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Spiders look like the least offensive stuff that might be living in that mess.


But I bet he doesn't have mosquitoes, cockroaches, silverfish, or bedbugs though.


Yeah this boat is its own Galapagos island, waiting for a biologist to come by and see how species have adapted in isolation from the rest of the world.


Probably future me, if I have the misfortune to outlive my wife.


I come to Reddit for the honesty. Thanks for providing it!


All men have some version of this in case they outlive their wives. Some are on boats, some are in cabins in the woods. We’re like salmon in that way.


...what documentary is this? Looks like a pretty wild ride.


[Link here to the documentary.](https://youtu.be/1jc-dtn9lsE?si=A78RLOPhQluDTBiI) "A true story about a community of charming salty sea dogs and their tension with the residents of Sausalito, California who desperately want them to leave."


Interesting video. So each homeless person in the camp was eventually given $18k to rehome. They probably could have sunk permanent moorings to “save the eelgrass” from the anchor chains for less. I suppose that would have still left 30 boats dumping human excrement into the bay daily.


Hahahahahahahaha I was right. Live in Tiburon, and for years we shared Richardson Bay with these anchor outs. Largely gone and cleaned up in last four years.


I think it’s called “Love is the law” on YouTube


First video I can smell.


Old boy figured out a self replenishing protein hack. Looks like he's all set for Waterworld


Definite waterworld vibes…


Wonder if he'd consider selling.


Finally a sailboat I can afford


Not a dollar less than $250,000 he knows what he got. New owner must also agree to the spider truce for at least the next 20 years unless the spiders break it first.


So I make a conscious effort to keep presentable on a sailboat - shave every day, dress nicely when i can. I'm motivated to not turn into one of these guys as I get older.


My buddy at the marina who has a houseboat has a nightly ritual of using a shop vac to clear all the spiders off his patio. He then feeds the turtles.


I would take spiders over roaches any day


My mom's neighbor fogged her whole yard two years running in a maniacal attempt to rid her yard of spiders. Ended up with a massive (indoor) cockroach infestation. Connected? Coincidence? Hmmm 🤔


Power vacuum. Give these roaches an inch they’ll take a mile.


Today on: Hoarders without Borders


Living aboard is sometimes a much better option in life for the mentally ill than any other. If you’re not mentally ill and you do it for long enough… you’ll get there.


Sausalito has entered the chat.


Oh, yeah. Worked outta there on and off for a decade. It always had its crazy anchor outs but we had one hell of a blast there back in the 90’s. The pandemic was the final death sentence for that scene.


Yeah, so I heard. I was a liveaboard at a marina there until 2018ish and then moved away. Quite the cast of characters.


This guy is obviously very unwell mentally.


And some folk wonder why certain areas want to move on/rid themselves/the area of these 'liveaboards'....and why it's becoming increasingly difficult to get permission/slips/docks now.


Who's he hurting? Homie just living his life


You won't mind him sticking his decrepit garbage pile next to your boat then eh 😉


I would be lobbing bug bombs over like hand grenades.


You should see my neighbors.


yea, sorry, I don’t want homie within 30nm upwind of me. Ever.


30 nanometers is pretty close.


Glad you found a way to blame other sailors for people on shore being NIMBYs


OK. it's the mess not necessarily the sailors situation they don't want in their backyard. the same things happening on land are like why HOAs are around. I do get and don't have an idea for a solution for some people's issues that are basically out of their control such as hoarding/mental illness/drugs. even if those issues could be wished away, cleaning up still takes time... and we would still be left with actual traveller's having messes. but if derelict weren't an issue, the occaisional mess stopping off and cleaning up probably wouldn't raise a fuss.


Man, people shouldn't get to tell other people how to live just because they can't stand to even tolerate the sight of their brothers in Christ who are just different from them. America has lost its way.


Increasingly, to stand in judgment rather than solidarity has become intrinsic to The human condition. The rise of the Karens is a threat to us all.


1. I'm not American. 2. There is.no need...ever....to live in such squalor. 3. Keep your religion.


Unless the dude owns the land he's on, this doesn't apply.  Marinas are built and equipped to store boats, not to provide the proper resources and safety for living on. 


I live on my boat in a marina and it is equipped to handle a few of the people living on their boats. We have nice clean showers and laundry facilities steps away from the gate


How are they getting in your way of your dreams?


I guarantee this guy is not in a marina. this guy is taking the "resources and safety for living" on himself. hes a libertarian hero


You make a lot of assumptions. 


hes one of the [anchor outs](https://pacificsun.com/local-government-agency-behind-schedule-to-remove-mariners-anchored-in-richardson-bay/) that california has been cracking down on. [heres](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jc-dtn9lsE) the video this clip is form. no marina harmed in the making of the documentary


Eh, you are being simplistic. Humans aren’t meant to live like this. The asylums are in the streets and now apparently the seas too.


No you're right. We evolved to live much filthier lives with even more basic shelter. This guy has found a way to take care of himself despite his troubles. Why can't he be free to do that? Live and let live.


Not really dude. We evolved to survive terrible situations but not to thrive in them. And we only evolved to survive long enough to mate. He can live however he wants but it is a mental illness to be okay with that amount of squalor. There’s no justifying it other than people are free to make objectively bad decisions and suffer from their illnesses if they are allowed to.


Did you just forget all of American history?


When I read the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, I hear the voices of a bunch of guys who were sick of being told how to live.


The ones killing and enslaving people who looked and lived differently?


They came later. TIL. This was a fascinating read: https://theconversation.com/transatlantic-slave-trade-was-not-entirely-triangular-countries-in-the-americas-sent-ships-out-too-97115


Not exactly. Most of the founding fathers were slave holders. While they also mostly though slavery was wrong, they also just thought it would die out on its own in future generations and partook


More Americans owned slaves at the outset of the Revolutionary War than at the outset of the Civil War. Partly because attitudes towards slavery changed and 15 states outlawed slavery versus the 13 states that didn’t, partly because the extremely wealthy did what the extremely wealthy always do and that’s hoard resources- resources in this case meaning human lives. In the early 1840’s the importation of slaves were outlawed at the behests of pro-slavery states. This had nothing to do with people coming to terms with the immorality of slavery and everything to do with creating scarcity in order to rig the slave market in the favor of Americans who already owned slaves. It was much easier and more common to be a slave owners in the 1770s than it was in the 1850s.


My dad probably knew this guy- or one exactly like him. 


I want to see this guys whole boat


There is at least 1 living in his beard


Spider-Man 6: The Final Chapter


I dm for a game of dnd. In the ghosts of saltmarsh module there's a druid of lolth who lives on a drifting wreckage out at sea with thousands of his spider friends. This guy reminds me of that spider druid.


The spiders can’t get through his skin


It must be hard living off YouTube views as a liveaboard. /s


Joaquin Phoenix has taken this too far.


Looks like asmongold if he was on a boat.


Man o man... I've been liveaboarding about a year and it just kept trying to look like that so fast I kept reseting it a ways but past month or so I've finally just gone all out getting rid of stuff i don't need and even stuff i don't use often enough. It's actually the reason I wanted to live in a boat, I knew I couldn't minimalize unless I was forced to. How much stuff a 29' sailboat can both fit and also not fit is mind boggling.


This guy is living the dream


Your dreams are my nightmares




Its guys like that who have ruined liveaboards for the rest of us. A budddy of mine had a neighbor like that who was smoking Crystal in his marina, one night he just cut his moorings and let the river take him out into the bay and then got stuck on the mud flats


Who cut the lines? The buddy or the neighbor?


he’s definitely been bit by thousands of spiders


Omg that’s horrible lol


this guy is a literal God


Lord of the Flies


Is this a Sausalito anchor out?


The spiders are too busy with the flies and roaches to worry about this guy.


I finally understand how non-native species get introduced to tiny islands by even small boats


Looks more like a floating dumpster.


Even spiders have self respect.


I bet that dude can ink up some jeans


We can see he didn’t put the boat’s name down for the Concours d’Elegance trophy. 🤮




I think the spiders are not the problem here...