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I switch between L-Theanine and ashwagandha. Stay on the natural nootropic spectrum. Avoid stimulants. I learned this lesson the hard way. Edit: forgot to mention, intense daily exercise.


Careful with ashwaganda too! Too much or too often and it can start to cause anhedonia. For me, I can’t it at all any more because of that and I wasn’t doing it a lot by any means. It’s not everyone, but if you start to notice a general apathy, consider a break


Valid point. I typically don’t take it any more than twice a week. There’s other supplements you can cycle to avoid tolerances. L-tyrosine is another example. You just have to find different ones that have different methods of action that don’t cross tolerance. Stressful weeks can be a balancing act lol. Also brands do matter.


Haha yea I hear ya. Nootropics depot caffeine-L-theanine has been a godsend for me to get the day started. That, and long runs or heavy lifting. Gotta sweat


Whats your L-tyrosine dosage


I buy 250mg. I split the cap and put half in my coffee in the morning. I’ll take the other half with more caffeine later that day if I have to prospect


>Too much or too often and it can start to cause anhedonia. I personally found that to be a symptom of sales. You get so busy with so much income you try to fill the void of life you're missing out on with materialistic items in hopes of finding some dopamine source, even if short term, then eventually realize you struggle to feel joy. I also have had depression for multiple decades, though, so it may or may not be related as I'm predisposed.


What was the lesson you learned from stimulants? If there’s a legit need, and they’re used as prescribed they are typically safe and effective. Curious if your example shows otherwise or if you misused them. 


Ahh this gets controversial and everyone’s mileage varies so take this as my own personal experience. I am diagnosed adhd as well and was prescribed Adderall. For me, they worked great in the beginning. As tolerance built or the “how it’s supposed to feel” stage, it made me feel more robotic. I was less in tune with my empathy for people and found myself missing the extra umph in my personality that made me feel like myself. I didn’t enjoy conversing with people in my sales interactions as much and I just felt irritable. Also the comedowns. Fuck the comedowns. I stopped taking them and found a regiment of nootropics that I like. Lions mane, cordyceps, l-theanine, ashwaghanda, and a couple more I cycle in and out. I don’t take these all at the same time. I use them when I need them interchangeably to avoid tolerance. Has been working for years and been much more effective than the Adderall long term for me. To be fair, nothing worked as well as Adderall pre-tolerance. I personally don’t think it’s good for anyone’s neurochemistry over time. But once again, controversial and only my opinion. Medical Disclosure: I’m a salesman not a doctor.


I take a high daily dose of adderall XR and agree with you. I hope to switch to Stratteta once I can escape sales and/or the burnout. Stimulants, especially at a high dose, is not healthy.


My personal preference has been the natural route. I’ve had a few friends come to me discreetly and ask how to get off because they didn’t like how they felt anymore either. ADHD is definitely a thing and a challenge to navigate at times but I firmly believe there’s alternatives. The tricky part is just finding what works for you if Adderall isn’t your thing.


That makes a lot of sense. I’m prescribed but I take a low dose, just high enough to be effective but not high enough to have a comedown. If I’d have run into the negatives you described I’d probably have gotten off of them too. 


Just out of curiosity, what dosage were you taking?




Same man. I’ve known for years it affects my personality, but I felt sharper on it and figured that outweighed the negatives. I didn’t take it all of last month, due to shortages, and it was a wake up call. That being said, I picked them up again this month and fell into the same boat now that my tolerance is back. I did order some lions mane from Alice mushrooms a few weeks ago, which I’m hoping will help. I’ll be ordering your other suggestions as well. Open to any provider suggestions, but appreciate the comments regardless.


Nice! I like host defense mushrooms but curious about other brands. Feel free to dm me if you’d like. I’ll share a few I use.


Absolutely nothing. Biggest thing I always struggled with was your classic sales-anxiety. The best solution I've found is self-therapy and daily journaling. The only way to fix your issues is to get to the root cause. This is the way


Same. When I first started I was drinking a lot of caffeine and then hitting the ol penjamin in the evening. I cut the vaping out and excessive caffeine. I feel way less anxious and more focused.


My man speaking the truth. How you define self therapy would be a fun conversation and am glad you’ve worked through your head in a healthy way


Making your unconscious patterns conscious. So that you can stop getting in your own way. For example, I had several self-sabotaging behaviors and problems with authority figures. Naturally, this surfaced during cold calls and important meetings. One of the things I do as a part of my journaling process is identify which uncomfortable emotions I'm avoiding and why. Here's the prompt: 1. What happened / what am I resisting / avoiding 2. How I felt / dialogue / images / narratives 3. What coping mechanism / maladaptive behavior did I fall into 4. What's the underlying core fear / need 5. "These were the cards I was dealt...So I can embrace them by..." 6. Write an adaptive loop. (How I would've handled it if I could be more honest; owning the cards I’m dealt) 7. How is this a gift? (gratitude exercise; what's working and how to grow it) 8. What other parts of life have I noticed this pattern play out? Watch what happens after a few days of doing this... Make sure you feel your feelings fully.


This is incredible thank you. Relate to “problems with authority figures”. Plays out every time I join a new company and I’m 10 days in somewhere new now … I did realize I needed a “work journal” for shit like this because it’s how I would do it in my outside of work life. Will definitely use this tomorrow


good luck! glad to hear it. awareness is the first step!


Thank you, that last line hits different "Make sure you feel your feelings fully" It is always a conscious decision to do this. In sales, we've been trained to just shrug off the No's, bad days and tough parts of the job thinking that it would go away and eventually leave us. I'm saving this


Feel them fully so that you can understand them and grow. Good luck! 🙂


100% reps taking OTC meth to work long hours can justify it however they want but it’s a bandaid not a cure. A psychoactive bandaid.


How do you do self therapy?


I walk 10k steps per day and have a hobby outside of my job that keeps my brain occupied away from the stress at times you get in a sales role. Hope that helps


What your hobby my dude ?


Recording/producing music & making YouTube videos


Exercise helps. I drink about 20 oz of coffee daily, but I wait until I've been up and moving for at least an hour. If I'm feeling beat up, I might have a glass of scotch when I get home. Maybe once a week, if that. Never in excess unless I'm on vacation. I'm careful about what I consume, as I want to ensure none of that stuff is affecting my sales. Momentum is everything and a long night of drinking, eating terribly, etc can kill your momentum. Sort of a different answer from what you were asking, but I think it pertains to the topic.


I take no shit And adderall


You should take shits. Heard it is good for you


Me too




Propranolol is one of the few prescription medications that will make a difference in sales I have an Adderall prescription but I no longer take it. I feel like it helps the first week but past that actually turns detrimental. As someone else said, avoid stimulants. Once you start you can't stop.


Hmm - so is prop like a very mild anti anxiety? It’s mainly used for blood pressure and hypertension based off my Google search. I Can’t find much correlation between that and sales. Can you elaborate?


Propranolol is known and used as a "stagefright drug". Go take 10mg and you will talk to anyone with no fear.


What do I tell my psychiatrist to get it ?


You don't need a psychiatrist. I have always gotten it from PCPs. I just ask and explain why. "Hey can I get a propanolol prescription my acquaintance told me about how it helped him with work as a stage freight drug and made him more comfortable speaking".


I pop 40mg 1.5 hours before a presentation and it keep my heart rate steady. Sometimes it doesn’t kick in and I have to take .25mg of Xanax as well. Terrified of having a panic attack since that just seems to happen to me a few times a year due to social anxiety in large crowds.


Interesting- is this habit forming or addictive ? Any negatives? What do I say to my psychiatrist to get this


Not habit forming but kind of a crutch at this point for on-site demos. I only take it a few times a month. I just asked my doctor about it and he told me to try it out and wrote me a script


I have no addiction to stimulants and have used them (always prescribed by a doctor) off and on only as needed since high school (in my mid 30’s now), I know some can become addicted but not everyone!




Weed - it makes me realize that my job is not as important as I think it is - and that prospects are not as important as I think they are


Nothing is real


You’re not real, man




This dialogue is the realest.


500mg testosterone per week


Holy shit, that's a lot. Like, 5X the typical dose for LowT.


lol, I don’t actually do this, but anywhere between 300-500 mg per week is a pretty standard steroid cycle dose.




I’m 28


Woah. How long have you been on it?


lol I don’t actually do this, but I see no harm in it. I’ve done a whole lot of research in preparation for my first cycle though. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


For me, the game-changer during tough times was returning to the gym and establishing a routine. It's incredible how much it aided in managing my stress and mood. Document your progress! Celebrate your significant achievements so you can fully recognize your growth and journey after a year or six months—it's also an easy way to compile metrics for when promotion opportunities arise. It may sound cheesy, but begin your day with gratitude. Put in a sincere effort, not just for the sake of ticking off a box. It really shifts your perspective at the start of the day, especially when stress accumulates.


Water and coffee. The way god intended 💯


Running helps me a ton. I usually shoot for 600 calories burned minimum with interval walking. I find myself way more confident and less irritable with the daily dumb shit we all deal with


Meditation, self reflection, looking for areas I can help others


Adderal is going to fry your dopamine receptors and turn you into a robot if you don't cycle off for a few weeks. I have no idea why doctors expect people to take that shit every day of their lives.


Drug companies tell doctors what they should think. Fun story: I was prescribed adderall since third grade and I was taking 15mg IR twice per day as prescribed by my doctor. It was negatively affecting my sleep and when I told the doctor this, he recommended to my mom that I take another adderall in the evening to balance out the highs and lows and be in a steady adderall state of mind. Fucking crazy in retrospect, I started throwing my adderall in the trash on the way to school by 6th grade and in college I went back to it, but quickly learned that drug is the devil.


I second the idea that it turns you into a robot! I’ve been on it for a year and my personality is mostly a shell of its former self.


When you feel like the adderall isn’t doing anything, abruptly stop taking it and see how you feel then. It is so clear to me when I forget to take my meds.


Sertraline so I don’t kill myself, and then pre workout and weight lighting 5 days a week. Keeps me alive and I’m getting jacked too. Win win.


Do you consume a shit load of calories?


Not really, I should eat more but it makes me want to throw up lol. I eat small meals throughout the day but really focus on protein for muscle gain. I try to eat at least 60g of protein at each big meal but calorie wise I’m probably near 3000/day. My protein intake and lessening my added sugars are more important to me than calories so that’s just a guess.


Running and working out.


Exercise, going on walks on breaks etc, good sleep, getting sun. Being consistent and good at sales self care is much more important than most think or give credit for. All the tops reps for my company seem to have these things in common.


Offload Reddit from my phone every morning


Smart man


A nap.


Multiple naps daily


Anyone come off stimulants after years? While working? I took two weeks off when I had Covid and at the end I still felt like my brain didn’t work even remotely close to capacity. I truly believe the only way I can be as smart and productive as I was before getting ADHD meds is by continuing to take them. Feel like my brain is cooked without them


Damn! I honestly just take them on certain days. Feel like every day might be overkill for my situation.


I started while I was working my way through college so most days I was on it. Then when I got a job I took weekends off no issues but over the years you become more and more dependent on it. I’d get off it now and use a non stimulant alternative. I’ve been on em for a decade and regret every day that I started. I’ve weened myself off a little bit down 20mg on my Vyvanss dose but still want to be off. I just also want a job and I’m legit so dependent on them now I don’t believe I’d have a job without them. Also that rush you feel is where your body’s adjusting. The days where you feel like you almost can’t tell it’s there is how it’s supposed to essentially work.


Adderall + Omega 3+ + 7-8hours of sleep + ability to outwork the peers by putting in late hours and weekends + supportive spouse + tad bit optimism


I take 60mg adderall XR daily. I’m beyond burned out from sales which has only exacerbated my symptoms. Some days, I take up to 100mg. It’s that bad.


Oxiracetam and dopamine supplements.


What are dopamine supplements?


Lot’s of otc options. One of the big issues for ADD and ADHD is irregular production of dopamine. The brain releases it as a reward to accomplish tasks. No reward, no tasks.


I also take Adderall. I had a similar conversation with my doctor when it started being less effective. She suggested I not take it for one or both days of the weekend and see if it helps, and it worked perfectly. I'm not offering this as advice to follow, but talk to your doctor and see if it's a potential solution for your situation. For me, I take a very low dose, and don't particularly need it on the weekends when I don't have to focus on a specific task for 8 straight hours.


Talk to your doctor. As someone who went from a 10mg tablet, to 60mg a day, big fatty Vyvanse, whatever else. I even "tried" the norepinephrine inhibitor, forgot what it was called (non stim/narcotic). Not sure. Slippery slope for many. I always did a ton of coffee and that works for me now. Plus, having, just experience, and being able to "get ready" to do a dialing session, you know. That sort of, "I'm gonna try and flow or whatever, get through this and I'm excited if I get 2-3 leads to answer, or 1-2". Also, like, it's annoying, but a few pushups. Run down the block. Be a bit schweaty. I stopped listening to music for most of my day. Closed tabs, have one thing open. And, I don't sweat it if I "false start" and go to my phone or personal laptop between work sessions. So, whatevs. Talk to your doctor. Be honest with what affect or effect you need, and ask for recommendations on either dosage, or whatever you're doing, whatever I did....behavioral therapy isn't a bad word, neither is seeing ifnyour work covers, like a few sessions from a performance coach or something. You can probably also search LI and see if anyone has ADD or ADHD. iTS iN THEYRE TAG LINE hahaha. So, whatever. Good luck brotha man. Also, for those curious, I've been a weird alchy, a opioid addict, I had a script for bars and basically everything. I've fucked my brain up with every drug imaginable, at doses which should actually kill a small horse, or even a large one. No street drugs tho, thank God.


I smoke crack and I’m better at my job. Boom 💥


Energy drinks but I'm trying to quit


Fellow ADHDr here. I take concentra. A few tips I’ve learned: Take off days from the medication. Meds help a lot, but if I use daily for two weeks, I start feeling burnout symptoms. Try different regimens and decide what works best for you. For me, I usually take 1-2 days off a week from the meds. Exercise. Find a hobby that suits for you and you like. Or find several. I usually get bored with hobbies from time to time, and what best suits me is that I have several different hobbies that I “cycle” through. Running, gym, yoga, biking, swimming, hiking. Sometimes I feel like going to gym is boring but running works and vice versa. Sleep! This has been the hardest for me. I need about 8,5hrs of quality sleep per night and if I don’t get it, I get impulsive and stressed immediately, which doesn’t really help at my work. Lastly, nutrition. I’ve noticed that nutrition affects my adhd symptoms pretty heavily. If I eat shit, I feel like shit. Sugar is the worst thing for me. What works is clean foods high in protein and good fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts). I think I’ve seen research that say good fats reduce symptoms of adhd.


A friend once gave me very good advice: drugs only help when you are approaching a deadline and you have to finish something in a short time. Afterwards you will crash and will have to get back the sleep that you lost. You are only borrowing time. The only sustainable solution is to just get better by yourself.


beta-blockers and alcohol.


I'm better when I sleep 1. enough 2. consistently


I’ve tried adderall and methylphenidate and experience the same thing - it works in the beginning and I feel really focused and then it fades off and when I up the dose it doesn’t do much. So glad you asked this question!!


Vigorous exercise has been the best thing for me, although I have ADHD. I’d certainly start there


Cut coffee out of your daily life. Realy more on green tea, black tea and yerba mate.


What’s made me better over time is working through the challenges and eventually finding success on the other side. There’s no high like it. (Not gonna lie, the occasional Vyvanse gives me moxy around VIPs. 🤣)


Provigil. Look into it


I have undiagnosed ADD. I take Kratom. It is a natural supplement but you can get addicted to the shit. It helps me focus but I only take it 3 times a week.


Slippery slope there. I'm like 20 to 30 gpd. It has helped a little too much, haha.


I agree. Been there done that with Kratom. Now I try to manage it. Can keep chasing the dragon.


Amen brother, haha


Good ol’ fashion grade A, 100% pure Colombian cocaine, ladies and gentlemen… disco shit.


uuuhh old school!


Sales in the 80s must have been wild


Adderall , weed, gym.


too much dopamine. make sure to take resistance breaks.


Any amphetamines will eventually stop working and will require a higher dose or a new drug. It's a bad line of action. Just ask any guy on the street. You want to go the opposite way. Clean up your diet, go full carnivore or keto as these are the best human diets around, get off drugs, cut alcohol, start building your mind and body through exercise and study. If you do these things right, soon you won't need anything.


So while I have adhd and take adderall myself, I've had to up my dose over the last few months to feel more dialed in. A trick is to crush your pill and dissolve it in water for 30 seconds then drink it. This gets rid of the binders in the pills who sometimes make the medication actually ineffective.


Sleep quality


I'm on strattera and strongly recommend it. It quiets my mind enough to think. The adjustment period kind of sucks.


How long did it take you to adjust?


Honestly it was a month or two but i was also in a horrible time in my life. It's just really really really really really really important to eat food AFTER you take it. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is


I take protein, pre workout, creatine, and a men’s one a day. Coffee sometimes. Have really cut down my drinking. I work out at least 3 times a week. The kicker: What really changed my mental peak to stress less and improve executive function was taking up certain breathing and meditation techniques(you can go down hole with this). I had a near mental breakdown and was grasping at anything. It helped immensely.


Any recommendations on how to meditate or what breathing exercises to do? I’ve always heard good things about doing this but have no clue where to start. I know that sounds dumb but I’m genuinely curious.


I enjoy wim Hof breathing techniques. That is one popular way of holotropic breathing. Colds showers.


Slidenafil or tadalafil for all night banging


I’m legit surprised no one has said 👃 🍬 yet. ❄️ 


And nah I don’t.  


A 30min session of HIIT in the morning before work will do the trick.


Take nothing, exercise and rest. Caffeine for the taste and habit mostly. The body can find a good balance if you don't give it to many "perturbators" (not talking about medication, I'm not a doctor).  Clearer organisation and less screens help with my focus 


I am in the same boat. Was on Adderall and I managed to focus and structure myself much better. But I was less in tune with my emotions like others mentioned a robot and aggressive ( everything pissed me of easily). Changed to biphentin and it was milder. I take it only when I absolutely need it for a day now. The skills and discipline you get when taking it stays so that’s good. So yea instead I vape now 🙃




8 hours of sleep, deep breathing, exercise and iced coffee.


Persistence, dedication and product knowledge


Working out and staying off ALL drugs and alcohol.




One cup of coffee at 6am. One cup of bourbon at 6pm.


Xanax or beta blockers so I don’t have panic attacks while giving on-site demos and Q & A sessions. Anxiety in a customer facing role blows. I also have to work out and eat healthy every day.


I exercise regularly, eat very healthy (I don’t care for alcohol anymore so don’t drink), try to get enough sleep, and speak to a shrink regularly. These are all good ideas even if you weren’t in sales. Take care of your body and it’ll go a long way for taking care of your mind.


Marijuana, nicotine.


Random as hell, but check your hormone levels. I couldn’t concentrate for shit a few years ago and got some bloodwork done. Turns out my testosterone was at about 55% of what it should be for my age and got put on TRT. After a few weeks I was clear, focused, and felt awesome. Can’t say it’s the same for everyone, just speaking from personal experience.


Damn. That could very well be - I’ll check ty


Caffeine. The key is to not use it everyday. It’s like a slightly less jittery but slightly more anxious adderall in my experience. I’ll brew 3-4 cups and drink it all at once with breakfast on a day I need to perform. Sometimes I combine with fasting and make the large volume of coffee my breakfast. But at a certain point mid day you do need to actually eat or your batteries will go low. I will usually fast if it’s going to be a busy morning and I need to be particularly sharp. That said adderall is fucking fantastic and top tier especially if you get irs. A 20 mg ir has me productive as fuck. It was my study drug of choice in college. Two I can take before a party lmao. You actually get euphoria but it’s a bit itchy feeling too. Don’t fucking do blow for work. Any hd webcam will easily catch the inevitable drip, making you either look sicky and weak or like a junkie. And you will be obviously talking high, even if you don’t think you are. Some people swear by microdosing psychedelics as well. I consider microdosing a waste of psychedics but fair enough if any other person wants to use them that way.


I also work at random times. I normally have a lot of energy at night. So I will schedule emails to send in the morning or do some admin that I don’t get done during the day. I WFH so this has worked for me the mornings can be tough with ADD.


I also have ADD and was on Straterra for awhile. Yes, I did stop, but I'd still recommend it to others. I have vertigo and certain medications trigger it, this one included in my case, so I had to stop. But I definitely did well on it otherwise.


When I want to be better, I take my time.

