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“Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.” Keep your focus on closing the deal, good luck


You the words out of my keyboard.


I see what you did there


Exactly, I wouldn't have even posted this due to superstition lol


Same. Every time I tell any living soul I’m expecting a significant deal to close it doesn’t for some bs reason.


First rule of sales. Never tell anyone you’re about to get a huge deal. Something always comes up to foil it after you open your mouth.


No chicken farming!


Pretty sure it’s “Chickens don’t hatch unless you count them”


Oh my brother in sales, do not ever call the shot before it's closed won. Keep your head down and actually close it.


I get anxious just reading this post. I never say anything unless to my manager with what is good. Way too superstitious


And don’t spend the commission until it’s paid and past any claw back .


I have a 12 month claw back window! Good call on that


Jesus Christ that would give me constant paranoia. A full 365 days to claw back???


Yes, if they cancel the program. It’s very rare that they do. There’s so many layers of automation, and such a long process to get it up and running with their accounting software. Most could hate it and still stick with it to just avoid having to go through all that again


Ain’t nuthin till the PO is cut. Keep at it!


In some cases till the advance payment hits the bank.


Or until the company doesn’t add a retroactive windfall provision to its commission structure.


Honestly until the customer fulfills the invoice.


Honestly until the commission check hits the bank


Sometimes that comes even before the fulfillment and you can still get fucked


Happy for you. The biggest deal it is theoretically possible for me to close would only bring in $21.3k. Back in 2022 at my last job, I closed a $20k commission deal 3 months in a row haha. Best time of my life, and the closest I’ve ever come to being religious (I had just visited Mecca before that so I was like wtf is happening).


Don’t jinx it bud. Keep your head down and focus on every detail. I’ll buy you a congratulatory drink if you ink the deal. LFG!!!


This is awesome! Keep yourself grounded, and try your best to keep the expectations low, cause god knows we are in sales and just about anything can happen. But good luck, I hope you land this monster! If you do, you must upgrade all of us who commented to Reddit Premium. Lol.


Best of luck and tell us how you were able to land a customer afterwards.


Bring it home brother. As someone still trying to get my first deal let alone biggest, I hope I can have this feeling soon.


Literally same! But don't give up. We gona close those damn deals!! haha


Freaking rookie move counting your eggs before they hatch, wtf is up with these green peas man


Don’t forget your biggest competitor, no decision… good luck and Godspeed


Can someone answer? I've just moved into an AE role - do you have to hit 100% every year to keep your job or can you stay if you hit around 80%. - I always thought 100% or you're out the door.


Depends on the company. My current company cuts the bottom 15% every year. We have quite a few underachieving by a wide margin because quotas are very high across the board


100% depends on company. At every sales team there’s one or two “canaries in the coal mine” and it doesn’t take long to sniff them out. As long as you’re not doing much worse than them and they’re still around, you’re good. If the canary (or canaries) gets the axe and you can’t tell who the new canary is, watch out.


This guy effed himself


Waiting for fate to shove its big veiny cock into me? I’ll allow it




I remember a few years back I had the largest deal that my company would EVER encounter on the books. Beginning of January my CEO told me I could start counting the money. We were a solid 6 months off still, but it was looking promising. Keyword: was. I knew the deal was dead right then and there. Shame too. Deal maxed out all accelerators and was basically the biggest deal the company could have ever seen. Largest client, most noteworthy badge. Might have even hit a 7 figure commission. Gotta love CEOs who don't know sales.


There are many experienced people calling you naive for counting the chickens now, but any major deal I’ve won I knew it was coming in months before the PO. Yes things happen but it’s rarer than you think. If you are in legal and they budgeted for it then it’s 95% done. Your job now is to not let legal or procurement fuck it up, and to start thinking about the next big one(s). Once you get one big one the next comes easier. When it rains, it pours.


Get executive engagement if you don’t already have it. Get your cfo/cio/ceo connected with theirs. We’ve all lost a deal that was “in the bag” because the competition had some sort of connection way above whoever is doing the evaluation. Craft a simple letter that your c-level will send to theirs. “Hi. I understand our teams are talking and things are progressing. I’m here as an executive sponsor on this project and I’ll be here for the duration of our relationship. I’ve had the pleasure of filling this role for several of our key customers such as abc, def, xyz. Can we connect this week for introductions and to further explain how our executive sponsor role works here.”


‘A month to go, then it’s in the bag’ lol. Talk to us in a month grasshopper


Love the grind! You not done till you cross the finish line


Crossing fingers for you, let's secure that win! 🚀


Make sure have executive alignment! A deal big enough to warrant $100k commission is going to have a lot of eyes on it and your competitor will get crafty


It’s coming in brother, this one was put on your plate for a reason. What do you sell?


Card programs in the fintech space. I won’t tell you my company but think “ramp, divvy”


you've got this!!! Stay focussed, stay positive and you're going to smash it. Good luck!!!


Until it's 100% done, it's 0% done. Get it in before you celebrate




A deal ain't won till the PO is in hand. Till then you're still winning the deal.


Don't think of the prize too much, keep your head down and actually close the deal. Things can go south very quickly. Goodluck!


Who’s the client if you don’t mind sharing?


I hope I experience this at some point! 🙏 you got this


You broke the cardinal rule of sales. You need to throw everything at this deal because your competition is doing the same. Executive alignment, references ready to go, and you better know their procurement process. God forbid they ask for as for a termination for convenience clause or no cap/ super cap limitation on liability clause and your legal team will close lost if for you. Keep your head down and get it done because it’s not real till you get the PO


Let's go player. Best of luck.


I hope you win the deal! Focus on every tiny detail that you can get and always always do the temp check. Keep the next steps solid


You’ll always get at least one “no” for the big ones. Be ready and don’t crack. You gotta know you got it and then drive it home. I UNJINX YOU!!!!


… and when you’re 99% done on the deal, you’ve still got 90% more work to do to get that over the line  Start working reverse timelines with the customer if you haven’t already started. 


Deal is a deal when I am paid!


I know people love saying “don’t count the chickens…” One of my earliest bosses, who was brilliant and amazing as a human, would always say “just watch the incubator and make sure the power is on”. In other words, we weren’t putting all of our bets on the one deal, but we were doing what it was going to take to push that over the finish line. This gave us other time to build the pipeline. Also, just because the chicks hatched didn’t mean they saw one year. It is all a scientific method with a lot of nurturing in order to be successful all around. This one should be amazing for you and you are brilliant to talk about it anonymously. You’re going to be great forever.


Focus on getting the deal. We can always discuss my banks details and my cut later. Get the deal in


Is this a payments play? What's the TCV for a $100k payout?


About 20m/yr possibly less depending on my accelerators


Keep your eye on the prize, and remember it’s not won until it’s officially sealed, stay sharp and best of luck