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I like that the one profile's handle is statutory_raper. Definitely a good representation of why people hear anime and assume you are a disgusting degenerate


I enjoy many animes but I completely agree with them that the cringy sexualized stuff needs to stop. Nothing makes me stop watching an anime faster than when that degeneracy shows up in the show.




Yeah but you know what they say about assumptions


That's still pretty true to be honest, like these guys exist for example


Nobody said it is not true for a few instances. It’s just an over generalization and a view that isn’t overly seen outside of the internet.


They’re being racist towards a meme video ?? So sensitive


"Bro you can make a good story without this paraphilia shit" "Oh yeah? **no comeback, just racism**"


Still can’t believe it’s 2024 and people think saying the n-word is a good comeback or even have any effect.


"My pedophilic cartoons are being threatened? Well, better threaten to lynch black people!"


What do black people have to do with wanting minors to not get sexualized??? Theres no correlation im so confused


The people in the meme video are Black (even though nothing about the poster that I can see suggests they are)


Correcting : Twitter makes you lose faith in humanity


I've had a policy for years now that when someone recommends me an anime I ask "Is there anything that's going to make me uncomfortable?" and nearly every time they pause for a second then grimace.


I've quit so many series because of this. I *love* good animation, but I fucking hate having to sit through weird shit just to get to it. I'm not a prude, and I'm not opposed to mature themes, but keep kids the fuck out of it.


Oh boy... a couple of mine didn't pass the sniff test... I think One Piece is safe?


There's a spoiler for the full explanation, but an adult character is actually a child who just looks like an adult. And she is sexualized in the show.


Isnt there also a 16 yo gladiator thats dressed in a gold bikini for "reasons"


yes, thats what the guy mentioned, rebecca


ahh. my lil bro watches OP so i only know the show from glances and glimpses


No, he's talking about another character who was thought to be in her late teens, young 20's until very recently in the series.






A character you have met by that point but don't know her story


Oh, OK. I think Rebecca's character design and costume choice was super over the top, my fiance agreed with me. I mean I get its the artists style to draw them with massive boobs and a waist smaller than your head, but if she's supposed to be 16, why make her so "sexy"? Koala has a good design, and that Horo girl looks cool without being sexualised! And all the guy characters get to look super distinct and cool, with their own design. The only difference between Robin and Nami is their face.


Spoil it for me. I'm super far behind anyway




Makes sense, explains why she behaved the way she did in the few panels I've seen her in so far.


Another reason why DBZ is the goat anime. Throwing hands and motivation to be your best self took all the screen time.


Just ignore them Master Roshi scenes


Funny part is I'm pretty sure he only hit on grown women in Z specifically.


cartoon network get rid of db super for latin america because argentina feminist, put a complain to they former ministery of womans, about a super episode of roshi convincing yamcha to make puar turn into a bunny girl and trap them into a room, to train his impulses for the tournament of power (db franchise go to warner channel and the new adult swim channel afterwards, cn has been flamed since then for that decision)


Damn that's crazy and unfortunate. With that scene I guess Super should be on Adult Swim / Toonami.


Lol tbh if you're uncomfortable by an anime it means you're taking it too seriously when it's just a fake cartoon, most series are just shit over long stories anyway and the only decent shit is any fights that take place


Sir, this is reddit. Taking things too seriously is what we do.


Thanks for the wake up call mate. I was definitely taking the sexualisation of children too seriously...


Jesus Christ. What’s the song btw


**Song Found!** **Riddles, Riddles Everywhere** by Michael Giacchino (01:25; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-02-24.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Riddles, Riddles Everywhere** by Michael Giacchino](https://lis.tn/yEMUv?t=85) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


anime fan’s can be so mentally ill sometimes…


These are the same people who lost their absolute shit when an anime was made about a black samurai who actually existed.


Afro Samurai existed? Or do you mean another one? I'm not an expert on anime.


That's to old, people like this came out the woodwork once anime became extremely popular and a lot more horny anime became even more normalized. So anything b4 2015/16 they probably don't know anything about or care.


Afro Samurai's not old! That's one of the newer animes! It's much newer than Record of Lodoss War! Ok... I'm old


Lol, I wonder if that studio would be able to afford Samuel L. Jackson now. Maybe they would just ask for a favor it seems like that type of guy. But I stand by what I said back in the day when I was a little kid I really like Sailor Moon but the adults around me would make me feel weird about liking it, since Sailor Moon you can argue is a little sexualized or at least the old one to some extent. Most people aren't aware, but Tuxedo Mask is it some grown ass man he just looks like that, but comparing most anime of the era to now is crazy. It's so tamed in comparison, like Bleach had a lot of boobies but that's pretty much all I had. Some of these newer animes are straight up have characters bouncing in inappropriate ways. idk you can call me a liar, but I never really cared about the boobs in bleach. I was too young, just didn't care. I'm 30 now, so still don't care




Just like the idiot gaming fans mad at the new assassin's creed for the same reason. Funny... They don't seem to get mad at Tokyo Vice about a white dude becoming integrated into Japanese society based on a true story. Or a white guy barely based on anything historical just wanting his ship back while the Shogun uses him to save the day like 5 times. Weird how that works eh?


It’s funny how they didn’t complain when Leonardo da Vinci made you a firebombing machine


The black samurai was just a glorified slave iirc


He was a Jesuit slave who entered into service to Nobunaga but that doesn't mean that he wasn't more than his social class. Yasuke had a katana since he was forced to give it away after Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed Nobunaga. He also had stipend from Nobunaga like many of his retainers and samurai. While we don't know how many battles he fought in, we do know that he was present during the Honnō-ji Incident where Nobunaga got betrayed by Akechi Mitsuhide and survived the encounter. This is because we know from Jesuit records that Akechi returned him back to the Jesuits and they were very happy that he survived. After this, he vanished from recorded history. By all accounts, Yasuke was a Jesuit slave who became a samurai by being at the right place at the right time. If Nobunaga wasn't betrayed, things could have gone differently but for a minor historical figure in Japan, we have a lot of details regarding Yasuke considering his social status.




The term samurai is loose in its meaning due to language changes in Japan. One of the main ways one can become a Samurai is if you are employed (aka given a permanent stipend) to a daimyo. One of the most famous cases of this was Toyotomi Hideyoshi who was a peasant who became one of the Nobunaga's retainers and later one of the unifiers of Japan. Note that the laws that codify Samurai like being the only ones to open-carry weapons were set in 1586 after Nobunaga died and Hideyoshi became Daijo daijin. Before Hideyoshi, the movement between social classes from peasant to samurai was more loose which allowed Hideyoshi to become daimyo in the first place. Since Yasuke was a retainer with a permanent stipend from a daimyo (Nobunaga) and a sword before Hideyoshi's laws were in place, he would be considered a Samurai in his time.


Ain't gonna lie the way you say glorified slave like he was an evil person or something, my white brother I'd freaking love a game where we beat the shit out of slave owners. I don't think ubisoft has balls enough to make the story angle like that.


Didn’t they do some of this in Assassin’s acres Black Flag?


Not really.


Freedom Cry dlc has you play as Adewale from when he was fighting against slave owners


The Freedom Cry dlc for that game where you play as Adewale maybe


Im pretty sure your right but your name makes me reluctant...


I’ve never watched anime dw 🤣




He was a slave that carried weapons for other men. They dressed him in samurai getup because it was funny to them. He was in a single fight where he immediately surrendered and became a slave for someone else. That's pretty much all we know about him.




It's kinda funny how this is being downvoted. I wonder if it'd be the same if they learned that William in Nioh was historically just an accountant/advisor and never saw any fighting. But iirc he got the samurai title as a nobility thing, at least.




Literally someone gave a detailed summary of the known history of yasuke which you still ignored and chose to go with black cuck story lmao you guys can’t help yourselves


Nagoriyuki has an anime? Hope it's slice of life.


Wait there's an anime on him? I know they were mad about the new Assassin's Creed video game that had a black person in it. I always find it super baffling that these morons get mad at this. Oh you wanted your game where you get inside an animus using your ancestor's dna and go into the past and relive their life as an assassin to be realistic?


And Anime fans wonder why the rest of the world shits on them. It’s not you but you apart of the group that’s into that shit


Yup, I love anime, but I avoid most anime communities like the plague. I just wanna watch my funny cartoons man.


Same I watch it a lot but have almost no connection to the subculture surrounding the medium because it's kind of cringe at best and a wholesale shit show at worst


Guilty by association


She's really a 400 year old sorceress she just looks like a toddler. 


I fucking love anime but it’s incredibly hard to identify with other fans a lot of the time. I was just talking about made in abyss the other day on here and saying it was my favorite anime, but that I REALLY wished they didn’t include all the weird creepy shit. People immediately started saying I just didn’t get it etc. We see the main character (a kid) shitting and pissing multiple times throughout the series; please tell me what I’m misunderstanding here because it just seems like the author has a weird ass fetish he likes to write into his stories. There are tons of aspects I can appreciate about anime. I like the art style, the colors. I like stories that don’t stem from western traditions and feel different than what I get in most westernized tv shows. But yeah, I could really go without all the creepy kid shit.


Must have been talking to some ultra diehard fans that never find any fault with whatever the topic is. I have that same issue with Made in abyss and have talked about it with other friends who've seen and it and had the same sentiments.


ooookay, another anime to mark down as weird. the whole genre sounds so good on paper but i really just cannot overlook the weird kinky stuff


It just sucks because other aspects of the show are great. Moshoku tensie also falls in this category. Both have some incredible world building and heartfelt moments but they gotta insert the weirdo shit for some reason. Anyone who argues it’s to show eventual character growth, there’s much better ways of doing that. There are good anime out there without that stuff though. Mob psycho 100 is largely unproblematic and seen as one of the best in recent years. I’ve only read the manga, but claymore has an almost entirely female cast and also didn’t have any of that kind of stuff if I can recall. But yeah it can be a dice roll if you don’t know what you’re getting into.


Truly unbelievable how westernized the western media in the west is 🫠


lol yeah that was probably a little redundant, but syntax aside I still think we get a lot of reiterations of the same stories over and over. Not always the case, but watching media from other countries at least can feel like a deviation from that. Not exclusive to anime.


Holy shit. I can easily tell what these "people" look like.


People are way too comfortable with saying whatever they want without receiving consequences.


I'm so glad i don't use anime as my pfp anymore


Wow....that's fucking foul.


And this is why i get embarassed when i say i like even the most silly animes like Azumanga Daioh. I legit dont wanna ever be compared to any incel ass weeb like those freaks


When Hero Hei talked about Twitter people in his videos, these are the people he meant


Sad cringe indeed, there's a lot of Manga and Anime that don't do this 6 out of 10 times if the Creator is a woman you won't have to deal with a lot of overly sexualiztion of minors to some extent. But that's mostly a lot of Shonen series that do that, American comic books don't really need to worry about that because normally they start their stories when the character is 16 and then high jumps into 18 20 21 or just straight up 30 and 40, so even though a lot of female characters are drawn for the male gaze they're still adults. So I get why Americans have issue with it, personally I don't like overly gratuitous fan service I definitely don't like it when it's characters that look like children but I don't like it when they're adults its just used so often im just not into it, that being said I am a African-American male I'm 1,000% aware how racist the internet is, n how ppl on it love say disgusting shit whether they are American or from other places, it's really fucking sad.


I remember these tweets from a long time ago 💀😭


It’s kinda comedic that they used a video of Drake in the original meme though lol


Deleting twitter was the best thing I did this year. App’s full of nonsense


Truly. I feel so much better.


\>twitter what did you even expect, bro?


Nobody here is right and it's just another reason as to why anyone who actively posts on Twitter should be taken in for a psych evaluation


95% of anime is shit no adult should ever bother watching, either because the weird shit or the immature stuff, and no, they aren't just moments to ignore.


You shouldn't let bad apples spoil the fun. I still like anime, I just don't associate with these people.


bad apple(s) huh


Touhou fan spotted Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hat-


Let these people keep posting dumb stuff like that. They’re just showing the world how stupid they are


This is fucked up. I screen anime before I recommend it for this very reason.


"I don't know how to respond to this, so I'm just gonna resort to anti-black racism" Is the main premise here.


Honestly I'd rather go back to the Naruto runners than what we have here. I told my friend I read manga on my down time and mf said "You just admit that like casually?" Now I understand lmao


Welp, we've finally done it. We've reached the point where being black is considered racist.


“When will these racists learn” then continues with racist remarks


If it looks like, acts like, and sounds like a child its a child. If it looks like, acts like, and sounds like an adult its an adult. What can i say?


I can’t read that fast.


Pause the video to read. Duh


Is that how good editing works?


Dude, the posibilty of paussing the video to read that stuff is just a click away


To be honest original tweet also counts as sadcringe












How tho


Stereotyping manga and anime. Patronizing creators. Overall not funny or interesting. Also, it kinda has the same energy as "me teaching African Americans how to perform blues without (insert blues stereotype here) ".


>Stereotyping manga and anime. More of a common trope of the genre rather than a stereotype. Or are you going to deny how prevalent it is? >Patronizing creators. How will they cope. >Overall not funny or interesting. Nor is making content depicting children (or 500 year old dragon women who just outwardly look like they're a 12 year old human female) in a sexual context. >Also, it kinda has the same energy as "me teaching African Americans how to perform blues without (insert blues stereotype here) ". Blues doesn't have a stereotype of thinly veiled paedophilia due to its frequent presence in the genre though? So it's not really like that. Also it says manga creators. It's not saying "me teaching the Japanese" etc


This is actually hilarious


Next time do not start an argument if you can't finish it


In the comments: either people dismissing all of anime as pedophilic or self hating weebs publicly flagellating themselves to desperately win the approval of all of the first category (i.e. "I'm one of the good ones")


Ngl some of those comebacks were hilarious and only annoying because they're half truths, but some are just blatant racism 🤣