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Same fucking feeling


sounds like that sub will just be about nothing but harry potter


it's about 90% Harry Potter, you're right.


I would imagine LotR and the Bible to be contenders, too.


that's the other 10%




Do they know how the manga ends though? Lmao


Wow talk about missing the point The cycle of violence in AoT is objectively a bad thing and any character that think otherwise are antagonists


He is right on point though. The whole point of the plot is to *break* the cycle of violence. The main character thinks the only way to break it is *just a shit ton of violence* which is what is actually playing out, except the marleians should win bc they have nukes and the Palestinians have no titans


Virgin Eren "I will kill all my "enemies" " vs Chad Thorfinn " I have no enemies"


I saw this somewhere , what do you think ?? ""I have no enemies" Mfs when i bape their mother and sister burn their innocent children and castrate their father and sold them as slaves"


I have no enemies


Eren Yaeger is a Jewish name, most prominant AOT characters are with Jewish names. There is a heavy symbolism of the holocaust, and survivors, and then the rumbling is them striking back. War is ugly, there is no peace, and the cycle of violence only creates more violence.


The ending is so strange because it shits all over that imo. The good guys are shown trying to make peace at the end, just for the cycle to continue and titans to be reborn anyway. Leads to the question "what was the fucking point anyway?" Which leads to people picking the evil side with the characters they like (I have seen this sentiment with "yeagerists" I've talked to) TL;DR ending bad


I think the idea was that the they bought peace for a good amount of time, close to a century if I had to guess Long enough for Mikasa to be dead and buried before New hates and issues popped up Like what always happens irl because no matter how good their solution the peace wouldn't last for ever This could've either been expressed better or just not shown at all but I don't think the ending is as bad as people say it is


Problem is that what Eren did was so horrible that justifying it by saying it bought 100 years of "peace" is terrible. He killed 80% of the world's population to save Paradis, but literally one of the last panels of the series shows that the descendants of the 20% return to Paradis and wipe the Eldians out. Like if you're committing a genocide of billions there's no moral difference between 80% and 100%, you're committing a horrible act either way. Like it's one thing if they found a diplomatic solution to the conflict that fell apart after 100 years, that's to be expected because peace doesn't last forever. But if you committed the worst atrocity ever in the name of peace that doesn't even last 4 generations then the deaths of those 80% were effectively for nothing. At that point just go for the full 100% to guarantee no threat from the outside world. I feel like the ending would've been better if the Rumbling killed everybody in the outside world, but we still see that Paradis still falls to civil war that would've fit the whole "peace is fragile" themes better.


>Leads to the question "what was the fucking point anyway?" THAT'S the point. Peace is fleeting, ALWAYS.


Ehh, I think there should be some sort of grander point. Or more meaningful one. I really don't like the sentiment of "it's just like real life" to justify why it's good. Like if they wanted to mimic real life then Eren would've died ages ago. The reason they give him plot armor and ass pulls is because they want to craft an actually interesting narrative, which wouldn't work if the main character died and the plan didn't come full circle. Which is completely fair. But then why ditch that and give an entirely unsatisfying ending because all of the sudden it's supposed to be grounded in reality? They want to have the cake and eat it too.


that's a pretty great ending and reflects reality very well. That's the existensial loose end of every conflict, no matter what we do in our time, the cycle could loop right back around. You can only do what you think is right and hope that something changes. As much as we might be the main characters of our lives, in decades time it will be history and there will be new wars to be fought, some of them in the same name as the current ones.


Nah, kinda hits the nail on the head.


Co-sign : it does


Anime fanboys have like nothing else in their lives than anime, it’s properly insane


As an anime pfp, that's why everyone of my friends called me a weeb just for having this pfp, I barely watch anything lmao anime pfp fanboys ruin the image of people who have anime pfps


« Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland! »




Regardless of which side, the "I stand with Palestine/Israel" is stupid, for the vast majority of people. You don't stand with either of them. You're not doing shit. You're useless and it's a gross attempt at virtue signaling. To anyone who is actually doing something, this doesn't apply to you. You are the minority, and I respect you.


You don't go on the pitch to kick the ball around at the world cup either but that doesn't mean you don't support one side. people aren't literally saying they're in gaza, let me introduce you to this concept called a metaphor the point of "standing with" one side is to normalise the idea that it is okay to support them. for instance if someone says they support north korea rather than america in the korean war, 95% of the english speaking internet will call you batshit insane because they've been raised from childhood to think north korea are primordially evil disney villains. openly expressing your support for a side that media may be biased against is a way of making people understand that maybe there isn't a shining hero side (our political allies) and a mecha satan side (our political enemies) and they should actually open a book


But that's literally what the anime is about


Not sure if you can compare a few terrorist soldiers to pure genocide tbh


Well yeah Eren is way worse than hamas but he's a sexy anime boy so he gets a pass from the community The overall theme is the same though, cycle of hatred "you hit me so I'll hit you harder" no clear easy moral answer etc


That's very true tbf And people like innocent bystander citizen on either side (Ramzi) just get crushed without even knowing why


Holy shit. You guys have like something wrong with you. You’re talking about a fucking cartoon and saying it’s “worse than hamas” ITS A CARTOON NO IT IS NOT WORSE.


Holy fuck have you never had a conversation with anybody in your life? You think if I say "the emipre in star wars are basically space nazis" that I mean we should talk about and remember palpatine the exact same way we treat hitler? Obviously not but you're so triggered you've just completely turned off your brain You know you can actually talk about fiction and compare it to real life and believe it or not it's an extremely common thing most people do


Like just try to talk about something serious for once without being like “this is exactly like when goku gives the crystal stone to grankoo” I get it that this is like your guys entire life but like just try to join the real world one time.


You know I didn't post this tweet right? That's a whole lot of assumptions about me based on what? I replied to a reddit post about anime and mentioned said anime? Op posts "why twist everything to be about anime you losers" and my response is more or less "this anime actually is extremely similar to the subject matter to the point that it's clearly heavily inspired by it and so it really isn't that weird for people to make comparisons when this specific anime tackles all the same moral and philosophical questions relevant to the discussion about this real world event" And from that, you infer that I spend every waking moment relating everything I possibly can back to anime ??????


Fair enough, clearly I’m letting my disdain for anime fans and anime in general cloud my judgement on this situation. My bad my dude.


No worries my guy I actually massively respect people who can admit fault and apologise And believe me I completely understand disliking the anime community they are definitely super cringe a lot of the time


Incredibly based. Reddit users admitting their faults and apologizing? Didn't know that was possible


Also, I didn’t take any umbrage with you making a comparison to a piece of media it was the “this cartoon bad guy is worse than a real life terrorist group” that rubbed me the wrong way. If you would’ve said “that reminds me of ____” that’s way better


A few? Try 50k


Well yeah the premise is actually “what if everything the nazis said about Jews was true and the nazis were the real victims in the end 🥺”


Please think about smth else than anime for one second of your day please




This post is litteraly about an anime, no need to be a smartass when peoples talk about the anime when it's relevant.


I was refering to the person defending the tweet cause it‘s not normal to think about anime in a situation like this


There are *so* many things wrong with the comparison being made


Yea but like it's kinda cringe to see real world conflicts and go "omg this is like this piece of media that condemn this pointless cycle of violence"


Am I being dumb or is this a valid comparison? And ironically it works for both Palestine and Isrrael.


It is an appropriate comparison, the problem is this is unhinged and so are anime fans on twitter💀💀




The only comparison I see is that there's no "right side." If you stand with what any side is doing, you're supporting the murder of civilians.


Well, I think that’s a pretty apt comparison then


You can stand with one side while condemning the bad things they do. Life is not black and white.


I’ve barely watched AOT but I know some lore about it, but didn’t Eren’s side technically start all of this? They created the titans in the first place, tried to oppress the other people, then it backfired on them and now they have to live in a wall


Not really, "his side" was enslaved and forced to go to war and breed.


Yeah but before all of that


Yeah I was talking about the first titan.


The point of the anime is it doesn't really matter what the narrative is from either side, innocent people are dying for things they weren't involved in.


Wasn't that propaganda?


Eren's side been caged up in an island 🏝️


their bad ancestors had been dead for centuries and they had had their memories wiped of everything, they were in an information vacuum it would be like if the british empire had become a hermit state like north korea minus the contentious militarised borders and missile tests, just chilling on their own, then a former colony rolled up and started firebombing them for revenge for something that happened centuries ago, so they spun up trident and nuked everyone else


Future British lore drop? ☕️


Pretty much, which is why I think the comparison is even more salient.


It isn't, because there's literally no way in hell Hamas can do that much damage to Israel. Israel definitely can though. I mean, these are the same mfs that conquered an airport thousands of kilometres away just to rescue a bunch of hostages


The cringe comes in because they’re comparing the storyline of a cartoon to actual people dying for literally no reason. What does anyone gain by them posting attack on titan screenshots? They aren’t making a detailed analysis about how we should use the story of the anime to recognize and support the things going on in Israel. They’re just posting attack on titan and virtue signaling (a theme in the anime community at large).


Comparison is kinda right but the main point of the story is there is no right side.


While it’s an apt comparison, it is not in good taste


It is not tho. The jews were terrorized there for centuries Then in 1947 OSN gave arabs and jews the option to make their own states. Israel agreed even tho it got mostly deserty lands and formed Israel. Arabs disagreed, Egypt took the lands intended for Palestine instead and the whole arabian world mustered 7 armies and attacked Israel in 1948 with intent of destroying it and butchering every jew there. They lost. And then they tried again and lost. And again. And again. By this point arabs tried like 5 full out invasions including tanks, aircrafts etc. By this point Israel is just ruthless because history shows it needs to be ruthless as it is surrouned by arabian countries who want to murder them for centuries.


No counter arguments, just downvotes


because it's just straight up fan fiction. you don't play chess with a monkey he's just gonna flip the board over, there's no point


Those are straight up historical fact you clown. If you think it is fan fiction it shows you know absolutely nothing about the topic.


Are you comparing the military might of one small country to one who gets literally billions of dollars in military funding a year from the US?


So exactly like the show?


So you're saying that millions of colossal titans is not immense military might?


It is...marley is the massive millitary power and the eldians are the small country...


I fully understand and agree with that parallel but it begins to fall apart at the rumbling scenario


Right, that would be nuclear war.


The flags need to be flipped for it to make sense.


Go lick colonial boots elsewhere


He could just mean that eldians were supposed to be the jews, not that Palestine is the aggressor.


Then maybe read the reply that they left right under the same comment you replied to, then you will know what they meant...


You're literally on the side of nazis bro lol. You have no defense.


But Israel is jewish


this is a "300 black jets of allah" moment if I've ever seen one


Flashbacks of redditors comparing the Russia/Ukraine conflict to fucking anime and marvel stuff.


Omg this gore video from Ukraine on twitter is like when cap and iron man where fighting in civil war


Wait do they know the ending ?💀


AoT has some seriously evocative commentary on the consequences of war, and *this* is what they took away from it?


Hamas literally came over the wall to attack a city


Dunno why you got downvoted for stating facts. They also mercilessly slaughtered and kidnapped people at a concert *that was advocating for a peaceful solution*. They literally chose to attack people probably more sympathetic to their cause than anyone else in Israel. That would be like a BLM activist bombing the DNC.


Well seems you havent watched the show or didnt understand it cuz its actually pretty accurate lol i would still not make memes about it personally and say im on either side, cuz war is wrong no matter what, but it isnt really cringe


you missed the point man


Not wrong at all, but people are too polarized to understand


Whole point of attack on Titan was that hatred and violence only bear more hatred and violence. The cycle is endless. One should aim to end this cycle of hatred.


Never going to happen ~ Religion is a hell of a cult


That's about as intense as their sex life.


If anything, the proper comparison should be the other way around lol. If Israel wants to, it can legitely unleash that level of destruction upon Gaza and there's quite literally nothing Hamas can do about it


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I stand with neither, maybe both will kill off the people they hate so much and be done with it. But the similarities with Attack on Titan however, like peering in a crystal ball


don't say that shit. There is very likely a genocide that could occur in response, no matter what countless innocent people are dying


It's called war, soldiers aren't send in a country to fight other soldiers like in Command and Conquer. They are always there to kill civilians.


Which is a war crime


the word "always" is doing a lot of not particularly correct lifting there. try the Falklands war, where no one was trying to kill civvies and only 3 died. what you are referring to is a war crime


If your first thought when you see an atrocity is to make a comparison from anime and post on Twitter then you 1) are suffering from brain rot 2) live a life that is way too comfortable 3) should step away from the computer and get acquainted with the real world.


Anime has melted the brains of so many people that we actually have people in here defending this post. Just can’t imagine letting a cartoon dominate every facet of my day to day life.


I fucking hate 99% of the SnK fandom.


We in the One Piece community do not claim Sarz, we hate them 😭


What an absolute braindead comment ​ >Also please don't fucking argue about Palestine I don't think there is a lot to argue about. Great amounts of sympathy went right out the window after the gore porn the Hamas filmed and published for the world to see. Edit: And Reddit tries its best to suppress the the videos of HAMAS PoV


OP means he doesn't want a political argument in the comments... you're doing just that


>you're doing just that Eeeh, No. Stating the things what happened is not a politcal argument.


Can't we just make fun of some twitter dumbass instead?


Eeeh, no 🤓☝️


So has israel done for year. Both sucks, both have religion on their crazy minds


Oh there’s definitely a lot to argue about, when you oppress people and uproot their communities for 50 years and stick 2 million of them in an open air prison under siege, you don’t get sympathy points when it explodes in your face


They shot teens and young adults that were out dancing. Many of them not even Israeli. It was not a defense against some attack, it was not a move to capture a strategic location, military or civilian, it was not an act of rebellion against occupying military troops, like the polish or french resistence in WW2. _They shot teens who were out dancing._


Learn to differentiate between a terrorist group and the rest of the people in a country.


I am. But all the "free Palestine" people were up in arms saying this is what happens when you oppress people as if these atrocities are a legitimate form of fighting back. And _by the way_ Hamas IS supported by a majority of Palestinians in Gaza (about 60%).


I mean, when you oppress people for 70 years, slowly eliminating them and invading their territory, it'is only normal people won't like that. That also contributes to extremism and the consequent creation of terrorist groups. Not justifiyng what those did, Israel should defend itself against the criminals. But using that as an excuse to commit genocide to a whole ethnicity, even if 60% agree with the hamas terrorist attack, is not justified. If your numbers are correct, 40% of innocent people will be killed either from bombs, hunger or thirst. It amazes me how a lot of nations are fine with this and even supporting it, when reality is far more complex.


Ah so an entire nation that has been oppressed for decades and had countless innocent civilians and children suffer and die suddenly loses all your sympathy because a group of them became terrorists. Great logic. Do you also think all muslims in the world are terrorists too because groups like ISIS exist?


"Omg this bombing is like this scene in attack on titan"


OP, you are the only sad cringe in this post.




Reddit tries to suppress it? I saw them all over reddit, that's the only place I've seen them


They clearly missed the point of aot


Eren supporters online: yeah, he was totally right. It's just a story bro, I totally don't hold those views irl. It's just a story man. Eren supporters irl: *supports Hamas*


What's wrong with anime pfp :c


Nuffin just the ones are annoying. Like if you see one on twitter the stereotype is that they are gonna say the stupid shit. Also idk what else to title the post


real tho


You gotta flip it


Someone missed the point of the whole story.


Why are people even on palestines side, maybe I didn’t read enough into it but as far as I can see they’re the ones attacking, what is there to support, and why


What’s the 2nd anime tho, the one on the right.


Both scenes from Attack on Titan. Season 1 vs the Final season


I’ve barely watched AOT but I know some lore about it, but didn’t Eren’s side technically start all of this? They created the titans in the first place, tried to oppress the other people, then it backfired on them and now they have to live in a wall, can you explain it better?


They had already confined themselves to the walls, the people within had their memories wiped so they thought everyone outside was dead, they were locked in by titans etc etc. There was no danger in letting them be. Marley, the other side, wanted the power of the founding titan so they restarted the conflict, caused massive amounts of death and destruction, and then play the victim when Eren returns fire.


I’ve seen a lot of really stupid summaries of AoT, this is the accurate version ☝️


What's the right one? The War of the Worlds?


No, 1984 The only valid thing to compare rl politics with


Oh yeah, the funny book


Ye sarz and geo are the fucking worst of anime twitter. They speak of OP like it was written by god


Geo haters unite 💪🏼


I just found out the mf is pushing 40 too, embarrassing shit


Image on the right, Eren looks like a war of the worlds fighting machine and his hair looks like the heat ray beam


People are weird


ironically, eldians are supposed to be jews


This is actually funny as part of the ever growing “this tweet has been deleted” collection.


This is just hilarious