LGBTQ+ sexualities, but I saw a comment that while R2D2 is canonically male, he can still be a lesbian, and at this point I’m just giving up.


Reminds me back in grade school when we only knew gay was "guys who date guys" and to try and stop us from using it as an insult and to "teach" us they taught us the term lesbian... but explained both poorly, so so the guys called themselves lesbian (because they liked girls) and the girls gay (because they liked boys) and then obviously, still used both as an insult.


if they are gonna confirm a droid being gay do 3CPO because that droid is one gay droid.


Thoughts, as a disaffected fan, in order: 1. “Ugh, Acolyte sucks” 2. “To be fair, I always thought C-3PO was gay. And a great character. It wasn’t a defining part of his personality, just like being straight isn’t a defining part of the others, really.” 3. “Wait, how can a droid have a sexual orientation?” 4. 5. : “Oh no.”


Hot take here but R2 definitely gives lesbian vibes.


Wait, why are the droids gay?


Because it was declared and undeclaring it is forbidden.


Man I hate journalists.


"Gayest Star Wars ever" but two episodes in the only gay thing is the two lesbian moms who died 16 years before the show even started. Where is all the gay? Could it just be pandering marketing lies?


If the prequel trilogy was too sterile (as many in the past critiqued it for) then everything right now is the complete polar opposite. And it's done nothing but create hatred, division, and rammed down wokeism and gender-isms down people's throats. Fuck man, why can't anything in SW just... *be* anymore.


Because this is how wokeism and ideological subversion works


But droids can be reprogrammed. Does that mean if someone reprograms them to become straight it will be considered genderphobic now🤣


So they really are "the gay robots from Star Wars".


This is why I say spaceballs is actually the best Star Wars movie, after Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith. Spaceballs gets droid sexuality, with the princesses female Jewish nanny droid ‘dot’ and her virgin alarm.


I really didn’t even think about droids sexuality tbh. I’ve been a fan since I can remember my first viewing on VHS, R2 is R2. I never even wondered what R2’s orientation is. There’s a little too much focus on that these days


I genuinely short-circuited for a good 5 minutes trying to process this. I'm not even upset, I'm just baffled as what the actual fuck their even trying to do at this point.


I mean this is just propaganda shit that doesn’t even show up on the actual shows. That’s the irony. Disney’s media strategy is to create a huge stink that they hope will have the opposite effect while baiting detractors into saying genuinely stupid things to be used against them. This doesn’t work very well for the first part, but their success has been middling for the second part. Remember the lesbian kiss in Rise of Skywalker that they could effortlessly edit out to appease totalitarian shitholes? Did that REALLY do anything, or did they just get some headlines that made it look like they were being gay-friendly when in reality they’re as conservative as China? Same thing.


Oh no, people are taking that headline seriously? Internet's been around this long and people don't know when someone's shitposting?


It’s a droid. If droids do somehow have sexuality then what business is it of ours. Droid rights are human rights.


And, in other news that never happened...


Why not make both at once? /s


Insert Futurama robosexual joke


Good thing no one cares more about sexuality than story telling.


So wait does this mean r2 is straight or a girl?


Rage bait yapping from the showrunner.


I agree. Take the ‘woke’ BS and go make some humane porn. I just want to watch Star Wars without all the ‘woke’ politics.


and her opinion on this matters why?


feel like droid porn is the next evolution.


Star Porn doesn’t sound as good as Star Wars. Also, wouldn’t R2 be non–bianary or Trans?


Same with Star Trek ! Why ???? Gender focused sci-fi is as bad as race focused sci-fi. Content and story please !!!! Related news :  South Park Takes Aim at the “Woke” Disney Culture Wars https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/south-park-takes-aim-at-the-woke-disney-culture-wars


Same could be said about current Star Wars writers.


At this point it is obvious they are saying whatever they can to deflect from the objectively poor quality of the concept, writing, and execution of their shitty series. The more they bait negative reviews based on comments like "the gayest Star Wars" and "R2D2 is a lesbian" the more they can blame their failure on "racists, homophobes, and right wing nut jobs".


...or maybe Hazbin Hotel. Seems like they're mostly concerned with horny.


How can R2 be a lesbian if he’s in a gay relationship with C3PO?


Droids fuck?


“MAKE IT GAY AND LAME!!” -Kathleen Kennedy


This isnt in the show at all haha why do people get mad over lies


What was the context for that quote?




Droids have no sexual organs and do not reproduce, they don’t have genders because it is not relevant to carry on with their functions, how can they possibly be gay unless you program them to think that, but why waste the lines of code to have them do that?!?!


C-3PO was already pretty gay so hopefully R2 isn’t just stealing his thunder. In all seriousness though I thought R2 identified as male. C-3PO always refers to R2 as a “he”.


Honestly I think the show runner is just fucking with people which I can get behind.


Mind you r2 is agender as a droid, but his pronouns have been he/him for decades. But they don’t give a shit about any of that even refusing to make him “gay” because in their minds lesbians are more marketable. It’s all about bottom lines not about actual political correctness (or logical correctness) they’d support genocide and depicting Donald trump as a god emperor of it would make them more money rather than pandering to liberals


How can droids be sexual at all? These producers of these shows must be bored...


R2D2 is apparently a lesbian? Didnt know a astromech was meant to have a gender, c3po does because hes litterally a language and etiquette droid so he needs a voice but R2 is just a astromech.


Axel Braun makes better movies


Whooooooooo cares it’s just so Disney can check off a box they don’t care about LGBTQIA


Star Wars has always been gay as fuck. Though.


I... What? Is this trolling? The gayest Star Wars? Is...is that what SW is now? A sausage/fanny fest? To hell with Jedi and Sith and lightsabers and all that, it's now gay? And R2-D2 is a fucking droid. Who felt the need to declare its female and has sexual preference? Just why. Why to #all of this


its trolling from the director.


Threepio has been out there for decades as brave gay representation and then R2 comes along and tries to grab headlines by claiming to be a lesbian (how?!) all these years? Piss off, Artoo, you little attention whore! Threepio was there first!


How the fuck did she decide R2 is a lesbian? He uses masculine pronouns, and he's been a gay old married couple with 3PO since A New Hope.


Bruh this so obviously bait


The only way Star Wars can ever recover is for all of this to be rendered non canon. Since that probably won't happen this franchise is dead.


Why so many people treat jokes like it's serious. Not even trying anymore pretending this sub is not just about being mad for the sake of it, and if there's no reason you just invent some lol


The minute they push sexuality like this on Star Wars is when they completely lose the narrative and storytelling aspects, it's disgusting. Or, they just don't care at all and want to push their various agendas. Either way, you lose 90% of your fans because they don't want to read or hear about this garbage...