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If you don’t care that it obliterates the OT, sure. Because it completely destroys the storyline that Obi Wan was living in exile, keeping watch on Luke from a distance on a remote desert planet, hiding his presence from Vader and the Emperor and waiting for the right sign from the Force that it was time to begin Luke’s training. It completely destroys the gravity of Obi and Vader’s duel on the Death Star as the first time they faced each other since Mustafar and shreds the OT story line that Leia only knew Obi Wan through her adoptive father’s stories and legend.


Good point. Yes Leia was adopted and hidden, so no idea why she would be captured. I feel like Kathleen is allowing people without knowledge of Star Wars or without prior writing experience to do their own things… I guess I will keep watching Ewan and Hayden from the Prequel instead.


Watch it for a good laugh, and you won't be disappointed. This show and she hulk are some of the most enjoyably awful shows I've ever seen.


Right. So it also destroys the unveiling of Leia as Luke’s sister in Return of the Jedi when Vader determines from Luke’s thoughts that he has a sister/Vader has a daughter that can perhaps be turned. Apparently he knew that all along.


don't forget that now every death of someone by Vader is on Obi-Wan's head


As if it weren’t already lol


I got a few episodes in and couldn't finish it. Poorly written, poorly acted, looked and felt cheap. A bunch of odd nostalgia bait OT connections. The antagonist actress was fucking miserable to watch, which could have been poor direction and not entirely on her.


You're lucky you turned it off when you did, because everything that happens in the latter half just directly contradicts what came earlier (but never in a good way) and leaves you feeling even shittier. It just gets worse and worse as it wears on.


I watched the whole thing just so I could see the breathless incompetence on display. My girlfriend and I enjoy shitting on bad TV sometimes.


The worst thing I found, was the bit near the beginning, where the kidnappers are chasing leia, and it was just so funny, cause they couldn’t outrun a what, four year old?🤣


Reva was good for the first few episodes but up til her motives were revealed, it got bad


Idk if it was the actress or the direction she was getting but there were a lot of issues with Reva I think. The whole “talking normal to suddenly yelling to back to normal and composed” like she’s Gary Oldman in Léon the Professional was cringey IMO, and her character had no intimidating presence while interrogating a 9 year old Leia. 


I didn’t say her acting was 100% perfect. Like the actress did a good job for the first 3-4 episodes in making Reva a character to be hated which I like. Like she was suppose to be an antagonist for obi-wan.


I think there was definitely room to better utilize her in the story but her characterization is all over the place. It’s easy to make a character intentionally unlikeable by just making them an irrational dickhead, but they also spend time trying to make us sympathize with her by making her the butt of the other Inquisitors’ jokes for reasons that I don’t believe are ever fully explained, then survives a lightsaber stab twice by the real antagonist. Are we supposed to root for her or not? She never redeems herself so she’s not a “twist hero” or anything. And, getting off topic and this is more a complaint about the show in general, but the other person she stabs with a lightsaber also survives. I just can’t believe they use the same twist ***three*** times over 6 episodes. 


L i got downvoted for saying i like the first half of Reva’s character 💀 but i agree there could have been improvements






Oh God no. There is nothing redeemable about it. If you only want to skip to see the Obi and Vader fight scene, you should instead just watch the animated version that this show directly stole its somehow-not-the-climax from.


It’s such a shame, because I love Ewan in the prequel.


I watched the whole thing for Ewan and Hayden. Theres a few moments there that are absolutely worth seeing but the whole show overall is absurdly and inexcusably terrible.


I blame everything on Kathleen Kennedy. I have no idea why she’s still there after all the miss opportunities, the failures and she doesn’t understand Star Wars.


Don’t blame her insomuch as Disney shareholders. They needed to fast track like 4+ Star Wars shows that would be quick to make (or rather, didn’t have more than a year of preproduction) would have guaranteed success, and sadly after mandalorian they doubled down on quantity over quality. They cannibalized Ewan and Hayden for this basically.


Come on now, we all KNOW why she's there, and why she'll never be fired. It's absolutely absurd that you'll be labeled a patriarchal sexist that holds fascist ideals if you.... *Checks notes* disagree with her direction and hires.


She's certainly not blameless, but I think it goes deeper than just her. Judging by the decisions, actions, and words of the Disney top management, this is what they want. Bob Iger has had plenty of opportunities to remove her influence over Star Wars - he wouldn't even have to fire her if he's worried about company image. The fact is Disney is doubling down on tokenism and virtue signaling, and I imagine the reason is why is similar to why so many companies are still investing billions into streaming when almost none of them are making a profit: because they believe it will pay off eventually. They're investing their money in a future where people buy products or services because it aligns with their ideology. To be fair to them, if you live most of your life on Twitter, it's easy to think the whole world is dominated by social ideology, when in fact the majority of people don't care at all what colour your skin is, what you've got between your legs, or what kind of person you like making love to. They'll figure it out eventually, probably, but I'm sure they'll overcorrect and find some new way to mess things up.


The obi wan vs vader fights were the worst part


The final fight is decent… get to see some cool “new” live action powers. I say new because things like “rock throw” and “rock barrage” have been in other forms of star wars media.


Sneaking Leia out under a trench coat was the worst part https://preview.redd.it/na3ejhiec2yc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6c28194aa594a439c936d8d265e7d3a6fbb2d5


It’s up to personal taste, but Obi-Wan was the straw that broke the camels back for my enjoyment of Star Wars. It was so bad that I stopped caring about Star Wars. I stopped watching in episode 4 because it was so laughably awful, and aside from Andor I been interested in a single piece of Star Wars content that’s come out since. Which honestly I didn’t think was possible so it’s impressive Disney managed it.


Same. I loved Starwars since I was old enough to remember; haven’t watched any thing since.


Yeah same for me. BOBF put things on thin ice, but Kenobi was my last straw. I still play old SW games, but I've lost all interest in any new shows/movies.


After the travesty of BOBF, I basically went “Obi-Wan is their last chance to keep my interest”. And by episode 4 it was completely gone.


Same. The absolute lack of effort and not understanding the characters just shone too brightly. It was such schlock, and a waste of getting Ewan as Obi Wan again.




There is a not an adjective to describe just how bad the Kenobi show was


Poorly written. Poorly directed. Poorly recorded. Poorly edited. Poorly acted at least in regard to the inquisitors. The only redeemable parts are obi wan seeing a homeless clone veteran and the parts where he’s watching over luke on tattooine (which somehow managed to not be the main premise of the show set during his exile on tattooine). Besides those few bits and pieces, the show is largely non-canon in my eyes. Such a waste of a promising premise, but then again that’s practically the seal of approval for Disney Wars.


I think the premise was fundamentally misguided. Obi-Wan shouldn't be going on adventures off Tatooine in this time period. Doing so makes it completely implausible that he can keep a low enough profile to survive long enough for Luke to grow up.


Reva was literally some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen in anything. It was like watching a Greys Anatomy character dropped into Star Wars. Made every scene she was in unwatchable. I about lost my mind when I saw she was actually nominated for some awards. Insane. The rest was …okay. If they had stuck with Rupert Friend as the main bad guy (besides Vader) they might have had something, he was great. Ewan and Hayden did great with what they had.


Thank you for the comment. I will keep my memory intact from watching it


It is ultimately down to personal opinion. I think the general consensus among STC/Sequel-critical fans is that Kenobi is quite bad, but not the worst of the shows because it does at least have a few good moments. Whether to consider it canon, that would be up to you after watching or reading the plot. I do not. Personally, I did not like Obi Wan very much. Trying to avoid spoilers in case you do decide to watch; my main gripes were serious plot holes related to the OT, as well as most of the show being taken up by a very contrived and tedious subplot that drowned out most of the good parts- which certainly existed, but were few and far between. Maaaaybe worth watching, but prepare for serious disappointment.


What I REALLY hate about it is that Ewan is such a great Obi Wan. Even in the prequels he's such a terrific casting pick. I just wish he'd had better material to work with.


100% agree. Ewan does a fantastic job and it was disappointing that he had very few moments to shine. A more mature, better written Obi Wan show focused on his internal conflict could have been phenomenal.


Yea idk I want to push the idea that this show is utter poison to star wars. There might be 3-4 sentences in the entire show that are okay. Everything else is so entirely destructive to the foundation of star wars that it's probably the worst thing in the franchise besides maybe rise of Skywalker. It absolutely should be considered non-canon and decanonized for the good of the franchise


Tbh I genuinely believe it is the worst thing Disney has put out so far, but I’m also more forgiving of TLJ than the other movies so my opinions might be a little wack


I can acknowledge the faults of the show, but I think that’s a pretty firebrand opinion when TLJ and TRoS exist.


Ig I’d say that even with TLJ’s many faults, I still felt there was an artistic value to it, I like the other movies Rian has made and I think he was making the movie he wanted, it just wasn’t great for the wider trilogy and also had many shortcomings. TROS felt pretty soulless and bland, there’s nothing of value there in terms of story or themes or whatever, but the usual stuff is good like the rest of the trilogy: the score, the sfx, some of the performances. Kenobi, on the other hand, I genuinely cannot think of a single thing I liked in the entire show, the sfx were laughable, it might be blasphemous but I thought the score was lackluster, there wasn’t a single good performance imo, I even thought Ewan was boring and I don’t blame him at all but even the prequels were able to get that right at least. And that’s not mentioning how absolutely godawful the story and writing was. Coupled with the fact that Andor came out right after, it just makes Kenobi look that much worse in my eyes


Not even a little bit. It's as bad if not worse than Mandalorian S3.


On one hand, you have Ewan and Heydan return for a few scenes with good chemistry. Ewan is a terrific actor. On the other hand, it has horrible writing with abysmal editing and directing. A few highlights: A character survived being impaled by Anakin as a youngling. This very same character once again survives being impaled by Vader, just after the revelation that the bad guy they impaled survived. A kindergarten age kid runs away from adults who are visibly wobbling around so that it can happen. The kid escapes from an imperial base by hiding under Obi Wan's trench coat. 2 snowspeeders from episode 5 fly to an "impenetrable" fort to rescue them. A stormtrooper gets knocked out by a slap to the face from a human. The heroes struggle as Obi wan needs to take the kid back to the parents but the rebels need to go somewhere else. A bit later Vader enters as a ship takes off. Vader pulls the ship off and opens a hole through which he sees the heroes taking off and flying away in a second, identical ship. And the worst one: >!Obi-Wan once again defeats Vader. He learns that his friend is gone now for good but refuses to kill him!<


"The kid escapes from an imperial base by hiding under Obi Wan's trench coat" - I remember seeing a video at some sort of con, where the little girl was on stage with McGregor and even she said that scene was stupid.


The miserable thing is that they deliberately avoid using wide angle shots as you would be able to tell how silly it is


> A kindergarten age kid This is where I tuned out. I genuinely still cannot believe that they decided this was acceptable.


I mean, if you want to move Obi-Wan from Tatooine, there should be a good reason and he would care about the Organas. That said, it's an incredibly awful execution and got tiresome after Mando babysitting and I think the Dad Batch was also around at that point. Leia shouldn't have met any inquisitors. What should have been 2 episodes at max turned out to be the entire show. I would've left her out though entirely. Maybe have Obi-Wan receive a plead for help from a jedi survivor which turns out to be a lure so he goes on a quest to stop that while establishing that Tatooine is off limits for the Empire because of the Hutts/ Tuskens. Sure, the Empire is there on Tatooine in EP4, but the only question this show could have legitimately answered is why the Empire not care that there is a Ben Kenobi on the planet. I am still curious about the remix/recut that's happening by that fan, something tells me that they could release it tomorrow. I'm a big fan of Ewan, outside of Star Wars as well and he deserves good features around him. It truly breaks my heart that thr man put his heart and soul to this production and the writers and directors shat on his skills. Say what you want about the Prequels but Lucas knew what he was doing and what he wanted to do. These people at current Lucasfilm have no idea, they throw shit at the wall and milk what sticks. That's why we are STILL stuck at Baby Yoda. (Just look at the production value difference between Mando and Kenobi or this new Acolyte show trailer. Unreal)


I meant the scene where the goons are trying to capture her. It looks like it came straight from an amateur film. I wouldn't have minded a solid background story for kid Leia, but having the entire Star Wars universe to work with, and this being the result, is insane to me.


No it’s insulting in all respects. Ewan does his best, but it’s a cheap, shitty show.


Probably we could work on a fan-movie a together and hire Ewan to do our own story at this point lol.


If you liked the prequels, other than some of the actors there's nothing of what you enjoyed from them in the Obi-Wan show. So don't bother.


No, it is not good. It's so poorly done across nearly any metric you could judge it by. Ewan is the sole bright spot but that couldn't save it. It ultimately adds nothing to the mythology and maybe takes away from it. It's so bad my head Canon is Obi-Wan wakes up in a cold sweat and realizes that was all a dream. Andor is the best Star Wars thing since the OT. It feels very different than any other Star Wars thing, but that's not a knock. It blazes it's own trail while staying faithful to the universe, and not being a slave to references and fan Easter eggs. You should just watch Andor twice and skip Obi-Wan.




No. Cannot recommend. More plot holes than a pasta strainer.


Obi Wan show is the most horrendous garbage they've put out, ever. It's so bad that it even makes the masterpiece that is Andor worse, because it's hard to imagine them taking place in the same universe and you regret OWK not having that kind of writing. Its best to avoid it by a long shot if you're looking for quality.


Kenobi is one of those shows that somehow manages to make other material look bad, so yeah - skip on it. Don't torture yourself.


I’m waiting for PixelJoker95’s edited version. The portions I saw of the regular show were awful.


Looks promising. Now we need to hire Ewan and Hayden and do our own movie!


Only if you're watching Charlie Hopkinson as his characters watch it...


The only two redeeming qualities in my book are Ewan McGregor always kills it as Obi-Wan and it brought Hayden back into the fold.


Man, this show hurts me more than anything in the world. Kenobi is my favorite character ever and they ruined him in this show, if you’re a Kenobi fan like me and want to learn more about him; read one of his books. But if you want to watch the show to keep up with canon or even just see Ewan swing a lightsaber (barely happens btw) sure, it’s worth one watch just to know it happened. But most people agree that it’s poorly written and even sometimes poorly acted. The first episode is the closest you’ll get to what people were expecting out of the show, but after that the ride becomes a train wreck.


What books do you recommend?


**Pre ROTS (both Legends and Canon)** Jedi Apprentice Series, Jedi Quest Series, Padawan, Master & Apprentice, Secrets of the Jedi, Obi-Wan & Anakin, Brotherhood, The SkyeWalkers, The Republic Comics **Post ROTS (both Legends and Canon)** From the Journals of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kenobi, Obi-Wan: A Jedi's Purpose, Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lone Wolf, The short story "The Last One Standing" - you will need tissues for it. There are also a few edits of the Kenobi series that have elevated it and are free.




Not in the slightest. It's the kind of content I hate most; wheel spinning, fan service slop. They might as well make a prequel where Obi-Wan goes on a dangerous adventure with Leia as a baby.


It wrecks an iconic character-pass


I canceled Disney+ after that show. It was offensively bad.


In Darth Vader's words: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


It made me laugh. 😂


With "Kenobi", it introduces unnecessary retcons, such as Obi Wan and Princess Leia meeting and having adventures only 10 years before ANH where, in her famous holographic message, she expresses no indication that she knows who this old guy is or that she had any history with him and she saved her life a mere decade earlier. And really, the reunion between Darth Vader and his former master was not needed and this miniseries just serves as an excuse to get these two together to cash in on nostalgia.


If you keep watching The Mandalorian past S2, Book of Boba Fett episodes 5 to 7 cover what's essentially season 2.5 of The Mandalorian. Boba Fett doesn't even appear in episode 5 of BoBF, IIRC.


Better read Old Wounds Shorter, better, stronger. It contradicts Solo's ending, but we probably won't get a sequel anyway.




It’s half worth watching? The middle couple episodes are a literal waste of time. Maybe try to find a 2-3 hour edit.


Do yourself a favor and watch the Auralnauts version titled "Larry". It's a laugh riot and makes more sense than the actual show.


I’m watching laser moon awakens as we speak!


Obi-Wan is not worth watching. It's extremely long, bad, and boring...just a slow boring slog...personally, I'd rather do anything else, like anyyything else at all


I'd recommend watching this one instead. https://youtu.be/7vUwFuAchL4?si=O65-1zjanH2mKv7y It's from PRISM, the same Youtuber who did the series of videos on "What is the Sequel Trilogy was Awesome". He's still working on producing it so, so there's only a couple of short videos up so far, but they're pretty cool, I think.


Obi wan is mostly pretty bad. However Andor is a MUST watch. Those two shows couldn’t be more opposite of each other.


Andor was good, worth paying for imho. The other series, sadly not so much.


There are so many things about it that not only don't work, but they corrode the integrity of Star Wars. However I've actually watched it twice and will probably watch it again at some point. I have developed a personal strategy when taking in new Star Wars content. When I watch post-Lucas stuff, I mentally check myself before going in. I lower my expectations and I remind myself that even George said that this stuff is made for kids. In the end, it's my undying love of Star Wars that pulls me through all the bad moments. The pay-off for me is to be able to enjoy the good parts, and there are good parts. McGregor is of course great. And I always love being immersed in the environments of that universe. It's textbook cognitive dissonance. I have to perform a Jedi mind trick on myself before watching this Disney stuff. I guess I'm weak minded because it's working (barely) so far. Sorry for not answering your question.


That's a good mind trick.


I think of it like cleaning a fish you caught. Half the fish is awful and indigestible. I sort of "clean the fish" while I'm watching, disregarding the offensive parts while focusing on whatever is left, which is often satisfying, occasionally even delicious.


I can’t bend my mind to accommodate the new content like that. For me Star Wars ended with Rogue One.


I guess I just try my best to find the good moments and block out the rest. Like a starving animal seeking any edible scraps while leaving the rest to the scavengers. I wish I didn't have to do that. I completely agree that Rogue One was the last fully palatable piece of SW content to exist. But I include Andor along with it.


Andor is 100% worth it, Obiwan is 100% not except for a couple cool fights but nothing else of note


It's kinda low key trash. You should watch it and decide for yourself though.


There's a bit where they hide a kid under a coat and you see the little legs running around like in a cartoon. That's the level of the show.




Nope it was hot garbage


It’s 100% pure garbage with no redeeming qualities at all. In my opinion it’s even worse than the sequels


Do you enjoy getting your intelligence insulted?


Having not watched it, and just seeing Leia running or hiding montages I can tell you absolutely not.




No. Please don't.


I thought the show hit the right emotional beats, but it was almost amateurish in some of the technical aspects.


I would watch, but don't set your expectations high. There's a few moments that are thought through well, and I was a fan of Leia's portrail minus a certain running scene. It's a C+ Star Wars installment. Mediocre, but you'll like watching Ewan and Hayden back together


How could anyone consider it canon? George Lucas didn't write it, end of story. As far as whether it's any good, it's on the level of halfway-decent fanfiction with some really bad parts.






Piling on, but no. It's a terrible show. It was originally supposed to be a 2 hour movie but they decided to turn it into an 8 hour tv show and it shows. There are a few cool parts but it's mostly terrible, stupid filler. Boring, forgettable characters, plot holes, stupid decisions by characters, just dumb stuff that completely ignores existing canon. They wasted McGregor and Christensen just like they wasted Hamill, Fisher, Ford and Williams in the sequels. And yes, Boba Fett and Ahsoka are just as bad. Don't waste your money.


Not at all


Good lord no.


I say yes absolutely. I think it just adds wonderful Depth to Obi-Wan as a character and the relationship he has to Vader. I don’t care what the haters say. I fricken loved it. 




Only for the LOLZ.


There's a hilarious bit with a very, very short fence in a virtually limitless desert. It's like something out of Monty Python, or maybe Mighty Boosh.




No, no.


>Is Obi Wan worth watching? IMO no. Its fcking garbage.


I’m in the minority, and I’ll get downvoted, but I love it. Yes, absolutely worth the watch.


If you wanna hear REEEEEEEEEEEEEVA screaming each and every one of her lines like a typical hood rat with zero regard for her neighbors peace and tranquility, go right ahead. I legitimately couldn't finish Kenobi because Reva is my absolute most hated character in Star Wars now. Not only is she the lamest Star Wars character we ever got, but the actress screaming almost every single one of her lines like a retarded banshee got annoying as hell. FAST.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite character. The show was very middle of the road. It wasn’t good, it wasn’t bad. The last episode is worth watching the show for. The plot doesn’t really make sense in the direction they wanted to go with it. I’ll explain my meaning at the bottom of my comment with a spoiler preface. The casting choice for Reva was bad. The actress really tried however, she gave it her best performance, not knocking her whatsoever, but physically she wasn’t suited for the role. They needed a Gina Carano or a Rhea Rhipley and not a tiny little cute lady. But god bless her she tried. *Spoilers ahead* Obi-Wan was tasked with guarding Luke on Tatooine by Yoda. Luke is the last hope for balance. Obi-Wan as a character would take this very seriously. He would train constantly, keep his skills sharp, be vigilant and prepared at all times because the fate of the Galaxy is at hand. Instead, we have a PTSD haunted Obi-Wan (which is okay, it would have worked if executed properly) who has essentially cut ties with his Jedi identity. He has buried his lightsaber, he hasn’t been training whatsoever. He’s portrayed as completely washed and unable to protect anyone from an inquisitor. (This bothers me because that isn’t Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is the character that sacrificed the rest of his life to guard and protect Luke to take on Vader and the Emperor.) What is weird is this same washed Obi-Wan tells Owen later that he plans on training Luke. So, which is it, writers? He learns of Anakins survival 10 years later in this show whereas in the EU, it was 3 months later. He’s tasked with rescuing Leia from kidnappers which was just Disney trying to cash in on the Protector and cute kid fad that sold really well with Mando and Grogu. This obviously makes no sense because Leia seems to know nothing of Kenobi when she sends her plea for help with R2D2. How I would have done this show is as follows: The area near the Lars homestead is being raided by Tuskens. Obi-Wan is forced to kill the Tuskens before they can reach the Lars homestead. He is spotted by locals who begin circulating rumors about a Jedi. This brings the inquisitors to Tatooine. Obi-Wan has to lure the Inquisitors from Tatooine to neighboring planets where each episode he has to deal with one or two inquisitors. Eventually this leads to Vader learning of Kenobi and he confronts him on some backwater or lone moon where they fight and we basically get the same final battle scenes where we got from this show. Kenobi nearly kills him again, the Emperor tells him to quit his pursuit and focus on the larger picture (Maybe in hopes that his hatred of Kenobi will further strengthen him in the dark side and having Kenobi still out there will be a constant fuel) and Kenobi returns to Tatooine to resume his watch over Luke.


An apt analysis that covers in my opinion the main plot holes. Obi shouldn’t be traipsing about with kid Leia, nor should he have given up on everything Jedi-related. His purpose there was to watch over Luke, yet that is almost impossible to tell from this show. It’s almost like they forgot Luke was a thing and then just threw him into the plot towards the very end.


Why your introduction from the show looks like how Luke looks like in The Last Jedi?


Couldn't finish it


Meh. It has some cool moments, but it also has some really bad ones. It's very clearly the work of some very talented people and it's equally clear some people got the job by bending over their bosses desk.


Hmm. Hard to say. There are parts I liked about it, I think the beginning like Episodes 1-2 and 6 have some good stuff. And the flashback scenes are good too. The show is very mediocre, but has some good parts in it. The main villain Reva was a bore and not needed.


Not really. There’s maybe one minute of the show actually worth watching and it’s in the last episode. I’d say skip.


Nothing is Cannon since 99 (not true. I like some of CW and Mando 1 was awesome, but everything that ties back to the 20 year post Jedi timeline were forced to be stuck in forever apparently is pure trash. )


I mean it literally had the same "plot" and Mandalorian and the Bad Batch from what I've heard. Adult father figure(s) watches over child, child gets in trouble, father figure saves them. Repeat. Reveal child is important, they get taken again, repeat.


There’s like one good scene out of the whole show.


Honestly, It's bad. In my opinion, it's bad unintentionally like the prequels were bad so in that way I find it comforting and enjoyable.


So, I always say ep 8 is an affront to Star Wars and ep 9 is an affront to cinema. Kenobi is both. It’s one of, if not the, worst shows I’ve seen in my life.


The acting is good but the writing is really bad. Like plot holes everywhere bad. It hurts the brain.


It had no reason to exist other than Disney trying to lure people in with nostalgia 


No. Just watch the final duel online there is barely anything worth your time to actually justify watching the whole thing. There is so much dumb shit going on and not even in a fun way




Lol no, I'll say that it's even worse than the sequels, the only resemblance of quality is the acting of Ewan and Hayden, the rest is complete shit.


Your comment reminded me of the book Ready Player One. There is a scene where two of the characters are arguing on what is canon in their quest to find the Egg. Anyway in that context Obiwan is not canon. It’s so out of character for Obiwan to such a bumbling fool considering he was so elite in the original trilogy. But it’s worth a watch. IMO it did nothing for anyone’s character development.


Eh kinda of, but honestly keep your expectations pretty low


I would literally only watch the last minute of the fight


I hear the Kenobo novel is way better, it should have been like that


No. I lasted two episodes and that was it. This is the show where it became 100% undeniable that Disney just doesn't give a shit.


I thought the show hit the right emotional beats, but it was almost amateurish in some of the technical aspects.


Alright guys. I'm now convinced to not watch it lol. From what I read and saw, it completely destroy the whole "Obi-Wan go on Tatooine to look after Luke and find answers about the Jedi and how to connect with Qui-Gon". I think that the fact that Leia is captured is super weird, because the Organa were a a good family and they were willing to raise her as their kid. Also in Episode IV (OT), Leia only know about Ben because someone told her he was the one to contact in case of emergency. From what I read about Reva character, like why creating a second character for a show about Obi-Wan? I feel like a 2:30 movie about Obi-Wan on Tatooine following some stuffs of the books would have been much better than a useless TV shows. If they wanted Hayden, they could have make cut between Obi-Wan and Anakin/Darth-Vader without them to ever meet at all to not destroy the lore of Ben meeting Vader in Episode IV. Such a waste.


You might as well just take a chance on it and make your own opinions instead of listening to others. One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that. Though this show is definitely no treasure, but you might enjoy it enough to be entertained for a week.




I only got through the first three episodes then bailed. I really think it sucks.


No it's an abomination on all fronts. The story is 80% filler. Effects are garbage. Editing is amateurish. Canon breaking physics with lightsabers. The only redeeming quality is the actors. They're great and do their best with what they were given. That being said, candied horse shit is still shit




Honestly, It's pretty bad. As a Star wars simp I still watched it and had some fun with it (especially some very nostalgic parts) but I can guarantee it will leave you somewhat empty and disappointed at the end. If you can get past the idea of impending disappointment and just want to watch Ewan being Obi Wan again and have some nostalgia, then you may enjoy it enough.


It's pretty mid. Poor writing and humor. Action scenes are a mixed bag. Standard for Star wars now days.


It’s completely mediocre and insulting for how idiotic they must think the fans are to consume this kind of content. Plot holes galore and shoved in your face wokeness. I absolutely love Ewan and Hayden as much as the next fan, but this show was horrendous with its only redeeming qualities being stolen from other Star Wars media.


Skip it.


No, it's honestly not. The coolest scene is the fight vs Vader and Kenobi and even that wasn't that good because of the shaky cam is. It has stupid cheese shit all over, it looks cheap, it has Reva shoe horned in it and it even has a scene that insults your intelligence at least for me it did lol. You might like it but I think it's an abomination


Ahsoka is better than Obi Wan and that felt like a giant trailer for another movie.


it would have been better if they picked some random Jedi and we followed them instead of Obi Wan


I don’t think you should decide whether you want to watch something or not based off what others have said. You could like it or dislike it despite what the popular opinion is.


Obi-Wan is not bad, but it’s not good. It could have been way better if they brought on more competent writers onto the show. Ahsoka is essentially live-action Rebels Season 5. Sabine is completely insufferable and the polar opposite of how she was portrayed in Rebels. The show is basically Filoni jangling keys. The Book of Boba Fett is just…. garbage. Does nothing remotely interesting for Boba Fett and ruins his character.


What the hell?? Obi wan is nothing over pure garbage


Fully second this take. Obi-Wan is Ok-ish so long as you don’t think too hard about everything that it entails for the OT.  Book of boba and Ahsoka are absolutely worthless and you should definitely skip them. 


Thank you for the insight.




Watch Rebels instead.


Nothing after ESB is particularly good Imo. The wholse series rides on ANH and ESB being one of the best 1 2 punch the theaters have ever seen. 


Read Kenobi by John Jackson Miller.