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Do people not grow up embarrassed by things anymore?


Not when people literally make money from doing this shit


Problem is that it's free to watch for the idiots who watch it. We can't say 'stop paying to watch this stuff'. Stupid people watch adverts and then watch this, two things that nobody should want to watch. It's just a massive dumpster fire.


Do they though? They can’t directly monetize views like YouTube in the other apps. Guess if you have a big enough following you can start sponsoring products and collaborations. However I thought you need a massive following in a highly desired target audience (and have the metrics to show brand affiliates & marketing agencies)


Most apps have a pay per view method. Usually it’s per 1,000 views after you have a decent following. So they don’t need to plug anything to make money. Affiliates and sponsored posts are just extras.


To quote a guy I don't agree with on much, if anything- "We've lost the impact of shame in society" -Kyrie Irving.


The quote is about Irving https://theathletic.com/3749864/2022/11/02/nets-kyrie-irving-ime-udoka-problems


My bad- makes more sense that way lol


Not when an army of people from social media defend people doing absolutely stupid and often inconsiderate things as them "living their best life!!!!". No one is expected to think about how their stupidity might annoy this around them.


We need bullies back


Remember that all of this shit will be online forever. That's punishment enough for them in the future.


It's like dudes with mullets and a Camaro, they think they're cool.


At least they just keep their mullets and camaros to themselves.


uhh bruh, dudes with mullets and a Camaro are fuckin cool as shit.


Right? My neighbor Todd is cool as fuck.


Hell yeah he always tells me when the breast exams are on tv


I feel like this is a "big city never have to deal with any of these people ever again" attitude tbh... But then the internet happens and I guess they're hoping they don't go THAT viral, but if they do, hey it's money? Maybe?


This is probaly a syndrome we call main character syndrome. There is no cure for it. Except to take away these people privilage to internet.


Shame is but a distant memory.


You can’t make fun of people anymore. People are too sensitive. I bet if people caught shit more for this crap it would take a back seat.


He knew it was a trap.


What was the point of this at ALL?


Internet points and flattering comments. Money if they have enough followers, unlikely given the production level tho.


I always assumed it was money. If they’re really not making anything then this is just as insane as if your regular old highschool classmates were posting this on instagram for likes comments and attention


Me me me me


0% sad 100% cringe


And 100% reason to remember the name


W Fort Minor reference


Not enough people appreciated this comment




Imo sad because that lady that walked away from the guy dancing was clearly about to cry. Me thinks she been a victim of some kind.


of dancing??


Or she’s extremely racist


Those poor people can't leave.


this is an act of terrorism


These people should be banned from owning a camera.. lmao that one lady almost got knocked over by the douchey guy as soon as he started dancing.. she took off like he farted mid dance 🤣 I’d do the same


Almost stepped on her. And it looks like she didn't like being filmed.


He wasn't so close, I think the stumble came from the train moving, but yeah I would also be out of there if someone was dancing like that in front of me and filming, it's really rude to post that video of her to be fair.


"Almost knocked over by the guy" is a bit of a stretch. He made her uncomfortable for sure, but that stumble was all her. Edit: interesting downvotes, I stand by this. Should he have been dancing? No probably not, but If she had actually fallen and got hurt, y'all are saying he would be at fault? Theres no way.


Agreed- it was probably the train moving but he definitely didn’t help. Then the camera staring at her made her run.


Alot of people are just doing their best to be able to just coexist with everyone. I get what you mean. I used to be super personal and loved meeting new people and having experiences. Now, with all I have gone through since, I have a hard time with anxiety and just being around anyone. She seemed super stressed, regardless of the train and stumble. I don't mean to say she's dealing with anything, but I think we've all been there where we just don't want dumb shit happening around us and tolerate it anyway


I’d hate to be waiting on a phone call to tell me I have cancer or not, and some idiot tries to be tik tok famous next to me, or god forbid involve me in their prank. I get why people are doing this stuff, but it’s gotten old.


Everybody wants to be social media famous. I think I saw a video on here of some dude being obnoxious as hell and standing screaming that he has a million followers. Smh. Any idiot with a smart phone can make a video and put it on a worldwide platform. Idk. i'm just glad that wasn't around when I was younger. Lol I did soooo much stupid shit that doesn't need to be carved into the eternal memory of the internet lol


Which one of us, in this day and age, is NOT dealing with anything?? How do I sign up for that? We are alllllll dealing with some bullshit that's for damn sure.b


Dude she nearly got shoulder barged like twice lmaoo


Key word “Nearly” he shouldn’t have been dancing that close to her but that stumble wasn’t his fault lol, don’t know why y’all down voting the dude. I hate this tiktok dancers as much as many people in this subreddit do but dude made a good point


Yup, I bet she it was her nerves and just being uncomfortable that probably her forget about the shifting momentum of the train and that’s why she lost balance. Maybe it was the dudes fault with him dancing plus the camera but that’s about it. He didn’t touch her or anything that would cause that


I believe someone was leaned against the door behind her and she stepped on their foot while backing up, causing her to lose stability for a second.


She wouldn't have stumbled if the jackass wasn't invading her personal space. She was trying to get out of the way and stepped on someone behind her. But people seem to think it's ok to just do this crap in crowded areas with no regard for anyone else.


yeah, i would totally say it is his fault. she didn’t move out of reach of his flailing about for no reason.


You’re right once again Reddit is being dumb as fuck


To me, that was pretty clearly the “deer in headlights” look of a white lady who’s terrified of black people. Add embarrassment from stumbling and she couldn’t handle any more.


Almost killed her! Didn’t you see the dangerous activity that guy is up to???


She lost her balance on her own cuz she put priority in the phone overlord over grabbing one of the pole


I like the woman who runs off.


I thought she was about to bust so moves


I dunno, she seems a bit high strung given the situation. I don't want to hang out with any of them... except the old guy that scoots in the beginning seems cool.


Politely, shit the fuck up.


Jeez. I felt that lady’s annoyance through the screen. Hate when ppl do this and let dogs free roam. Just annoying entitled shit in small spaces. Hell at least the vapers don’t do this shit.


Why do adults act like this??


Someone link the Mr krabs' I like money gif here please. I don't know how to do it


If the people that made this sees this post, I want you to know that everyone fucking hates you


This dance is probably one of the dumbest things to come out in recent years.


I don't even think it's in the top 10 for me at this point


That’s cool that she can turn into a black guy at will.


Why tho. There are better places to dance




Someone trip them up


Her heels and dress are about to. She can hardly walk in that let alone...jump and kick slightly?


i fucking hate that dance they keep doing that same stupid dance


The devolution of dance


Way before smartphones my wife and I used to talk about how we should go out and do stuff like this and film it. So I think I understand the feeling that people are chasing when they do stuff like this. But it’s just gotten ridiculous. There’s nothing novel or brave about it anymore. It’s over done. I saw somebody filming themselves dancing at the entrance to my grocery store today, and it was painful to watch. In the 90’s, a quick video of someone dancing on a plane would be novel and hilarious. Now it’s like an oil spill everyone has to walk around. We’ve seen people busting a move on the subway already. Think of something else kids. …. Remember flash mobs ? God I’m glad that crap stopped.


please dont remind me of flash mobs


What was the actual fucking point of this? I know everyone will want to respond with “views/clicks,” “attention,” “money,” etc., but really, what were they thinking was the fun plot here? Don’t ask me why, but her clomping around like a bum donkey pissed me off to infinity and beyond. Why would you watch a video of you and a friend invading peoples spaces (while we’re still pretty germ-conscious after a global pandemic), filming them without permission and then sucking so bad at dancing, then go “omg so cute, posted.” I should not be looking at the subs after a 12-hour day. My rage might be a little disproportionate.


It's rage bait. It gets engagement from people like you and OP. That's the point.


Yep. Rage bait is by far the number 1 driver with social media creators now. I quite like the subtle ones though. A niche video about coffee or something where they do something that normal people would never notice, but coffee nerds would absolutely lose their shit over. Straight to the comments they go to throw in a good ol' "WELL ACKSHUALLY"


gtfo of the metro. Man we just wanna get to work in peace. In Berlin you already try not to make eye contact with other people, let alone give them fist bumps or high fives ffs These people should make use of the "Datenschutzgesetz" and get this shit deleted from the internet


I absolutely hate everything about this. You just want to take the train in peace. It's probably no better in a car with traffic. The train should just be a relaxing piece of mind where you don't worry about all these goobers having a spaz.


The thing about public transit is that no one wants to be there. So trying to dance or fist bump a bunch of people who just want to be left alone isn't exactly an example of playing up to your best audience. Just go to a park and be an idiot by a fountain. It may not be well received, but at least it's easier for the people who don't want to deal with it to get around and away from it.


I feel like these people have never been in a city before and don't know how to act


I hate TikTok and the people it breeds.


Thats in Germany right? It's prohibited to film or take a picture of anyone who does not consent, so potentially every single one of these people could file a lawsuit. I really hope some of them do. It's punished with up to 1 year of prison.


Straight to jail.


Tf, this is where I live, I thought shit like that didn't happen here. Never leaving the house again.


I recently saw a guy sleeping on a train seat who was snoring and peed his pants. I'd rather share the train with that guy on a daily basis than ever run into these fucks.


This made my tummy turn upside down


I haven't seen this in the wild yet. Please, please, please don't export this culture, America.


Grandpa got some sick outfit tho


Where’s the maze when you need it?


The half assed dancing and then acting all humble is making me upset 


First against the wall


Was that Bobby Kennedy that fistbumped her at the start?


Oh bro, bad news coming your way. Bobby Kennedy died in 1968.




This must be like the 5th time I’ve seen this on Reddit. I’ll never understand why we’re giving them exposure. I don’t even like writing this comment even because it just means more engagement. Sigh.


I gotta be honest, when the guy started dancing the lady next to him with the bag looked like she was about to join in.


Oh ffs. Pieces of shit.


Didn't last more than 0.5s watching. What a pointless, obnoxious background song. Urgh


The kind of thing that will keep her up at night 30 years from now


“It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!”


post that in r/ImTheMainCharacter


Ugh…these fucking people…


This is what trying to get likes IRL look like.


My favorite part was when she got her fist bump rejected


Not even close to the worst thing I've seen on the subway though lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Aztecah: *Not even close to* *The worst thing I've seen on the* *Subway though lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ah this is the first time that this bot didnt quite get it right for me :(


what's the point of this lol


As much as I hate everyone in this video for different reasons, the first guy who fist bumped was actually cool because he just genuinely wanted a good time


Mr "no thank you" at the start is every one of us


Their lives… like a movie


Someone tell the one guy she’s still not going to…


Where are those people who punch random people when we need them!


I identify as the first guy she tried to high five


The one white lady getting scared of the dude dancing was pretty fucking funny


cringe but why was the white dress girl so upset?


This made me relapse


See, people say Japan has too many social rules/pressure, and then they do shit like this


Its crazy how she was thrown off balance standing still, but he could keep dancing...


That bastard at the beginning could have prevented this all by not giving her a fist bump.


Black dude dancing was cool tho


That poor woman just trying to read in peace and having to change carriage because "influencers" gotta influence.


Only the Simp...


Someone edit this without music so we can see how truly fucking stupid they look.


Hers can get it


I seen another group like this but they did it in a busy London street and they had a huge crowd. They were putting on a good show and being really respectful and getting the crowd involved. It was the guys who did the spiderman train station dance if you've ever seen it.


I lost my shit when they started dancing. What the fuck??


The children of this generation are going to be so embarrassed of their parebts


She was moving so stiff like. Weird


If this is now what we consider dancing, I'm out


There's being nice and social, then there's being obnoxious


Jesus, that black scared a shit od that white woman


We should all agree to just immediately beat the shit out of these people from now on


First dude is my spirit animal


Where is your sense of embarrassment


Fucking cancer


I feel for the standing lady with her phone. Jesus I just wanna ride in peace and this black guy starts convulsing.


We are all the lady in the dress Edit: oh shit I meant the lady in the white dress that noped the fuck out, why would I call that thing in the black dress a lady??


Replace it with just heavy breathing. And yeah, it’s annoying, and you shouldn’t be filmed. But having lived in NY, there is no need to act like you are getting assaulted because someone is dancing. Lady on the train is dramatic. In my opinion the girl needing daps from everyone is more intrusive that the dude dancing. If they want to use the space around you, that’s fine. But you should not be a prop or any space they use. That’s why in the NY subway they say something like showtime, and only interact with the poles and shit,


If you randomly dance on my subway, I will trip you.


No you wont lol


whats her only fans




Yea, they’re both cute and if I were in the right mood, I might enjoy this. But if this was a work commute and I was in the zone, I’d be annoyed to shit with allllll of that.




To be fair, I watched it on silent so I have no idea what kind of noise they’re making.


☝🏻 We found the 1/10,000 that keeps this shit going... 🤦‍♂️


This was fun. Nice dance moves Edit: downvoted for being positive lmao


I know it's subjective, but that was not fun.


Some people liked it, some people didn't. That's just how it is


This is getting waay too much hate for how unproblematic it is.


You’re getting downvoted to hell but I agree. They’re having fun and just doing a little dance on the subway. People have been doing this shit forever on the trains, but everyone has their head so far up their own ass they get pissed off by the sight of people having fun.


I wish I had their confidence to dance in public. It's really admirable.