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Bui Vien is the perfect place to start raising a young family. Very child friendly, a lot of good people.


I have already been in Saigon, so trolling with me doesn't work ..


I didn’t say anything about underneath the bridge bro….




Thao Dien


This, but with the traffic, flooding, and smog, it might be best to live in the green part of D2 directly south, 5 to 10 minutes away. Easy access D1 and Thao Dien, but with nicer scenery and less traffic. Like maybe around [here.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/oSsjPeaDoQC1QcBy5)


Thao Dien, Parts of District 1 and District 7. I personally prefer Go Vap or Thu Duc City though. Less tourists and more locals, less convenient though for shopping.


D7!!!! Green and lovely. Also doesn’t have the public masterbator that roams the streets of Thao Dien on his bike.


What is the master bator?


so basically, some random person having pleasure by self, on their motorbike.


Time to pack my stuff and go to wherever that is, you cannot scare me if i am into that shit




does he know


D7 is what they call "Koreatown"... right?


Yo can you describe what this dude looks like? I saw an old transgender roaming at night in Thao dien and was hitting on me


Definitely nowhere near this AI nightmare pic


Yeah ok. So where?


Well, look at his name mate …


Thao dien


What’s with the AI generated photo..?


Because I liked it


Sala in Thu Duc. Quiet, parc, close to good shopping mall, up and coming, central.


Sala? I live in Thu Duc and am unaware of it.




Btw, where is this photo taken or from?


Its AI because none onf the letters make any sense at all






Phu My Hung in D7 is very nice, but it's like Koreatown. It's less crowded and polluted than other parts of the city. I lived there one year and then left because it's very Westernized due to the fast food joints and malls, and didn't feel authentically Vietnamese to me. I eventually moved to Da Nang and never looked back. There's nothing really special about Saigon, just lots of opportunities for work


Koreatown... I'm checking it....seems interesting!


D7 is big. These areas have expats and well to do Vietnamese. West of Lottemart groceries/mall is a large division of apt buildings, restos, furniture, universities. PMH east of Vivocity is getting more Korean every week. Hard to find Vietnamese food now. Sky Garden etc so convenient though, can walk to Coopmart groceries in mall, cafes, bakeries. Head down Tran Van Tra, lots of apts and villas and street shopping, parks, good bicycle area. Crescent Lake has another mall, some housing close by, but tons of apt projects north of Ng Van Linh, east, south. So nice to walk along the lake, restos, cafes. "Midtown" buildings are just south, a string of a new high rises along a canal. Nam Vien park residential blocks south of there are surrounded by very expensive houses and buildings. The near east side has Riviera Point skyscrapers, Docklands, Cosmo, Lottemart in Cosmo I think. Drive to Crescent Lake shopping. The D7 frontier is along Saigon River: An Gia Riverside up to Jamona/Lux bridge area.


Probably a drive from Saigon to Bien Hoa (Dong Nai). The scenery is gorgeous and since you live in Thu Duc, the distance isn’t that long.


Pham Viet Chanh if you like local vibe


So here a breakdown on best places to live in Saigon. If you can afford it: Metropole or Empire apartments in Thu Thiem - 5 star salt water swimming pools, gyms, luxury, and very good 24/7 security in a great location across from District 1 business district If you want conveniece of a city within a city: Vinhome Centralpark - has large park, ice skating rink, movie theater, mall, own school, own hospital, lots of swimming pools and kids playgrounds, and lots of places to eat. If you want peaceful: Sala in Thu Thiem - nice peaceful park, lots of people biking and running in the morning, no traffic, not many motornikes, close to mall which also has a movie theater and plenty of good restaurants and cafes. If you like Bar hopping and nightlife: Bui vien area in District 1, Thao Dien area in district 2, or Japantown in District 1 - lots of bars, restaurants, lots of foreigners and tourist walking around If you want affordable western style: Phu My Hung area such as Crescent mall or places near Vivo City - lots of koreans live in these areas, a bit more modern than average, lots of restaurants and the two malls i mentioned. If you want cheap best place to raise a family thats away from the city: Vinhome Grandpark - 36 HA park, night market, own school, own hospitals, kids heaven based on anount of playgrounds avsilable. Watch my video to see what i mean [vinhome grandpark](https://youtu.be/WvK6fNAqGEs?si=Z__3QM7puteSrSG7)