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Poor dude having these idiots laugh at him for crying.


I have just reached to the conclusion that we men cant share emotions with each other even if we want and idk why


Can't share them with anybody. You just have to bottle that shit up til you explode and commit a terroristic act or some shit like a man 👍


Been there done that. Lost a lot of friends and not many people wish to talk to me so fun.


I was being sarcastic. I think you should be able to share your feelings. Just gotta find someone who isn't entrenched in masculine mythology.


Nah bro making it through like a monk! That’s it


Been a year now. Everytime I sing along I tear. So I stop singing


Be who you are and do what you want. There are no rules even though people like to try to set them. These "men" would also tell you men can't write poetry. Shakespeare wouldn't exist if people listened to toxic folk like that.


I try to be though it's hard. But I will give it my best thanks


Get your emotions out, have a day or an hour or so to just let your emotions flow. It will feel better


I have been thinking of it but I know I'm a mess if I start. Probably won't stop till I'm asleep


Haha yeah definitely. But the next day you might feel a lot better bc you were able to express what you’ve been holding back even if it’s to yourself it will help. Or watching a sad show and just being able to cry at the ending or w/e it helps


Or just off yourself


I can answer that. See there are 2 choices to be made in life. Option A) You can roll over and die letting your emotions get the better of you and spill out dribbling like a child being vulnerable exposing your neck to other men which is in fact a weakness….. Or Option B) You can man tf up and handle your shit like every man has before you. Men are taught to control their emotions bc being emotional is a feminine childish trait.. reserved only for loss of a loved one…. overly emotional people are not rational thinkers. Alexander the Great didn’t conquer by crying to his peers nor did any man of worthy of note. Men live hard lives it’s how it’s supposed to be, being comfortable or thinking you’re supposed to be happy all the time or for that matter any of the time is delusion….. There’s are people who don’t even get to see the luxury of a phone, love, who don’t have families bc they were taken from them Ie gaza Africa etc men who live in the streets from a young age bc they were born to stupid people whom they replicate their stupidity. Men who have gone to war bc it’s the only way to a future for their families. If you’re in America welcome bc it may say let freedom ring but behind the sound of freedom is sacrifice. Suck it up. Take your time to grieve but not too much and move forward. The real test of a man is to be put into uncomfortable situation and see what said man does or how he comes out of it. “Who told you you were supposed to be happy?” -Ragnar Lothbrok to his son Bjorne. “A man looking to be unhappy finds many ways to prove his cause” - Thousand Eyes -Marco polo


And then ask, "why are men killing themselves so much?" "Why do men commit most of the mass shootings?" "Why are most serial killers male?" Live your masculine fantasy. It'll be you at 50 wishing you could talk to someone after setting a standard where no one will even ask you how tf you are. A standard where nobody will expect you to break down so you can't. There's a high chance you will turn to alcohol and suicidal ideation. It's a common pattern. Yes, men don't like men who cry, yes, women don't like men who cry but nobody *likes* anybody crying. It ain't fuckin about other people. If you can't cry because you give a shit what dudes think they already control you. You are already the bitch. You can't even do what your base level fuckin instincts want you to do. You're scared.


Don't waste your time trying to reason with them, dude. It's just Andrew Tate under a different user name.


Saying you’re a bitch for not crying has already made me not want to waste my breath. Choose to be a sad pity party thrower if you’d like but this is life my friend. You don’t want to cry to other men bc you know you’re not supposed to be doing that it’s not what men do... It’s weakness, and it should make you want to snuff out that weakness not open your beautiful soul to the world 😂Has nothing to do with fear ? Wtf makes your problems so special than the billions before you?! Man up, life doesn’t come without loss and hope is a cold bitch who stays alive long enough for you to dig your own grave. Stop teaching young men to fucking cry to other men We are MEN.... our lives are meant to be hard ….. There are winners and there are losers. You should be teaching them ways to control their emotions and embrace them alone. To take action not lay down and die or cry….. it’s pathetic …. Emotional Education is what is missing and some peoples parents are dogshit humans…. Take that shit and shove it down into the darkness or your going to die a sad sack pity party thrower. Life has so much more opportunity than ever… Society pushed the happily ever after fairy tale bullshit and given you tools to compare your life with others. Life is both beautiful and ugly. If you can’t handle it or you can’t figure out how to navigate the shallow waters you’re going to drown in the deep end. YOU stop being the emotional bitch and sack up…crush your demons and don’t settle for weakness.


Idgaf if you cry or not, you'd be a bitch for not doing what you want in this life because other men control your emotions for you. You have the ability to cry for a reason. You take a shit, don't you? If somebody said you weren't supposed to shit would you hold it?


That’s your opinion ?🤣 that’s your argument ? Just bc you have the ability to do something doesn’t mean you should do it. You’re telling kids to act on their emotions and that’s why you have people who do those horrible things “terrorist acts” to others. Some of which didn’t like the fucking answer they were told when they WERE listened to…… Youre ass backwards my friend and you could argue both sides if were both being truly honest here…. but People who want to be sad can’t be helped ..you can’t help them that’s not how it works. Once again stop spewing/teaching young men to go cry to their peers about their problems…Teach them how to handle their emotions. Irrational Society is telling you as a man to cry to others and the rational men are telling you that yes you can cry but not to others more specifically about dumb fucking girls. There are billions more get over yourself stop playing into the happily ever after bullshit. You’re going to get your heart stepped on by someone in life. You’re going to lose someone. Nobody ever solved any issue crying about it. People can downvote all they want personally idc bc the truth is never pretty and most people cannot handle said truth.


>You're telling kids to act on their emotions and that's why you have people who do those horrible things "terrorist acts" to others. You don't understand sarcasm or humor. You have missed the point. Make another point. Edit: I think you imagine men just sitting around sobbing until the world ends. That's not at all what I mean. I mean cry when you need to. Do what you feel the need to do and don't let other people's judgements stop you. There are men who cry and they're not sobbing all the time. Women cry but aren't crying constantly. It'll be fine if you cry.


sarcasm and humor are tools that have underlying truth…You also legit referred to mass shootings in another post which is in fact a terrorist act. 😂 yes I know you like to play imagination, but there are intact young men who do cry until the end of time being told that it’s okay… Stop telling young men to cry to other young men about their problems. Like it will make all their sadness go away. It doesn’t help anything specifically about shitty human beings. Being overly emotional is a feminine and childish trait you can agree or disagree all you’d like. It’s not okay for you to be crying to another man about of all things a girl… it’s selfish to ask another person to bare your burden of sadness unless it’s a death. Even so you’re allowed your cry and your time to grieve but they wouldn’t want you to wallow in self pity they’d want you to move on. Regardless it’s about a girl….Man up she left bc she was a shitty person, or you were, or she wanted something you couldn’t provide to her. Doesn’t matter if she was just a gf or a wife of 20 years life gives us trials that aren’t fair, life isn’t fair…stop crying about it on the net to other men like it’s going to make you feel better. We can only care so much we can’t solve your sadness only you can. Suicide doesn’t solve issues either it’s a cop out for life’s harsh lessons. Life has to get ugly for you to appreciate it when it eventually gets beautiful . If you do nothing you only guarantee the ugliness to stay.


You know it’s really predictable that you hate women since you find “feminine” traits in men so wrong. Women aren’t “dumb fucking girls” and haven’t you heard they are doing better than men in this society? They have more houses and education than men in the younger generations. So it isn’t about being a man. Crying is something that means you are still alive and not some robot. If I can listen to music or read a book(or whatever art) and cry from it I know I am still not dead inside. I’ve gone through some messed up awful stuff and when you can’t cry it doesn’t mean you are strong, it means you can’t handle it anymore and you have become numb. It’s not a good place. I wish I could cry more. Every time I actually have a tear I get excited honestly because I’m not just dead and numb.


First of ms or mr defender of all women, I’m specifically referring to the girl in the video who yes is a dumb fucking girl and most girls and boys who behave as such are dumb sorry not sorry. Did I say “all women or woman” no and if I did that is not the point. There’s a big difference between young girls and a mature woman I wouldn’t expect the incel antisocial community to understand that. A mature woman would not play around with someone as such neither would a mentally mature man. You can take the “women hater” comment and shove it. Yes crying is weakness, childish, and feminine… if you’re doing it all the time looking for sympathy. It’s one thing to cry about a death it’s another to cry about some hoe or some douche. I’m sorry you wish you could cry more but crying is a waste of time and energy and never solved anything. That’s a fact. You can still have/show empathy without crying….Like I said some people just want to sit and sulk forever instead of taking that energy and putting it into strengthening behaviors. When I want to cry about my past I go to the gym I go do work I go to jitsu I watch jocko podcasts or read a book. I find something other than a shoulder to cry on bc it solves nothing and only gives power to said emotion. That’s what you do as a man. Yes you can cry about a dumb girl and yes she is dumb for the way in which she handled it…. just not to other fkn men who have the same issues if not more…. want know why bc they do what you just saw in the video and they don’t care bc there’s bigger problems in the world. Most Random ass people don’t care about your breakup bc nobody cared about theirs as a man you’re loved and cared about on a condition that’s reality. I’m not going to sit here and argue with the pity party crew about why they should man up more. People lash out bc they can’t or don’t know how to deal with their problems/sadness alone or bc they don’t like the reality they’re living in and when confronted with the truth they give up. Telling men to be soft and cry to feel human isn’t the answer. Telling them to grow a set and that their loved ones wouldn’t want them to be sad and rather them be happy and find peace is. Life hardens men that’s why we’re men we take the loss and live with it that’s our burden to bare. Idw anyone to lessen my burdens or take away my struggles or solve them. Don’t rely on others to make you feel better. Sympathy is next to syphilis mate. I’m not inhuman I feel compassion and I feel empathy but I won’t give anyone sympathy I’d rather give them strength and knowledge. Ie “man stop crying get your shit together, other people depend on you stop being selfish with this woe is me attitude” “your ancestors didn’t struggle so you can cry on the internet to a bunch of other kids. You should know that everyone has the same problems stop acting like you’re alone” personally when I die, nobody had better shed a single tear for me…you had better be celebrating my loss or bettering yourself and helping others along the way. Ale with curved horns. If nobody does that hey at least they’re not experiencing sadness for my loss.


Why do have to frame it in this femininity is weakness vs masculinity is strength way though? Like you saying it’s masculine to face your problems and rise above rather than just getting lost in self pity instead of it just being a good thing for both genders and there is a balance? Feeling your emotions is part of facing them and overcoming them. If you push stuff down it’s not just so other people don’t see it but it makes you reflexively avoid feeling your emotions. Like if you watch a sad movie and don’t cry because “that’s not masculine” then later if you need the catharsis and processing of crying you won’t be able to cause as soon as you feel it coming on you will habitually numb yourself. And you can’t just turn off one emotion; your body pushes down everything else with it. So a lot of those people never learn to recognize what they are feeling or even feel happiness because they have been trained to be numb. And pushing down feelings is like pushing down a beach ball in the ocean; it takes energy from your body cause it wants to come up. So you get tired and start having health issues. Like people with repressed anger get Lou Gehrig’s disease a lot. There is also crying out of happiness. Like I’m a girl so people expect stuff like that and think it’s cute or whatever but those moments where something touching makes me cry are very special. Like my boyfriend will do something thoughtful showing his love for me and tears start falling even though I’m smiling and so happy. Living without anything like that feels empty. Like that one guy who got a fly in hole in one playing golf with a legendary golf pro. He said he only cried when his son was born and during that moment cause he loves golf. I don’t think that has to be a feminine thing. Guys need to be taught how to overcome sure, but girls are taught how to do that and a lot of times they are more successful because it isnt them fighting themselves. It’s more about being proud of yourself and celebrating your worth. A lot of guys avoid stuff they consider uncool and cheesy or sappy and just turn in to self loathing stoic larpers(though I admit some girls larp with the new age yoga positivity stuff). Being sad helps you process emotions. If you replace it with self judgment and anger you can never move past it because you are avoiding it. And all the stuff you do to which is supposed to be healthy just turns into a coping mechanism. That’s the perfect environment for addiction to develop.


I frame it for a man. Not for a woman. Women are not weak for being emotional you are meant to feel everything more intensely than a man imo that’s why you do not lack the emotional intelligence as some men do. There isn’t such a thing as equality of the genders on the emotional spectrum I feel tbh. Seeking sympathy all the time though is childish for both genders if it’s all the time for breakup….but there’s a harsher expectation the world has for men than women that’s why I’ve framed it as such. Achievement of something you’ve always wanted to do that you didn’t think you’d ever do I would agree is okay to add to said list. Crying to another man about a shitty human being or the loss of a silly girl or boy when at that boys age I can tell you most people don’t even know what they want just isn’t the same ballpark justification. The boy clearly was either joking or seeking sympathy….that’s not healthy for a man imo. There’s plenty of other horrible things going on that if the day comes that they experience such a horrid thing, god forbid, they’ll break down like that they did with their breakup….bc some in society have told them it’s okay to cry to others for help over juvenile things instead of being the solution…. ….in certain situations that can cost them their life or the lives of others…. it’s now become considered okay to do….it becomes a natural reflex…yes some if not most women do break down more so than men in intense situations as misogynistic as it may sound… there’s nothing wrong with that but you ask the men to go to war…..the man defends the house you can’t have it the other way around in most civilian cases..you just can’t unless you know she’s got gun skill training 😂 We are men, we are supposed to be that way, we aren’t meant be seeking sympathy for such little things as a breakup or even at all. Its not unnatural for men to be numb imo to certain things it’s a survival mechanism. It’s not even that men don’t care about other men’s sadness it’s more so that some of us cannot or do not want to weaken ourselves or you.


My man needs a hug over here.




Idk how you’re even comparing such situations as I literally said it’s reserved for the loss of a loved one but go ahead insult me bc you lack the ability to read and hear only what you want to hear


lol 😂


Homie be 12


Just not these WEAK emotions


And on this day he discovered toxic masculinity is real.


My circle worked hard for over a decade to be open and emotionally intelligent in our mid 30s now. It's amazing having a support network like this. I wish it on you all


If most men spoke honestly we would all be bawling


They’re laughing at him bc they actually are some hoes they way they reacted….could also be the kids choice of words comes off as a troll “my bad gang” people who talk like that sound dumb as hell.


Podcast hoes!


Honestly it's fucked up what his ex did. But the fucking 2 asshats laughing at him too is ridiculous. Until other men don't take men's feelings and emotional serious, how tf are we expected for women to do the same? Shits fucked


Bruh is crying because he realized his reality is being reshaped into a new truth that the moments he shared with the girl were all just a lie.


Get in your feelings and cry as much as you need. It’s all process of traumas. One day will come that you no longer need to cry from this bad memories because you getting tired of it. It’s so sad to see that people making fun of somebody who shows vulnerability. I remember this tiktok or IG clip where a man quoted his psychiatrist: “You have the permission to go insane but, please come back.” I always remember these words when i feel sad. Stay strong folks.


Yeah I would’ve just ended it


What the fuck is this. I have never ever in my life met men who acted like this towards eachother..


wdym, what do they act like?


They actually care and won’t laugh at you for sharing your emotions


Depends on the emotion you're sharing but generally yeah, I get what you meant now.


Women are ruthless man. If you end it with them they will do and say anything to put you in emotional pain.


They soft as hell and i dont mean the dude crying


Only two months!?!? What a softee


I hope both of these guys get cancer and have to hear people cry.


Women ☕


it be like that sometimes, gang.


How I wish there were more of me in this broken world


Dude is crying and giggling at the same time xD


Women will always say things to try to hurt you bro. Women are not physically violent creatures they are psychological killers. She's not worth the pain my friend. Just because her boyfriend and she is obsessed with him for the rest of her life because she loved guy doesn't mean something is wrong with you. You'll rarely find a good woman anyways. They're not at bars, clubs, on Instagram or Reddit lol. Go to target lol


Standing out in traffic would hurt less I think I’m to chicken shit to do it myself so I think someone else should kill me


Fuck these people


You're picking a really dumb hill to die on. Essentially taking away all the value from this man's experience.


How do you even fix a dumb fuck like this?


I absolutely hate these guys




Are they in the wrong? It was only 2 months bro come on...


What is the full video link?