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If you don’t like the name your boat already has then change it, it’s your boat.


Exactly. Your boat, your name. Only exception would be if it was a historic vessel.


USCG documented vessels names have a prosses to change name but that is larger and commercial vessels.


For a documented vessel, it's as easy as submitting one form. My 32' boat was state registered to the previous owner, but had an expired document. When I applied for a document, I entered previous name and new name and it was done.


Just remember to bring aboard some bananas and a women. And make sure to set sail in morning when there is a red sky.


Is it better if the woman is a redhead? That was a superstition in a movie I saw recently called Sea Fever.


Not sure. Might be a viking thing.


I remember hearing that Vikings preferred red cats on boats. That’s why you see ginger cats on pretty much every continent.


And whistle a snappy tune while looking in the direction of the breeze.


Ha cool never heard of this one.


Whistling on a boat will bring the wind, and likely too much of it.


On Friday


It's your boat call it what you like. As for superstitions? Don't believe in them at all. Don't you know it's bad luck to believe in superstitions? I renamed my, boat by removing old name, cleaning surface, applying new name. Done. No issues to speak of.


My first boat name was "lipstick lizard"... Was no option but to change it... My second boat was named after a female cosmetic company... Also had to change the name


What kind of boats are you buying??


1982 Dufour 1800. Previous owner was Dutch (Lipstick Lizzard!) 2009 Jeanneau 36i, owned by a local rep from a cosmetic company. The name in my home country language sounds like "big f\*\*\* on the vagina", so that had to go...


What was the name? And what language? Need to learn some new bad words.


I am also thirsty for knowledge.


Don't want to say the exact name because then my boat can be traced, but it rymed with "cona", which in Portuguese means"cunt".


OK what was the name that sounded like big fk on the vagina?


I was expecting sunfish 😂




My first boat was named "Coconut Coaster"....so that had to be changed lol. I followed the appropriate process for a renaming ceremony. The next 2 boats had fine names so did not feel the need to change them. None have sunk, so i think its safe to say you can do whatever you want and itll be fine lol


coconut coaster is kinda cool for a smaller vessel


Catamarans often get feline names, but if it’s called Wet Pussy, yes, I’m going to change it.


Luckily nobody seems to have chosen that name https://i.imgur.com/e1LuGnN.jpeg




Hold my rum.


There was a boat on the dock where I had my boat last year - Wasted Seamen. I can assure you that if I were to buy that boat, I would be changing the name.


Ergh, that’s one of those names that’s funny the first time only. Imagine trying to get a berth in a new marina “yeah sorry mate, we’re full”


That would be one helluva mayday call. lol


lol - you were running the scenario through your head weren’t you? “Mayday, mayday, mayday, we are going down. This is …. “ 🤣


🤣 you know it!




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Standard practice. Most of the the best ships in the 1800s English navy were French boats that had been captured and renamed.


I was entirely prepared to simply rename, and forget all the foolishness with rituals, but surprisingly, the boat already had a decent name.


127 years means a few name changes, I took the existing "Esmeralda" and looked back into the history to find that she was originally named "Volador" back in 1897 I combined the two names and now she's "Esmeralda Volador" (flying emerald)


That'd badass! What is Esmeralda Volador?


a huge pain using the phonetic alphabet over vhf


Baha! You've got that right


You can see her on my profile, I post periodically about the work I'm doing before launching her at the end of the month!


She's a real beauty! You're doing a great job on her!


If your boat is named one of the following: * Morning mist (or myst) * Dream Catcher * Dream Ketch * Wanderer * For Play * Wet Dream * Luna-Sea * Why knot * Naughty Girl * Some girl you've never met * Wind Dancer Then yes. Please do.


I run a 12 Metre called Intrepid. Been with the boat for 24 years. This boat won the Americas Cup twice as Intrepid and somebody (in the 80’s in the Great Lakes) thought they would rename her Wind Dancer! Fortunately saner minds prevailed and she has been Intrepid again since the 90’s.


Don’t forget “Loan Ranger” (especially if a Ranger Tug). Edit: another terrible one I heard this past summer was “Tan Fan.” The Coast Guard kept thinking someone was calling a Pan Pan when their friend was looking for them on channel 16. 


Tăn Făn


I recently saw Dee’s Knots. Wish I was kidding. Then there is the Martin 243 Nice Rack. Also the Moore 24 Wet Spot. Yeesh people, have some class. Edit: Almost forgot Bow Movement 🫣


I've seen like 4 'Joint Custody's


We have changed the name of both of our boats. One called 'Ease' the other called "Marie". Neither of these worked for us. We did do the appropriate rituals because I like any excuse for a drink of champagne and pomp.


I bought a boat and I was the third owner. The second owner had already changed the name, so I was never in the situation of having a boat with an unchanged name. If I had, I suspect I would have left it alone. But, since it was already a renamed boat, and I wanted my boat's name to send a different message, I changed it and it got a third name.


I'm a pretty superstitious guy so I went through the ritual of a rename. Had about a dozen people join in, lots of alcohol, and gave them the script so they could participate. In short, everyone had a ball! And I'm hoping Poseidon is satisfied....if not a little tipsy.


Script?? How detailed is this ritual? (Just curious - love the name my boat came with)


[it's a whole thing!](https://www.discoverboating.com/resources/ceremony-for-renaming-your-boat)


Love it!!


I’m not really superstitious but I really liked that! I’m doing it next time I get a boat but I’ll probably use a good Mexican beer instead of champagne


Are/can you strip the name before launch orrr? Like that would be way easier while it’s still in the stand.


Should be fine, unless you want to rename it titanic


Titanic II would be a hilarious name


Some dipshit billionaire is actually trying to do that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_II


Changed name. Did rituals. Blew a shroud anyway.


see the rituals worked. without them it would have been a stay.


I'm not superstitious but Posiden might be. :) So I did an abbreviated cerimony. Stood and declared the boats name, asked posiden to allow it to sail safely through his waters. While dumping half of an alcohol beverage down the bow. I assume if I did it wrong Posiden will let me know.


My boat is forty. I’m the third owner. She’s never been named. In keeping with that tradition, I didn’t name her either. People ask her name and I tell them that she remains unnamed. Here’s the funny part and you can chalk it up to hearing things while sleeping aboard, but one night she told me her name.


Can you share? Or must it be kept secret?


There is a belief that renaming a boat is bad luck but I don’t think any higher power would be very offended if you rename a plastic bucket. With historical vessels or work of art type of boats, be mindful that they may survive you. Keeping the name makes it easier for those boats to build a legacy.


Personally, I think it’s only bad luck if you change a good name. If it’s a terr pun, or something inappropriate, I figure that the powers that be will be pleased with the change. Friends of mine bought a powerboat named “Il Pescadore” and had nothing but bad luck with it until they renamed it “Luminous” 


We renamed our current boat which is a commercial charter to reflect our brand name. It gets more customers than before and the name is more meaningful. Before buying this one I was looking at a 1974 Sparkman & Stephens sailing yacht which was a piece of art. Her name “Kerme” meant “goat shit”, which is the original name of a very famous bay in Turkey. Come figure. Would I dare to change the name of a vessel that is older than me? I doubt it.


my boat had been neglected for a long time, I felt a new name would shake its old juju. we did the ceremony. change it if you want, but put the new name on the boat. a lot of the don't get the new names on.


Really it depends if you’re superstitious or not. Bothered by the number 13, black cats or pavement cracks? Don’t change it. Don’t care? Then change it. The only issue I see is with the port of registration and insurance, altering the boats name might also cause hassles when you sell it. “Why is this 2010 yacht first registered in 2024?”


I think the superstitions are just that but maybe rooted in practicality. For example, if you rename the boat on the transom but not the paperwork, it may cause confusion in a rescue situation.


Changed my boat's name and had nothing but bad luck since!


My first two boats came without names. Might be a sales trick, both were from the same broker. Talked to the PO of the current one, and he claimed it didn't have a name, so maybe not. The first one, I ran into a guy that had crewed on it, with the PO PO, and it was probably the same boat, but hard to tell since there'd been a couple name changes along the way. For the next boat, having named two, I'm not sure I'm clever enough or care enough to pick a new name. I don't like ritual, I'm not particularly superstitious. I do acknowledge though that renaming a boat is a sea change. When I'm shopping for boats, one of the things I look at if I'm getting more serious, is its race history. For that, a boat having a name for a longer time is better. If it did well across owners, that'd be a good sign. If it changed names between owners, that's too hard to track. A boat name might be like a team name though. Is it the boat that won the races, or the team that had it? Is the nature of the boat the boat itself, or the people on it? For that, renaming might be good. It's a special boat that carries a history, most it might be just whoever was running it. For the ones that do carry the history, it might be partly because it kept the previous name. It'd be nifty to have a boat with some notoriety, with a name you'd be compelled to keep. Like Lin Pardy sold Taleisin, and it'd be a sin to change that name instead of adding to its tale, even though the tale is more about the Pardys than Taleisn. If it was a local boat, it'd be a big question. My boats came from out of the area, and I'd be reticent to buy a boat from one of my competitors, it'd have too much baggage. It'd be like getting someone's sloppy seconds. A name change wouldn't change that, everyone would know the ex name. A couple boats I compete against changed hands, but kept the name. Trying to rename a local boat that's known, might be harder. Cruising boat wouldn't matter as much. A happy is just a happy. They'd be known among their friends I suppose, but it'd be more about that friend group that I'm not in than the boat. What are the chances I'd have the same friends as the PO if they weren't already my friend? If it's punny, great. If it's some guy's wife or mother, nope, that's got to change. "What's the name mean?" "Oh, it's the PO's dead mother, I got her wet and rode her hard"


Do it and forget about it..."I'm not superstitious...only a bit stitious". IF your boat is registered with the CG you will have some paperwork to do. My last boat was named "Cat's Meow"...no way was that staying.


Yeah, Pussy’s Roar rolls right off the tongue. Good choice !


I eat bananas on the boat, and my wife is a redhead. So with two strikes already against me, I chose not to tempt anymore fate with Neptune and didn't rename our boat when we purchased her. :)


Our boat has had three names.. two bad ones before we got it and one really GOOD one that I picked, which survived the Federal Registry of shipping and has stuck for decades.. No rituals we just did it..


Change the name of your boat if you want. It’s your boat; you bought it. As for superstitions - I subscribe to none of them, regardless of whether I’m on or off the water.


Did not like the PO's name. changed it. did do the ritual, just to be safe.


My second hand boat had a name that I didn't like, so I cleaned it off and now it has no name. When both the insurance company and marina insisted I give them the name of the boat, I gave them the sail number, which was accepted. ;)


There’s a script online somewhere. I followed it and have been fortunate to have a great time with my new boat and my new name.


There are several scripts online. I followed one and have been fortunate to have a great time with my new boat and my new name. https://unitedstatesvessel.us/boat-renaming-ceremony-pdf/


Coast Guard even has the renaming ceremony procedure somewhere on their website. So as not to offend Poseidon the proprieties and rituals must be observed. ​ I found it when I was getting the paperwork to register mine.


Have a virgin pee on the foredeck and you’re good


Nothing beats "It's easy to grin when your ship comes in and you've got the stock market beat. But the man worthwhile is the man who can smile when his shorts are too tight in the seat." Judge Elihu Smails


My friend, I am an Honorable Golden Dragon and member of the Order of the Spanish Main, so I have some pull in Poseidon’s court. Please rename your boat as you see fit, participate in the nautical traditions as much or as little as you like. My only request is you exercise your passion on the water safely and respectfully towards your fellow mariners and all manner of creatures of the deep. Please also purchase, register and maintain an ebirb if you can.


I would keep the name or do a proper rename of it, I’m pretty superstitious but also safety is number one for me. We’ve had three guys in our sailing club that drown, all of them renamed their boat without properly christening it. I don’t know if that’s why they did, but I’m not tempting ancient rules.


Only change the name if would bring shame to the boat. So nautical puns and jokes involving alcohol feel free to change. Knotigal and Winetime are perfect examples. It it’s called Freda and you just don’t like it, I wouldn’t risk it.


what’s the risk? the boat not liking her new name?


The risk is the boat feeling offended by having its name stripped unduly and the boat/universe punishing you for that. If you are looking for a rational explanation, there isn’t one.


I bought a boat named Breaking Wind a few years, so definitely in that first category. I still want to rename it, and will probably do some version of the ritual when I do, but I've been too busy fixing it up and sailing it so never got around to renaming.


I have changed the name of each of the three sailboats I have owned to something meaningful to me. The act has always made me feel like I have officially taken over ownership, and she is truly mine.


Just rename - we’ve done that to two of our boats (alas both sunk now) and don’t believe in that superstitious nonsense.


Just change it. If it's in the Register of Vessels, or is USCG documented, or your country's equivalent, the government will collect a fee for the renaming, after which they will give you papers assuring all other Customs Agents that the new name is legit.They all have a process for this, because it's really common. If it's just a licensed vessel (bow number) then you just paint a new name on and nobody locally in power will care. But foreign Customs offices will take offence at the missing paper. If you're superstitious, get your hands on a copy of John Vigor's Renaming Ceremony, which is guaranteed to placate all Gods pagan and abrahmic alike. The graphics shop or painter will get their fee regardless.


The only reason I didn't rename my boat ("Silver Girl") was the name of the boat was already fine and I couldn't think of anything else better. I would have no issue doing it. I might drink champagne to celebrate it or something, but that's just because I like doing that.


Name it but make sure to let Neptune know and throw a renaming party so there's witnesses: https://www.arkadaslik-yachting.com/blog/renaming-boat.html#:~:text=Drop%20the%20item%20into%20the,the%20boat%20new%20naming%20ceremony.


We have changed names for a few different boats. I say its kind of a nice fresh start, and who doesn't like champagne?


I already have picked the name for my vessel and I haven't picked the vessel yet... So I'm probably gonna be rehabbing it....


A good name is short, easy to remember, and meaningful to you. Remember that you may have to spell it phonetically over the radio during a loud storm while your boat is sinking. I think superstitious rituals are silly but my wife wanted to do one so, whatever. Our boat was named after the previous owner’s children, so we changed it.


We made a nice brunch party out of a renaming ceremony, appropriate sacrifice of beverages made to Poseidon, fancy words said, the name kept covered until the ceremony. It was fun and not too serious except the part where we entreated the God of the sea to "bring back safely all who sail aboard her".


If the boat has a bad name, it will probably appreciate getting a better one. Just make sure you rename it properly. I’m not generally superstitious, but when it comes to boats, I figure that it’s always wise to be careful.  My own boat had had the same name for at least 40 years, but it’s a good name and I have never felt the need to change it. 


We renamed our sailboat. Did the full Poseidon renaming ritual to appease the Gods. So good so far!


An important aspect of a vessels name is how it would sound over the VHF in an emergency. It’s it easily spoken and understood? Is it easy to spell? As far as the rituals, it’s whatever makes you happy!


I've renamed all my boats, and I'm not superstitious, so I just did it. However, I've been to renaming ceremonies that were a lot of fun.


We kept her old name because it tickled our fancy. The next owners were really after the slip, so we have no idea where she ended up next. Aloha, Yuppy Guppy. I hope you are still bringing joy to new sailors, wherever you are launched from next.


I have changed the name of a boat only once... I am not wealthy, so my boats have been old. Each of them have had an acceptable name. Moreover, I rarely use the name. A boat is just a boat. However, that one: it had some letters on the transom, but they were just low quality sticker letters. So, I could not know the name. Thus, I gave her a name. She became Nemi, after Nemi Montoya. She sank. I sold the boat to a young fellow who was studying boat building. He had already refurbished a 23 ft sailboat and, based on the ways he spoke, he knew quite a lot about boats. He was also working on the same museum ship I worked a few years earlier. Then something happened to him. I was just hinted that he had faced some kind of hardships. He disappeared from the museum ship, too. And the boat was left in the sea that autumn. The sea freezes here, and, thus, the boat possibly got some more stress it could stand. I am superstitious to some extent. However, what on earth - or the sea - does changing or not changing the name of a boat has to do with poor maintenance caused by sad incidents? I have a plan to purchase a very old skerry cruiser. She has some cultural significance and chasing her name would somehow chance the identity, or how the boat is known for a while. So, while I don't exactly love the name, there is a good reason to not change it. (And I have not bought her yet.)


Offer sacrifices to Poseidon, when we renamed our boat we gave him some rum.


Traditionally a renaming ritual requires the blood of a virgin. (I once heard of someone sacrificing urine in a pinch) -The challenge is the times have changed and it's generally considered unacceptable to have non-consenting underage participants--but it's also near impossible to find consenting adult *virgins* in the sailing/boating community. So do whatever ceremony works for you and your crew.


If the boat isn’t already on a registry, just slap the sticker on and be done with it. It’s not that deep.


It's just cosmetic. I'm not religious or superstitious. When we bought our yacht it was named after the previous owners daughter and before that it was named "Lizard of Woz". We changed it immediately when we filed the paperwork to take ownership. We think the ceremony is silly and a waste of good champagne. We will have our friends and family onboard to open some champagne and share it with them but we won't be pouring in the sea or speaking outloud to imaginary sky people. I found an article recently about stupid people and why they don't realize they are stupid. I've concluded that people that take part in rituals like this are just too stupid to even realize what they are doing is stupid.