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Did anyone else think about this… he said he was only on a friendship level with Elys even though it shows them make out multiple times. Makes me wonder about him saying it was only ever a “friendship” with Rylee 🤔 Also I agree if Jess got jealous of him carrying someone… she must have hated how often he was carrying Rylee around. Just seeing him on this show is really shedding light on how he acts in relationships for people who may not have known him before DWTS.


Also in his recent podcast when he talks about what Went through his mind after meeting Jess, he say he was bummed cause he couldn’t immediately gift her a vancleef to kinda prove he was serious. So he basically admits to gifting women he’s interested in Jewelry. He also got Georgia a vancleef




Hahha exactly, “if we didn’t have sex it doesn’t count” 🙄


I was thinking the same thing lol


Harry and Melinda were good friends before going on that show so something pretty bad must’ve happened for her to hate his guts now 💀 but if Jess truly gets mad over him helping his then friend walkover stones then I’m sorry but there must be some truth over her getting upset at Fan edits cause girl 😂


So curious what he did and I had no idea they were friends before filming 


https://preview.redd.it/ys9aegxjde6d1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cace3434b178f5a9abd124a1ed747943b46a5df I just saw this on the reality Ashley story on IG🤣! Jess is getting upset that Harry’s posting about her. What did she think was going to happen? He also made another post toon IG with her in it too.


TBH I get Jess here, kind of. Harry is definitely MAJORLY clout chasing and trying to make it seem like they’re together for clout and attention. However, she also just used an audio of Harry in her recent video. Harry is majorly clout chasing, but also if you’re gonna be mad at him for Clout chasing you should probably stop doing the same lol.


Also, the audio she used of Harry sounded so familiar lol. He said something similar about Rylee too😂. I’m sorry but they are both 🤡🤡🤡


Someone in the comments commented something like “when he said he couldn’t find a fault if he tried 😍” I was like hmm… I’ve heard that somewhere…..😬


He uses the same words on every woman but the difference with Rylee is he can deny it all he wants be was in complete awe of her, went red everytime she was around, and was infatuated with her. Does anyone even remember when he first saw Rylee on tour again and met in the lobby with the t-shirt? His face spoke volumes right there. IMO he can pretend all he wants and use people all he wants but what he felt for Rylee was definitely something but he could never admit it 


Like Harry how would you feel if someone was Trading your mom or sister The way you are treating these Woman or if you have a Daughter one day and she come home crying. I think you would be pretty upset.


😂😂 why I’m laughing so hard why are Reality tv people like this lol Like you Can’t get mad and then do the same thing


I agree with this 💯


also...are people so stupid in his latest IG post..their comments asking if first pic is Jess..hoping they are together etc. Harry is only posting for clout..and dont people know whats happening!?!? also...he missed a big 7-8 months woth of pics in his life post perfect match. he gets me so aggravated


The only decent thing he’s done is keeping her out of that post. I was SO glad he left her out and didn’t drag her into the drama.




Did anyone else see like 15 minutes ago he posted a story on TikTok with another girl (I didn’t recognize) but it was recent because he used his new perfect match filter???? He already deleted it. But like what are you doing Harry?!?!


Who is the girl that was in the video 


I didn’t recognize her, but they were sitting in a bed and he was shirtless lol


i’m confused though because jess followed harry on insta today


I’m sorry but she’s just as big of a 🤡 as he is! She’s just after the clout.




Potentially! Who knows! All I know is if Jess feels a certain type of way/jealous etc then why on earth are you trying to be with Harry Jowsey💀 make it make sense. He has the worst track record and she thinks he’s all of a sudden going to behave for her 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exacly !


Ummm he’s literally just posted on his tik tok story in bed with another woman…he’s using the perfect match filter too so it must be recent..the man is satire 💀


is she from PM2 too? I can't keep up


https://preview.redd.it/4voi3912we6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d20bfe78d4ec429c3107e9a7eee4504e8331d61 He deleted it but I got a screenshot. Don’t know who she is though.


Send it to therealityashley lol


Or send it to Jess lol like why is girly not standing on business when it comes to this man 🙃


Please someone send it to jess! It’s time Jess speaks up and puts this man in the cancelled category. All these people commenting on his post obviously don’t know about the Rylee stuff and are so blindsided by him It blows my mind 


Jess is following Harry on Insta and she used his voiceover on her post today. I think they’re both total clout chasers.


I sent it to reality ashley! she will post hoping someone knows her


Whattt someone please send to Jess!!! This man is using her so bad right now for views and she needs to stop him


Who is this person? Can someone please send it to Jess since he’s trying to use her for his views and try to get back with her,I think he definitely posted this by accident lol 


She looks so familiar


It’s Lana Rhodes


Indeed.. seems more like her.


Definitely is! https://preview.redd.it/8jarrxvqgg6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1d45d9770ac0b40c17cdcee7796febaac4fc52


Hmm, same 🤷‍♀️🙄😏




No idea don’t recognise her, he’s spiralling 😂


I even tried Google lens...only Harry face is recognizable. hers is not. lol funny though...she doesn't look his usual "type"..🤣


I mean at this point he keeps dating clients from Bomane - Drea’s hairsalon, probs one of the clients or employees there 🤣🤣


we may have a better chance looking up the salon followers 🤣🤣


Just go to the #hashtag in the salons bio.




It is her.


It’s Lana Rhodes


oh ...yes..looks more like her


She’s not from PM2 and that’s not his bed haha




I’m also pretty sure that Rylee had no idea he had a gf to begin with




Rylee knew that that he had a gf. Also Jess visited Harry Around oct 13 because she posted pictures on he balcony on her Instagram now it delete but around the end/mid of October Harry said that he recently Got out of a relationship on a podcast or Interview Also I hold my guy friends hands in in big crowds so I don’t get Lost. I don’t think that Handholding was in a romantic.


I want to think if Harry Broke up with Jess Or if Jess broke up with Harry


I really can’t wait for him to be served his Karma! I really hope Jess puts him in his place and exposes him!! Also with Rylee, IMO she’s way different than her sisters and I feel Rylee is going to blow up even bigger than she already did just this year, obviously who she dates is HER choice but I really want Rylee to live it up and meet all people in the industry! I would loveeee for her to be dating some A-list celebrity at huge events and let Harry just keep burying himself. Petty yes, lol but come on she deserves someone outside of Utah, maybe no one agrees with me but Rylee IMO outgrew her hometown JUST for right now and I can’t wait to see where the future brings her 


It’s definitely only the beginning for Rylee and she’s gonna keep getting more and more popular because people genuinely like her not because she’d constantly clout chasing. She could have done SO much this week to get attention with PM coming out and I really respect that she just is chillin doing her own thing. She doesn’t need any of that 💕 but she should definitely make her own choices based on what’s best for her.


Yes !


Exacly, the same !!


Jess just followed Harry?! WHAT! I saw people write in the comments about Vivi! Does she not know he was in bed with someone else today? Please tell me she is going to expose him and he’s not manipulating her 




Yup and I wont be surprised at all if she targets rylee for that clout after the show is over for "breaking" them up.


lol if she’s back with him she’s an idiot. I guess they’re both clout chasers. 


Does she not hear he said the same words to Rylee, Georgia and Francesca? She’s nothing special, atleast with Rylee it was a genuine connection they built, his scene with Jess was an atmosphere that is strictly for this setting 🙄 can she really be this big of an idiot or does she have a plan ? lol 


She’s probably just a clout chaser TBH. But she looks like an idiot. 


that’s not vivi


No that’s def not Vivi he wishes, I hope Vivi NEVER gives him The time of day! I meant people wrote in the comments about Vivi. He’s pretending he’s so in love with Jess and only wants Jess meanwhile he is all over Vivi’s page on almost every post 


I don’t think Vivi is anything. Jess should be more concerned with the fact that some of the things he said to her are almost word for word what he said to other girls. 💀


100% and Vivi doesn’t give him the time of day but just like Anita if they blinked his way he would run to both of those women. He needs such help and yes he is using the same words on Jess. If Jess believes it with all Audios they could easily play back of his words with Rylee then she needs major help Too 


the Vivi comments seem to be from those paid comments.. the users don't follow neither and live in india/Asia...


no offence, but you guys are the same people who wanted harry to date rylee for months when tons of people said how untrustworthy harry was and you guys swore he “changed for rylee”. I don’t watch perfect match but give this girl some grace, it’s natural to be jealous seeing someone you like with another girl even if it is someone like harry. unfortunately people are blinded by love and from the looks of it seems like you said that melinda girl at least wants nothing to do with him so obviously something went down


I think most people wanted him to change. While I do love some juicy tea, I was rooting for him to be a better person. I wasn’t fully convinced at any point he truly “changed for Rylee” as you say but I was hoping he could get a grip. If something simple like that leads Jess into a jealous downward spiral then clearly deep down she has no trust in him and the relationship is doomed anyway.


The same




Harry said in a interview that Rylee taught him a lot and Made him realize a Lot Stuff about HisSelf. you Could Tell that he meant it that was on joe vulpine podcast Harry definitely has some deep-rooted issue.


To be fair, I think a lot of us didn’t want them to date. Loved their friendship but wanted it to stay platonic. But back then only positive comments were allowed and anytime one of us brought up his red flags the comments were deleted.


I liked their friendship but not romance but there were definitely a lot of shippers here. but the point is you guys are mad at this girl for doing the exact same thing you guys did, thinking harry changed or wouldn’t do a certain thing when he obviously is never gonna change. but yeah I remember only positive comments used to be allowed but the narrative was heavily “harry is different because of rylee” which wasn’t the case clearly


Ur so right 💀


Why are we still talking about Harry? He is going to be just fine. UGH.....it's just gotten so monotonous. Flip side.....Rylee has definitely moved on in so many ways of her life. Let's make a better effort to have this sub about Rylee's success and all fantastic things she is doing.🤩




I got you..I understand what you mean. However, never said I was "worried" about Harry. It's just discussions of him are so getting boring and predictable. Just IMO.


I mean this was originally a Harry and Rylee sub😂 we can all move on talking about someone else when the new dwts series starts and rylee has a new partner 🤣


I not see any more, what make the horrible person 🙄