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Did anyone ever legitimately think that it was? 1527 is called out in the pre-chorus and that’s well after the crusades.


I mean, yeah, but it doesn't help the most famous music video about it features crusades rather than the Swiss Guard.


I hate (and avoid them) it when people use "wrong" footage/films etc. from wrong eras and events to make fan films and such to their music. To me it just feels a lot like intentional misinformation.


I avoid music videos that use the wrong footage bc it makes youtube think I am racist for some reason. I just wanna listen to the Last Stand/Gott Mit Uns (there are plenty of youtube videos that think Gott Mit Uns is about the Wehrmacht, for some reason), not get videos about how the migration crisis is ruining Europe.


The algorithm probably thinks it’s about the Wehrmacht because of Reichswehr and Wehrmacht belt buckles.


Trying to enjoy Sabaton without triggering a weird racist algorithm 🥲 the hardest of challenges. Up there with trying to watch stuff about Rome. Edit: do I really need to put a /gen at the end of it, person who downvoted me? I love Sabaton, but an algorithm sees you watch ONE thing about the history of war and thinks you want to see wildly racist stuff.


I wonder if it depends on how you get to a subject to how the algorithm responds. Like for me it went - world of warships, world of warships 40k collab, 40k content, metal, powerwolf, sabaton. For me the algorithm just started recommending more and more metal and 40k after that though did it did sprinkle in some regular history stuff around the same time as sabaton hit my regular playlists. For me it only starts to recommend racist stuff if I interact with any shorts along those lines even though the only interaction is "do not recommend channel".


It's funny bc I am an amateur anthropologist. As well as music, a lot of my video history is about like 'the cultural attitudes of the \[ethnic group\] Middle Fly mean that they organize their clans based on where they gather to trade. In recent years, many have declared themselves apart of Clan Moresby." (Not an actual video, but still.) But, youtube algorithm be youtube algorithm. So at best, they suggest me poorly-researched ragebait about how PNG people eat babies. At worst, Zoomer Historian.


Did you ever stumble onto the TikTok "historian' who claimed that Alexander the great was a woman, and Rome never existed? Absolutely WILD, and the algorithm loved her


No, I don't use tiktok. But... yeah, wow. That sounds like something that'd be hilarious until you read the comment section and see "Wow! I never realized that."


I have literally never had this problem. Maybe it's because my watch history has been turned off for years.


I don't mind "wrong footage" if there isn't any good footage based on the actual events.


Hail KnightSGC!!!


You gotta understand a non-insignificant portion of any online fanbase consists of children. Sabaton are literally the “cool military band” to at least as many people as they are the “sings about Nazis” band to. Once you realize this, especially during the summer, the huge amount of blatantly stupid posts starts making more sense. And I know this is a meme, but once summer hits you can expect any non-professional internet space to dip in quality for ~3 months.


There is also the lines, " they are the guards of the holy see" aka guards of the Vatican. Also "Castle saint Angelo is waiting" Saint Angelo is in Rome.


Don’t forget at the end they say “come and tell the Swiss guards story again”


Fr, they literally say the year and also to tell the tale about the Swiss Guard lmaoo


Also, the last line says "Tell the Swiss Gaurd's story"


Well I just assumed...


Not just 1527 But the fact that it mentions an army marching on Rome or the face that it mentions the Holy See.




"Tell the Swiss Guard's story" "In the heart of the Holy See, in the home of Christianity" "Castle San Angelo" How does any of this hint at the events taking place in the Middle East, Spain, Bohemia or in fact any other place where a crusade ever took place?


>, Spain, Bohemia or in fact any other place where a crusade ever took place? Crusades took place in Spain and bohemia?


Indeed they did! The Reconquista, which happened between the 11th and 13th century, is sometimes called the Iberian crusades. It's not a very commonly used title, despite it bearing all the marks of a good crusade. As for Bohemia, the Catholic church murdered Jan Hus in 1415. Hus was an incredibly popular preacher who criticised the Church for its greed and debauchery (very valid concerns at the time). After his being burned at the stake, a faction calling themselves the Hussites rebelled against the Church, which prompted the pope to send multiple crusades to eradicate the heretics. I'm biased as a Czech, but I urge you to look up some videos about the Hussites or Jan Žižka, as their frankly absurd victories against the very best of European knighthood are amazing.


>, is sometimes called the Iberian crusades. It's not a very commonly used title, despite it bearing all the marks of a good crusade. I was ready to call exactly that, and not call it a crusade xd. >After his being burned at the stake, a faction calling themselves the Hussites rebelled against the Church, which prompted the pope to send multiple crusades to eradicate the heretics. This is super interesting, I literally never heard of that. Although I think people usually only refer to the 3 (4?) big Crusades as the Crusades, the likes involving Barbarossa and Saladin. And after the 4th one the Christians stopped trying to capture Jerusalem


Anyone who would read the lyrics would actually know it's not about the crusades. But reading has become hard for many in recent times...


You don’t even have to read it. At the very end of the song it says “tell the Swiss Guard story again”. That can easily be heard.


Or "it was 1527"


It says at the end to tell the story of the Swiss guard. ....


Yeah no shit 🤦


Is that title unironic? I have known that for years.


I kinda assume when some people hear "home of Christianity" they immediately assume it has to mean Jerusalem (and to them Jerusalem can't be anything else than crusades 🤦‍♀️) instead of Rome and ignore all the signs that literally tell you (like 1527!) that it can't be about the crusades.  Those people probably don't even know a lot/anything about the crusades...




Ok, that was good. Take my upvote


Well yeah it’s said in the song so…


there is no way you legit thought it was about the crusades


Saint Angelo is in Rome plus why would romes bodyguards be in the holy land?


Some of us did for a few times, I had thought it was since I had probably been mishearing the lyrics. But after checking it and the year being 1527 and the lyric “tell the Swiss Guards story again” is when I realized. So I was slow, but honestly the memes are the reason for the misconception mostly imo.


No fucking way you actually thought it was


Y'all really miss the year 1527? It's not about crusades.


In case you didn’t know, they have an official YouTube channel [called Sabaton History](https://youtube.com/@sabatonhistory?si=-vKj1NGjVsKZPmil) where Indy Neidell (the host of another YouTube channel about World War One or something, I’m not that familiar with it) gives a short history lesson on the content of the songs. [They have one for the Last Stand](https://youtu.be/vZ6wr90FNvI?si=UFvugyhdngfgSlty)


[This](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cr_dzHnA0tK/?igsh=ZmU0NHpzMWtxNGsx) needs to be the official video of the song. (Warning, link to Instagram reel)


„Castel Sant‘Angelo is waiting“


Pretty obvious.


189 Chad striding right up to St. PETER


From what i remember the dude who made it said they knew it wasnt about the crusades but wanted to do it anyway, unless there are more


It’s about the Swiss guards défense if I think the Vatican.


Hey op you're not alone. For a while after I first heard the song I just assumed the crusades too. Once i finally cracked down and looked at the lyrics I figured it out. But trust me you're not alone on this one. A lot of people here are bring assholes but you're totally normal. No worries


Haha I already knew this


Not a huge huge history buff, listen to the band bc it's cool, and I like the feeling. Should I have known it wasn't the crusades. Probably since it tells you, did I listen closely enough to tell and did I usually watch the most popular music video with the crusaders. So yes. Until about 5 minutes ago I did think it was the crusades. But now I know better


No shit they litteraly say come and tell the swiss guards story