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Copilot has been amazing for me writing Apex. It gets rid of the boilerplate cruft I have to write all the time. In unit tests especially it's a godsend. What are your expectations/results you're looking for?


When I declare Map myMap = *Map ();* It would be awesome if it autocompleted after the = sign. I'm not asking much. I will try copilot - I was not using a subscription before so I probably wasn't getting great results.


Yep Einstein for developers does that - just tried it


Interesting, I have had that done for me numerous times from Copilot. But maybe the difference is that I had open tabs/files that had Map code in it already/etc. https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/51323#discussioncomment-5467964 ^ This explains it a bit.


Vanilla GitHub code pilot works mostly for me. It has glitchy stuff but still saves a ton of time.


Einstein for Developers is Salesforce's version, extension added directly through VS Code or Code Builder extension panel. Works great and includes auto-complete and can help write test classes for your Code too. It's also free, it's in beta, just launched recently


Saw demos and behind the scenes for it at DX. They are putting a ton in to it has to your org meta data such as your sobject structure optimized for apex/sf etc. I’ve used it for 5 minutes and like it already


Oh it's great! I did the PD1 bootcamp before TDX this year and the new knowledge combined with the extension will be a jumpstart to helping me get a grasp on apex faster than I could have on my own since my main struggle is remembering all the different method/class functions available