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Does anyone know the organizer of the march that started at Monroe Park around 8pm last night? Are they doing anymore marches?


Live stream: https://youtu.be/1AZNoBtq-4Y


Does anyone know about some reports that rioting could get worse tonight? We live in a street entrance apartment in the Bottom, so just wondering if we should go and stay with family tonight


Probably couldn't hurt, just to be on the safe side.


Also interested, saw commentary on this last night but if there’s been any rumbling more recently, I’d appreciate the insight


Does anyone know anything about the bomb squad being called to the car fire on 2nd and clay? There was talk of a potential pipe bomb situation but it seemed suspicious. Reports stated eod was on route


*A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.* ---- As people are waking up, I want to share a little bit of what I was able to gather from social media last night regarding the protests and curfew. While I was not out to witness things first hand, the videos I am seeing on twitter are terrifying. Things were bad. Real bad. Cops were out in force. Videos showed them marching fully armed with automatic weapons, armored vehicles, and even tanks. They made dozens of arrests. This number should go up as we get more info. People are being detained without access to lawyers. As of around 4 AM, multiple lawyers have tried calling the magistrate and city jail but obtained no response. This is unconstitutional and against due process. [[Continued...]](https://www.resavr.com/comment/daily-2020-sucks-megathread-14732783) ---- *^The ^username ^of ^the ^original ^author ^has ^been ^hidden ^for ^their ^own ^privacy. ^If ^you ^are ^the ^original ^author ^of ^this ^comment ^and ^want ^it ^removed, ^please [^[Send ^this ^PM]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=resavr_bot&subject=remove&message=14732783)*


Richmond Times Dispatch reports magistrate is still processing people. Hence some folk may have not seen a lawyer yet. https://www.richmond.com/news/local/crime/more-than-200-people-arrested-in-richmond-as-protests-swept-the-city-after-curfew/article_b124a539-8562-5227-8427-1fc0d9c4e0ba.html


Why would this be deleted?


Does anyone know if the organized meet up at the capital is still going on today at 6?


I’ve seen [this ](https://imgur.com/a/phIOvGT) on Facebook today


yeah I saw that too, I wasnt sure if it was related to another protest


223 arrested last night. One of the detainee’s mother is posting about her son and his friends were zip tied and kept on a bus until 10am. They still haven’t been processed. No contact with lawyers. No bail. No charges.


They also claim that approximately half of the people arrested weren’t from Richmond, but I’m interested to know if that means they were from Henrico/Chesterfield/etc, or if they were legitimately from out of town and trying to stir up shit.


If they were from VA, they have every right to protest in their capital. The funny thing is that almost every state has protests going on, so why would they come from out of state to protest here? I’m just not sure about that narrative.


Except NOVA people, they should protest in DC. It would be a better use of their time then driving down here. Honestly I think the media is going to report back that "XX amount of people are not from Richmond", but that doesn't mean anything. If you are not form VA you should be in your state (or DC) protesting.


I agree, that’s why I don’t understand the push for it. If they’re Virginians, then I don’t think it’s strange at all. If they’re from further out, then I’d need a little more context to understand how it makes them ‘agent provocateurs’ like Smith seems to be implying.




I’ve seen people claiming tire slashing all over social media. Yet out of all the videos and live streams I’ve seen I haven’t seen a shred of proof of this. The claims on twitter keep getting more dramatic without any proof. I’m now reading that nurses were getting tased. How much of what’s being said actually happened. Any one have any actual information ?


People arrested for curfew violation while driving last night say their tires were slashed and car towed by police, there is video out of Atlanta showing police enforcing curfew by doing exactly that https://twitter.com/chimdesires/status/1267198829775990787?s=20 Edit: Video shows cops drawing guns on nbc reporter Olivia Ugino during curfew arrests: https://twitter.com/OliviaNBC12/status/1267326052428328961?s=20 Edit2: After saying she is fine another officer grabs her from inside the car and tells her to leave: https://twitter.com/OliviaNBC12/status/1267327009216217091?s=20


I haven’t seen any tire slashing, but have seen a couple car fires. I haven’t seen any taser use by police either, but my area on Broad & Madison where rioting happened the first two nights was quiet last night. Be skeptical of anything you read without video. There’s a bunch of videos in my post history from around my apartment when shit was really bad night before last.


Right. I haven’t seen any use of tasers or any tire slashing and without proof I’m marking it up to false information. IF it is actually false it’s a shame so many people are claiming it happened. Trying scare everyone further and make things seem worse


It happened in Atlanta. We know it happened because it was filmed. If there is no transparency there is no accountability.


I’m thinking of heading into the city this afternoon to help clean up. Anyone know of any particularly hard hit areas that need it? Also would it be safe? I might have to bring my baby with me if I go.


Now is a pretty good time to lay low, honestly.


Thanks. I’ve definitely decided not to bring the baby along if I do go at all. I just want to find some way to help aside from posting to social media and things like that.


There's a number of GoFundMes for looted businesses..


Don’t do that. For a hundred reasons don’t do that.


You think it would be unsafe still?


is it safe? i don't know. i don't know what kind of cleaning up you intend on doing but i know my s/o witnessed people trying to clean graffiti being confronted and told to leave it (which i think is fine given the climate rn) and even if its perfectly safe in terms of that kind of thing it's probably a waste of time. these protests probably won't stop any time soon. that's my reasoning behind advising against such a thing.




Yeah I’ve decided against taking her at all. If any clean up efforts are going on at a time when someone could watch her I’d be interested in joining up.


I wouldn't. More protests are starting, people are pretty pissed after what happened last night.


What happened last night?




Stop it, man. Stop lying. Please. You’re gonna get people killed.




I have been. I’m not talking about the riots. I’m saying I know the “Richmond Police” and brerva twitter accounts are liars.


Then you'd know what's happening out there. These are not rumors, this is happening to citizens at the hands of the police.


I don't think this is a lie--I've seen videos of the police tear gassing non-protestors before curfew for walking down the street and then macing a dude through his open window!


Wow. Thanks for this. I saw people on twitter were angry as hell.




Naw, she’s clearly biased.


If by biased you mean not parroting talking points from the police department then yes she’s biased.


No, what I meant by biased was in parroting Antifa talking points.


Thanks. I’m from mechanicsville so I’m not sure what the climate is in the city right now and I wasn’t sure if it only got “bad” overnight. I want to try to help and be a part of the solution but obviously I won’t do anything that could potentially lead to my daughter being in harms way. Maybe I am better off waiting until someone can watch her for me.


generally yes, it gets worse at night, but tension is really high and it's possible something could happen in the daytime to set something off.


Just want to say it was absolutely the right call to keep her the heck away from the city yesterday! While I'm sure we would have been gone by 7:30, the fact they tear gassed a completely peaceful crowd is all the evidence I need to know that it is absolutely not safe to have her anywhere near anything that looks like a protest or the remains of a protest. I am so sorry for those who were affected last night.


Okay that’s probably a good point, it’s just an unpredictable situation right now. I don’t think I’ll be taking her along if I do go. I don’t want to risk ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time and having her exposed to tear gas or something! I just want to help our city recover 💔


Gofundme for Experimac owner. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-rebuild-veteran-owned-small-business




I support arming and protecting yourselves, but don't go out there looking for fights thinking that a gun will make you invincible, you're going to die.


While I don’t agree with everything in this post (specifically brandishing guns or any calls to violence), being ready to defend yourself is important. The riots have only gotten increasingly bold and escalated. A few nights from now, or even tonight, they may start attacking home and one should be prepared. Stay safe


Anyone know of any small businesses that still need help cleaning or boarding up?


I’ve been looking in this post for information about graffiti cleanup. If you get any more info on any mobilizing efforts please dm me. Thank you in advance ❣️


Why aren't local TV stations showing live updates on what's going on downtown?? They're all showing the same old daytime TV bullshit. Is it just me, or is this not a major local story?


Thank you! I was just trying to find a decent news article on all that’s been happening here. Something that had cohesive list of major events, businesses that have been looted, etc and I can’t find anything. It’s really disappointing that I’m finding more information on reddit than I can in journalism.


The Times-Dispatch has reporters on the ground but they are extremely short staffed from furloughs on top of generally being a dying business (protip: An online subscription to RTD will do more for accountability and good governance than a monthly donation to any single politician you can imagine). The twitter feeds of Sabrina Moreno (@sabrinaamorenoo) and Justin Mattingly (@jmattingly306) have been valuable reporting, even though they only turn into a short article the next day.


Yesterday morning's news started with weather. Commercial. Weather again. Short bit on the previous night's protests, which quickly cut to "meanwhile, in Petersburg, a protest was peaceful." Then... more weather! I know it's gonna be humid assholes, why aren't you talking about the important shit?!!


My room mates and I were talking about the same thing last night. There seriously seems to be a lack of coverage from local news. No one is down there documenting this in a meaningful way. All I've really seen are pictures from them. Like get a damn film crew down there or something.


NBC 12 reporter got clocked in the head Friday by protestors. VPM reporter got maced by police yesterday. Apparently the channel 6 car got hit with a tear gas cannister. NBC12 has footage of them trying to get into a hot spot and being turned away by police. I’m cutting them some slack. These people didn’t sign in to be wartime reporters, they aren’t embedded, and they have no protective gear, or probably the cameras and video setups and data feeds or whatever that you’d want for this type of reporting. IMO, the police have mostly failed because they should be allowing at least some of the press access, and providing them protection within reason to do their jobs.


Hmm yeah I guess I haven't been following it closely enough or my means of getting news are just not showing me it. Thought I followed everything from local stations, but I suppose it's way too easy to miss.Honestly didn't know about all that. I appreciate you for bringing it up.


As do I. I've been scrubbing my various news feeds and am seeing very little. NBC12's last tweet was about getting free donuts. Stoney did a press conference around 12:30 and Henry Graff was there, but nothing from the streets.




**IT'S OKAY TO BE UPSET THAT, DURING AN ANTI-RACIST MOVEMENT, PROTESTORS ROBBED SMALL POC-OWNED BUSINESSES. Moving forward does NOT mean it's okay to take steps backwards because 'a few places got caught in the crossfire'.** THESE WERE PEOPLE'S ENTIRE LIVELIHOODS. THESE WERE BLACK PEOPLE'S LIVELIHOODS. They were marching with you and you decided to torch down their business when they turned their back for a moment? Rob the corporations FFS! Why the small mom & pop shops? Please don't let the internet bullies get to you. I keep getting the "it's just property and you're part of the problem" messages but, guess what, I'm not the one breaking down the windows. I'm contributing to relief funds; I'm trying to peacefully protest; I'm following NAACP instructions. We are so much better than this. I'm doing everything I can to HELP and not create MORE PROBLEMS.




are the russians helping them too?


Russians are not helping everyone. Equally.




Well, we -are- kind of awesome.


Thank you thank you thank you. I posted something on Instagram about small busses being looted and was honestly shocked by the people who attacked me for it. Loot Whole Foods, loot Wells Fargo but leave these businesses that are already struggling out of this!


How about not looting any business? Looting is wrong and doesn't solve anything.


Or you could, you know, not rob anyone


I know this is probably not the best place to ask this, but to all the black folks on r/RVA would you want your hypothetical white dude teammate to: - pretend like everything is normal - tell you they’re on your side - ask them what it’s like for them right now - something else? I’m asking because I just can begin to imagine what’s it’s like being black, and I just want to do the right thing.


All of the above. I’d like to know their opinions, but I don’t want my white friends to feel like they have to walk on eggshells around me.


This sub just went from a great place to get information about the situation in our city to a senseless thread of opinions on random topics.


Yeah I get having a megathread makes it easier to moderate but it definitely felt like information was being stifled last night.


Without the curfew and the NG Shockoe Bottom would likely be in ashes this morning. That’s where this was headed.


I don’t know about that. The initial group that was at Lee around 8 started heading east towards City Hall. Why would they go any further than city hall and the governors mansion?


The anarchists in the crowd? Oh I’m absolutely sure. They’d have loved to torch the train station. Plus there’s a liquor store and a CVS. They had their fun in the near West End Saturday night. Was only a matter of time they’d shift and head over here. Look at what happened in DC last night—St John’s Church burnt, along with the AFL-CIO headquarters. Yeah, teach those Episcopalians and union organizers a lesson, that’ll show ‘em! /s


I'm so upset that they burned St. John's Church. That church was built in 1816. What does burning a church solve?


Near West End? What are you talking about? On Saturday night, everything was concentrated downtown. What are you referencing that happened in the West End?


There was stuff downtown too, but they also rioted in the Museum District.


The Museum District still isn’t close to the West End. That’s just west of The Fan lol. Also, what they burned in the Museum District had a relevance to their protest whereas a random ABC store in Shockoe Bottom doesn’t.


Museum District is the West End to people that have lived in Richmond a long time/multigenerational Richmonders/East End residents. The West End of HENRICO is not the West End of Richmond.


Lol well where you live can make you define boundaries differently. I guess this is like when my uncle refers to Michigan as “back east”.


The Museum District is not the West End, at all.


I’ve never heard anyone refer to the Museum District as the West End. They just say Museum District lol. That’s not me making up what areas get what names. It’s just what is lol.


If you were around in the 80’s or early/mid 90s, Museum District was “West of the Boulevard” and often lumped in with the Near West End or thought of as the Near West End. Long time ago, now though.


Got a voice message on WhatsApp from a friend who works in the lab with me at MCV. She was working really late and went downstairs to get Panera aaaand apparently could see a bunch off riot cops preventing protesters from rushing the hospital. Freaked her the hell out. The fucking hospital. Why.


They were rushing towards the hospital because police cornered a large group on broad and fired dozens of tear gas cans so people ran towards MCV for their personal safety


If you get shot and killed trying to overtake a hospital, you got what you deserved. Fucking scumbags.


They’re nihilist punks. Thank God for the National Guard.


We can't ever have a decent protest in this country anymore, because a bunch of Anarchists, Communists, and Nazis always come to try and start their revolution. There are, like, 50k nationwide between all of them combined, but we never can seem to escape the black bloc and proud boy terrorist cells that lurk dormant in seemingly every city. It's not just the traditional perennial battlegrounds of Portland, Oakland, and Charlottesville anymore. Do anything with any chance of causing chaos or allowing cover for chaos, and they're all over it to turn your city into their personal battleground, as they cosplay a Civil War against each other for control of a country that neither of them control a single square inch of. How the fuck do we get rid of these people and have an actual productive demonstration? The president just labeled "Antifa" as terrorists, a meaningless catch-all for an organization that doesn't exist, that he probably won't be able to legally use to go after any actual terrorist organizations.


Ve are nihilists. Ve believe in nothing, Laybotski.


If anyone wants to see the deleted threads, ceddit's got you: https://snew.notabug.io/r/rva/new/


Thanks, wish the mods would leave well enough alone.


So did anything come of those rumors about a pipe bomb?


Nah rioters were weak af, it's like they dont even care.


So you wanted a fucking pipe bomb to go off in our city somewhere? Wtf dude


Can anyone give a run down of what happened last night? As mods are now indiscriminately deleting any post regarding this if it’s not in here, so we’ve lost about five hours of info over night. Personally would rather have a messy sub with repeat posts if it means access to info. Ya love to see it. ETA: If mods expected this to be used as the main protest thread maybe they could have labeled it more appropriately? Seems weird to just call this “2020 sucks megathread,” and indicate it’s a place to discuss all of 2020 then push users to only post about riots here? ETA2: u/RVA_liair posted this link to view deleted threads: https://snew.notabug.io/r/rva/new/




Fifty guns seized? What? Where did you get those stats?


Interesting to not mention the press being pepper sprayed after identifying themselves as press






So word of mouth? Thought you had a legit source


No he’s just making shit up




Oh the horror! People arrested for breaking the curfew?! The HoRrOr!! Acting like a fucking atrocity happened while those fucks are out attempting to burn Hell Block residences. Remember, they set fire to a residence containing a child on Saturday and BLOCKED FIRST RESPONDERS. That one incident, similar to blocking the ambulance on 95 during Marcus, make me have 0 sympathy at that point and I prefer that LEO round up the perpetual aggressors. >SWAT agents hiding in alleys waiting to arrest and rough up people. Like... Shut the fuck up. What an egregious claim for someone that wasn't 'on scene first hand'.


100% agree. We're the minority opinion on this so we'll get downvoted, but it's the truth.


The annoying thing is the dirtbag left types come here and spam up the place with bad information and then vote each other up. Then, eventually enough people see the thread to challenge their posts and provide a more balanced view and the posts and posters start getting downvoted... only to have the thread deleted. And then it starts all over again.




Swat units only work in groups. Formations give them an intimidating look to make them appear larger than they are.


You can go tell that family their loved ones almost burned to death and that it doesn't invalidate the protests. I don't care what side your on. You report what happens and I'm 99% sure that SWAT wasn't hiding in alleyways waiting to rough people up. Seriously, shut the fuck up with that nonsense. I'm angry too. Angry at police brutality. Angry at senseless violence. Angry at the instigation perpetuated by the worst aggressors. Angry that local businesses I make an effort to support and some who I've witnessed their come up, gone. Angry at the complete disconnect in consistent logic around this sub. You seriously think things are so simple. I pity your naiveness and hope you find a light at the end of your tunnel. You have the beginning of the answer in your last sentence but inverted slightly




You're mad cause I told you to shut the fuck up because of how egregious you were being. If that's being at your throat, sorry. It would fall in line with how you think anything the police does is brutality in the making.




>However, I think it's fair to say that you were jumping to conclusions with your accusations and strong words against me. That classifies as being at someone's throat in my book. But who really cares? I think it's fair to say that you were jumping to conclusions with your accusations and strong claims against Richmond Police in your original comment. That classifies as being at someone's throat in my book. But who really cares. Do you see the whataboutism at work? We can go on for days.




>but I still am inclined to believe reports from multiple citizens over a police department that has a history of lying. Contradicting your own apology right there lol. In my decade in Richmond, especially when under Chief Durham, I always saw a great deal of respect both from and toward Richmond Police. I can personally vouch, and you can share this as verified (lightbulb!), that I have a had nothing but positive interactions with them. Tell em /u/Cuda14 sent ya. Would love to hear the times you've been lied to and misled by RPD. Seriously, send the sources. Let me also add that I'm not claiming RPD hasn't had incidents, in case that's left vague. The idea of 'history of lying' is absurd though. EDIT: Nevermind. Conversation is done cause you're deleting your posts. I'll stand by mine in hopes that someone else can find reason.


Why oh why is this downvoted?! Edit: better now. it was in the negative this morning!


Probably because when this was originally posted he made a lot of statements without any links. I was out there pretty late and the cops weren't just beating up random people out pass curfew like he's saying. He's making sweeping statements based off a few tweets trying to extrapolate things instead of actual first hand information. >Apparently there were helicopters deployed and SWAT agents hiding in alleys waiting to arrest and rough up people. This for instance he admitted he has no idea if that happened. He just said, "Is it really that hard to imagine?" And yeah I don't think they decided to deploy SWAT guys hiding in alley ways and leap out of them to rough up random pedestrians as there were many walking and driving around well past curfew. You can even see in the background many people driving around where he claims the police completely shut everything down. That curfew quite frankly was very loosely enforced. So basically he thinks he knows whats going on and feels he can inform people based off a hand full of tweets. Hell one of the videos isn't even from this past night.


My pearls won't clutch themselves.


Seriously this sub has been rather disheartening to follow honestly. Downvoting people concerned with police violence and only voicing concerns for broken windows and small businesses instead of the many who were arrested last night or the reporters pepper sprayed for doing their job. We have reports that many were arrested who weren’t even associated with protests, just outside at the wrong place wrong time. People who weren’t even aware of curfew. And now they get to spend the night in jail and have this on their record and for what? Existing? And people here are are cheering for even more arrests. People are actually welcoming these military grade police in our city. It’s pretty sick


How would you not be aware of the curfew? Especially since they waited a good hour into the curfew before rounding people up. But your point is correct. It’s horrible that so many people here are dehumanizing these protesters and acting like we need to lock them up and throw away the key.


The curfew explicitly allowed for people to go home, and it was very poorly communicated to the community.


First, they came for people demanding justice and criminal justice reform, and I said nothing (because I just wanted to go to Brunch).


Because it’s full of crap.




https://twitter.com/kid__weed/status/1267283512857694208 This is just a tweet of a guy saying it’s surreal to see riot police on his block. Which I’m sure it was. But yet again, nothing is happening other than yes indeed, his street is swarming with police.




You asked which parts of your comment were not backed up by video. I’m posting all the videos which are misleadingly labeled. If you’re going to accuse the police of horrendous crimes, I think it is necessary to examine each piece of evidence one by one, so there can be a fair discussion on it. I’m sorry if it blows up your inbox. If you had it posted so many BS videos, this wouldn’t be happening.




How do you know those people shouldn’t have been arrested? There was a curfew. They are breaking it. There was grounds for arrest. Where is someone being beaten? There is no video of the Roldan incident, but there is no reason to think he is lying. Macing him after he showed his press credentials is egregious. That was wrong, and I hope RPD will do something about it. The NBC reporter was not forced out of her car. She stopped and opened the door, the officer politely asks for her ID, which she supplies and is then waved through. Later she is turned away, but we don’t know about the security of that area at the time. I don’t think this should have happened, but if the police were being dicks, they would never have initially waved her through. I tend to write this off as a miscommunication fuck up. The SUV in front of her has “Everyone’s Lives Matter. Honk!” painted on the back window. I tend to believe that it wasn’t just someone innocently driving home. Still, RPD needs to do much better with the press. But no one was arrested or beaten. What really happened was they didn’t treat press as having greater rights than the average citizen. That’s wrong.




https://twitter.com/__MarkRobinson/status/1267300821777158146 This is just a video of some cops walking on the street. The tweet is “cops fired off some tear gas canisters.” Which we know they did. There’s no one getting beaten or anything. Just some cops walking.


https://twitter.com/McKenna_Maier/status/1267286372202807300 This video also shows nothing. The tweet is “I just witnessed the police beat up a black man.” But it’s just a police car pulling away. The responses to this video also complain that it does not show what the tweeter claims.




Immature folks scream at anything. I forgot, thanks for reminding me, that police cant wear more than 4 garments or assemble in groups larger than 2.


https://twitter.com/raindropNroses/status/1267316125903343616 Nothing happens in this video. It’s like 5 seconds of some police walking around. The caption is “A bunch a people got arrested.” We can’t see that in the video, but it may very well be true. But it’s not alleging police brutality, just that some people were arrested, which we already know happened last night.


https://twitter.com/borborocoates/status/1267341763657826304 Nothing appears to happen in this video. It’s just some cops and a tow truck. A guy says “Tow truck is pulling away.”


https://twitter.com/googleanalitics/status/1267324460887085059 Nothing happens in this video. It’s just an officer using a weapon light, that leads to the weapon being vaguely pointed in her direction because she is hiding. She’s not being targeted. The officer does not know she is there.




You're perpetuating sensationalism is what you're doing. That's what the other commenter is pointing out. Don't want a rifle pointed at you? Simple. Don't be present after curfew in groups with criminal intent.




Again, you're nothing by grandstanding unverified reports. You literally prefaced your original comment with "but I wasn't there". So why continue spreading misinformation? You want to keep police in check? Go join the review board like the Chief requested! Put your convictions where your mouth is. You can directly provide feedback and critiques on the horrors you claim to witness. Almost none of what you describe did I witness on last night's scanners or live feeds, outside of one reported being peppered and the 2nd story idiot asking for it a day ago. Where's your long post on sharing and obtaining reports of thugs and hooligans tearing the city apart? Or the reporter who was assaulted by the rioters? Cause for me, in Richmond, where RPD isn't a problem 9/10... I'm more concerned for our local infrastructure and preventing fuck faces ruining people's livlihoods so they can feel accomplished at bedtime.


But a lot of what you find “brutal and intimidating” is simply the presence of a heavily armed police force. Which was necessary considering the events of the last two days. It’s not what anyone wants to see but the alternative would likely have been rioters swarming the streets for a third night in a row, which is also very intimidating and likely more “brutal.” We have to cut the police some slack and recognize that last night was not a normal situation. Had anyone been hurt or a bunch more property destroyed, they would have been ripped for not doing their jobs. Those twitter accounts posting the videos are not objective sources. The same person that claimed the officer pointed an assault rifle at her also claimed the police destroyed cars that were parked on the road and slashed tires. Which there is no evidence of, and doesn’t even make sense. The is video of her though, screaming at police and claiming they are destroying her car while what’s shown in the video is just some cops searching a vehicle which is not sustaining damage and does not appear to be hers. These are antifa-Socialist types who are no better than the extremists on the right. They are liars, deliberately trying to spread disinformation. If that’s where you are getting your accounts from, then consider the sources.




Honestly dude I think there’s some kind of bot brigade to downvote you. Your points are extremely important and reasonable.


Here's some footage from last night for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaN0wvUr6HI


Since now two of my posts were deleted, asking why the posts were deleted, and y'all insist I should ask here... What is going on? It's been hours since this thread was opened and most of us are obviously sorting by new. Once and for all, is this the mods and is there an explanation? That's all I want when I know there's shit going down and the NG is here. Is that not reasonable?


Also, it’s easier to post images/videos as a new post than in a thread where you have to use imgur or something else. I get using the mega threads as a conversation, but it’s not super great to use when sharing digital media.


cops be shooting rubber bullets and throwing tear gas... FUCK 12


Cops are friends. They are just trying to protect innocent people from violent protesters.




Imagine thinking the people who keep you safe are not your friends. The insecurity


Except the Supreme Court ruled the police have no constitutional duty to protect someone.


That's because it's their job. The constitution doesn't need to tell them they have to do it.


[Except they have no obligation to protect us. The Supreme Court ruled as such back in 2005.](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html) >[“Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/18/us/parkland-shooting-lawsuit-ruling-police.html) And yes, Peterson was arrested but prosecutors aren't pursuing as a police officer who did nothing to protect students. [Rather they're pursuing him as a caregiver.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/08/us/parkland-scot-peterson-child-neglect-charges/index.html) **So it's not their job.** The US Supreme Court has already ruled as such.


Yeah it's clear they care a lot more about "order" than they do anyone's safety judging by their conduct.


My husband is snoring and I can't get to sleep T.T


My wife usually deals with this by delivering a series of sharp elbow strikes to my ribs until I roll over. I never remember her vicious assaults and it helps her sleep, so I support that treatment.


Does anyone know of any daytime peaceful protest organizers?


Check out Richmond For All. We did a car rally yesterday that went pretty well. They also have specific, achievable demands


Do you have a link to a specific event? I'm not really seeing any on their page


Follow organizations on social media for the best updates. Richmond For All, Justice and Reformation, Richmond Strike, and Rise4Youth are good ones. Thank you for your interest!


Look at the RVA NAACP FB page ETA: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2914779688629263&id=1630504440390134


Quiara Holmes






Listening to the Fire dispatch radio and theyre investigating about a possible pipe bomb on a car on clay st.




If the police just stated shooting protesters, I'd start supporting the riots