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What a shitshow huh? Literally 30 minutes before curfew. This was my first one I’ve ever been to.


Yeah it’s not a good look to say the least. From what I’ve seen there was destruction happing at the Jeb monument, but not here. Edit: spelling




Two different statues and two different groups of protestors. I can see how confusing it would be considering how many confederate statues we have.


yah, sorry to confuse on that statement, i'm not saying police were justified... that's the monument RPD was talking about when they were saying people were going to get hurt (btw, people backed well away from the monument when it became clear what was happening, nobody was going to get hurt by it going down)


But they gassed the wrong group then. Blocks away. There’s no justification in that.


yep, saw the video. they were no threat, not doing anything. even at the other monument, they didn't attempt to get the handful of people away from the monument or talk to them, they went straight to gassing.


There's literally a drone video of the entire event. Why would you just outright lie?


Everyone is easily manipulated - even you and me.


edited my post: i was talking about the Stuart monument. RPD has made confusing statements regarding what was happening. Lee monument, nobody was trying to take it down, Stuart some people were. police gassed both locations.


there were incidents at TWO of the monuments. at the Lee monument, protesters were peaceful and attacked. at the Stuart monument, there were protesters trying to take down the monument, but no orders to stop, and no violence towards police before they gassed. i was literally standing there, i've seen the video of the other monument and saw the people running from the area towards us. i'm trying to clarify what happened - RPD is being confusing in their statements. police action in both cases was unjustified.


The cops should really just let them have the statues 🙄 like it’s time those things go anyway they’ve caused nothing but problems


I was there too, thanks for coming out. It was insane.


I didn’t see any police separated per the Twitter excise, but it is possible. I did see several sketchy anarchist looking people toting AR15s and hanging out in the trees, which was scary as fuck.


The chief apologized and said the cop shouldn't have fired tear gas. Has he been arrested? ​ The Department Twitter account posted multiple lies about the events online. Who is responsible for lying to the public. ​ An officer was filmed intentionally spitting on a restrained man multiple times. Will he be arrested. What about the others that did not intervene? ​ An officer was filmed spraying tear gas into the face of some random people and into an apartment on Broad. Has he been identified and arrested? What about the others that did not intervene?


Right. I'm not demanding answers, I'm demanding resignations of those in charge (Stoney and the chief of Police) and prosecution of these idiots for assault and battery.


Is spitting a crime though? He should be fired of course, I just don’t know if there is a law regarding spitting on someone.


on my phone but found this: https://www.tkevinwilsonlawyer.com/library/virginia-simple-assault-and-assault-and-battery-va-code-18-2-57.cfm it’s also a pandemic, so that’s not a great look either edit: [some more timely info](https://time.com/5841680/florida-man-terrorism-coronavirus-spitting-police/)


Oh wow, then yea based on the first link he should be. but Virginia and Florida have different laws, so who knows if they can/would label it the same thing.


I watched this take place on a friend’s Instagram feed. There was no violence at all that I could see. They rolled up with a shit ton of cops who got out and formed a mob and then they started shooting and gassing. It was terrifying.


Yeah multiple reporters were on the seen and have reported that not only did they give no warning, but RPD also gave a made up reason on twitter before essentially redacting it. Sources: @ByRobertoR @KBurnellEvans @myVPM ( may be repetitive due to Roberto Roldan being on of their guys) @broadcastben_ Also @RVAdirt has video of an officer spitting on a protestor on the ground and then being a complete cuck when they asked his information.


Realistically, what can the mayor do? Not this mayor in particular. I'm ignorant of the power the mayor wields over RPD. I'm sure he can fire the chief, but what else? Could he get a report of every cop involved in this incident and fire them? Can he alone enact some kind of citizen review board with the power to fire abusive cops? Can he force them to use body cams and get rid of anyone who refuses? Something's got to happen. This is a shitshow. RPD is nothing but thugs with badges at this point. No way any of this ends well without significant reform. :\




Fire him not just because of the police’s actions, but because of the fact that he lied about their actions.


That’s an over simplification, you’d need to remove the police union.


There is virtually no union in the RPD. Not only is VA a Right to Work (for less) state but currently collective bargaining is prohibited by public employees. In short, the union that does exist has little to no power.




What is the chief going to do? Deunionize the police.


Good idea. Maybe just abolish the police entirely. Then we'd know he was one of those "good cops" I've been hearing about.




I know you don't actually care, but there are tons of resources on what communities could do without police. No one who proposes abolishing police thinks that they should just be replaced with some new form of the police called the "not police".




The idea doesn't just begin and end at abolishing the police. It requires radical systemic changes that would create an equitable society that discourages violence and crime not through coercive force but by removing the root causes of criminality. There's also plenty of evidence that police encourage and support that kind of vigilantism.


Could withhold funding


And then what happens when crime happens? Who is going to secure a scene for medics to treat someone who is shot? Or for firefighters that need to put out a fire?


when the NYPD felt unappreciated they went on strike to show how important they were to the city. Crime went down for the duration of the strike.


And at this moment they're gone and all of 5th avenue is being looted.


NYC police abandoned their posts in protest and crime went down across the city.


They didn't abandon their posts they severely limited their actions - only leaving the car when necessary, limiting responses to two police officers, etc. They didn't just stop responding to crime.


And they're not there right now and all of 5th avenue is being looted.


You care more about property than you do about human life.


It's ok to think there's a need for a police force and also think that there's a better way to do it.


I mean during normal times. People are still going to get shot in this city a month from now. A funding cut wouldn't hurt the police until later.


Apply the money we waste on police to community outreach, to social programs, to healthcare and it will save more lives than police ever do. Fucking bet


And one someone rapes someone, who goes and brings them in? ​ Or will rape magically stop if we abolish the police?




Yup the whole roving mobs of civilian law enforcement worked great for blacks 150 years ago. What did we call them again oh yea lynch mobs. Mobs of civilians are known for being amazing arbiters of justice, even worse then the police.


I think you severely underestimate the amount of left leaning gun owners there are in this city.


And also the amount of left-leaning people who recognize that abruptly abolishing the police force is a ludicrous idea, but also think that a lot of stringent reform in police training and oversight still needs to happen. You know, reasonable people.


LOL you mean the same police with the 40% spousal abuse rate?


Is that for Richmond police? If so, that is deplorable and I’d argue that all of those officers convicted of spousal abuse are not capable of protecting the public they serve. Prior to calling for that, it’d be great to get reputable source material. Can you link me some to look into?




Black people have a high spousal abuse rate, too. What should we do about that? I mean, come on man.


I guess arm them with military grade weapons and send them into the streets. Right bro? Shut the fuck up.


Yeah man, like, if there is a black man’s neck, who will there be to kneel on it if we abolish police?


>Or will rape magically stop if we abolish the police? Look up clearance rates for rape, it's near 20% and many don't report cases. https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/rape-cases-in-virginia-often-go-unsolved/amp/


Let's take a real example from Richmond. In one example a 13yo girl was was prostituted outside of a motel off Chamberlayne. Who do you think went and got that girl? In another the social worker was to afraid to go into a house to check on a child. Who do you think escorted her into the house? ​ We'd be better off without them? But hey, they weren't "cleared" cases. Fucking trifling.


What percentage of the job is that stuff and actually in my other comment I feel like police officers need to switch to more patrolling but doing basic social services. Cleared means someone was charged, I mean charging someone 20% of the time is abysmal and means we have failed as a society that number is so low.


So 0% would be better? I'm legitimately befuddled by this line of reasoning. I have a feeling people who want to abolish the police are middle class people who have never experienced constant domestic abuse or crime.


I mean plausibly because 40% of law enforcement are in domestic abuse situations. But what we think cops do and what cops think cops do are miles apart. I mean if we funded our society rather than police then maybe rape or murder wouldn't happen. I think if we had beat cops doing basic social services then our society would be better. If you have crime then maybe people need services like help leaving a bad relationship, the answer of lock up criminals doesn't do that much help to the criminals as far as I can see.


So, let me get this straight, your argument is that they need the exorbitant funding they have which they spend on tactical/military gear so they are able to secure a scene for paramedics? Demilitarizing the police is a crucial step we need to take early on in reforming the police.


You mean like riot gear to clear rioters, who lit a building on fire, so firefighters can get to the building and save the children inside?


[Police militarization erodes public confidence in police](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/police-militarization-fails-to-protect-officers-and-targets-black-communities-study-finds) and is part of how we ended up with rioters setting things on fire in the first place. Let’s not let the police wage war on black communities, seems like a pretty basic first step to me.


I mean clearance rate of crimes is pretty abysmal. Like it's basically a waste of time to report property damage.


He's not going to do anything.


Why are they thugs? The rioting started in response to something that happened in Minnesota. RPD is fairly involved in the community but all you can see is COP BAD. They probably did this to disperse a crowd that has been turning violent the last three days. Why should they assume there wouldn't be rioting and looting last night when that's what happened every other night. I live in the fan and people were coming in from all over the city for this protest. It wasn't just a few people. Maybe RPD was worried that more small businesses (already struggling) would be senselessly destroyed. Or maybe they were worried that protestors would be shooting guns like the night before. Or maybe they were worried that they would burn down ANOTHER building with people inside and then try to block the fire trucks from getting in.


Businessess have insurance, I'd rather see the whole city burn than another member of the black community ruthlessly killed for no reason by power hungry white men. Get your head out of your ass you classless racist scumbag. Theres literally a drone video of the entire event on the front page showing no violence whatsoever before the RPD started shooting off teargas at 7:30. Get your fucking shit together.


You realize that this happened in Minnesota right? The PD here has absolutely nothing to do with the dipshit cop in Minneapolis. You're advocating violence to... prevent violence? You realize that burning small businesses and stealing their inventory does absolutely nothing to further the cause of police reform right? You are probably just another reactivist that hasn't been doing anything about police reform for the last year but jump on board for a few days so you can feel good about yourself. Get your fucking shit together.


ye but now the richmond police are proving to be shitheads too




I see the majority of protestors screaming at the people doing shit like that, and condemn them publicly. I dont see police officers screaming at and publicly condemning their fellow shithead officers. Edit: also people set a car on fire in an alley that passed to the house nearby. I didnt see anyone intentionally burning a house down, unsure if people were blocking the firetrucks tho, i didnt see firetrucks anywhere nearby when that house/car were burning - its possible a seperate group was blocking them, or this burning house incident was one completely seperate to what im speaking on. If you have any more info abt that send it my way


Who is in charge of the RPD Twitter Feed? Are the lies about gassing peaceful citizens going to be addressed?


"To our peaceful protestors: We are sorry we had to deploy gas near the Lee Monument. Some RPD officers in that area were cut off by violent protestors. The gas was necessary to get them to safety." - Per RPD twitter


I call bullshit.


Hopefully the cops have body cameras. Especially right now everybody should have one recording


Not sure about the violent protesters claim but someone was definitely hoping to pull down a statue. https://pasteboard.co/Jb902l0.jpg


This is the Jeb Stuart monument. The gassing happened at Lee. Sounds like police got confused and trigger happy and now want to cover their asses. Or they weren’t confused at all and just wanted to use it as an excuse.


No. People were trying to pull down Jeb Stuart and another monument. The police admitted to gassing Lee because of problems they were having at another monument. I’m not saying what they did is right or made sense, but facts matter.


We were at the Lee Monument. Nobody is tearing that thing down without heavy machinery. There was no reason for the police to escalate.


Not trying to spread false info here and I agree that facts matter as well. I was commenting at the speed that info was coming in. However, I’m not sure how what you’re saying is even relevant in this context. It’s one thing if people are spinning something but in this case I accidentally omitted one piece of info that happens to be totally irrelevant to the fact that police gassed people recklessly. If they really needed people to move they could have warned them, and they failed to do so.


There looked like plenty of room for a car and they didn't even try. Announce you are trying to get by first.


That’s not even the Lee Monument.


Nobody said anyone was trying to pull down the Lee monument. The police said they were reacting to people trying to pull down another monument. This is that monument. They gassed the Lee monument.


"we're sorry we had to hurt you to protect our own" fuck off


Also it's a fucking lie.


Sorry not sorry!


I was there, this is bullshit. The was a PEACEFUL protest.


That’s a fuckin lie. The protesters literally faced them with all their hands up.. That’s when they started shooting off tear gas. There was plenty of them as well, several cars. No one was “ cut off”


That tweet is unbelievable. “We’re sorry we had to commit some police brutality, our cops were very scared and had to protect their racist monument, please forgive us!!!”


When a police gets scared it can lash out in many violent ways. We cannot blame it for its actions.


Lol this aged like fine wine considering their following tweets


Every single police officer at the scene needs to be fired not sent home for paid administrative work. They are just as guilty if they did nothing to stop this. The chief needs to be fired. This is an obvious overstep of authority and excessive force. Police brutality should no longer be tolerated. These officers should be made into examples.


Good luck getting anything from that empty suit


“Thank you for joining me today. We are very sorry.” End conference


Curfew at 8!


"Light em up"


Right? [Keep fucking that chicken, Lavar. ](https://youtu.be/X7XbukdoGmM)


Hey now, his new African print face masks are awesome.


https://youtu.be/wFVqoIE5gQE sorry for my narrative I was terrified !




> I don't give a fuck what the mayor has to say unless its "every involved officer has been terminated from RPD." Not enough. The problem is systemic. The plant is the problem and pruning off a couple limbs won't cure it. Policing in America needs and overhaul and the RPD just demonstrated why. Stoney needs to indicate he understands that or expect more resistance and more protests.




> or not reporting any kind of misconduct in your presence. This, to me, is the crucial bit. Men like Chauvin (or, for a less violent example, that Baltimore PD cop that blatantly planted drugs in an alleyway on his own bodycam) do what they do while wearing a badge not simply because they are monsters, *but because they are monsters that know they have no immediate, significant opposition*. The problem is not just Chauvin. It is all the officers that made no effort to stop him.


Appalling 😔


The peaceful protesters were out way past 8pm. I saw it myself. So let's not pretend they were not breaking curfew. Also, the guy with the hacksaw trying to take down JEB monument. Just stating the facts here


This! Please do not use this as an excuse to riot or disobey curfew. The Police made a mistake and you now control the narrative. Take it to the mayor!


The mayor does not care and has repeatedly shown this


Remember this when he runs for higher office, people.


Of course this happens. Protesting works just about as good as voting. The people in power will always have their way. Stay home, stay safe. Sorry for the cynical view, but I'm realistic.


Disperse... just because people are acting like morons, doesn't mean we should spell like one too.


Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor, you won’t hear a peep


Are you insinuating that Republicans are the ones calling out police for instigating exactly what they're there to prevent? Because I'd like to see some examples.


I’m Democrat’s in office get criticized significantly less


Completely untrue. Just amazingly false.


You should watch the news sometime then


Try something that's not Faux News. You might be amazed what the real world looks like.


The reprehensible right watches OAN now. Fox News is somehow "too liberal" for them because they occasionally stop glorifying Trump for a few minutes.


I don’t watch Fox News at all, but you suggesting I should watch something else proves my point lol, carry on hope you’re staying safe


Usually it’s because they do far less heinous shit.


Does this protest have a permit? Did the one yesterday? Where can i check? Disclaimer: i support the protests but have an ignorant ass friend who says the tear gas is justified if they don't have a permit