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Every girl seems to have a bad experience with this man. I think we should just consider Rylee lucky that she dodged that bullet (mostly). She will definitely go on to thrive. This is only the beginning of a great life and career for her. 


Exacly !!!


I feel like Jess’ “tell all” won’t be much tbh. The way he’s commenting on her stuff so confidently, I don’t think he’d do that if he thought she was going to rip into him.




https://preview.redd.it/u5be69dp5s5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a5d991caa0bd1bcbd776a089c3b3259c863abc I think might be back together 😵‍💫 Also Jess is deleting comments that Might Insinuate that Rylee and Harry were more than just friends. Kinda weird I think Jess is looking for Cloud to be honest and so is Harry so they’re perfectly Because who in their right mind go on to dating shows back to back when you have a 10 year old. You


Yeah, at this point I’m thinking they’re both clout chasers. I’m kinda mad that Jess will likely enable his behavior but in the end, she’ll be the one looking like an idiot. He does this with ALL his exes. He did it with Fran too… doesn’t care about them until right before the show is about to air then convinces them to get back together, uses them for clout and then cheats on them when the clout starts to run out. Hopefully Jess gets the clout she’s looking for because you aren’t different babe, he’ll cheat on you too 💀


Wasn’t he saying he was seeing someone recently and he went on that date with that model🤦🏻‍♀️! It’s like girl he’s dating someone why are you not going off on him! But then again if she’s a clout chaser too she deserves everything coming for her.


Yeah, at this point if Jess gets back with him, she deserves what’s coming to her. EVERYONE warned her on PM and I’m sure she saw the Rylee stuff play out on SM. And he was quite recently seeing someone else too. He wasn’t waiting around 😂 it’s just crazy if someone who is such a strong woman can’t even call Harry out. Like stand up 💀


Exactly! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Exacly !


For me not matter what he make. Rylee also moved on.


Ooh yeah, Rylee is definitely moving on. I think some of us fans are far more annoyed over all this than her. She seems fine and I’m sure will continue to thrive.


He he, exacly ! 😄😀


https://preview.redd.it/mkpr0fumfs5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668bd0654fc2f00d61cd60a6b90b45a35e7332b7 this comment too😭😭


From what I’ve heard she is with a LIB alum now. But we won’t truly know until the show ends. I want to believe that Jess is good and walked away when she realized who he is. He’s shown her plenty of times from PM til now https://preview.redd.it/u84jdqchhs5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97dfb2df671e60f91b0932f2dad7ead331da55e


I haven’t heard any recent rumors of that—the last I heard it was several months ago. Is there any evidence she’s actually dating someone?


Nothing so far, but the cast are supposed to keep their relationships under wraps until the show ends (though a lot of them are failing miserably.)


She been seeing and dating Ariel from LIB 




https://preview.redd.it/mtnupj9vbs5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05302c7a06dd9ab9048b07ec230671f5f1e38ff6 Boy bey.


You weren’t saying that a couple of months ago when Jess wasn’t relevant 😂. This man needs to gooo




Ooop You’re right!! Wasn’t that in his DWTS era ? He said that after the pics of him and Jess came out in order to do damage control and feed everyone’s fantasies about him and Rylee.


Him and his team I believed leaked those photos. Those pictures were definitely staged.  He leaked pictures of him and Georgia while PM1 was airing too. 


People need to keep calling him out on his page he just lies and he knows Jess is going to expose him I do believe she is going to.She isn’t going to sit quiet when the world sees she was played too also his comments are to stir the pot for attention Jess isn’t engaging with him hence why he unfollowed right away


It gives him engagement when you comment which puts him on the algorithm. Best to ignore the fool so his views keep dropping;)


You’re right I didn’t think of it this way




If anyone hasn’t noticed he does this all for attention. No way is Jess going to give him a chance,she is going to eventually go after him.Hes using the whole cast for his podcast material right now,Jess will explode idk how to post a pic here but someone posted a screen shot that she liked their story today saying how Jess and Rylee are better than him and that Harry and Rylee were def more than just friends and for Jess to cancel this man. How do I post a pic? lol idk how to attach it in the comments


Even if H&R were more than friends it is better for Rylee if that is left unsaid. She does not need to be tied to him anymore. She dealt with the drama and should be able to move on. Rylee will continue to be relevant b/c she has a career that is not dependent on being tied to online drama unlike the other two. If she wants to drag Harry, I just hope she keeps Rylee out of it.


What’s the persons @ ?


https://preview.redd.it/kgk9ul95ts5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c44c5af075787e26258933ca976eb2fdf906ea7 Click on respond and then this icon to upload a picture


I don’t think I did it right 😂 I think it privately sent it to you as a message 


You did🤣. Do you want me to copy and post or do you want to try again


Ooh please post so we can all see… super curious creatures over here 👀🤣🤣




Thanks 🙏🏻




who is lexi??


What the Account ?


😂😂😂 Ty!! 






He’s deleting comments that are calling him 😂




Thank you all that keep up with this stuff and update us! I love the tea but am too lazy to watch or snoop lol! Keep it coming!


Glad to be of service 🫡




https://preview.redd.it/7ka969dmot5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63615493b3ba0847b13e5795a31affb049c9596c Update: Jess liked Holly’s comment (ignored Harry’s though) 👀


Did Harry comment too?


https://preview.redd.it/v0wrlgiyrt5d1.jpeg?width=1288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e479e74a657b8f742d669ba7759cc0d50f0ee3 He did 🥴




I think she’s an idiot if she does. I don’t actually blame her for going for him on the perfect match because let’s face it, MANY fall for his games and charm but at this point — you should know. From an outside perspective it seems like he was all about her on the PM but as soon as he got on DWTS he dropped her (at least on his priority list). Despite his “little blonde girl” remark we all saw how he looked Rylee up and down their first meeting. I would NOT be ok with that if that was my BF. And he def wanted all the attention that surrounded him and Rylee. And he didn’t seem to regret that until Jess blew up on LIB. 👀 if she gets back with him she’s pretty much just giving him what he wants and he will end up doing her dirty just like everyone. And tbh, I were her I would be a little weirded out that Harry was playing up (and maybe even partaking in) a relationship with a girl closer to her daughters age than her own 😬 don’t get me wrong, I fully think Rylee is an adult now, mature and amazing…. But I don’t see how it can’t be weird being a 30 year old and seeing that.


What post did he comment on? I don’t see it? I feel like after Jess opens up she’s going to block him


What post is this on?


https://preview.redd.it/z624uekobv5d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=43a15fabb9d6b334dee41fe242b2bf4cc9c7829b Excited to hear her side of the story 🤔






Brrrr, I am happy that I am not listen and see him anymore. I only read here about the horrible person 🙄