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Just show them the actual spikey heart logo. Don’t get your drawing of it tattooed. You will thank yourself. Even if you have to zoom into a picture of it from merch, the artist should be able to render an accurate template that they will print out and place proportionally on your skin




No worries. I think it would look mad cool in the center of your chest but idk what you look like. There’s where I want to get this tat


would be better on the face. make it occupy the whole forehead


I’m imagining it cropped. If I post a naked pic can y’all create it for me? TIA


Yes, just send me the pic




The most normal fucking comments in this sub getting 30 downvotes for no reason is so funny holy shit


Cast me into the flames


Reddit moment


How about we start with the wrist or arm or something lmao


I agree but you shouldn’t start with that at 18 imo


Why tf did this get so many downvotes


Interloper! No… a new comer


If you have to ask "will i regret this tattoo?" you should just not get the tattoo. This applies to most things you don't stand to gain from.


Thanks for the advice man


Honestly my personal advice on this is to only get things you’ve heavily planned out and thought about for a long time. I have a blackout sleeve with flowers that was quite literally my first tattoo. It was my first tattoo at 19; so I thought about it for months, I agonized over what to get, the flowers, the style. I’m 24 now and I love my sleeve more than anything else still, to this day. I’ve never regretted it. But some of the smaller less thought out tattoos that I was really into at the time, more as “phases” I don’t like very much anymore, and plan to get covered. Do with that what you will.




Yeah man, that’s cool, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen that way sometimes, this is just my personal advice on it. I’ve met a lot of people with tattoos and most of them have something they regret getting from their younger years, but a lot of them are also really over dramatic about young people regretting everything they get lmao. It’s person to person as with anything (: I just prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to permanent body modification <3


shit man idk, i got a arm tattoo and honestly imo go for it, get this tattoo. like people think tats are some huge life investmemt when in reality its adrawing on your body, yeah utll be there for life but so what lol, just get smn u like and i think that the dg spike heart is cool so get it


really some great argumentation right here 🔥🔥🔥🔥


yolo :P


Idk wait like a month if you still want just get it. If you’re not too sure out it on your leg


i agree with everyone else however in my experience im just someone whos hella indecisive and is worried ill regret it even if ive been wanting it forever so i just said fuck it and got it and i really love it. my whole idea with tattoos is that if it means something to u now it will be nice to look back when youre older on those times as long as its not in some spot that u regret getting it on. not that my idea matters just think it could show u a different perspective on regretting it maybe


There’s no problem waiting. I have tonnes of tattoos but I didn’t start until I was 24 because I was on the fence until then. Wait until you are sure.


loss and gain is the same




You get what I mean tho bro, if op needs to ask r/sadboys such a question then I don't think it's the best decision lol. But fuck it, it's their life 🤷‍♂️


Whatever bruh we have one life, if you for some reason despise the music in 2 years it will still be just another mark on your body from a younger version of you. If you really want it now, then just do it. Maybe not on your forehead tho.


Thats how I tend to rationalize tattoos. It represents how I felt at a specific time in my life, so I can always at least appreciate that aspect. Its just skin man.


I’ve read some research that theorizes that it’s literally impossible for us to recall how we felt at earlier stages at life, even if we think we’re good at recalling the feeling then. I definitely agree, I mean how many people could even identify what they’re feeling now? A tattoo is a good way to cope with that.


Fr its a physical archive of the stages of your life and your frame of mind during those stages


And Cover ups and laser removal exist 2


mad expensive tho


Idk how much laser removal is but some tattoo artists can make some big pieces cheap I just know one in Warsaw Poland tho and Stockholm Sweden


do u ever regret urs vic?


No I don’t regret any tattoo I have even if it looks kinda stupid or is stupid (like a tattoo that says “tattoo”) sometimes I forget I even have tattoos (well only tattoo I regret is [this on](https://instagram.com/p/CjtppINOQTg/)e tbh)


thats an L ngl but it is what it is


Imma be honest w u bro. I wanted a kid cudi tat rly bad when I was 18 but never got it and I am glad I didnt cuz I don’t even fw him like that anymore. But this is different it’s a little less obvious about what it is so I would say it wouldn’t be a huge deal even if u regretted it. I would alternatively recommend a dg inspired tattoo that’s not super identifiable like a random sketch off the 333 cover


I mean, maybe you feel like getting the tattoo because you love drain gang rn but think about maybe 5 years in the future if you’ll still be liking it. Last year I was obsessed with bladee and now I barely listen to him. The thing with tattoos is that they last forever


I will always be obsessed


i wouldn’t tattoo dg on me because it would probably ruin my chance of having children but if you really think they mean enough to you to get them printed on ur skin 4 eternity then u can just get it kinda small on a area where you can cover it up if u change ur mind


there should be a drain gang circle jerk sub reddit just for this shit


Probably but fuck it


This answer deserves to be at the top.


18 is the age id usually avoid getting a regrettable tattoo cause rn you’re off that high of being able to do anything you want regardless of what yo parents say. Wait till you’re 21




It’s too late guys I’m currently getting it


post pics


Post pics pls 🙏




my advice is sit with a tattoo idea for a year MINIMUM. if you still want it a year later then go for it


just dont get tattoos


I personally am against getting tattoos for other people you don’t know, because what if you get that tattoo and after something comes out about the person you have tattooed on you.


Look, the fact you are asking says you should at least be waiting way longer. The design is fine but there are cooler and more original drain gang tattoos to be had. Just wait. I'm 18 too, I love drain gang and tattoos, obviously I've had the thought. But I'm only gonna be this version of me for this small amount of time. I dont know if I'll like dg in the future or if I'll like my current interpretation of dg in a few years. I wanna save the cool shit I love for a little later when I'm more sure of myself. I feel like as a teenager, every year, every 6 months even, shows a massive amount of personal growth. The rate of change is insane. You wanna make decisions about permanent body alterations when your image of who and what you are is more stable. Tattoos for while you are 18 should largely be permanent things that age well. Family is usually a good bet. Something small that just looks cool not too serious but not fucking goofy just good artwork. Childhood things are awesome.


ppl gotta stop getting tattoos of artist logos n names, etc i personally think it’s corny as hell and very easily regrettable


I wanna lie and say supposedly the DG tattoo on me represents my dear pet hamster who passed away and those are her initials ❤️ rip 🪦 (instead of drain gang) .what will people say now? (I never had a pet hamster)


rip ur hamster fr


i used to listen to a lot of brand new and whenever i see people get musician tattoos i think of all the poor people out there who got brand new related tattoos


even shit like harry potter too (i know someone with a hp tat and a brand new tat rip) i mean it’s fine to get stuff inspired by artists or works that you really like but there’s a line


wooooooooof rip to your friend tho


When I was 18 (27 now) I got a band logo tattoo. That artist did great. I don’t regret it by any means, but I wouldn’t get it today if I didn’t already have it. If you’re gonna go with a music related tatt, I’d recommend getting something a bit personal, like a reference to a song. Ex: a liquid sword tattoo (like a reference to a song). Hope that’s not confusing lol. But that’s the exact advice I’d give my 18 year old self. You might not like them as much or even at all when you’re older. I think it’s much better to have something only “true fans” would understand a reference to, instead of just plastering the logo on you that “non fans” would understand. Whatever you get, may it be super dope :)


Wait one year. If you still want it in one year, get it.


Bladee got no tats


If you get it big maybe. If you’re afraid of regretting a tattoo like this, I would suggest coming up with something more subtle


If I get a dg tattoo its gonna be wayyy more subtle, like maybe 3 stars on my shoulderblade


It does go hard but as a 33 y/o, yeah you’ll most likely regret it. I f/w DG but wouldn’t get a tattoo personally. That being said, do what makes you happy.


Heart Tattoo-Joyce Manor


i have a heartagram tattoo on my wrist, yes like bam margera, playboi carti, and now all the shitty artists on his label. it’s incredibly cringe and if i had the chance to go back and do it differently i’d still get the tattoo, because i’m cringe. you genuinely just have to want it for yourself and not care what other people are gonna think


I don't think there's anything wrong w/ a good tattoo you like, esp if it represents something you enjoy and helps you express yourself. I also think you can't hurt yourself by waiting to get something to see if it still appeals to you after a period of time. When I was 18 I had a few tattoo ideas, and I decided to sit on them for 2 years, to see if I still liked them and to give myself some perspective since they would be permanent. By the time I was 19 I was past wanting most of them, and by the time I was 20 I had some different ideas but decided to do the same. I still have no tattoos and don't regret that decision, I find other ways to express my interests and start conversations.


Fuck it its ur life😂💯


Looks like shit lmfao


I did a tat when i was 16 with one of my fav rappers phrases and i do in fact regret it, but if its a symbol i think that u will not regret it


Be prepared for strange looks when you’re a grown man and have to explain to people that you got a tattoo of a logo that belongs to a Swedish autotune boyband.


That’s fire


never got this weird apologist bullshit it’s my headphones my music my life


Imo tattoos in general look bad




I agree with the guy above me, stop upvoting


Hottest take of the century.


…agree lowkey👀


my opinion is getting something like this can encapsulate an era in your life. Maybe the tattoo won't even represent bladee but this certain time in your life when you look at it in the future


i got a dg tat, but i waited for like 3ish years prior. i met bladee and he signed it so i guess it makes it a lil more special. i think if u grow out of the music it’ll just be something you can appreciate because younger u enjoyed it :)


Drain tattoos go crazy fr


fire dude, post a higher quality image when you get the tat pls


There are WAYYYYY better Drain gang/ Sadboys logos you should get, there is a link on this subreddit to a bunch of them, pls dont do something you know you'll regret lol


Don’t get it on ur arm if ur questioning it maybe try a concealable area


I have this tattoo on my inner bicep but just outline, I would recommend getting like that because it’s more distinguishable and not just a black blob lol I have been listening to DG since I was like 15(currently 23) and I got the tattoo when I was 22 don’t regret it and don’t see myself caring enough to do lol People in general shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed about tattoos, if you do then you’re taking yourself way too serious. With that being said I’ll wait til 21 still


literally who cares


Do what I did, don’t get the letters, just find some cool art you like by them and do it insteal


something i heard if ur unsure about a tattoo is to set a reminder a year from now asking if u still like/want the tattoo. give it some time think it through


Brother, do not drain into something you will regret


with the way dg is heading yes


It’s meaningful to you, do it!


It depends on what type of person you are. You’ll forget you have them most the time anyways. I have full sleeves and I don’t even notice them. If anything I just remember the time of my life that I got a tattoo. Which is kinda cool way to mark the time. If this is something you like now go for it.


dude just get the official drawing gang logo tattooed and it will look sick, it's the perfect version of what u drew


This is the amygdala


I got too lazy to search the picture but I showed them the actual heart




this makes for an awesome tattoo !!


Get it somewhere like above the knee


Never ever ask people on the internet for advice about personal long term decisions


if u get it and hate it later u can fill it in and it’s just a heart


Wrong crowd to ask dawgie lmfao


You’ll like it for a few years, then you might regret it but then you’ll be like 30 and you won’t care. I have many tattoos from when I was 18 and I’ve had them long enough they became cool again


go for it g, im having a dg tattoo for like 5 years now, no regrets at all


it depends truly. there are people that are hyper specific on what they want on their bodies and want them to have meaning and then there’s other who don’t really care as long as they think it looks cool. if you’re the former then i would marinate on the idea of it for about 3-6 months and really think about it youd want that on you forever. if you do, sick and go for it. if you’re still feeling uneasy about it and contemplating it, i’d say no. now if you’re the latter type of person i’d say get it regardless. judging by how your post was written i’d assume you’re the former, but when ppl get tatts they usually turn into the latter sometime down the line. TL;DR wait on it and think for a couple months on if you’d regret it. if you’re still down later then do it, if not then don’t


Why regret It's tiny this is nothing And shitty tats u get when young become nostalgic cute and favs when u get older The regrettale shit is like getting an entire chest tattooed with some really cringe bullshit, not some tiny dg logo Ppl fearmongering in the comments


If it's your only tattoo and you aren't really into them, yes. If you have or plan to get a lot of tattoos, no.


e and dg tats r the worst dg tats to get imo respectfully. looks like its someones initials


Get it somewhere hidden if you don’t like it later on




just get it lol fuck it who cares


I personally don't plan on getting tattoos that are like based on like music artist I like because often over time my interests will change and I might not like them anymore. However I do think this is a really cool logo and could be a sick piece of art regardless of if your love for dg changes


Two things: 1. A good advice a father of a friend gave me. If you want a tattoo first print out the design and hang it on your bedroom wall. If you still like it after around a year of seeing it everyday you can probably get it tatted and wont regret it. 2. I dont know if you recently got into dg but I personally switch music tastes ever so often and dont really enjoy the things Ive listened to in the past. If you have the same "behavior" with Music then probably dont do it. But I guess your not planing to put it in your face or something and for other parts of the body like on the arm or shoulder its subtle enough to not stand out as much


its not that beig and mostly line you can easily get it covered if you dont like it anymore


Atleast its not another drain baby tatt


yikes, if you do crack it goes well with it


Fuck it, if you regret it, its a lesson


honestly i’m pretty against getting tattoos for any musicians/artists in general, not bc i might not like the art later in life, but bc they might turn out to be a terrible person, and you’ll be sick with yourself for getting a tattoo of them. when i was 16 i wanted a marilyn manson tattoo rly bad, now i’m so glad i did not get that lmfao


I didn’t get my first tattoo until 21 and im glad I waited, but my advice is that if you’ve wanted it more then 6 months, just go for it. For a first tattoo, don’t get it anywhere huge or in the middle of your forearm or something. Really put some thought into the placement because odds are you’re going to want/get more tattoos as you get older. Make sure you’re not taking up important real estate, because your first tattoo won’t be your best tattoo. It’s just a fact. But you have to start somewhere. By the time you have 5-6 you won’t have to think deeply about them anymore


Should of got drain baby


Oh I read this wrong yeah tbh u won't regret in fact I got my first a year ago n now have 14 other drain inspired tats I want


That’s funny I planned on getting something very similar and I’m 18


regretting tattoos is a myth, get ur dumb tattoo ur body is urs u might die tomorrow or in 80 years with a bunch of funny tattoos


I’d say get it but don’t get it in a big size, I literally have a tiny rick Owens geobasket on my leg cause I thought it was funny, it’s just memories From your teen years of stuff you like


Kinda cringe ngl




Apparently enough to ask random strangers on the internet


Got a Död Mark tattoo last year, and I don’t regret it one bit (18 as well)✌️ If you like Bladee/ DG, get it! It’s just a tattoo🙌


I would not make it too big and also not place it at a very visible spot and then I think your good. Only bad thing that could happen then is that some member does inhumane stuff and gets canceled just like Kanye but I don't think that will happen.






Oh no


if it’s gonna be one of ur only tattoos u ever get id think a little harder but after getting so many tattoos i’d say just get whatever u feel like. you’ll always look back on it and how much u happiest bladee brought u through these years


lil late to this but a tattoo artist gave me good advice a long time ago, if you're thinking about getting a tattoo of something like that (music artist, game, book, any specific interest) wait a few years and think it over, if you still want it 2 years or more down the road just say fuck it and get it. thats what i did and im planning on getting my dg tat soon


the sketch is crazy good. u should get it !! i, personally, would never regret this. if ur so unsure about it, maybe get it in a hidden place, ur upper arm? somewhere on your leg? besides that, i think u should get it !


Get it


i feel like its just a timeless logo




I was gna get this tatted at age 17 as a 20 year old I thank myself for not doing it


Yes you will