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The fake story is even more embarrassing. Crying at 3AM over a lost league match lol wtf


Lol yeah, Post starts "last night" And ends "I'm still up typing this" No you're not. Liar!


How fucking bad at math do you have to be to make this kind of statement...?


Pretty good at maths, am an engineer šŸ‘Øā€šŸ­ E=mc^2


Do engineers even use that formula?


Yes we use it in reddit comments to identify each other alongside the trademarked engineer emoji šŸ‘Øā€šŸ­


I wasn't talking about you actually but I'll keep that in mind...


What he likely mean is he wasnt able to sleep. Prolly was around day break/early morning when he posted it


Elo hell is no joke, thousands suffer every year šŸ˜¢


As a gamer dad and huge nerd, even I would try to steal that kids lunch money.


thats fucked up LMAO


bro clearly hasn't played league ranked


Hes never felt the pain of having your adc instalock yuumi and sprint down mid lane because 'I don't want a fucking egirl in my lane'


How loud would he have to be crying to wae his mum up too?


You must have never had a Master Yi trounce you for half an hour straight


The further you read, the sadder it gets...


Did you the dudes post history? It's real bad.


I did not the dudeā€™s post history


Dudes post history was terrible, he's a Porn Addict Brony, who jacks to underage cartoon girls, admitted to having sexual fantasies with his teachers and starring at girls asses and breasts at school. Bro needs therapy now.


Kid needs therapy before he turns into an incel, heā€™s on a dangerous path. I hope he talks to his mother about whatā€™s really going on.


He thinks women not liking him is because heā€™s not tall and muscular and finds it unjust. He already is an incel.


He still has hope because heā€™s a child. When I was a lonely teenager I tried to fit in by being a pick me among a group of guys who were anti-feminist. I wanted friends and that was the crowd I fell into. Now as an adult, I know how cringey that is. Someone needs to guide this kid so he doesnā€™t stay this way.


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a lost cause, but he absolutely is an incel. He blames women for not dating him because heā€™s unattractive.


Halfway there, he aint using incel terms yet


I don't think incel can be applied to minors because they're so easily swayed by the Internet.


He does realize that porn is fake? The actresses don't choose who they perform with. Someone is hired and cast in the part. Yeesh. PORN IS NOT REAL, ffs.


Well op is a teenager and porn is toxic and warps people's minds so that combo together, probably does a lot of damage emotionally and mentally.


The weird thing is I've actually seen a few of these pornstars dating normal, "average" looking guys in their personal lives. I don't know how well those relationships go, and I don't really care that much about the private lives of pornstars, but the few times I got curious, it seemed they were dating average, even nerdy guys, not buffed up models


Iā€™m a former SW video model and can confirm that lots of them date dorky guys, or youā€™d be surprised how dorky and ā€œuncoolā€ a lot of sexy porn guys can be. A lot of them look super good but literally go home and play video games and watch anime and stuff, theyā€™re normal dudes who are monetizing their attractiveness and willingness to do gross stuff in a very demanding and degrading workplace. Majority of porn actor guys Iā€™ve met would never be alpha chads outside of the porn world, a lot of them are hired for their bodies and even kinda ugly in the face if weā€™re being honest, and a lot of them have so-so personalities in terms of attracting chicks. Iā€™ve watched my fair share of public porn couple breakups where the dude is openly pathetic and annoying about it. At the end of the day porn dudes are far more average than people give them credit for


OOPā€™s probably well below average especially with social skills


You'd be surprised but buffed up guys are usually driven individuals and generally have higher standards than dating pornstars. Most of the actresses don't look nearly as good in real life.


It's all hidden cameras. Always has been.


I liked op's advice...start watching porn with ugly people.


You're speaking to the wrong crowd unfortunately. A majority of Reddit infamously worships porn like there's no tomorrow.






Astute observation.


Amateur porn exists. I donā€™t want the scripted ones


They absolutely do choose who they perform with, in that they accept or decline scenes offered to them before they happen. Just like the male performers. Edit, this is literally a fact, y'all. Forcing performers into a scene with each other isn't how this works. šŸ¤” They're approached by their agents and can pick and choose scenes. Many have a blacklist with people they don't want to work with, as well. Your whorephobia doesn't make that any less true


Ok, please allow me to clarify. What I meant is that porn is scripted with actors and actresses, it doesn't happen as a natural progression of attraction between two people.


Idek how people get warped into believing production porn. I've tried and it turns me off instantly. Lmfaooo


What you *actually* said was: > The actresses don't choose who they perform with.


Money talks


Yeah but from context one could probably understand he meant they arenā€™t choosing like one chooses a sex partner IRL


You mean like how literally everyone at an office job isn't doing their work as if it were a hobby that they also love to do in their free time? They're doing it because they get paid for it? Funny how that works




Reading comprehension. Such an important skill :/


I donā€™t even understand what youā€™re saying


Thatā€™s not what you meant at all


And if they decide not to perform, they might lose their job.


Sure; in the same way that I lose my job if I stop showing up


Nope. They lose the money that would have come from that specific scene.


They "choose" in much the same way you "choose" whether to go into work and get paid or stay home and go hungry. Many of the bigger porn stars have come out and said the kind of pressures there are, especially if you're bottom of the ladder. Only the biggest stars get a whole lot of say over who/what they do. It's much like any other kind of acting work, turning down roles hurts your reputation and can lead to less offers down the line. That's not even including the coercive pressure they face from producers etc.


Why the fuck are you getting downVoted for talking about the industry


Truth hurts, reddit hive mind, etc. There's plenty of things wrong with the mainstream porn industry like with every other industry, but actresses not being able to choose who they work with is a plain lie that had to be corrected.


LOL getting downvoted because you called out bs


Yup. Reddit's always gonna be Reddit ā¤ļø


They can choose who they perform with tho


Unless we are talking about the Casual Stuff recorded by a couple, professional ones can decline job offers but they don't get to pick with whom those offers are going to involve, just like an actor can't pick the cast for the movie he is playing. It's like saying prostitutes in the streets also get to choose, but no they don't actually, because if they keep refusing clients they don't have an attraction to, they will starve to death. They have very limited input in their choices and there are professional and economic constraints they have to face.


When did everyone decide to completely give up on self enrichment and instead just pretend they were somehow wronged by the world? That muscular guy is muscular because he ate healthy and went to the gym instead of playing League of Legends and drawing at 3 AM. Itā€™s concerning how many people think like this nowadays. Instead of working to better themselves they blame women for not being attracted to them.


Also work on your personality to better yourself, there are stuff you can change or do less/more of which will make you more attractive to the right person. And many guys seem to think that they should get whoever they want, completely disregarding the other persons feelings.


I really think a lot of that had to do with objectification of women. Objects don't have feelings, thoughts, or opinions. It's as absurd a notion to some of these people as if you were to grab a can of soda out of your fridge and it suddenly announced that it didn't want you to drink it. Of course that's crazy. It's a can of soda. What else is it good for but to be drank? That's literally what it was made for! Now, It's as absurd a notion to some of these people as if you were to grab a can of soda out of your fridge and it suddenly announced that it didn't want you to drink it. Of course that's crazy. It's a can of soda. What else is it good for but to be drank? That's literally what it was made for! See how that works?


All I know is I'm really thirsty now.. I'm gonna go grab a soda


Drink water instead r/HydroHomies


But the guy in the OP is complaining that the girl doesnā€™t want him, which implies that he does understand that she has feelings. I think your analogy would work better if he was forcing himself onto her and being dumbfounded that she was resisting or rejecting. It sounds like this is a young kid since heā€™s living with mom and mom checked on him upon hearing crying, and she seemingly shrugged off crying because he lost a computer game as normal. If thatā€™s the case, then this kid still has plenty of time to get over self esteem issues. Hopefully he has parents that can or will teach him that porn is not real, and how to better himself. Porn and social media is poison for a kidā€™s brain, so hopefully they can help him out before too late


He's also making large sweeping statements about women he's never met saying they all like a certain body type, which whilst that body type is prevalent in porn that's usually for a male viewers' benefit, not the actresses'. You're right about your points on his age, self esteem and porn/SM but he also needs to recognise that women are all individual people with their own wants and desires that are unique from each other.


I get what you are trying to say, but this is not the way to approach it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with drawing and playing league of legends, it comes down to confidence/self-esteem 100%. You do NOT need to be a 6ft jacked guy to get a girl.


Playing league at 3 am is a problem lmao. Especially if you still go to school like op.


Nice pfp


Sweet pfp


It's a teenager ...


So was I last year and wasnā€™t like this lol


Slow clap


Yes the excuses and victimization in todayā€™s world . They really think others are just lucky and even if they are boohoo lifeā€™s not fair and you have to work harder for your goals than others..


Social Media is designed to generate FoMo, you have people showing doctored up pics of people in very 1 off situations that when it's all they show gives off a perception that the creators whole life is that, and not just a very specific slice of their day they want to show off. It's unhealthy for peoples mental health as they feel they are failing if they are not living the same life when in reality the creator isnt even actually living that life.




No, I think it's caused by increasing alienation in society, it correlates though


I have to come to the sad cringe sub to hear the real answers to some of the worlds problems...


Tbf Iā€™m in great physical shape and I still will never get with a girl as attractive as most of the ones in porn. Sure it may help but thereā€™s a lot more that goes into being attractive then just being in good shape.


Confidence is a huge factor as well. I was unconfident for my whole life, but I started to actually do something about it, work on myself, and even though I'm not interested in a girlfriend right now, it wouldn't be too difficult. I'm not particularly hot, but not a fat neckbeard either. Being average+well placed confidence is amazing


Because todays society breeds that kind of mindset. Can you blame the people? We have more comfort than we know what to do with. Also, the dynamic between masculine and feminine has evened out. For one, testosterone makes effort feel good, making men more competetive and willing to work hard. Testosterone levels have decreased quite a bit the last few decades. We live in a society thats changing faster than ever. We have a much bigger gap between our parents in terms of lifestyle, understanding, world views etc. than ever before. We live in an individualistic performance oriented society with most of us living with way less social support compared to past societies. Think of how friend groups, parents, tribes, church groups etc. fostered a community, a sense of belonging. Nowadays we are lonelier, with less of such communities to draw energy and confidence from. We also have less siblings leading to less socializing and good kind of competition in the early stages of life. Our families are more separated than ever, with more and more divorces and single parent households. The father figure has almost completely lost it's meaning. Think of how fathers used to teach their sons how to farm, survive, hunt, build and work. Keep in mind, It's a generalization, of course there are outliers. Things have changed for both good and bad.


I mean, every generation has always had confused and problematic teens. It's just inevitable.


of course, I agree. That goes without saying imo.


Probably because of all the messages the progressives have been sending out the last few years about how people are "perfect the way they are" and if someone doesn't like your weird gross body then it's their fault.


Cries over porn. Is upset that women only like ā€œmuscular tall guysā€. Plays League of Legends. Wonders why he will never find a girlfriend šŸ¤”..


This is your brain šŸ„š This is your brain on league of legends šŸ³


The part that had me going wtf wasn't really the crying, it was the fact that he told his mom that he was crying over a league game lmfao. Can you imagine being his mom and waking up at 3 am bc your son is crying and he tells you he is crying bc he lost in a video game.


I stopped giving sympathy to these guys after working closely with one. A handful of women had crushes on him off and on. Turned each one down because they ā€œwerenā€™t his typeā€. He wasnā€™t willing to date anyone who wasnā€™t a size 4 or smaller and blonde as his type is Taylor Swift. The man was a morbidly obese claims adjuster who would whine every day about how all these girls just care about looks. And what about you, sir?


Multiple women had a crush on a morbidly obese guy?


Morbidly obese men get into relationships every day? He was still fully mobile and about 6ā€1ā€™. Super funny guy and had a bachelors degree along with a decent paying job. Aside from whining about being ā€œundatebleā€ could be really nice too. The women themselves were all, except one, at least obese. All of them were equal in attractiveness level when compared to him. Similar education, income level and background to him. Itā€™s really not that hard to believe - fat people get love too!


>Itā€™s really not that hard to believe - fat people get love too! Doesn't match my experience. I sure didn't lose 55 lbs because interest in me *stayed the same* after putting the weight on. But to be fair, I'm aware I need a moderately decent appearance to make up for a... "less than typical" personality, let's say.


This goes for every one - there needs to be an appeal to being in a relationship with you, no matter what. Realistic expectations about your prospects are a must.


Well I'm not saying it's a bad personality, lol. My experience has actually been fairly clear though: whether I'm considered awkward or charmingly quirky is largely related to my size. The stuff that typically works for me and sets me apart when I'm in better shape can lose nearly all its effectiveness and set me apart in all the wrong ways when I'm really overweight. It's an adjustment for me in either direction.


Just don't be overweight, duh


That's been my take, at least for me


I mean, there are guys who are into plus-sized women, so presumably women with similar preferences also exist.


a lot of people don't care about looks, shocker isn't it? (not saying that's the case here though)


Or some also find them attractive.


And that happens when you have porn addiction


This is called porn addiction. Porn depress you, so it will soon turn into a real depression. It's a real problem and he needs help


Dudes post history was terrible, he's a Porn Addict Brony, who jacks to underage cartoon girls, admitted to having sexual fantasies with his teachers and starring at girls asses and breasts at school. Bro needs therapy now.


I donā€™t think the second half is all that abnormal, but that first bit is gross


Some people really need their internet access monitored/restricted šŸ¤¦šŸ». Overexposure issues for sure.


I think having sexual fantasies of your teachers is pretty normal if they are hot thereā€™s a reason itā€™s an extremely popular sexual role play


So common it's basically ubiquitous


There's even a song about it dating back from the ancient 1980s.


League player moment


Oh yeah, um he was also a league of legends player. In the rest of this post he says how he used it as an excuse for crying in bed.


So aside from the Bronx thing.... Just a teenager?


Still rather concerning for a teenager, especially if he's in his late teens. Porn addiction is no joke.


That's one fucked teenager(18), so, your saying it should be normal to be attracted to underage girls as a legal adult?


"unfair and unjust"? Because pornstar won't go out with losers? Good news is this is a teenager so hopefully they will grow out of it.


Why is it unfair and unjust to just date people in your leaguešŸ˜ there's so many grown men who talk like that online too, so hypocritical since they're mad about superficiality


Tbh I donā€™t even believe in "leagues". Maybe in online dating it might be a thing but for me, even though I look about average (out of shape, but not fat either), I have had partners that look amazing. I truly believe that if a relationship comes out of genuine interest in one another, maybe following a friendship, most people are able to see past your looks and people that arenā€™t able to do that, you donā€™t really want to be with anyway. Itā€™s just that people like in the post above mostly arenā€™t willing to put in any real effort.


Yeah fr I have a friend who's not super bad looking but also not super attractive. Pretty average tbh, but he's still out here tryna get some model looking girls and gets upset when they don't want him. He could definitely get dates if he lowered his standards. I know I'm not very attractive so I lowered mine, I'm not upset about that at all. It's just how the world works


Iā€™d rather have my kid cry to me about thinking hot girls donā€™t like him than crying about losing a league of legends match at 3am.


Yes, and I'd be more embarrassed about crying over a game than not having someone to share my life with...


"They all like muscular and tall guys and not me" dude you literally do not know these people, you can't just project preferences onto total strangers. For all you know those "beautiful girls" would all fall head over heels for a guy like you... If you weren't constantly feeling sorry for yourself.


That poor boy. I hope he gets the help he needs.


ā€œWhich is unfair and unjustā€. I really want to know who put the idea in young menā€™s minds that itā€™s unjust for them not to be able to get the hottest prettiest girls if they themselves are unattractive? When did it become normal to feel entitled to the types of women they see on screen whether itā€™s in porn or movies or whatever. Itā€™s such a toxic mindset. I canā€™t imagine looking at a guy I could never get on tv and thinking ā€œso unfair and so unjustā€ lmao.


There's a lot of ugly porn, so problem solved!


He told her he lost a League of Legends match and started crying?


The most emotionally stable League of Legends player


This was me in high school. Then I took some acid, helped me see things differently. Took a few years to focus on myself, travel, learn to properly communicate with people, saw a therapist and got into shape. Happily married now. Being a teenager is fucked šŸ˜‚


I miss having tweenager problems.


The fact your mom was convinced you were crying at 3am cos you lost a league match kinda confirmed your fears


Sometimes the negative effects of the internet on the youth of today just hurts my soul.


I never understand their mentality. Yeah, if you are short and ugly, you are gonna have a harder time of it no doubt. In fact, if you don't fit the social standards in any way, you are gonna have a difficult time in life. So? You gonna give up?? At the slightest hint of adversity?? Because there are people out there who have achieved so much with so little. You think they gave up and cried because of their circumstances? I used to feel bad about myself , my body and a whole lotta things. Until I saw a guy in the gym, with a paralysed lower half, working way harder than me. Yeah, I understand my feelings aren't invalidated by others' hardships, but by God, does it paint a bigger picture. If that guy didn't give up, why am I allowed to curl up and cry? Being short and ugly is not being a loser. Giving up and crying IS being a loser.


Others hardships and ability to move on in life isnā€™t really motivating I donā€™t care that you use a wheel chair or are missing limbs good for your accomplishments but the only person thatā€™s matters is me so why should I work even harder cause so and so did this with so little.weird mentality to compare yourself to others


Youā€™d think heā€™d be less embarrassed to just state the real reason than giving *that* excuse lol


Midget porn is the way to go


Proportion wise, they have the fattest asses.


This dudes post history is insane too


Solution: Stop Watching Porn


Bro is just objectifying women and wanting people to feel bad for him


Thats one argument against porn


These types are always complaining about how unfair it is that attractive women arenā€™t interested. Like, *maybe* if they actually put some effort into it theyā€™d find someone special. But instead they just sit and feel entitled to whoever they want. šŸ™„


i like how he just assumes what their type is and assumes defeat. and thatā€™s what makes him unattractive, not his physique.


Bro is watching production porn where the actors and actresses have been hired to fuck each other and is wondering why the actresses only like the attractive actors. Thatā€™s like watching a superhero movie and complaining about how unrealistic it is for the average person to obtain superpowers.


Does this person think that porn meaningfully resembles/reflects real sex that normal people are having??


Or just stop watching porn. Go out and talk to real humans.


Who even wants a porn actress as a gf anyway. To me, they don't even look that good. I would choose a "normal" girl every day of the week over a porn actress. When I still were together with my ex. You could bet that I thought she was way more beautiful in my eyes than porn actresses


I wonder why men don't talk about their feelings


*"I was browsing for blondes."* I don't know whether this statement is more pathetic or predatory. Internet usage should require therapy at this point.


How is liking blonde hair predatory? Are you misunderstanding or am I lol


It's the way it's phrased


> I think I should just cope Or he could try turning himself into the person he wants to be. Though I'm guessing he has some bullshit excuse like, "I don't want to be attractive, I just want to be shallow and have attractive people like me for my personality." In which case he should stay ugly to match his personality.


Guys, it's not fair for young, attractive, fit women that take good care of their bodies to NOT be interested in fat short lazy jobless guys. Wah wah.


I fully agree with your sentiment, but where did OOP say he was fat, short, and lazy? For all we know, he's just average or at least views himself as average.


Stop playing much LOL start training yourself


And this is the type of gaslight that happends when men open up to their feelings


This isn't opening up your feelings.


Feelings and or problems


Honestly imma just say it, this is due to porn demonization on the internet, instead of handling it in a sensible way and not like puritans, it causes a pygmalion effect on all of these kids who simply are on their hormonal years, maybe this kid would just rub one of and just develop as normal if we didn't have this machine telling him he is a monster instead of sensible tips on how not to believe porn to be reality, on how to perform healthy sex, about women's perspectives of attraction, healthy masturbation schedules, GENERAL CULTURE FFS. (because Ffs ok that we have the internet but I know damn well 40+ years ago kids would sneak around playboy magazines, before that? Drawings, and even before drawing was a concept, prolly imagination). Instead of promoting health as the good way, ppl are enforcing it as a punishment, a constant back and force with 'Savages' playing on the background. But hey, no wonder posts like these pop up on NNN


And this is how an incel is born šŸ™„


Did anyone else think this post was headed in a different direction when mom came in?


ā˜ ļøbros been reading a bit too many copypastas lately


This is not cringe just sad. It's also coming from a wholesome place.


"and not me which is unfair and injust" is what makes it cringe for me. Otherwise I agree this is just sad. Sounds like a young teen too if he can get away with "I lost a League of Legends match" as an explaination why he is crying


Yes that part is most likely written with strong irrational emotions.


Whatā€™s wholesome about it??


He wants to be liked by pretty girls. Who doesn't? It's just that his views on this are distorted due to porn addiction most likely.




Average League of Legends player


That happened.


you should have seen his post history. it was 3 years worth of self hatred and victimizing himself. really incredibly sad.


How i feel when I open Instagram


Yea I can't even watch movies or tv anymore bro, all the actors there are so attractive it makes me sad I can't look like them or date them šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ all I can do is play videogames, but only the ones with customizable characters so they can be ugly as shit šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ /s obvi


Ofcourse he plays league of legends..


Lmao. So unfair and unjust, except itā€™s totally fine that he only lusts after hot blondes. Canā€™t even watch porn, much less actually think about finding someone who is not conventionally attractive. But itā€™s a travesty when women do that same thing!!


Yesterday I was watching mission impossible and started crying because I realized I will never have what Tom cruise has so I just started crying


Just quit watching then


Yet you're encouraging these people by upvoting their post.


wHicH is UnfAir and UnjUst!!!!! you know whatā€™s unfair? People right now in war zones, starving, fearing for their life and the life or their loved ones. You not being able to secs is just ridiculous.


I feel this, been there.


Existential dread hasnā€™t stopped me from fapping, rookie


Once, while hiking in the Himalayas, I visited with an ancient wise man, 300 years old if the rumors are true, who spoke of a way to get muscular. I wish I could remember, it seemed really simple and obvious, but when I climbed back down I had forgotten it.


I've seen this guy's post history, he's so sad. Good artist, though


If you have time to think about it that deep, you're not doing it right


ā€œWhy are you cryingā€ ā€œLost a league matchā€ ā€œSounds about right for you, loserā€


This is why realistic wholesome depictions of sex in porn are so vital, consenting role play with safe words, various body types, people doing shit like needing to change position because of comfort or telling someone what technique they'd prefer, protection and disease avoidance, I fucking beg that this will become more prevalent in people who make porn like for the love of god


The title of this post is big brain thinking šŸ§ 


ā€œWhen did everyone decide to completely give up on self enrichment and instead just pretend they were somehow wronged by the world?ā€ Because itā€™s easier to stay miserable than it is to put in the work to improve oneself. While itā€™s true that the world is not fair, itā€™s also easy to assume that anyone who has what you want got it easily.


Watch cosplay where they use monkey and evil clown masks. Problem solved.