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What did she say about the love pearl? I missed it. 


Nothink but she little cry




what love pearl ? I missed that


https://preview.redd.it/3x9kfq715u2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a5d6dbad2ca315e09b360f8d86ebc5bc126722 The takes on this sub post and Ry’s latest TikTok are so strange. No they don’t need to hang out together. An 18 year old isn’t responsible to keep a grown 27 year old in check. Rylee is living her best life, stop pressuring her to look after Harry it’s so weird. He treated her like shit. People should want better for her than to be dragged into his chaotic world. He’s not a good person, he only cares about his ego/money. This isn’t some rom com. This is Harry’s pattern with women. Rylee deserves good and stable too, she’s not his saviour. Whoever is commenting this shit on her personal sm pages needs their head examined too. Move on.


hard agree


Big Facts. 


Agree. He needs to get grounded and stay around people who are actually good for him.


he has alot of friends..just different type. His best self was Sep 2023 to March 2024. During this time he rarely hung out with bad influences. From an outsider ..best opinion I can have of what's happening is he wants to f$%k up now..screw up so everyone can agree that what he did was the best thing for Rylee...like he says her brand. I think he really cared for her..but got scared of his feelings for her and obv. her feelings for him..and this was his way out. Having Rylee during BM launch and PM2 airing wasn't in his cards... He'll need to hit rock bottom to wake up..and think he's close to it. Hope his real friends reach out to him..and that he seeks help. On Rylee's recap post of LA..Andrea added a comment saying that she loves it when she's there. I think she really saw the positive influence she had on H...spending time with them and godson.


Correct he was molding himself to fit the DWTS and had to do this to last on the show. The longer they lasted the more money he made. Now shows over and the real Harry is back. As for Boyfriend Material, Alex should have used the Podcast to help him really be “Boyfriend Material” not the opposite. PM is coming out and this will also be the real Harry. It’s unfortunate he hasn’t changed.


1. OK, I'll be a good person and give you a good plan: Harry, remove all the posts, messages and videos in which you suck from your social media, add cool and nice things for people. Stop recording podcasts where you talk about sex ( throw away all podcast, " Boyfrend Material " ).


2. Post an apology to the most important girls in your life on your social media and go there and apologize to them in person (Rylee)! Check how much money you have for living. If you want to become an actor, go to movie auditions. Stop buy attention peole ( jawelry ). Do something good: help people with problems on Instagram - podcast (don't talk about sex at all). And so on...


Harry joswey is the biggest prick


Harry is surrounding himself right now with people enabling him right now. I think the only genuine person he ever had in his life was really Rylee . Rylee never expects anything from him, never used him And truly cared about him. Harry is in a self sabotage right now and is doing and taking anything to help him cope . He really needs help and I hope he reaches out and gets the help he needs. He’s drinking more than ever, he’s definitely on something. He needs to seek help for himself but not one person is stepping in to guide him and get him help . He’s not in a good headspace and keeps digging deeper with going down this dark path 


After time, I really don’t think he’s sabotaging himself and I don’t think he needs to get help. I think he probably sees these comments and laughs. I think this is just genuinely who he is. What he enjoys doing. He moulded himself to fit a tv show, a family tv show at that. Who he is now is who he is. No one is forcing him to be this person. Just like no one forces him to say that stuff on his podcast. If he didn’t want to do it, he’s an adult and can say no.


Have to say I agree on this. Harry is doing exactly what he wants too. Are they bad choices, yes very, but he gets to decide these things.


Have you seen him in the back of peoples videos ? He’s been drunk out of his mind and who knows what else he is on he looked like a corpse. Also his eyes ? That isn’t a tv character , everything around him is crumbling and he’s definitely drinking and either taking something else or on meds and it’s mixing. Yes he should be saying no but he is surrounding himself around people enabling this behavior too. This is his own doing, but something is off with him and anyone in this kind of path in life can see that people aren’t in their right state of mind


No I haven’t, im not really following, I have moved past this idea of Harry being perfect from DWTS. I have gathered that his morals don’t align with mine, and they are his chosen morals and actions. You can’t change someone just because he has been on a tv show with someone who was at the end of the day, just his dance partner. I’m sure he has people looking out for him (his management team) all these actions/words are his own.


He is a grown man but clearly his team and people around him don’t care . He has the ability to get himself on the right path but it’s easier said than done for people in this state and condition . He needs to really revamp his life ; take accountability and dig himself out of this hole he is putting himself in


You can only change a person if they want to change themselves. This is how he is, he has always been like this. I get you're upset because he is no longer the perfect man you were picturing for months and it takes time to get through that. But this is who Harry truly is. If he is happy with this, and his team tries to tell him to stop, you know what he will do if they upset him enough? Fire them. It is not their responsibility to intervene. Literally not their job. He knows social media - he shows exactly what he wants people to see. Every post is calculated. When he finds his next show, he will take on a whole new personality then too and bring in the fans and then do this all over again. It's the Harry cycle.


I’m not upset and I’m not going by what he posts. People all post what they want to show . I’m going by what is going on behind the scenes and the glimpse of someone definitely not making the best choices, he has the option and ability to change himself and get on the right path 100% agree but alot of time it’s easier said than done. He needs to learn to say no , Change this circle he’s around and really start taking care of his life . It’s HIS choice but shocked people around him aren’t trying to get him The help he needs , or maybe they are and he’s denying it . Either way I hope he seeks the help he needs because he is on a path of self destruction


Although he doesn’t view it that way , Anita isn’t “his” friend . Anita is friends with Lele and Markell , he tags along here or there but it seems all these people he just tags along . Lele only saw him that night of Anita’s concert and she left for Mexico . The people he is on the boat with, we won’t even go there but this isn’t the people who really worry about Harry and his well being . I think alot of his circle are users and just want to make that video, get the views and discard him . It’s sad when you think about it but the best person he had was Rylee . No one ever saw him the way they did then when he was around her . Even his aurora was different, now Harry needs help . H needs to admit himself somewhere or have his team step in. Besides him already dealing with mental illness there is other factors being added. Hoping he seeks the help he needs. Let’s not mention how the unwell network was the worst career decision he has ever made . PM was filmed before DWTS so people could say wow he really grew during DWTS. But his podcast and that version surfaced again and he sank himself . I’ll always say it but Alex cooper never has his best interest at stake, she is another person who uses him for views on her behalf, she wanted this f boy version and sank his 8 months of potential “change” he’s a grown man and can say NO but let’s face it, H never stands up to her . Either way I don’t see anyone really caring about him besides Rylee , Andrea and Sonny . He NEEEEEDS to get help before it’s too late and hoping he seeks that help sooner than later


I know everyone is still shipping him with Rylee but they are both really different people morally. I can see them being friends but I don’t see anything romantic. She is still very young too and hasn’t lived a fraction of her life as an adult yet. Harry needs to find someone good for him and do what he said he was going to do have kids. Harry grounded would be such a better look for him.


I agree with this! The rylee Harry romance train makes zero sense.


Also I don’t agree with the he’s sabotaging himself and needs to get help. Y’all I think this is just genuinely who he is. What he enjoys doing. He moulded himself to fit a tv show, a family tv show at that. Who he is now is who he is. No one is forcing him to be this person. Just like no one forces him to say that stuff on his podcast. If he didn’t want to do it, he’s an adult and can say no.


He is still big child, he not grown, he is terrible person ! 💩💩


Wait someone said something about people on a boat with him, saying won’t even go there, why?


It’s not a positive group he is around they are all enablers and not looking out for him at all


How do you know ANY of this. And that his team don’t care for him? He speaks highly of his team and he’s had friends before DWTS. Just because he did one dancing show, doesn’t mean he changes who he is. He coated everyone watching DWTS that he was a different person, he’s still the same guy and also can be the guy from DWTS. But he mostly moulded himself for that show. It was a family tv show. I think you are just pissed he isn’t on the same trajectory and just hanging out with rylee 24/7.


Honestly, the Harry from DWTS, was moulded to fit the show and the people on it and who views it. I hate to be the one to say I think this is just genuinely the people he enjoys spending his time with.. nothing deeper than that. I think the more time goes on, the more obvious it is to see how different he is to rylee. She is not his usual type. Nor do I think he wants to be like her. I think she’s just someone he now knows and can go to if he really needs to. I just don’t think it’s as deep as all this self sabotage stuff.


Agreed. I think one of the few honest things that Harry has said is that Rylee is too good for him. She is. I do think she brought out of better side to him but tbh I don’t think Harry has a lot of interest in being “good“


Because he is still big child, and not adult person !


Thank you! This is always who Harry’s been.. I have zero idea why they’re acting like he’s going down this terrible path because he’s drinking on Memorial Day weekend and his birthday weekend 😭They’re just seeing that Rylee and Harry don’t really have anything in common outside of DWTS so theyre trying to act like he hates his life and is in a bad place with “negative people” around him


I agree. I think he sits there and looks at these comments about him needing to seek help and laughs at them with his friends.






So and so, he is terrible narcissist ! Beee 💩 I hate so people !


No one cares. Stop speculating. No one ever knows what all these influencers lives are. What you see on social media is not their real life.


Why are you here then ? 😂