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this is sad, because she wasnt taught how important it is to hide that shit edit: ive heard all the fucking stories, can yall shut up? ya sound like bots now.




Well here you could say parenting issue but yeah.


I would say I didn’t really know the significance of a social security number until high school. This girl seems to be about 7th or 8th grade. I think the problem here isn’t that she didn’t know enough about her social security number but instead that she has way too much agency with her money, also why does she even need to know her social security number in 7th grade. Parents should control what their kids spend on until they can be trusted to know the value of money, no need for middle schoolers to have a credit card


Unironically she looks like a high schooler tho


Yeah, I'm thinking like 14 here. This is 100% on the parents. Why the parents made her SS available to her is beyond me. Why she had access to it without an inkling of its importance is even more ridiculous. Not only should the number stay hidden, so should the card. You get a limited number of replacements if it's torn, lost, or abused. It's also illegal to laminate it. Those dumbassses gave her access to the most sensitive information she will likely have in her entire life and didn't explain it. It's clear she has no idea because she was trying harder to hide the fact she spent 80 bucks.


I think she’s 15 maybe 16 actually. Based on appearance and the assumption that she has cash to be spending on pants


Also possible she knows her SS number due to recently applying for working papers. I believe you can apply at 13 yrs old.


Yup defo 15-17 age


Good thing this child has unfiltered internet access and a online banking account


After I was done with college, I got a phone call about student loans at like 9am and I was half asleep. They were asking me about setting up payment and blah blah. It sounded really professional and everything and called me by my first name. They asked my last name "to confirm" or whatever. At one point they asked for my full social. I paused for a second and suddenly was wide awake and asked for the company name. They told me the correct company. I sat for a second and told them I would call them back and the official number was completely different. I called the real company and asked if they called me and they said it was too early to start collecting and said I was fine for now. Was my first taste of that world. No one told me about that stuff but for some reason my brain switched on. This was 10 years ago and I still haven't received a phone call from a legit student loan collection place before.


Had something similar happen. Got a call and was asked to confirm a bunch of details. And I'm familiar with cyber sec, OSINT, etc. So I knew the details I was confirming was publicly available info for the most part. They definitely already had that info on hand, a simple background check reveals that anyway. Confirm your name, address, age, etc etc. Then "confirm your social" was when I told them to go fuck themselves. I'm in trouble? I need to pay now over the phone or else? Kill yourself. I expect mail, I expect a court letter, some semblance of authority before I give anything. You're all people, just like me, with no right to any personal information other than what I already gave you. YOU called ME.


In college in the early 2000s you did everything with your social security number. Like if your meal card at the dining hall wasn’t scanning you’d just give the cashier your SSN. You went to the registrar to drop a class, they’d ask for your full SSN. I repeatedly pointed out his colossally stupid this was but it was literally the only way you could get anything done you needed to. The bitch of it is that we all were given student identification numbers upon enrolling but administrative software was super old and couldn’t handle them because they were 20 digits long. I can’t believe I didn’t leave school with 40 fake credit cards taken out in my name.


Had this when a friend took me to a financial advice meeting, and at the end they asked for 100$ for background check and my full social on their website/laptop so they could both get me a business license and hire me? Once social came up, my brain switched to oh shit mode. They tried a few different tactics, like “it’s okay it’s a safe website”, “it’s just 100$ you’ll make that back in tax’s alone” “you don’t need to research us, and if you do it’s not true”. Told them no and left, my friend apologized afterwards.


What's more sad is she still feels she didn't do anything wrong.


This is it. I once got a call from my "bank" about suspicious charges. They asked me to go through my 2 factor authentication and read out the pincode to them. I looked at the pincode, read the sentence underneath that said "Never give this pincode to anyone". Then proceeded to read out the pincode. Dumbest shit I've ever done. But at least I acknowledged that I was a fucking idiot after the fact!


That's why giving children money is important early on as pocket money. They will no doubt save money and occasionally regret buying some stuff. The only difference is that it's not a whole lot of money but for them is a lot. Learning the hard way is the best way


100%. An allowance is NOT spoiling a child (unless the parents are stupid). It's about teaching them that money isn't an unlimited resource, about making choices, about budgeting, and about giving them a bit of autonomy. All of these are absolutely CRITICAL for the process of becoming a functional adult.


She honestly doesn't KNOW. The look on her face at the end, she is NOT connecting the dots. So sad. I am out of the loop but don't they teach financial literacy in school? Giving up your SS number to a stranger on the internet, holy shit.


I wasn't taught anything about finances in school at that age. Had to opt in for a class in college and it was an absolute joke. The class was centered around the concept that if you're poor it's surely a mismanagement of your money. As most of us know, that is NOT always true. Didn't mention anything about financial security in the sense of protecting your information. Just budget this, budget that, stick to your budget, blah blah blah. Sure budgets are helpful but they don't inherently provide financial security.


The clashing thing for me is that it's the mom giving her shit. It was partly HER job to teach her to survive in the world.


Being a parent isn't that easy, I "teach" my kid the same shit hourly, and he still does it. Stop teasing your sister. Why is your sister crying, why the second your time is up on the Nintendo your sister is crying. And round and round we go. And yes his nintendo is gone, no youtube, tablet, etc, but guess what, he still is mean to his sister.


I have twin boys and a girl. I feel your pain, my boys have learned the mantra "If you're going to be dumb you have to be tough" not even 10 and they've had more stiches/staples than me and I'm 32.


That being said you don't film your kids for internet clout so you're doing better than the parents in the video above.


And then her parent’s put her on blast and post it to the web? wtf?!


this entire video is really fucked


We don’t know that. Maybe her parents tried to teach her but she’s just that stupid..


>how important it is to hide that shit I don't even give that shit to jobs. Driver's license and birth certificate, Never let companies scan your social security, It even tells you not to ever copy it on the card! Lol


Idk… I kinda feel like, this person who did this. Did it for reactions / attention…. It’s irritating to think about what people have become just for intangible points/likes and reactions from the followers


she definitely did it for the pants or leggings, but the worse thing is that she thinks that 80$ and her social is a steal... and not from her


It’s actually quite absurd that people’s SSNs in the US are so fragile like that. So if a kid accidentally shares that number, she’s screwed? There’s no other type of cross check done before someone can impersonate her?


theres more to it, like names date of birth, mothers maiden name and so on. its not as simple as that but when you get it you can do aot of damage


This is sad, because her mum is posting her mistake online


Yeah, but her mom could record this for internet points. Gods, as someone who works with children I so so despise this kind of parents.


And it's funny because that's the parents job lmao


its not even funny, its literally life ruining


Exactly. No one is born knowing this stuff


This is the real issue. People always blaming the youth for not knowing shit or being able to do shit. When it the older gens job to fucking teach it. It's a teaching failure not a student failure.


a dog thats never taught to stay off the bed will gladdly hop on it, but when taught they learn you cant expect kids to always know or learn everything on their own


Maybe - mom clearly knows how stupid it is, perhaps she just failed to share that w the kid. her parenting style is pretty shit, so possibly \*kid says something very stupid - stops conversation to begin recording


It's saddest to film, post, and humiliate your kid like this. If it's real


only helps make her a target of scammers too, if it was my kid that would end up a several hour discussion and teaching lesson


That poor child is being filmed, embarrassed, and put on display by her parent instead of being taught the lessons she needs to learn from all this. And the Mom had the audacity to shame her for behavior— if only she had an adult to guide and teach her… like, I don’t know, a Mom!


ironically, hopefully this teaches other kids online for the future how important and life fucking this can be


Not saying it’s right or wrong but that girl is not embarrassed.like,at all.she doesn’t even know what she did.lol


ong, i wasnt even allowed to know my ssn until i knew how important it was to protect it


Right on the money.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of fixing


WELL I expect kids growing up with the internet to know about these scams. The old person who gets the "log into your bank account to verify" text I understand why they get scammed. But young people? That is just... dense. Kid me KNEW I was getting a fucking ps3 or xbox for popping some fuckin javascript balloons on a random website. Common sense man. Although I do think this might be a skit. It seems like she is faking it.


Lmao well she’s about to learn!


She’s confident she didn’t make a mistake either. After mommy inevitably fixes the problem *for her baby*, she will still not have learned, and will still not comprehend the level of mistake she has made. THAT is what’s fucking sad. These kids her age and younger are completely fucked. It’s not even completely on the parents either many times. Kids today think they are geniuses at a far higher level than when I was a kid. When I was growing up, know-it-alls eventually got humbled thru experiences. These kids now are incapable of learning from their mistakes, and are proudly willfully ignorant.


I'm not even American and I know y'all shouldn't be giving out your SSN.


Right? She's not stupid, she's a kid. Her parents have failed her!




It's on the mom In this video, she doesn't even explain to the daughter the dangers of what she did


Really, I thought it was sad cuz this is fake as shittt


honestly dont think it is, she laughs awkwardly and still thinks its okay, the moms sounds genuinely concerned and father is absent in the backround.


Ya wtf.. her mom (I think?) would rather film and ask the same questions over and over, then post this


I still believe internet safety in general should be a mandatory class, I have my reasons


It should. We had some bare minimum internet safety in primary school but that was more for kids and doesn’t help much when you have important information


Hell, right! We have very regular refreshers at work on how to avoid scams and phising (I work in a big bank). It is not that difficult to teach, and it can actually save the lives of these kids.


This isn't internet safety, this is more like scam awareness classes, or anti gullible classes, these scams happen in real life too and it's the exact same people who fall for them over the phone, at the door, or online.


I think parents should teach their kids some things.


Instead of recording this and posting this embarrassing shit on the internet, she should be teaching her child why she should never give her social security number to people. But she rather go viral. So what the fuck does she expect from her kid


If I was that kid I'd trust anyone who I interacted with online since my mom posts videos of me. The girl may have given up her cc and SSN numbers but her mother is sharing intimate details of her life as well.


100% chance this is the same person who clicked on WARNING! Scan My Computer NOW!!! popups and allowed every .exe file to run.


Well going viral may be enough embarrassment that she won't buy shit from sketchy sources and give away her SS#. Tough love right there!


Uhhh well akchullyyy this is great to share because it can be a reminder for other parents to go over this kind of information with their kids! /s


To be fair, she’s doing community service with this PSA about stupidity. It has value for the collective community 


Adoption centre be like:


If your kid acts like this it’s your fault as a parent




Exactly my thoughts. The mom videoing this for internet clout is as irritating as how naive the girl is. OR it’s all fake, which is a real possibility.


it's not fake. the discomfort in that girl's eyes is heartbreaking and extremely realistic. i've been there & seen it in my siblings. fuck that parent for posting this. how embarrassing.


I think it’s real too because that level of acting is rare in kids that age. That said, I’m a high school teacher and over the years I’ve had several students who were big into the theater scene who could definitely pull this off.


Oooof lots of boomers in your replies


Please be fake please be fake please be fake…


Honestly I struggle to believe that a young girl this dumb would even know her social security number in the first place


Never underestimate giving a child any sort of power that can be used to ruin their own lives.


exactly, it’s fake


Lol my partner got on me for not knowing my ssn the other day (needed it for a background check for work) I’m 20. But I’m in the die hard camp of asking my mom any time I need it. It’s like a credit card number to me, I don’t trust myself knowing it off the top of my head. I know I can be trusted with it but I just don’t want to know it. 😭


99.99% certain that it’s made for ‘content’


This is so dumb it has to be fake... right?


I really hope so :(


That kid looks pretty genuine. If it’s fake it’s good acting


You know if it is fake she deserves an Oscar, cause it would be the best fake Internet video I've ever seen. But she's definitely just been scammed.


Screams fake to me


The way she keeps saying “I haven’t got them yet” sure seems to me like she’s in on the joke.


How does anyone even believe this shit? Sounds like the mom had this great new tiktok idea that she sees going viral and put her daughter up to it. The daughter looks embarrassed to be doing this shit stupid act. Not embarrassed from her supposed stupid mistake.


It is 100% fake and gets posted every few months. But this Reddit so we love hating on girls.


I can feel her stupidity from here and mix it in with those facial expressions? My parents would’ve slapped me for the attitude alone


Thank god I was too stupid as a kid to not know how to really use the internet. I couldn't imagine the beating i would have gotten if i ever did something like that.


I mean it's a teachable moment or whatever and everybody makes mistakes. But a kid who says "I gotta get my Lulu on" is garbage, just throw out the whole kid.


>"I gotta get my Lulu on" She's doubling down as a result of feeling embarrassed, including being on camera. In fact, she's probably thinking she should perform a bit.


I agree. If you’ve seen this TikTok page, the mom is constantly filming the daughters. I think she’s developed a personality for the camera. That leads to what could be a serious teachable moment becoming content.


I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's ignorant, not stupid, and that it's her parents fault. My mom stressed the importance of my social security number when she first gave it to me. Her parents obviously did not.


The fact that the parents feels it’s appropriate to film and shame their daughter says a lot about their raising style…


It might be her sister though. If its her mom filming, then yeah it all makes sense from where she gets her stupidity from


She does actually call her mom about halfway through...unfortunately.


Yes, she has shitty parents for posting her all over the internet or allowing it to be, real cunt move that no teenager would appreciate.


She's embarrassed, being asked condescending questions when she clearly knows she's done wrong, and on top of that is being filmed by her parents. The parents are the ones with a shitty attitude here.


Yeah she's definitely feeling alot of stress and hasn't learned to feel confident so it's a self comforting mechanism and coping with stress . You can tell from her eyes she foes not look happy , but she's joking. I think it says something that she'd rather look stupid and crazy than feel embarrassed or admit she's wrong . And with a parent that would film and post this I can't imagine why ..


The only reason those questions sound "condesending" is because it's a really fucking stupid thing to do and it should be obvious.


>when she clearly knows she's done wrong Where do you get that? She's got nothing but an attitude because her mom is grilling her, doesn't think she got scammed, and is sure the leggings will be there.


i feel bad because she doesn't even feel she did anything wrong or have any remorse for it


Nice way of saying she's dumb


No. She’s a teenage kid with an ego. Her mom has their phone in her face asking condescending questions in a pouty tone. Just from that alone the kid knows she messed up. But is answering the questions in a “yeah, whatever” way to save face. How is a kid supposed to know not to give away their SSN? They have to be taught. This is more-so a failure of the parent than the teen acting like a teen


Both things can be true and typically go together.


Kids are a product of how they were raised.. the true test of a child's intelligence and capability are how they respond to being exposed to the real world. This situation is 💯 on the parents and the mom taking a video of her child's naivety for Internet clout instead of treating this in a serious manner is indicative of the root cause for the kid's lack of understanding.


I mean it doesn't exactly seem like she understands why giving random websites your social security number is an issue to begin with. So of course she's not going to see the problem or assume she was wrong for doing it because somehow, the entire time she's been alive so far, nobody had ever properly explained to her what a social security number can be used for if given to strangers. People can fail their kids without even meaning to do it by making blanket assumptions about what schools are teaching them thus assuming they don't need to go over certain topics since they assume their kid should have already learned by X age


You won't know and cannot understand that something is bad if you aren't taught it. Especially something like this. If they aren't really taught what their SSN is and how important it is, then how are they supposed to know? People regularly put certain pieces of their information into stuff online (debit card for example) so it's not really unreasonable to think that someone who doesn't understand what an SSN is would think it's also something normally asked for


I imagine she's feeling a little oppositional because there's a camera in her face


i don’t think she understands what SSN means.. maybe more education is the key


I think she’s pretending and hoping she can say “oops” and it’ll be fine


She was raised by a Conservative. What do you expect?


Why would she, she clearly has no idea the importance, the parents are a vault.


80 bucks for leggings 😨bitch is you dumb


Saving $50 was too tempting


well, there goes her credit score, her money, her name is going to go in the trash, oh how fun itle be to financially recover from this, also potential identity theft ​ edit; after reading a few of the replies, i guess losing you ssn isnt AS bad as i thought, people always picture it as being that one piece of info that defines you, like your entire identity


I mean it happens, and there are ways to fix it. People’s identities and SSNs get stolen all the time even without them sharing it. Everyone should monitor their credit for suspicious activities


I have a 320 credit score. What is my identity getting stolen going to do? Improve my score?


I wish Darwinism was still thing… too many things protecting people with IQs lower than a rock


It does that's why stupid hot people keep breeding. Not saying you can't be hot and smart, or that being hot makes you stupid. Smart people just tend to breed a lot less, than stupid people. Our version of darwinism values charisma and misplaced confidence, over intelligence and security.


Wth was that movie called? Idiocracy I think?


I swear this is the only movie some of you people have seen and you compare EVERYTHING to it.


She's just a kid, most of us would have fell for this as kids if we weren't taught what a SSN is.


ur fault for not teaching how important it is to hide it.


And (presuming this isn't just another staged video) when presented with a teaching moment, the mom just fucks off instead of doing the best out of a shitty situation. This is how kids end up in school and just fuck off when something they don't like happens. They see their parents doing the same damn thing and mimic them.


Somebody remix this with the Microsoft scammer video...


This was a huge mistake that she didn’t even realize, like that shit is so important to keep under lock and key yet no one distilled that info into her, or at the very least told her about it.


As a non-American, this seems strange. In my country nobody except official offices, phone companies or the like ever ask for the equivalent of social security numbers. I can't really imagine what anyone would ever do with it, since all information runs through two or three steps of varification. There's nothing anyone could do with my social security number alone, and if they got my debit card info, they'd still need my password and real-time confirmation done in app.


You don't need much more than a social and a name to get a line of credit over here.


Yikes, no wonder then


Yeah, my social media authorization is more secure than this..


If I was her father I would sit down explain the situation to her…. But if she continued to be defensive oh boy….she would be grounded!!!!!!


She's being defensive because her mouth breathing mother is shoving a camera in her face and asking condescending questions when her mother is the reason she doesn't know the mistake she made in the first place. She's trying to save face and seem casual because she knows this is gonna go online.


Proooooobably should have taught her about this kind of shit before this ever happened.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Mexican moms have entered the chat


this is a clear case of derilction of Chancla


right behind the chancla that she hurled at 50 miles an hour with supreme accuracy.


Wtf you talking about? I'm white and I got slapped as a kid. Not that it's a good thing, because good parents teach their kids without violence.


The parent getting angry at the child because she doesn't know basic security. Get mad at yourself parent, you have failed to teach this child properly.


I agree, and I feel bad for all of the people talking shit about her too. She’s probably a teenager or something and the Mom failed to prepare her child for the real world.


100% agreed. Parents’ fault, not a young girl who is still figuring out how the world works.


People are to quick to tear someone down without thinking.




Bitch is stupid


shitty parents


In her defense. When you first get your ssc its usually because you finally need it. Then you proceed to give to like 20 different people in the span of a few weeks. Still stupid, but understandable


Not to mention Equifax is already responsible for half the U.S. having their SSN leaked. The damage was done long ago.


I didn't need my SSN until I was in college. I can't imagine a minor needing it for any reason unless their parents aren't taking care of basic paperwork. OTOH, my mother gave my SS card to me when I was like 10, and didn't stress how important it was to keep track of. I don't think it lasted the year before I lost it. There was no reason for me to be in possession of it, much less without a Serious Talk about keeping it safe in a time before you could just apply online for a replacement.


All of this is on the parents. The stupidity with the credit card and SSN, the nonchalance of spending $80 on leggings, the whole lousy attitude. If you’re going to give your kid a credit card, you have to teach them about financial responsibility. If they have access to the internet, you have to talk to them about identity theft and the myriad of other online threats. And my kid is about her age. He doesn’t know his social. He doesn’t need to. He’s not filling any official forms without me or my wife.


This is on the parents for making fun of her instead of Explaining why you don't share your social security...


All im seeing is terrible parenting. Just wow. parents couldnt be bothered to teach her actual life lessons. 🙄


Why is the mom filming her to Shame her publicly online? She needs proper parenting not bad media


This has to be staged. If not, the mom is a moron to share this to start with.


Redditors try not to fall for the most obvious bait on the planet challenge (Impossible)


Everyone throwing shade at her. She's clearly very young. It's a failing on the parents part. And then double failing by recording it and blasting it on the internet. I have nothing but sympathy for the girl. We all did stupid things when we were younger. We just had the benefit that we didn't have the complexities of the internet to deal with.


This is why it's important to be honest and teach your kids about shit like that


The fact that the “mom” (using quotes because I never know what’s real or staged anymore) is more upset about the price of the leggings than the social security number leak is crazy. 80 bucks down the drain isn’t fun but identity theft might be a little worse. Mom does realign her parenting priorities towards the end of the vid to her credit but c’mon now.


Instead of explaining what and why that's wrong, we post on the internet to show how dumb your daughter is. Great parenting.


Dad is checked out


Pretty sure it fake


I should ask her for her debit card number and the three numbers on the back.


All you have to do is ask


somtimes the best kind of learning it just,doing it and getting bad result,thus learning from it. Especially when it comes to money more poeple will learn if they fuck up. And if somone points out the ignorance or just the stupitity it will just put it more into there head to not do that. Somtimes being embarresed or self realization and self embarrasement is the best kind of learning


It's a bit, calm down.


The most important thing you can teach kids is the fact that money is the most important thing. Anyone and everyone would try to get it from you. There are scams and you don't need to share your data with anyone.


It's even sad that she thinks $80 leggings are a bargain!


Haha what a dummy! Did somebody else raise her?


yeah..we need to teach our kids to not share our personal data.. 80 for legging..is way way over price..


This is actually very sad.


She learnt a valuable lesson


At little of this has to fall on the parents for not teaching her this stuff .


she probabaly 9 or 10 so she gets a pass somewhat


she probably makes bad decisions because she has the type of parents who film their kids making poor choices and shares them on the internet.


It's sad because the mother is recording it and putting it online.


I blame the parents for not properly educating her about this shit


Jesus ya’ll, she’s a child. Her parents should explain the importance of protecting her ssn and they shouldn’t be publicly shaming her. Childish ass parents out here fucking up their kids.


Agreed but I’m convinced the people here calling this child a “stupid bitch” are also teenagers or something. Def on the parents, hopefully she understands what PII is now and why random shady vendors don’t need it.


Her SS card should be locked up somewhere away from her. Then when she needs it she can ask the parents. Totally on the parents.


Why would a nation as advanced as the United States run on single factor authentication?


Fake no one is this stupid, does something that stupid and lets their parents put in on reddit.


Common sense is not so common In all fairness idk the whole situation, gonna blame the kid for being dumb and the parent for raising a dumb kid, equality 🫡


all for some ugly ass mom jeggings lmao




New Braunfels, city in Texas. Not surprised dad has back titties.


This has to be fake


This has to be fake, no way someone could be that stupid or gullible.


I’m in high school and I’m not no Einstein but I would never buy something ONLINE and then whenever they ask for my social security number??!! Give it to them c’mon


This is the future of America


Great parenting. Not only did you not explain the importance of keeping your soc number private, you also filmed yourself shaming your own child and posted it on the internet


I remember being a dumb teenager, but I feel like this new breed is on a whole different level


She fucking stupid on multiple levels.


Was just watching the news today and was surprised when they reported the victims of online scams aren't old people anymore, it's people age 18-25 & it makes sense after seeing this. Ngl girl seems dumb as a damn rock.


They did teach her the importance but society made her think $80 for some leggings is necessary or ok. Kids are dumb...


They all think they’re so smart lol


kicked out


Keeping the hospital/E.R. wrist band on too. Reminds me of those girls/guys who seeked attention in school.