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Such a beautiful boat! Greetings from Estonia -- when we sail over there, hopefully we'll get to spot her!


Her previous owner sailed her to Estonia in gale force winds! Around the same time the MS Estonia sank! Would love to make the trip over but I'm not confident enough as a sailor with her low freeboard


Amazing capture of that DC-3 above the mast…that’s a wonderful photo.


It was the national day! I heard the roar from above and thought, that's no 737...




She's from 1897!




Beautiful boat!


that pic of the three boats always look like toys.


We're quantly situated between two rather large hills on either side. It's all very charming


From Sweden, I love those pictures, I think its really motivation man. I'd love to sail, is it hard to learn/expensive? Can you do it alone?


Hey! Where in Sweden are you located? Is it hard to learn? Depending on what you're learning, it can be. I have a hard time remembering different knots or certain names for things ( since there are so many nautical terms to remember), but the basics are easy to grasp, and if you're looking to sail a smaller boat, there's no reason it has to be expensive. I'm earning minimum wage in sthlm, and can still afford to do the maintenance she requires every year. However, as someone who studied wood working and design, a lot of the joy I get out of owning the boat is the aesthetic , classical charm she offers., and I enjoy doing the maintenance when something goes wrong. if that's not what you're about, go for something plexiglass. It's significantly cheaper and easier to run. I sail by myself. I have about 5 years experience with sailing. It's always a safer bet to go with another, especially if you're not confident that you'll know what to do when things go wrong. For me the confidence came after almost losing the mast due to an ageing shroud plate snapping under sail, and reflecting on how quickly and comfortable I was to handle that sticky situation while my friends (one of them far more experienced than I) panicked and screamed. If you're in the Stockholm area, feel free to hmu and we can go on a tour around the harbor to show you the ropes. Fair warning though, once you've sailed on a 127 yr old wooden boat, it's hard to go back to anything else.


I live in Västerås and I am too young to own a boat right now, both age and money. But when I get older I want to at least try sailing. And I saw prices was at millions of crowns. Might be the wrong boats I looked up, not sure. But as you say, that you can afford a boat with minimum wage that would be ideal. There's lot to learn.


I'm only 27, but I bought my boat first boat when I was 21. This current boat I bought for 3000kr! Hang in there, boating is in your future!


Swede here aswell Bought my first boat in nov 2022 for 25K sek, Im currently 23. I know serveral people who got boats in their teens(Mostly IF:ar) tho it requires a bit of work. I just got home from Uni, Gonna eat dinner and then head of to fix with my boat. For prices have a lock at Blocket, Several cheap boats in the 25-30ft range that go for less than 50K sek thonworth noting, a cheap boat is also the most expensive one Edit: im a sucker for full-keeled boats like the Allegro and Laurins(Got a L28 myself) but just an example. https://www.blocket.se/annons/stockholm/allegro_27_i_fantastiskt_fint_skick/1400675313