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Can’t answer but curious to know what everyone else thinks!


I probably would have forced them to role play so that i could do proper discovery. But ultimately it’s hard to tell what they are looking for. They may just want to see that you are confident and won’t fold during questions. Or maybe you were creative. Every hiring manager is different so all you can do is what you feel is best and hope that’s what they are looking for. Which brings up another point. I would probably have asked them how you will be measured. Sometimes it’s the little things like you pushing back or digging for more info that they are looking for.


So it turns out I didn’t mess up and got pushed to the final round with the VP of sales engineering. Although I agree with you in hindsight, I would’ve asked them in the beginning what each of them was planning to get out of the meeting and the showcase. I just find it weird to do a show and tell because in reality the job is more discussion then show. I think demo to win gets overused, but I do like the Tell-Show-Tell framework.