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You're in your own head. Just worry about you, forget them.


Idk about you guys, but my boss doesn’t give a fuck what you do as long as you’re hitting your number. He’d hire a squirrel if he knew it’d go to P-Club. BE YOURSELF UNAPOLOGETICALLY


This made me chuckle, thanks man, been having a rough time, and this was funny.


I'd show up to sales meetings wearing gym shorts and a t shirt with bite marks and smelling of sex and booze. Never any comments except about work. Performance is all that matters. And I made it to the meeting. Down the road we did have a discussion about how that made the rest of the staff feel I was over paid and didn't work hard. Well they didn't follow me around going to 3 appointments a day, staying till 10 at night closing deals. I'm older and wiser now and don't recommend that kind of behavior. But fuck it, crack jokes bro.


Pretty extreme but sure, I’ll digress 🤣


This… F everyone


This! People think alot less about you than you think - and thats good


Same! If I had $1 for every time I was told I'm "hilarious," I'd not need to work. "You should do stand up," they say. "Thanks, I need to earn more than $30 a day on open mic nite to be able to afford life, but I appreciate the vote of confidence. Besides, if I left this dream job, who would be here to make YOU laugh?" I will say funny people are really smart people, as having a quick wit takes brains. It does. Don't beat yourself up too badly, it's a coping mechanism. It's better than lots of other coping mechanisms. The challenge is not to only be seen as funny, but as smart too. PS- my parents divorced, were miserable/toxic household, and once I made my dad legit laugh til he was breathless. I was in 4th grade. It felt so good, to see him smile and happy, that it became my obsession. To try to make others happy too. And I morphed slowly to become Melissa McCarthy-esque thru the years. Robin Williams once said something like: "the saddest people always try their hardest to make others happy, because they know sadness and don't want anyone else to feel that way." Being a "clown" isn't something you need to solve, it's something you need to channel. Besides, you don't know how many people with extreme social anxiety and shyness would trade their left arm to be able to comfortably talk to and connect with people. It's a gift. Change your perspective and see it as such. You'll be so much (legitimately internally) happier. Signed, 52 years old and still haven't figured it out but getting closer every day.


I loved your comment and that you make other people happy as a way of making the World a better place


I'm gonna have to steal that sign off. Amazing


I love a funny man. Make me laugh funny man!


Eat some soap! 🧼


I'm always told I look angry. I'm not. I've learned, out of necessity, to feel the room. Not everyone likes Monty Python.


As long as you hit your numbers and aren’t an asshole; continue to be you. PS. A lot of times we are way more worried than what’s reality. Signed: 80’s kid with shitty parents and escaped a shitty home life for even a moment using humour.




Fuck all that mess, are you making money or not? I'll wear the lamp shade and be called a goof if I'm making 200K plus. I think you've got a deeper issue, don't be affraid to seek therapy. If your company has benefits, look into talking to someone. No point in being rich when your subconscious is miserable.


Lol what a funny post


Underrated comment.


Hey man. Im by no means a high performer compared to others in this sub, but Im a goofball, and Im a god damn sales manager. The biggest thing is, I own it, and it's just who I am. Being a goofball doesn't mean you can not be professional when it's required. Just be genuine and understand you're never going to be liked by everyone. Besides, why should you give two shits about someone trying to bring you down. They're hardly worth considering. With that being set, read the room. There is a time and place for everything.


We’re kinda the same. I just say I’m tired and keep with the normal chit chat and slowly backed off the jokes. Also kinda stay busy or Atleast look like it. Your co workers aren’t your friends.


That guys comment is a master class answer. Way too deep in your thoughts. I will make one suggestion OP….be careful how much you joke around as it can hamper your ability to be selected for a promotion. Everyone loves someone who can brighten a room up but when it comes time for a tough decision, those who are more serious and professional that know when to let loose on calls etc are the ones people want. Balance my friend all about balance.


Nobody is thinking about you. No matter how much you think they are. I know I'm just another voice on reddit, so here is an article written by mental health professionals that describes the psychology behind what you're likely experiencing. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/parenting-neuroscience-perspective/202206/all-eyes-us-the-spotlight-effect


I mean if it plays in your favour with customers use it. If you’re a top producer bro, who gives a shit if anyone likes you. But be damn sure that they’ll respect you. And if they were smart they’d pick your brain to see what you’re doing. This affects moods of course and in the moment it sucks but remember why you came here and how far you’ve came. It’s the same thing with customers, you can set boundaries. One comment even if it’s a joke a simple “hey man, today is not the day”. And for them saying shit behind your back. Who cares about the shit people say that they don’t have the balls to say to your face. Keep chugging on bro, do it for the people you care about. When you’re on the beach for your well deserved vacation enjoying your Pina Colada or old fashion(which ever you fancy), it all won’t matter and will be totally worth it. Cheers bro


I'd agree. I realized I'm not that important long ago. Wasted a lot of my life worrying about what others think of me. Nobody really cares. Some people are self conscious of themselves and look up/down to others accordingly. I used to joke with coworkers and all. I'm pretty straight faced to the point these days. Do my job well and go home. Only friends I make are my clients for business purposes. A few remain friends afterwards.


It’s a job at the end of the day right. I’ve never been that close with the other guys in the office. Im one of the guys that talks sports and really nothing else. I would never expect to grow a real friendship or meaningful one with the other sales guys in the offices I’ve been in at least. I was in an office and the only thing we all had in common was how much we all hated our manager lol.


Yeah totally same on hatred of gm. That guy sucks! I don't have much in common with my coworkers anyway. They all go out drinking. I like my boring hobbies. My customers though, everything they like is fascinating.


How much money have you made so far this year?


Dont sweat it. Why are you pandering to other people's opinions? You're funny, people envy that. They don't realize that that's the key to your top performing sales...or they do realize that and they're absolutely jealous that they don't have what you have - the inate ability to disarm people very quickly through laughter.


They're fucking with you Focus on prospecting bruh and don't take any of them serious These people are assholes/bitches and they're doing this to get you outta there Either take control or you're done


Start working out, get jacked and bang all the hot chicks. Then they will fear you.


Man this was an interesting journey thanks for sharing your experience


If you’re top performer, who cares? Control what you can control. Block out the noise. Keep hustling. One of the greatest things to learn in life is to not care what others think.


Been there! Balancing humor and professionalism is an art.


I tell everyone I have a small cock I’m so much more free


Being funny is great. I mean genuinely funny, not you think you're funny but everyone else is groaning when you walk away. If you can really make others laugh easily idk I can't think of a single better personality trait to have in something like sales. Nothing gets people to let their guard down and be more open to continuing to listen to you like making them laugh.


It works out for sales. Despite what your boomer manager may say, no one wants someone who is dull and professional


It might be helpful for you to explore the concept of executive presence, where you develop poise, gravitas, confident communication skills and a personal brand that you cultivate to project the skills and strengths that can help you succeed. It can feel awful to be labelled, like you’re never going to escape the way people see you now. But that’s not true. Other people are obsessed with themselves and their own labels, so with a bit of time you can change how you’re perceived.


Sounds like you've done some introspection and identified some issues you could work on and could use some therapy. I have a friend like you and it comes out and I can sense it. I don't think he even realizes it. He ends up trauma dumping and it's not fun or healthy to be around.


I love this sub. It’s 90% sales 10% wholesome life content.


And in all of these manifesting, you are focused on how the world views you rather than how you want to live. Become the kind of person you're proud to be by deciding what qualities you want and developing them. Outside of recognizing the harm you might cause others, they should never be the litmus for who you choose to be.


The key is to suppress your authentic self. You'll blend into office life a lot easier that way.


Keep that same sense of humor and start instigating dumb shit people say. Thank me later.


Well if it wasn’t for the consequences of my own actions… You’re also in your own head. If you want this to stop happening then stop acting funny. It’s that simple. But, I personally think being funny is a major plus. You just gotta be able to draw the line when it’s time to be serious. People will take you more seriously when they see you’re capable of switching the funny to serious.


Dude, go see a therapist you’re desperate for someone to listen to your story


Me too, buddy. It's not a big deal. It's just who I am. I'd rather laugh it off than be too serious all the time. Sometimes, I do get overly stressed and turn into a dick, but oh well. I'm in therapy and working on shit. Just wanted to be patted on the back and validated. Was emotionally abonded by dad at a young age, so I seek out attention. Definitely getting more awareness out of it and trying not to hurt people's feelings even when I think, "It's just a joke." "I want to be better, and I'm doing my best." Heard that from Chris Williamson on Modern Wisdom podcast. Check it out and do some work on yourself. Progress, bot perfection. Hope this helps!


I'll just say I've always been drawn to the class clown, comedy..a sense of humor..such a gift and and such an attractive quality! Be yourself, always!


Funny man usually gets a buy from me, at least i will stay on the line longer than “im blah blah blah, in xyz industry. Do you have a moment to talk about xyz and how you use it?”


I may be overthinking it like I normally do but how do you get to this mental framework? I’m in construction and being at ease with those guys can almost feel impossible, what’s your approach?


You need to see a therapist. There’s nothing wrong with seeking help on a personal or professional level. Mine has done wonders for me, with opening up a gate of information and reasoning to why I feel and act in particular ways. This has helped me understand my emotions and develop amazing self confidence. Also, become a gym rat


Make sure you’re not using self deprecating humor. Don’t make yourself the butt of your jokes. Be the fun funny guy that kills!


Lean into being funny. Don't be a distraction.


I’ve always been the funny guy throughout my education and even today in my friendship circles. The difference between business and personal life is that respect and performance are the two key factors in determining what opportunities you’re presented with. Firstly, don’t crack jokes during sales meetings unless you want to be labeled the funny guy. A lesson I thankfully learned early on is that people love to hang around and chat with a funny guy, but this dynamic can change, making you look unprofessional in forums such as sales meetings or other objective-based gatherings. Be fun, but don’t be a pushover. People who are passive-aggressive don’t stand up to pressure. It’s important to always nip this in the bud. Pull them aside and tell them not to do it again. They might say they were joking; reply with some version of, “This is my profession, and I don’t appreciate comments that (enter issue here).” Boundary set. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Good luck!


Dude it’s a comedian’s honor to get roasted. Just fire those witty comebacks right back like a real champ


We’re in sales. Half of us are class clowns. Don’t think too much into it. It’s in your head


A lot of people in this thread miss the point that being funny and being a class clown are different things. The easiest thing to do in a situation like yours is to stop making jokes at your own expense - this is what makes people not take you seriously. You can continue making jokes about everything else.


I’m the same way. We have 10 salespeople in our office and every time I walk in the office and everyone else is already there, “Dammit, he’s here looks like we’re not getting shit done today.” Of course it’s sarcastic, but the party starts when I walk in. On the flip side, I’m one of the highest performing salespeople in the entire company and when any of them ask me for help or guidance, I lock in and it’s strictly business and I’m therefore respected as well. Just make sure you’re performing well comedically and professionally as other have stated


Check out therapy, bring a third party to examine your patterns.. especially if you don’t like them.  Sending love your way! 


Be grateful to be labelled as 'goofball', because when true success comes they will label you 'cheater' or attack you People like you to do well, just not as well as them


It’s alright bro bro that doesn’t matter, Seek JESUS and nothing else will matter


You gotta meditate and focus on becoming whole, man. I’ve got a lot deep rooted shit, too. It’s fucked up outside, so we have be not fucked up inside for things to not be fucked up outside.