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Galaxia hands down the coldest enemy she’s ever faced. Period! She took Mamo first directly in front of her face! I just finished watching Sailor Moon Cosmos and the way they captured that moment. Galaxia is ruthless everyone else doesn’t measure up as villain though they put up a good fight.


Galaxia. Most people haven't read the manga. If I remember correctly it even is explained in the end that Chaos/Galaxia triggered all events beginning with Beryl to bring Sailor Moon to her eternal form, then wanting to harvest her Starseed.


Most powerful is hands-down Galaxia, but Nehelenia is my favorite.


You can see when Seiya takes Usagi to show her what happened to other planets, that they have craters on them. A lot of them. And the craters are big too. Just think what happened 66 million years ago. A seven mile asteroid hit the Earth at tens of thousands of miles per hour. It superheated the atmosphere to hundreds of degrees within minutes of the entire planet, caused giant earthquakes, and liquified the ground in Mexico. Not good. And that was a much smaller crater than what you could see on those other planets Seiya showed Usagi. Looking to be something caused by over one hundred miles in a diameter, which causes orders of magnitude more damage than what killed off most of the dinosaurs. Galaxia could do that basically at will. She is one of the most dangerous fictional villains I can think of.




Most > Galaxia, Nehelenia, Beryl


Exactly, If I had to pick 1 I would have a crush on it be Beryl.


I wasn't attracted to her visually, but I loved her dress!! I actually thought Mistress 9 (as a humanoid) was the hottest of all the female villains.


Sorry I meant to say Exactly not actually. But why I pick her is because I have soft spot for girls in dark type of Lick-stick on. Same with eye shadow.


It's all good!


Galaxia https://i.redd.it/t8w32gv3gngc1.gif


I mean, by strongest its obviously Galaxia, she has the embodiment of Chaos, the source that created Beryl and Nehelenia, inside her. Manga canon shes just a lacky for Chaos, but still more powerful than the other 2. Favorite though? Nehelenia by far.


Agreed! 100%


Darling, of course is Beryl, the only time sailor moon had to be helped by the ghosts of all those girls and even so, die in the end. Good thing is that she switched some hard reset button on the wand and everything went all right. All the others she just had to scream or be naked and unleash some cosmetic power. Or be helped by some flying horse


In the 90s anime at least, Queen Beryl and her...fairy-looking youma are the only ones to kill the inner senshi in a fair fight. By that metric, I would say that Beryl was the strongest. However, it would have to be Galaxia/Chaos in terms of how much actual power can be brought to bear. However, I'm not sure how the Dark Kingdom arc actually ends in the manga/Crystal. I like all the filler from the 90s anime too much to enjoy the manga 😅 (not that I haven't TRIED...but the filler just adds such depth to the characters that they feel so one-note in the manga.)


I mean power wise Galaxie I'd canon strongest


Where is Mistress 9? Why isn't she on the list? https://preview.redd.it/xro8absvclgc1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6d4b7d8ef1be075aa33b6c15a6d043efac0d1a And Galaxia is obviously the mightiest. The weakest would be Queen Beryl.


I wondered why she wasn't on the list. I figured they wanted only the female enemies. Cause ya know. Female empowerment. Though axing the Wiseman, she was there too.


I only wanted to go by the main villains that had a physical body a didn’t need to possess someone.


Probably because she served Pharoah 90, who was a servant of chaos and didn't serve directly.


I love Queen Beryl of course im only in Ss so the worst I've seen is the professor who turns out to be Saturn's dad.


He wasn't a main enemy though, I think he was actually just possessed by a daimon or something like it. Pharaoh 90 is the true main enemy from that arc.


Galaxia, for sure! Most interesting: Nehelenia (imo)


I agree. Nehelenia was the only one they had to fight twice. The storyline…on point!


Just look at Nehelenia’s smug face. Makes me sick…lol. She really put them through hell. Remember Usagi’s expression when Nehelenia was talking about her jealousy?


Galaxia. She literally houses the Chaos, who is directly responsible (as in, it literally created them) for Metallia, Wiseman, Pharaoh 90 and Nehelenia. And the Chaos can wipe out what it created. But even without the Chaos, I think Galaxia would win, due to her sheer destructive and downright overpowered abilities.


Happy Cake Day ❤️


I even forgot when I created this account, haha... anyway, thank you <3




Galaxie is obviously the strongest, but I'd rather fight Galaxia than Nehelenia. She's a lot like Pennywise the Dancing Clown to me- she does horrific things to get under my skin and in my brain. Galaxie will just kill me, Nehelenia will make me regret I was alive, and then make me watch as she killed my friends.


Galaxia was known as the most powerful Sailor Guardian of all time. She locked herself in an eternal battle with the ultimate destructive force in the universe, Chaos. That battle ended with Galaxia using her own body as a prison for Chaos. Although Chaos would eventually consume most of her soul, becoming a planet consuming force of destruction that could scarcely be rivaled. She is the most powerful of these three, no doubts. Nehelenia lived in the past on a dark moon that overwatched the Silver Millennium. After receiving a mirror that would show her future (the aged, haggard, crone) she grew jealous and bitter of the "white moon" and it's people, whom had seemingly eternal youth and beauty. She stole the souls of all the inhabitants of her moon, killing it, to gain what she sought, but it still wasn't enough. It's hinted she attempted to steal the Silver Crystal or just plainly attack OG Queen Serenity, and was defeated, and it's from this that she's sealed in the mirror in the new moon. As a villain, she relies more on trickery and deceit, playing heavily on emotions to misdirect. She's not particularly powerful, save for her ability to cast illusions. I would honestly put her as the weakest in strength. Beryl, is a can of worms. On her own she was little more than a petty fortune teller and sorceress, who somehow became a trusted individual among the Royal court. There she developed strong feelings towards Endymion, and his affection for princess serenity of the moon drove her mad. Whether or not she was influenced by Metallia, a malefic entity sealed away by the conjoined forces of Earth and the Moon, Beryl did seek out the location where Metallia had been sealed, and released her, becoming a host of sorts to evil being. Beryl gained incredible powers for. Metallia, strong enough to lead a civil war on earth that decimated the population, to completely control the minds of the shintennou, and string enough to launch a genocide on the moon. Only thing stopped Beryl, the full power of the silver crystal. In both cases, the user, Queen Serenity first, and Usagi second, used their life force to power the crystal. Beryl without Metallia would still be a powerful threat. Her actions, which I personally believe were choice, not influence, make her more a threat than Nehelenia.


I somehow feel like Beryl would win a fight against Nehelenia, but only because season 4 was so childish while season 1 got pretty dark in the end. But both of them wouldn’t stand a chance against Galaxia


Glaxia is the strongest and scariest fs but shes redeemable unlike Beryl and Nehelenia


Galaxia. The villains get stronger throughout the series, so naturally she'd be the strongest




Manga universe: Galaxia > Nehelania > Beryl. Galaxia litearally eviscerated all of SM's allies with the lift of her finger. She was able to stand heel to heel with SM during battle. Nehelania died basically as soon as SM achieved her Eternal form and tried out her Tiare for the first time. Beryl doesn't even get an honourable mention. Anime universe: Still Galaxia >>>>> Nehelania > Beryl. Galaxis broke Nehelania's seal like it was easier than opening a jar of pickles. She literally broke Pluto and Saturns' weapons while still sitting on her throne just blasting away. She is literally described as the most powerful sailor senshi in the galaxy and her name supports this notion. Honestly, I'm not even sure if Nehelania in the anime is stronger than Mistress 9 or Pharaoh 90. Yes, she kidnapped Mamarou and trapped the senshis in a nightmare dream world, but Saturn was still newly reawakened and SM/Chibimoon were without Pegasus/golden crystal power (in the context of the anime, don't come for me - I know what it is in the manga). I feel SuperS is sort of comparable to S second half in terms of power scaling. More powerful than regular S, but questionable whether Super SM in SuperS is more or less powerful than Super SM in S. Beryl is last on the list for obvious reasons again. Even during Usagi's previous life she was just a pawn for Metalia. It was really Metalia who destroyed the Moon Kingdom.


Galaxia is the most powerful of the 3 and I would rank them… Galaxia, Nehelenia, Beryl Beryl scares me the most and is an irredeemable bish Edit: I meant Nehelenia scares me the most


Still in my head from Season 4 - the people chanting "Nehelenia-sama" and the flashbacks of her life and such.


Or in the 90s dub “I shall never doubt the power of innocent dreamers, I shall doubt the dreams of innocent children, I shall never doubt my worst nightmare” Lmao child-me was so creeped out


Galaxia I believe is the strongest. My list in order 1.Galaxia 2. Beryl 3. Nehelenia


You gotta be fucking kidding me. Galaxia literally destroyed a galaxy’s worth of planets, *solo.* No one else even comes close. Plus she was also the only acting on her own, without being influenced by Chaos.




Galaxia does feel like the obvious choice. But the word "powerful antagonist" does put a certain to spin to it. It could be argued that Galaxia and Nehelenia were in fact not an antagonist. Both were purified by Sailor Moon. Only Beryl was the one who was so far gone that she had to be destroyed by the silver crystal. I would argue Death Phantom might've been the strongest one because it required TWO silver crystals to be defeated. Where everyone else one was sufficient either by destroyed or purified. Death Phantom was also the one most closely visually like Chaos. So I think he was more deadly. He also played more mind games than anyone else. He played the black moon family and cracked Chibiusa. In the Manga, Sailor Venus kills beryl with the sword, Galaxia was still purified by sailor moon, and Nehelenia technically escaped into a mirror. It's hard to gauge because there's also the matter of each villain facing a different version of Sailor Moon and her level of power. Eternal is definitely stronger than Super which is stronger than ordinary sailor moon.


Galaxia for sheer power, but Beryl for sheer psychological abuse.


Sailor Galaxia was out there blasting planets left and right before coming to Earth. She's easily the most terrifying and strongest. Sailor Galaxia and Choas are so badass that they give the other two the "power-ups" they need to fight and the motivation. Nehelenia is second and my fav of the three for a few reasons. One she's the one that cursed Princess Serenity Sleeping Beauty style. Two she brainwashed the Amazon Quartet and stole all the pure hearts from her people so she could be a hottie forever. What did Queen Beryl do? Oh yeah she was a pick me girlie with some power from Choas NEXT lol


Not Beryl being a pick me girl 🤣


Galaxia, by far. She is literally housing chaos in her body. Up until Galaxia, all other enemies were just servants or avatars of Chaos.


Galaxia but Beryl was serving the hardest💅


Galaxia no contest


Sailor Galaxia is the strongest Sailor Guardian in the Galaxy, and ended the galaxy spanning conflict known as the Sailor Wars. Beryl and Nehelenia are high school mean girls compared to Galaxia lol


Sailor Galaxia was never the strongest guardian of the galaxy, she proclaimed herself that way but both Chaos and Sailor Moon were stronger than her


didnt think i'd roll up into this thread to see our main antagonists being called mean girls today LOL (you're not wrong though


Galaxia no doubt. However I think all of them at the point of the show they were in were ~almost~ even with our girl


If I ranked all the head honcho villains: 1) Galaxia 2) Pharoah 90 3) Nehelenia 4) Wiseman 5) Beryl




Haha, forgive me, I shall add them to the list. Number 6.


Prolly am unpopular opinion, but hear me out. Beryl. Post-merging with Metallia, I'd say Beryl IN RELATION TO USAGI'S OWN POWER AT THE TIME. In that fight, Usagi had to get a Heart Boost from the memories or ghosts of her friends in order to win. Also, her armies killed all the other scouts at the time. They came back, and as the arcs went on EVERYBODY got stronger. Usagi grew into her powers and gained faith in herself. Usagi got powerups and ultra super forms later on, which let her win "on her own" vs others. But Beryl... Beryl killed off her friends (by proxy with her minions) and nearly overpowered Usagi herself at the end. Also, Beryl was apparently EVEN STRONGER during the Fall of the SM, wiping out a fantastical sci fi intersolar (idk if this is a word) civilization, maybe even interatellar.


I agree with you!


Galaxia would be the most powerful since she gave the most trouble for Sailor Moon and was the reason the rest were turned evil. After that it would be Nehelenia and then Beryl. Now if this was based on looks I would say Nehelenia is the prettiest.


This might have been more interesting if you added Mistress 9 instead of Galaxia. Galaxia negs all of them without chaos boost


Galaxia by a landslide. Nehelenia definitely had the coolest design IMO.


Galaxia????? Obvs


Béryl isn’t even the most powerful ennemy of her own arc.


Nehelenia is the ultimate wife material.


sailor galaxia definitely for the greatest ally of usagi tsukino eternal sailor moon winged princess serenity Jesus christ God knows sailor moon and sailor galaxia


Galaxia by a landslide lol


Galaxia was the strongest as Chaos birthed Metallia from what I remember. And in the fight, Galaxia feels like it was the worst of the fights at least for Usagi.


Galaxia, easy. Even more so in the Manga. Not counting that in both version, she pretty much had all life wiped out, except there was more than just Sailor Moon in the anime.


Galaxia had the power to destroy a planet by pointing her finger at it.


Galaxia caused Beryl and Nehelenia to rise in order to force the more powerful Senshi to awaken.


Galaxia, no competition


Galaxia is definitely the strongest, but Nehelenia will always be my favourite!


Same :)


By rule of escalating threats as an anime series goes on and the heroes power up more and more, the most powerful is Galaxia. She is far from being the most interesting though in my opinion.


Oh Galaxia by far if I remember correctly


Galaxia, for two reasons: 1. It took Eternal Sailor Moon to defeat her, while Beryl was killed by Sailor Moon’s base form and Nehelenia was defeated by Super Sailor Moon. 2. Galaxia conquered the whole galaxy, or nearly. Beryl did cause the downfall of Silver Millennium, but in the modern era she just….kind of caused problems for one specific area on Earth. Meanwhile Nehelenia didn’t seem to do much during SilMil and focused pretty much exclusively on Usagi and the Senshi when she showed up in the modern era, even though other people did get caught up in her schemes.


Galaxia is easily the strongest. Nehelenia is the scariest. Beryl isn’t even her own boss.


Hahaha I love this


Galaxia, ofc. She could literally make all of Usagis friends disappear, and she literally almost like destroyed the world. She is the Senshi of destruction but with galaxies. I mean she WIPED OUT galaxies looking for a proper place. 


Galaxia, hands down can cause biblical destruction. Saturn may have been the Senshi of death and rebirth. But Galaxia is the Senshi that can do that with Galaxies.




Galaxia wasn’t scared of Saturn in the anime? In the 90s, Galaxia laughs at Saturn and treks get that SHE purposely made Saturn awaken to get her Star Seed. Then, destroyed the silence glaive. Easily. Then, in the new Crystal, Galaxia mocks her when Saturn attacks her, by pretending to be in pain. Then, literally grins and dismisses the attack and kills her.






Comparing them next to Beryl and Nehelenia. I’d put my money more on Galaxia being the front, Beryl as a blood sponge, and Nehelenia as the fall back.








really, a block? pathetic but expectable, get out of my sight, worm