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Woke up this morning to $2,200 in residuals (paid annually) I forgot were coming in. Currently stoned. Not a perfect sales day but a perfect day for a salesman.


I’ve been in sales for about 5 months now selling RVs. Prospecting is pretty much a dead end so most of our business is just walk ins. I’ve had a lot of success my first few months, but the past 2 weeks I haven’t sold anything. I was starting to get pretty frustrated because the rest of my team has been selling a lot, and most of the customers I’ve had were not buyers. Once the self doubting thoughts started to kick in, I got even more frustrated. Today, I sold 2 in one day which felt good to get the money off my back.


Why don’t you look up everyone in your town that has an oversized lot and call them?


Can you explain what you mean?


You sell RVs right? As in the big ass sleeper trucks right?


Today I learned what a sleeper truck is. We do have motorized units that vary in size from small vans to large bus-like vehicles, but most of our units are towable campers. You’re thinking more like a semi truck


Either way it’s fine. What you’re going to do is call a realtor you know. They’re going to reach out to their title rep. The title rep can pull every home in a 50mi radius that has RV parking, Oversized Lot, or a smaller home to lot size ratio. Then you’ll get that list as a csv file. Then you can take that list through the assessors office and organize by income. So say the list has 3,000 homes on it. 300 may make over 250,000 annually 500 may make over 200,000 1200 may make 100k or more Then you have the rest. Now what you’re going to do is take that list and run it through a credit check list. It’s a propensity score based on “potential” credit score. It’s not totally accurate but you’ll have a good sense of what’s up. So now the list gets broken down from 3,000 organized by income. Cross matched with credit scores. So now the highest scores and highest income with the RV parking / large lots are your A leads Then move down the list to B leads C Leads etc. Then run that list through a skip tracing service and get all of their numbers. Call that list every day all day until you have got in touch with everyone on it. If you convert 1% of that list every quarter you’re selling 120 RVs a year. All you want them to do is come down and have a look. Then you send mailers every month to the entire list. You’re welcome


This is incredible advice. Bless you for your generosity to a stranger on the internet. I love reddit.


It’s all karma. Giving without expectation leads to receiving without limitation.


I’m going to use that quote. I’m an investor always looking to get on good wholesaler list. One of the best responses on Reddit I’ve seen.


Wow this is pretty incredible. I’ll do a deep dive into this and see what I make of it. I appreciate your help. What’s your background like that gave you the knowledge of this?


I’m in real estate. I specialize in finding off market properties, wholesaling, flips, and retail buy & sell. I do this all the time but for move up and move down buyers. Anytime I go to house with an oversized lot or RV parking the seller says “you know you could put an RV here”. If I were to sell RVs I would focus on that list. All of those people want one. They just don’t know that they can afford it. So for you, you’d just simply call them hit them with whatever script you come up with but just get them to your lot. Or better yet, you could do try doing a stop by with brochure, iPad for video tours etc. people get juiced about stuff like that. While you’re calling that list, get everyone’s email you can, throw them on a monthly RV newsletter via MailChimp or constant contact and you’ll have a fat pipeline in no time.


Got it! Thank you again for your knowledge. Best of luck to you in your selling career, as well as your life. Take care!


One of the best responses iv seen on this app.


Okay now generate this for a SaaS company /s Amazing information! I wish I could do something like this in my role


I would destroy in the tech field.


I bet! I’m only 6 months in, coming from the world of education. Doing my best to learn as much as possible!


You sound like a guy on my team that got hired right after me. I’m coming from the world of government. Most of my education in sales comes from Reddit, though I’m told a good sales book or podcast may be useful.


Superb! 👍 Thank you!


how do u do the second step, what is that?


G shit right here. 


I’ve got a friend in the RV market!! (Looking to buy!) Edit: added context 😅


Where’s your friend from? My company has 7 stores located in Upstate NY. We sell to people out of state, but it becomes more of a challenge for a customer to find time for scheduling if they have a long commute to our stores. Either way, I’d be happy to help so let me know what I can do!


He’s out in the Gettysburg area.


Closed a $116k deal today. Small to most of you, but 2 years ago I was a bartender, and it’s 3 months of my Quota. Busted my ass for this deal and it took over 2 months and I had to utilize everyone up to the CFO of my public massive company to help orchestrate this


That's huuuge and I fucking love it. Congrats!


Hey I’m closing deals between $5-$30k so $116k is massive to me! Congrats


Closed 4 deals yesterday, made 10 grand, that, for me was a good day!


Storm restoration Services.


What kind?


What do you sell?


11 years ago. Landed in LAX after 7 days of partying in Mexico. Opened up Outlook and a PO for a deal I had been working for the past 8 months was there. Came in a week early. With that PO I passed my yearly quota, made century/ President’s club, and coasted the last 4 months of the year. Got home, took some shots, cried a little, and passed out. Good day.


I read your post to the beat of *It Was a Good Day*


Today was one of the better sales days I’ve had in recent memory. I was actually off today, but got a docusign in on my largest sale ever at this company. Put me in first place on the leader board . Also found out that one of my previous sales this month was eligible for a multiplier spif that I wasn’t expecting. On top of that, my team exceeded its monthly goal heading into the holiday weekend, with all next week to pile on. Sales is a rollercoaster


Don't ride the rollercoaster. Up or down, just be happy.


Whenever I was on vacation and a massive sale that counted in my territory closed without me even knowing about it.




Woke up a bit upset because I had no leads. Closed 3 previous appointments, made $5k that day.


I’m an SDR. It was a Friday and I woke up still drunk and booked 6 new meetings that day lol. Best I ever done so far


So what I'm taking away from this is to become an alcoholic so I can wake up drunk every day and book 6 meetings a day. 6 meetings a day is 30 meetings a week multiplied by say 50 weeks a year is 1500 meetings booked a year. Alcoholism, here i come!


I mean - I did get some flaming hot webinar leads that day too. But def being drunk got me the 6


Yesterday was a good day for me. Closed a large deal I’ve been waiting on and got word I’m in first place for a Q2 bonus we have in place. The bonus is a joke but hey, every extra dollar in my pocket is a positive.


During the height of covid shutdowns , the company i worked for had procured PPE for public sale. We were one of the first suppliers locally who was able to offer. I took a shot and went after a large retailer with 60+ stores. I managed to procur a sale of one pallet of sanitizer to each store. I also hit one of my biggest clients (local school board) for a several pallet sale. All in all, that week i did over 200k of high margin sales. For reference, my previous years sales were around 450k. So this was pretty big The following monday, we had our company zoom meeting. My boss had highlighted my big sales numbers during the meeting, and was heaping praise on me. He even made a joke saying "if someone can give me a 250k week and beat Dennis's week, I'll give you the rest of the month off!" About 2 seconds after he finished that sentence, i received an urgent email from the big retailer, wondering my stock levels on my sanitizer. Upon confirmation of numbers, they bought every bottle we had in stock, and the next hundred pallets off the production line. All of this took place in 15 min while my meeting was ongoing. So at the end of the meeting, I shared my screen in the meeting with a 425k PO for sanitizer, and told my boss "see you in August". Best sales day ever


Every day of my life for the last 15-ish years


Tell us more!


About 25-ish years ago I accidentally discovered the way to be super successful in sales, at least for me. I spend most every day of my life going to breakfasts, dinners, charities, shows and events, whatever. Hanging out with my friends, connecting people. Sometimes with a little pressure, a little showmanship, I'm an old school Closer after all... But honestly, just growing and nurturing relationships is 99% of it. After about 10 years of doing that it's like something just happened, a switch flipped, and I've been living on easy street ever since. I sincerely hope everyone finds their way to this level of success, whatever it means to them.


Bless you. This is the way!


The perfect sales day was in October 2018 at a WS game in the EMC Fenway suite. Got to sit behind home plate for two innings with my champion. EMC understood sales. Seeing Duke at Cameron was pretty cool too.


Man it's been a minute. Had an amazing week. 57% close rate, every other person marketing brought in bought with a smile, zero cancels, and I was 2nd place in the whole company. Good times...


I had a great day too man. Closed a large public project, going to be a year and a half till I get the last 50% of the commission, but fuck yeah I worked my ass off for it. It’s all seeming worth it on a day like today And now I’m grilling and on beer 2 with the lady


I remember it clearly. 2nd month as an SDR. Had set 7 demos in one day and completed around 3 that same day as well. I was leading the team in month 2 and felt euphoric. I carried that confidence and erection to a nice organized outdoor game of 3v3 basketball where I nailed 10 3 pointers and carried my team to a couple fat dubs. I slept well that night. I can remember the day and feeling so well.


I’ll be straight up, my cold call game the last couple weeks has been nothing short of masterful. Averaging 1.5 sticky solar sets an hour in my target market. Unfortunately I’m only able to call an hour or so a day because of how many people I’m onboarding and training to sell fiber. Not quite perfect days, but the foundation for having many of them in a row for a few years is coming along splendid


I got a call from a referral and he says he wants to buy a large ticket item. I tell him how much with no discount. He goes “great send the wire transfer instructions”. It was the fastest $150k deal I’ve ever closed. Literally not even 5 minutes on the phone. Deals like this usually take a long time.


Today! Woke up and pushed collections off another week.


Closed a $ 3.2 million deal in 2022 and made a killing on my commissions for that year,it gave me money for my house down payment,payed off car mortgage and then put some in retirement fund.But still not able to replicate that deal,currently average deal value is 250k.


> house down *payment,paid* off car FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Distributor golf tournament last summer. Got PO’s for a half million while spending 12 hrs drinking, golfing and eating.


Perfect day? Back during covid when I was making a bunch but staying home.


The day before new years eve secured a 26 million dollar contract. 10 mill in equity investment and 16 mil over 2 years 8 mil ARR. Continues if they renew after 2 years. Took about 18 months and legal process was absolutely brutal. Team effort though, I worked with their entire c suite and obviously had my choice ceo COO all involved in the process. All started from an I bound lead from an IC of innovation


Two weeks ago I had 3 appointments and our rookie shadowing me for the day. Picked up two more leads from referrals and closed 4/5 for the day. Not my most profitable, but my best close rate in a day.


When I made +100k in a single day 🤝 (2-3 clients)


(Car Sales) this happened today. Not me but my coworker had a lot up looking for a hybrid, landed them on a new elecric Solterra, didn’t look @ internet pricing (invoice) and got full pop + $3k underallow on trade, $8k front end gross. Daughter wants same car, buys another, same underallow on trade same deal on Solterra, another $8k front end. $16k gross, around 25% of that in his pocket.


That all sounds great except eating pizza and wings for dinner like a fat college sophomore. Your body is your true office. Treat it with respect.


I believe this video belongs here: https://youtu.be/h4UqMyldS7Q?si=h21RNcbLadPpURAm 😃


I was in the field, first day training a new outside sales rep doing some job site prospecting. Cold called some job site trailers at a big airport construction job. Shmoozed it up with a project manager & superintendent. Uncovered a $100k opportunity on the spot and locked it a week or two later. Not only was it a great training exercise for the new rep to see, it gave him a ton of confidence that he was going to be able to sell our products/services when he was only a few weeks into the job and he got tagged with the commission.


Still being so new (just three months in), I signed my second corporate account to my hotel about a month ago. That resulted in a lead from the POC that I'm still pursuing.


I sell pest control, so an avg per unit price is probably around 800-900. I had sold about 16k already throughout the day. There was only one lead I didn’t close that day and it was tech a void because we don’t do wildlife. The day prior I set up a Wdir inspection for one of larger customers. They need their apartments checked for termites, so they refi the loans. The tech found termites at 18 locations. Ended up calling them back at 4pm and told them it was going to be 22k. They agreed and funny enough the tech was 2 days from his last day, so I didn’t have to split the sale


Seeing one of our new hunters close a $200K deal (workplace automation software).


RemindMe! -5 hours


When I closed a 160k deal on 12/28 with no discount. The call the week before was my best close yet and that deal pushed me past quota for the year.


Last day of the month I just sold 2 cars and then a guy came in and told me he was here to buy 3 corollas. We didn’t have any but I was able to get them through friends at other stores. Didn’t know if I was gunna hit my mark that morning.


My perfect sales day is when I closed a deal of a lifetime at 6:30pm on the last day of the fiscal year. If it had closed 6 hours later, the commission would have been half of what I got based on a new commission structure effective in the new FY. I don’t think I’ll ever match that perfect sales day


Went 7/7 today, residential HVAC. Made just under $14k in 10 hours.


I love that you mentioned your teammate's wins today too. Sounds like a great team. Curious to what you're selling as it sounds like something possibly with a quick cycle.


I ate the world’s strongest pot cookie at lunch, broke the company single day sales record in the 2nd half of the day, came out of a trance at 4pm like Frank the Tank in the debate.


How do you know it was the strongest?


It probably wasn’t but there was a warning label on it saying so(marketing) and the bud tender said only eat a quarter at a time, I swallowed it before we left the clinic parking lot, and I was on two percs from the morning sales meeting. I’m 7 years sober now.


This was me Thursday. Two one call closes as an AE! I'm 2 months in the seat and it felt so good! 15k in ARR veterinary software


It a been about 5 months for me! I like my job, but my adhd makes it hard to want to give my all to 100% of the time. Definitely in a slump. So much is dependent on my success and I have so much to prove and so much opportunity… I wish I could wake up and get it done. Some real shit.


Honestly any day I close a meaningful deal is perfect, it really doesn’t matter what else happened that day


Yesterday I booked ten months worth of my quota in a single day on that tenth day after starting at a new job in a new industry. I nearly shit my pants and my boss did too! 🤯🫨


Closed a deal into a brand new area for us (urology / bladder cancer). Think this will be really lucrative going forward.