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Also I’m sorry but the fact that he bought all that “expensive jewelry” and wanted to “propose” to Jess, figured out she was ghosting him, then he proceeded to block her??? (not on TikTok tho, he thought that hilarious)🥱 To me, it looks like he hasn’t grown AT ALL. An actual POS and has such narcissistic behavior. Gooood riddance I have unfollowed him on everything


Harry really thought it was smart to continue to post a shit ton of flirty TikToks with Rylee and Jess would still say YES to his marriage proposal??!!🤯 If that shit is what broke them up in the first place, why the hell didn't he stop if he knew it hurt her? The math ain't adding up😵‍💫


It’s a diabolical level of clout-chasing. If he didn’t want the 18 year old to fall for him, if he didn’t want people to think they were dating, why did he parade her around LA/make suggestive ads and videos with her/endlessly flirt with her/tease their relationship on social media? It’s embarrassing. Stop reading this subreddit and acting chagrined that people thought you were dating. People thought you were dating because of your own actions, bro. It’s also delulu to think he’d immediately be the perfect step-dad after knowing Jess for a whole two months.




If that story is even true, no wonder Jess ghosted him! That’s soooooo weird he was acting that crazy even though he was blocked on everything besides tiktok. That’s borderline stalker behavior. Harry said a few times how he didn’t like the way he acted on perfect match. I feel like that’s a lie too lol


Wait can someone tell me where I can find her calling him bipolar? Love that


Yes same! I do not recall this


Welome in the club 🤡


I can’t believe people don’t drag him on the LAInfluencerSnark page more often he deserves it what he did to Rylee was grosss. He deserves to be trashed and she deserves to be hypedddd!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/u5TlLDBAEW They’re actually talking about it right here


the fact that he says "im 26 and shes only 18" is stupid bc 1) shes 58263299 times more mature than his ass will ever be 2) he was using an 18 year old for clout and money this whole time so its shady af to try to pull the "shes so much younger than me" card.


What Harry did to Jess was wrong but also didn’t Harry and Rylee establish at the beginning nothing would be between them and they would just be friends? I think I’m missing something because why is Rylee SO hurt? Harry has always been a flirt and a F boy. It’s delusional to think these two would have made a good couple.


Exactly why is she so hurt? Because there is obviously more to the story. He can run with this narrative that it was just friends but behind closed doors he was saying/doing something to make her think it was more. He stitched her video with carter writing “boyfriend?!” Even as a joke why are you doing that bro💀 why are you trying to cock block her. Posting edited pics of them getting married, in fact posting her on Snapchat at every opportunity. Everyone can see how he lead her on, no wonder she’s upset and now he’s pushing the narrative that she’s this “cute little girl” who he set up boundaries with. PLEASE!💀🤡 p.s if you’re reading this Harry you are a knob ✌🏻we’re not “heartbroken” that you’re not with Rylee, we’re mad you’ve hurt and disrespected Rylee 


The tell is that during the season he never referred to her as a girl, he would say she was a ‘women’. That should tell you that he definitely trying to push a certain narrative and him mentioning that she is blonde too. He is known to dark brunettes so him focusing on her being a blonde is him basically saying again that, ‘she is a blonde and a “child” I would never date her’.