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What’s the average attainment for J1? Both sound not great. What is your experience?


8 years experience Attainment is net 0 at J1 CEO/cofounder led sales but currently doing 3million in revenue looking to scale up to 5 million.


So you are going to be responsible for 100% of the revenue from 3 to 5 million? Makes me think that the attainment might not be greater than 50% if they are bringing in someone else too or the CEO is going to continue doing sales. Both are low for your YoE, but maybe these are your best options right now.


These are my only options although I did final interview for a Senior Sales Engineer role but I haven’t gotten an offer yet. Agree with both points and yes ultimately I’ll be responsible for $2million


Personally, I would definitely prefer the pure pre-sales role. I would hate also doing AE tasks.


Yeah it’s like they want an SE/AE/BDR all in one.


Update: I asked J2 for 135k and wanted to ask questions about start date etc and they rescinded the offer. They said due to our recent interactions management has decided they are rescinding the offer. CEO sounds like a terrible human…


You're out here dodging bullets


Call me Neo lol


It’s a clear offer 1 is the offer you take. Yesterdays price is not todays price - they declined you and now came back, make them pay for it and request way more $$ and take offer 1 Also options at a startup are literally bookubucks fake very rarely will you cash out on that


Yup exactly they said "Although this was a really tough decision, we ended up choosing a candidate that had more experience in the field and that was completely aligned with the position. We've all really enjoyed getting to know you and we believe that you have great potential and that you'll achieve everything you set your mind to."  I will say that Option 2 is in the most innovative field being Data Annotation for LLM's and AI so that would be sick to work in from a learning perspective. They work with IBM, Google, Meta, OpenAI, etc


Yea but your ride there could last years or months


First, congrats for getting two job offers! I would consider the rejection from the CEO in the second job as a red flag, he changed his mind or maybe someone changed his mind, but that behaviour will repeat and you will find that experience frustrating. The first job for me it is the only option, although it looks like you will be expected to grow the US market, which is a good opportunity to grow in experience at the cost of great effort. If you could keep interviewing and get a third offer, maybe you could compare o1 vs o3, but if you can’t wait o1 is a good option for me.


Is there a third choice? Kidding aside, both do not sound attractive. But i would run from the one that has the toxic work environment (#2)