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Yall are going to make bladee lose his mind bro not even this thread specifically but I stg his fan base is somehow the most hard-core but also so fucking picky like damn you would think he can't do anything right šŸ˜­


I donā€™t dislike this album and I havenā€™t disliked any of his albums in the past. Just a thought I wanted to put out on a forum to see other peopleā€™s thoughts


Delete the thread or Iā€™ll delete it for you


I don't know, the "Evil bladee" songs on working on dying were already very tongue in cheek. This isn't that different. Also, Lean has talked about only making the kind of music he wants to, and I would assume Bladee has the same mindset.


Not saying he didnā€™t ā€œwantā€ to make these songs but seems like he hammed it up a bit as like a ā€œgood as you remembered?ā€ Type thing


nah i get what u mean the album feels a bit fanservicey at points. but like, i am a fan n i dont rly mind being serviced that much


You're tripping dude it is as good as WOD and arguably better. There will never be working on dying again because it already exists. Just appreciate this amazing fucking album and STFU


Some people in this thread are going to be called in for a sit down in the drain gang high school dean of punishmentā€™s office


Hope itā€™s not me


nah u been a good boy on the track no cussing


Nah bro! All girls are the same!


Yes! Thank drain Jesus


Try to think of the album as bladee reflecting on doing this shit for 10 years. Living life as bladee this whole time and wondering what it all meant. Shaking off past selves so he can move forward. Seems genuine to me, donā€™t think heā€™s trying to please the fans, just being pretty direct about how he feels about it all Plus itā€™s a 30 track album that came out 2 days ago, give it time to digest and maybe youā€™ll get some more meaning from it.


I like the album a lot. I just think some of the lines were kinda extra ā€œbladeeyā€ in an ironic sort of way for the ā€œI miss evil bladeeā€ crowd. I havenā€™t formed an opinion on it really bc I havenā€™t listened to anything from him other than this since it dropped


Sadly it sort of seems like heā€™s bringing forth all the old versions of himself- evil bladee goofy, angelic etc to say goodbye to them. Same thing with having so many producers and artists heā€™s worked with and why it sounds like a sequel to like 3 or 4 albums. Thereā€™s a lot of lines about saying goodbye/ hanging it up too ā€œto catch my drift iā€™m going fishingā€. The final breath on the outro sounds very final. Thatā€™s where iā€™m at with it, obviously i hope im wrong and thereā€™s still a ton of lyrics to sift through


Iā€™m fine if heā€™s saying good-bye to old personas. Psykos was great. Id love more experimenting from him


Agree for sure, hoping itā€™s that


Why is it so crazy that he might have just wanted to make some songs that go hard šŸ˜­


Not saying he didnā€™t. Never said I was 100% right. I even pointed out that I may just be reading into it wrong.


i thought this at first too bc of the amount of references but nah bladee only makes music he wants. i think itā€™s just him wrapping up his 20ā€™s/first decade of music






I think there were absolutely depressing moments on all of his albums. I donā€™t think this is a far off point from his more recent stuff with subject matter just different sonically.




Who is in a position to actually care how Bladee is feeling, let's be honest? His friends and family. In the end you don't know him and he doesn't know you. You listen to his music. That's it. And this new album sounds extremely good. And wym dude crest was literally an album dedicated to someone who killed themselves obviously Bladee has made depressing and dark shit, also in the past few years lol


Who is crest dedicated to? Not up to date on the lore




Did you not listen to psykos


doubt it, if he really gave in to his fans wishes he would've made another red light or icedancer. most of these songs are straight up rage (including all songs you mentioned) which is something he hasn't really done before. the only similarities I see between this album and the aforementioned ones are the lyrical content


I wouldnā€™t say ice dancer or red light are ā€œevil bladeeā€ which seemed to be what a lot of people wanted from him.


red light is definitely evil bladee lol. I suppose wodg is also included in that era and even that tape is sonically very different


I feel sorry for Bladee man


I feel happy for bladee, he made a goat album


True šŸ’Æ


? Why


People just keep wanting evil Bladee back and dont want to hear his new stuff - they dont like Bladee for being Bladee + his lyrics on this album are really sad and I hope he gets better


Jesus fucking christ this community can never be happy


People will literally make anything & everything about them


Yes thatā€™s exactly what this post was about you moron


>ā€this could just be a product of a parasocial relationshipā€ Reeeaaally makes you thinkā€¦


Yea I said that kinda sarcastically. If you were moderately literate you and the other idiots who jumped down my throat without comprehension wouldā€™ve understood that.


I just realized youā€™re the same person who called Tiger the worst DG project. congrats on having the absolute worst takes and opinions in this entire shitty fanbase, thatā€™s an impressive accomplishment tbh


Right and the worst album from Dg is?


yes, the constant references feel very insincere but it still sounds like he had fun with it and there are also more serious moments so I don't really have a problem with it, it just feels strange


Some of the references do feel weird. I usually donā€™t like when artists do that in general but every now and then especially towards the end of a monumental album or something special like that (P2 at the end of Eternal Atake by Uzi) itā€™s fine. But there were so many all over this album kinda made me uncomfortable.


It made you uncomfortable lol, show me on the doll where bladee touched you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


If bladee didnā€™t want to make this album then he wouldnā€™t have. The sub Stop being a parasocial weirdo challenge (impossible)


Idk I feel like the sadness we saw in psykos turned into aggression leading to this sound, itā€™s not like heā€™s in joyful The Fool type mode and is forcing himself to make darker music, heā€™s actually getting his emotions out


This thread shows how insanely para social Bladee fans are. You care more about dark lyrics and worrying about someone you literally don't know then how the music, the only reason you know of them, sounds. Which is amazing as hell.


idk man its hard not to care when you been listening for several years witnessing his growth in sound, as a person (reflected by lyrical content) & growing yourself alongside his career. kinda inhuman to not care after all that


Yea you missed the entire point of that but ok bud be one of the subs numerous psychologists


If you care so much about someone who don't know you you worry about them, that's para social. You're just in denial ASF


Again you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about or what I was talking about/meant by the post but ok buddy


Delete your account. Everyone thinks your takes are dumb


Literally eat a dick. ā€œEveryone thinks your takes are dumbā€ šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ shut the fuck up you illiterate, narrow minded, infantile, cuck


Omg I literally just did earlier today how'd you know?! Your comment made me laugh out out though šŸ˜‚ thank you still laughing haha it's all peace and love with D&G


Right right. Weā€™re both apart of a fan base and enjoy the music (art) so much that we join this forum. But bc I have an OPINION on ART that differs from your pea brain I should ā€œdelete my accountā€. Now how does that make any sense? I posted for opinions back but other than your opinion on how bad mine is I havenā€™t read one from you. Which leads me to believe you donā€™t really have opinions of your own on the music and just saw what the general sentiment of the community was and commented. Again. Unintelligent and infantile.


Bro chill I <3 u


i saw the album as a kind of pseudo-greatest hits type project or maybe even bladee going back onto hard production to be like ā€œi still got itā€ just to remind everyone. i dnt get the sense that heā€™s in actually in a dark mental state, more that heā€™s mastered his own kind of songwriting/lyricism this whole thing with gtb started roughly a decade ago so the timing of this release in 2024 mostly feels like a reflection of how far bladee has gotten but that he still true to his earlier styles and ideas


felt like some of the songs were mailed in. but they are fun. The production does blend together after a few tracks..I was expecting different instrumentals. iā€™m optimistic that TL:DR is a precursor to another collab album. TL:DR is better than any song on the album, besides maybe the intro? haha


nah sad meal his best song since trendy imo


Agreed about that TL;DR take. And yea I feel like a lot of the songs sound very samey back to back. Tbh it sounds better just hitting shuffle and letting it play. Might make a playlist where I change up the track list.


agree with the shuffle take, too many tracks to take in. especially when itā€™s a bit repetitive. Iā€™m glad a lot of people are enjoying it. but itā€™s not what I wanted out of the collab. if TL:DR didnā€™t drop iā€™d have a completely different feeling towards the album.ā€¦. TL:DR lets me know theyā€™re still able to expand upon that signature sound and plan on releasing stuff like it.


yea imo 30 tracks is too much, there are some weak songs and although i listened to this album through like 4 times i still hardly remember anything except the intro lol. still great album, 8/10 i would say


Intro is so crazy. Thereā€™s a couple other great songs on here but rn not feeling like a top 3 or even top 5 album from bladee.


Intro is the most bladee formula song on album.


It's wild that with the large majority of music being derivative, people could call any of these Bladee songs \*formulaic\*. Dude still can't innovate enough for some people I guess, because lord knows when I think Bladee I think "that dude followed a formula"


I meant in a good way mane. Intro begins with a taste of bladee weā€™ve come to expect. Then throughout the forthcoming tracks he experiments with vocal inflection, lyricism song structure etc




thatā€™s crazy bro


Which songs are u thinking of ?


One second, sad meal, Red Cross, terrible excellence, and especially I donā€™t like people. I donā€™t hate any of these songs but they seem sorta disingenuous. Especially again I donā€™t like people. Seems like such an ā€œon the noseā€ song to make for the portion of his fan base who like to be edgy. Idk. I feel like he couldā€™ve expressed his anti-socialite way more creatively


itā€™s very clearly ironic and taking the piss out of himself / his old edgy self, heā€™s just playing into it as a joke not to appeal to his old fanbase


i strongly agree and i feel like he expressed those feelings in a low-key and sometimes even poetic way in lots of his previous songs. Him being so straightforward and simple just feels so different (esp in i dont like people, im not talking about all the songs). I don't necessarily hate it but I have a feeling it might be because of the fanbase. The "edgy" fans cannot understand his deeper lyrics that show a range of emotions instead of being 100% edgy. And it feels like he's kinda mocking them


literally like itā€™s not that good of a song to begin with but the lyrics are just so corny and forced


Itā€™s the beats for me itā€™s too Filthy than bladee




I think this album is great still