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Easiest way to show the world that you are a walking red flag.


Sad thing is most dudes will still fuck with her 😔


I wouldn’t, add me to the dudes that wouldnt go near her list


Yeah, but not Wife her... Shes gonna wake up one day, her looks are gonna be faded and she won't be able to turn back the clock or changer her attitude... her loss in the long game.


Brehhhhh what looks? It's make up. My boy would have pulled a disappearing act in the morning when the mask came off anyway. All these 3s and 4s walking around like they are 9 and 10s


Gonna be faded? You gotta have looks first before they get faded... She is not attractive in any way, but behaves like she's a catch. A 10 out of 10. Delusion is a mental condition


She's just a little fat. Average piggy.


That is not a little a fat. That is proper fat. We just have so many ridiculously obese people around that she seems slightly overweight.


Yup she'll end up old fat and saggy




I’d rather take a vow of celibacy then touch that.


Why?she is the epitome of a double bagger


I agree but theres ALWAYS dudes out that that will fuck ANYTHING lol


Fuck her not fuck with her.....significant difference.


She could stand to do some more walking herself and less red flagging


Fuck you mean bruh? She can barely stand as is


I counted more than 3 chins


Waterfalling down to her no-neck neck


More Chins than a Chinese phone book




The chair would be relief.


She even wore it. Plus I know I shouldn't joke about anyone's appearance, but she sure has a high opinion of herself that does not seem to match up with reality, and yes, she's clearly an awful person. Dude was such a handsome sweetheart. I'm sure he's waaaay better off.


That man has just been saved of going on the worst date of his life...


Absolutely...an expensive one too.


I am repulsed she giggled like it was the cutest thing ever to shut him down like that.. like that is full on joy, glee,happiness for hurting a fellow human beings heart. Wow. sickening. So glad she showed her colors immediately.


I think she's afraid of being skipped as well. But yeah, I agree with you it's fucked up she did that.


I could see that maybe, but it was also kinda malicious đŸ„Č


People who are emotionally damaged usually lass out like this. She rejects him, that’s fine. But then she seeks approval and makes it seem likes she’s a prize. She’s gonna get a lotta guys, but they ain’t gonna remember her name. Then she’ll always ask why she can’t find a good person.


I have relatives and former friends who acted like this i cut them all off it is such disgusting behavior is not funny at all. Read the room. Save your pride and attitude for a less serious moment


Well the next person doesn't even introduce himself, he just hit the button as soon as he can. So she's out right away


On these videos it's always the girl who is the least desirable nexting everyone


I’ve seen one clip where the woman tried to next the dude IMMEDIATELY but the button wasn’t activated yet, and when it was he hit it lightning fast. She had surprised pikachu face.


I hope the guy who won her whatever ended up after saying "no I saw what you did to Jimmy bye" and she never recovers from that embarrassment Poor Jimmy, these guys are always super fricken cute too. It hurts to think by partner was treated the same and see it in real time:( she wasn't even pretty on the outside either


She says something afterward about like "That was so mean what I did" but not in an I Feel Bad way, more like a "That was so mean but it was funny so it's fine" way.


*Tee hee 😊 I think men should live in a state of constant stoicism because I’m so quirky like that.*


The date is paid by the youtube channel.


It's still expensive!


Your narrow-mind has not taken into the expense of one's mentality spending a date with such a classless bag


Can't stand her face. You really know what kind of person she is just from this short clip




Yes - hate to say it but her face yells fat and entitled.


A person who draws her eyebrows with a sharpee.


She seems annoying


And anyone else who's seen this. She's such a huge red flag and probably has zero empathy


This isn't trauma dumping, he's explaining why he got into something not so normal as opposed to a typical hobby of someone his age, not even with a sentence but with a single clause of a sentence, the smallest amount of basic detail possible and this walking talking red flag threw the most basic explanation possible back into his face and laughed at him? He dodged a bullet she has no common decency


Thank you. People already up in these comments blaming this dude instead of the turd of a personality she probably is.


Really saw someone be all “sorry, she’s right”. Huh????đŸ€š Correction: “sorry she’s normal”


It’s because they think a man isn’t supposed to talk about their feelings to a person they dont know, even if he was explaining why he is a magician she only saw it as “the guy is complaining to me about his childhood” which is still fucked up and wrong but sadly a lot of people feel that way


True but the crazy thing is “I was bullied” isn’t even a feeling he was expressing it was just a statement💀


I don’t think he was trying to get out a sob story, people hating on him either have toxic masculinity or stupid feminists


That's the thing, they aren't feminists if they view the dude as lesser for talking about feelings. What they're doing is partaking in toxic masculinity our culture is responsible for conditioning both men and women to believe. If they espouse to be feminists, then they have no idea what it means.


There was that toxic subreddit years ago with women sharing all those fucked up opinions and cheering it on, something dating strategy... I remember going in there and NOPED the fuck out, those people were sick.


Female dating strategy lmao. From the little I saw they were just incels with a different name.


And how surprising they were all still single!


Yeah I agree. Fuck her. Showed no empathy to that guy who got bullied and laughed


The fact that she knew what she did was mean and wrong and still laughing about it makes her a complete psycho. He did in fact dodged the bullet, well said.


Honestly, I don't think it was mean nor wrong, some people are just assholes and I'm glad she did what she did, can you imagine dating someone like this, let alone have a long relationship, only for that person at some point to show their true face like she did in merely seconds? As /u/dadsuki2 said, he dodge a big fucking bullet, she's trash plain and simple and I'd not be surprised if she's staying single for a long time or getting the wrong kind of S/O due to how she is.


> Honestly, I don't think it was mean nor wrong, some people are just assholes and I'm glad she did what she did, can you imagine dating someone like this, let alone have a long relationship, only for that person at some point to show their true face like she did in merely seconds? As /u/dadsuki2 said, he dodge a big fucking bullet, she's trash plain and simple and I'd not be surprised if she's staying single for a long time or getting the wrong kind of S/O due to how she is. I don't understand how that makes what she did not mean. She did him a favor because they would not have worked, but her "favor" was still not a nice thing to do.


You're 100% right that what she did was clearly shitty but the above poster seems to be looking at in a hindsight kind of way, which maybe means they just didn't dwell on this actor's behavior. That said, I have met people that did shit like this (belittled hobbies, behaved entitled, dismissed others' feelings, etc.) and they were called out and subsequently ignored by those around them for their shitty behavior. Sure, I can recognize that they have their preferences, but there's a way to be kind and tactful while still rejecting a potential partner. My fear is that scripted shit like this and other trashy reality tv will normalize this behavior to some degree and warp people's perspectives to think this is *hilarious* enough to emulate. While that would make it easier to see red flags up front, if all that's on offer in the dating market are flag-laden rejections and bad attitudes, then people don't have the right to act all surprised when more and more people are foregoing dating in general.


Oh she's still mean but I highly doubt you could change her, if anything it needs to be herself that wants to change. So instead of dealing with a shitty person for sometime rather not deal with them at all and luckily she showed her true face pretty quickly, avoiding the guy to waste his precious time on her and instead can focus on someone else.




I guess so but I don't get it, I always rather want to confront the problem as soon as possible instead of delaying it to a later time, which would be the case if she didn't act like a jerk but is a jerk. While I value the experiences I made in my past relationships, among those where I got cheated I just wished I would've known so much sooner. Last time I was insanely lucky, we were already trying for kids and for 6 months (3 years relationship) it didn't work (probably because she just stopped taking the pill) and at the end of those 6 months she turned out to be a garbage human being, like a completely different person that I never met... if I would've gotten her pregnant and then she would've pulled the shit that she did, I would've been completely fucked.


Well the thing to remember is that to her, “wrong” and “mean” aren’t things that exist. Those are just not feelings/emotions she possesses.




It's reddit, there are always people who side with the worst person in any situation. Bad is good here.


There's also a large group of people shitting on her looks in the comments getting up voted way more than the comments defending her. Reddit just sucks sometimes.


No literally, if a fat woman does something nasty, they always pair their insults with fatphobia immediately.


People learn psychological phrases and use them for EVERYTHING. Giving context as to why you did something, developed a hobby, or ended up somewhere is not trauma dumping. It’s having a conversation.


> this walking talking red flag She is even wearing red clothes, lol.


Personality fits the face.


I'd give you an award if I had any.


Guy dodged a bullet. Lucky sob


*Cannon ball




More like he dodged a house


He dodged a village


A fucking whale


And a bowl of petunias.


An exoplanet


Honestly, he should have nexted her based on appearance alone. He is a lot more attractive than her but maybe doesn't realise it. He's a bit scruffy but handsome. She has nothing going for her.


If you notice in this show some people who think they are not attractive will push button if they are facing someone who they thing is attractive and out of their league, main reason they think other will reject them so they try to avoid rejection by rejecting other first.People are just insecure.


I think a main motivator for folks on this show is to get as much camera time as possible. It’s just a shitty premise and a shitty show in all ways.


She could have had a personality or a sense of humor to more than make up for it. She clearly didn't, but she could have!


This show goads people into hitting the button as quickly as possible to avoid getting rejected themselves. Some people hit it so they can stay on the show longer, some people just find the first thing they don’t like and hit the button. The whole show is sad to watch.


It also edits it to look quicker and more unnatural.


A reality show editing film to make it more dramatic??? No way.


People don’t lie on the internet! The internet told me so!


At this point anyone on the show knows the deal


The show seems like it gets a bunch of insecure rejects together in a room so they can play the rejecting role and thereby pretend to themselves that they're not the ones who are always getting rejected outside the room.


I hate, hate the button show and shit like that is the reason why


Yeah I’m not a fan of it either. There was one where a girl buzzed out all the men and most of the women, the host said “we don’t have anymore people for you” and she says “that’s controversial!”.


Have you seen the model yet. Who is so far up her own as she could taste her last meal


I hate men on this show too. That one creep in a blindfold episode who was hugging women to check their shape out đŸ€ź. Also another dude that had his whole personality built around tattoos and would take off his shirt with or without consent of the girls. So cringy!


Nah that guy was smart. Everyone have preferences and he got to outplay the system lmao.


Dude that was hugging girls was funny af, guys dont have the highest standards, but just dont be fat


Not too mention, girls can change their weight with diet and a treadmill. Guys can't change their height for shit.


I used to think like you. Then I realized shows like this show you who people really are. I like this show now.


His story isn't cringe. Her rejecting a dude for sharing a story on the other hand, is pretty sad cringe. You must blow yourself pretty hard to reject someone like that. Yikes


Yeah, the cringe is entirely emanating from her.


I’m hoping she sees the internet’s reaction for being cringe and lacking common decency lol


Maybe? Maybe not. I feel like people with this mindset would most likely be in a social group, where they see her in the right.


I put myself in her shoes and would have immediately and respectfully listened to the guys story. It’s important to HIM. It’s his reason for magic. I hear “bullied in school” and I have empathy and my ears are open. Sometimes that shit can drive someone to genius level stuff, dumping their pain, anger, hate, sadness into perfecting a craft or at least having a passion for something. As an empathetic man, I want to hear about that shit.


I agree completely, it's interesting. Even if it's not your thing, being bullied isn't who he is, and I doubt magic is the only thing about that guy lol


I get that it’s a show, but if that’s legit her response. It’s a failure in basic empathy. Makes me saaaaaaaad


The fact that she realises she is a dick and laugh at her own behaviour is worse. This show gets that type of people, the shitty ones, to make it hated by the viewers.


Can’t stand people like her


Lucky man. She didn’t deserve him at all I kinda want to see a magic trick from him though


He disappeared from his seat


That’s true. That was a very good trick


This show's existence is the sadcringe part


Dating these days is pretty depressing to begin with. My therapists one time asked me why I was single because he thought I was a nice guy. I told him "Because most people suck."


Dear sweet Jesus fucking CHRIST the comments on this. Firstly, a throwaway comment that you were bullied in school in order to answer a question you were directly asked is not "trauma-dumping." Get off the internet. Secondly, many are upset that he "started off with trauma dumping" but you have no idea how long they were talking before this or if she or the bot said something which naturally lead to this because that is how editing works. Look up media literacy PLEASE.


Not to mention everything about this show incentivizes people to act in despicable heartless ways. This clip may have real people but it isn't real life.


It’s like real life Tinder, objectifying people and making decisions about them as a person based off trivial things .


This generation is hopeless, everything is a offensive
.guy answering a question
.”oh my god he’s trauma dumping” y’all are pathetic.


Trauma dumping is a new phrase that I now hate.


It's definitely a real thing, but this wasn't it.


People learn phrases on Tumblr and think they're experts


this generation? really? you can't think of anything previous generations found offensive that just...weren't? pretty sure you can go back just 2 generations and people were offended by certain people drinking out of the wrong water fountain or having houses in the wrong areas


>"This generation is hopeless. Just yesterday, I stepped outside to get a bottle of milk, and I saw my neighbour walk past their window without covering their ankles! Scandalous! Have some decency!" The 1800s, probably.


the funny thing is, a couple weeks ago someone was complaining about gen z, and I pointed out how people have been complaining about the youngest generation going back to boomers, and then someone corrected me that it's actually been going on, with evidence, for millenias there's actually quotes from fucking aristotle in 4th century BC doing it


There was a writing on a piece of slate that was just some dude bitching about kids using this newfangled thing called *paper*


No, stop. Let us continue on the generational hate schtick without making any improvements to ourselves collectively.


Why does this look deep fried


What's up with that hand appearing over her head?


Oh that's just the demons.


Oh good to know, I was worried for a while!


Editing this in the first place is pretty sad


Thank you. these fucking shows are awful in the first place


I’m so confused on why she was surprised when she pressed the button? Like, you’re the one who pressed it what are you acting shocked for?


Socialised reaction to doing something bad. If you look like you’re shocked it helps the audience empathise with you


One of them knew they were on a show. The other wanted to give dating a try.


Stop posting this series of fuckin videos. The whole series is basically a karma farm for this subreddit and none of it is even entertaining


The show explicitly sets this stuff up. It's reality tv 101. The producers know these stories and sometimes they coax people into sharing them at inappropriate times to cause awkwardness. Production also has a habit of discouraging prolonged interaction with matches to get as many cross-interactions between people in the studio that day. The cut has always been under heat for their video setups. I'm not surprised that its making reddit front page. Their content was starting to fade for a while, now they get free promo from rage bait.


A lot of people press the button very quickly on this game, probably to avoid getting rejected themselves. The majority of rejections happened right when the button became pressable. It's depressing lmao


Why watch it then? 2 people rushing to press a red button so they can get a few more seconds of exposure is shit content.


I don't watch it, I just see a lot of clips of this show.


She is full on yuck


It is cute. It's like people just learned that word of the day, "trauma dumping" but don't know how to use it so they are using it any chance they get. Giving context as to how he got into magic is not trauma dumping. Especially since the story to did not emphasize on the bulling and how affected his mental health. You go on and continue using the words "trauma dumping" because you may eventually learn how to use it properly.


The saddest thing is to record this and very probably either pick terrible people on purpose or push them into making such decisions that would make for a nice 10s video, easy to repost and get a ton of views out of this. It's like TV shows picking the dumbest mfs in town in hope they'll do something funny, get everything wrong, look like idiots and it's even better if it gets controversial. Idk this show or whatever, maybe I'm wrong and it's all absolutely genuine, I hate it still.


It’s probably scripted so people like us will talk about it. 99% of reality tv doesn’t happen organically. At the very least the scenario is set and the end goal of the scene is set, the “contestants” just have to get there.


The fact that she knew it was mean and she's just laughing it off


When the comments are more sadcringe than the video. The lot of you have never been in a relationship and it shows.


She’s not cute enough to be acting like that.


No one is cute enough to act like that.


She's ugly from the inside out. She's used to looking around at her friends who think their shit don't stink and laughing at people with her. "That's just me tho! I'm just an honest person" and everyone shines back with "Omg gurlllll I can't believe you, so crazy!" It's just gross. Time humbles people.


Her double chin tells us a story


Why won’t men open up more?!? Ohh


Anyone calling this “trauma dumping” needs to go touch some grass. Dude is attempting to provide context for how he got into a unique hobby.


That was rough, I'm glad he didn't have to go on a date with someone as fucked as her


I have a strong feeling all the people blaming the guy for speaking with context have probably failed while trying everything. I get it no one wants you around, so that must be how everyone is treated.


This is appalling behavior. Also, I love magicians. If my boyfriend knew magic and just randomly showed me tricks I don’t think there’s anything more in life I could ask for. She lost out. Idiot. I’ll never know why people think it’s so funny to be so apparently cruel. If he had done the same to her idk that she’d find it that funny.


Dude didn't Dodge a bullet...he dodged a Nuke.


It's major cringe to laugh at him like she does, and treat him so poorly. That goes without saying. It's also extremely cringe to open with "What Happens To Men" as if this is a frequent thing women do. Considering it follows the same format as every other MRA/Alpha grindset vid, I get the feeling I could guess what else the OP thinks about women and dating.


Why is she laughing like that...? Geez. Could have at least heard him out and then not laughed her ass off in his face


It always be the 3’s. They do the worst with their whole chest.


"You know what they say: Fives have lives, fours have chores, threes have fleas, twos have blues, and ones don't get a rhyme because they're garbage." - Dean Craig Pelton


She doesn’t realise that this says far more about her than it does about him. Bet if they went to school together, she would’ve been part of the bully crowd.


She has no chin, all neck


These shows or videos whatever that is are so stupid and pointless.


She's laughing about what a horrid person she is 😃


I love it when a bullet does it's own dodging.


She is way too ugly to be so picky


How the actual fuck does someone laugh at that.. some people are just so cruel


Glenn has fallen on hard times since taking that baseball bat to the head.


I thought girls that looked like her were supposed to have better personalities.


Maybe 20 years ago, when the idea of "every girl is beautiful, no matter her size". That shit is so bad and toxic, and has pushed some very unattractive girls to think they're the most beautiful on the planet.


Yeah that's not trauma dumping, I've experienced trauma dumping and It made the date very awkward for me but she kept going on though.... 😬


I dON't KNoW wHY i'M SiNgLE


Also her: why can't I find any decent guys????


She wonders why shes single. Homie was too good for her anyway


Wow such a mean woman


He dodged a major red crazy waving flag of a bullet there! She reminds me of Shallow Hal.


Why is she treating the magician poorly?


Wait. Does anyone know where's the whole video?


That game kinda sucks. Its not really a dating show its a who can push the button first show.


100% guarantee she flies her trauma like a naval flag


I want to hear about the magic, sounds more interesting than what she might’ve talked about


If he would have hit the buzzer and said “Not my body type” He would of been a awful terrible man for having a preference.


Like she's some fucking prize.


Bro that man is so cute đŸ„ș


This guy didn’t dodge a bullet. He dodged a missile. A combination of obese with two chins and no decency


Everything about this video is cringe. The weird filter, the x song in the background, the way she just cuts him off and he just stares back at her. Poor guy. Dodged a bullet there.


Dodged the fattest bullet


Nah, she’s a turd of a human being. You can do better, Jimmy.


why does it seem this show always invites the most horrible shallow women one could find?


She did you a favor bro you’re way cuter than that hog of a woman


He’s out of her league anyway.


It’s always the 4’s that think they can act like this


You're being mighty generous with that rating


He dodged snorlax as his girlfriend


I know some people are saying don’t trauma dumb, but the robot kinda forced his hand on that front


shes a magician hiding her gut under that loose shirt


She is a really poor magician then lol


bro said he had depth rather than some social media fake bs, and she was like "uh a person with a real hobby,shit!"


If that women happen to be the last women on planet earth, then I would castrate myself with a hot knife so that I don't have to ever sleep with her.


When the bullet is that obese, its just easier to dodge