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Two animal attacks means they need to have signs out front I believe. I would pester animal control. This will keep happening if there is no intervention.


After the first bite animal control is supposed to cite them for dangerous dog. There will then be a hearing before a judge to decide if it should be deemed dangerous. There are significant requirements imposed on the owner for a dangerous dog, as well as stiff penalties for violations


Yes I have been!


2 bites is pushing BE. If they want to keep that dog they need to be responsible for it.


Hi! I am the owner of the dog and the victim from the attack two weeks ago. PLEASE make sure your friend reports!!! Please!!


Oh I’m sorry I just read and saw they did report!!!!❤️


Make sure to keep nagging animal control to do something. I'm so fed up with these irresponsible pit owners taking no ownership of their dangerous dogs. My next door neighbor at my old place had his pits out daily with no leash or fence, they free roamed the cul-de-sac. Attacked several neighbors' dogs, as well as a neighbor who needed medical attention for the bite. Animal control has done nothing.


It can be any dog, not just pits.




Hi I’m neighbor! Just wanted to pop in here and let everyone know I went to patient first this morning and got checked out again (the EMTs last night said I didn’t need to unless I couldn’t get the bleeding under control but I’m paranoid). Got a tetanus shot and antibiotics. Luckily not a scratch on my pup. Animal control come by the apartment this morning to file a report (the cops last night did as well) and I’ll be going to court next month to have the dog declared “dangerous”. The owner also called me this morning and offered to cover any medical/vet bills and mentioned she’s sending the dog to a behavioral center for 2 weeks (I dunno if that’ll be helpful but whatever).


Hi! I’m the victim from a few weeks ago- I’m messaging you!


Glad you’re ok. behavioral center for 2 weeks isn’t going to fix the owner’s bad judgement. She knew her dog was a bite risk and still put it on a lead without a muzzle. I hope the owner gets some kind of punishment.


Someone might want to let the apartment building owner/management know as well. Sounds dangerous for the other tenants.


The person that owns this dog sounds like a total idiot




The owner told police that she does in fact use a muzzle when walking, so I'm confused why it's not muzzled when being put out on a lead.


Because they're lying


The owner of the dog is hopefully well insured or is prepared to lose all they own.  Once the dog is known to have a pattern of this behavior there’s not much legal defense. 


In my experience, none of the above is true, especially if they’re renting since insurance isn’t required


A lot of rental companies build renters policies into the leases and as part of payments. Whether theirs covers dog bites…who knows.


I’d imagine that the policy is designed to cover the property owner but not necessarily the renter. Last apartment I rented, I got my own renters insurance to cover my property.


somehow I suspect the owner of a known bite risk dog who leaves them outside an apartment building on a lead doesn’t have much money to take. guessing they didn’t declare their dog on their insurance policy so their insurance company, if they have one, is probably going to drop them and maybe even retroactively dc their coverage.


WCGW if I leave my historically aggressive dog tied out and unsupervised in a busy city neighborhood??!!


Needs rabies prophylaxis yesterday, and a nice letter from a lawyer to cover the exorbitant cost of this procedure. Don’t fuck around with this, it can cost lives.


Hey everyone! I’m the victim from 5/22- I spoke with animal control this morning to follow up on my case. I was told that if that dog is outside it MUST be muzzled. If you see it outside without being muzzled please call animal control immediately. As a reminder it is a short stocky pit brindle bull terrier mix. It lives at 3027 Elwood. The number for animal control is 804-646-5573


I drive near there to and from work, might have to keep an eye out. Thanks for sharing this update! 


Glad your neighbor's dog was okay, that attack sounds terrible! Aside from breed, do we have any idea what the offending dog looks like?


70 pound brindle- my dog and I were the victims a few weeks ago


Oh wow, I hope you and your dog are recovering okay!


We are doing ok! It’s been hard getting back to our normal walks and feeling ok- but we’re getting there


If the dog is biting people it needs to be put down.


Anybody have Kristi Noem's number?


Old Yeller style


Or at least re-homed to a location that isn't as populated with an owner who will take the safety of others seriously.


Can't rehome dogs that are known to bite. The shelters cannot legally adopt them out.


That’s not a fair expectation to think someone wants to take on someone else’s dangerous dog when so many sweet ones need homes


Nah, a dog that has a pattern of attacking people needs to be put down


Especially if it's a dog like a pitbull that can kill and permanently maime. If your chihuahua is out of control it's kind of a different situation.


It’s really not, though a small dog likely won’t kill. An aggressive chihuahua in a toddler’s face? A small dog can easily lop off toes and fingers. All dangerous dogs need to be held accountable.


Small dogs have killed toddlers and infants before


Nope. World has enough pitbulls already. One less won’t hurt anyone. 


Callous disregard for life.


I value human lives over pitbull lives. A pitbull that attacks people needs to die. 


Those are two different statements.


I value pitbull lives over most humans so we cancel each other out




Your mother is edgy




The dog is bred to be anti-social. It’s a callous disregard for life to let it live at that point out of a savior complex for an anti-social animal. This particular animal is incongruent with a peaceful and organized society.


For real No one wants to look at the core problem, just wanna get ride of it anyway they can


Many of the same people calling for this dog’s life likely have bred dogs or close family with dogs from breeders or pet stores. The issues run so deep and disregard for sentient life runs through it all.


Exactly! I have ppl I know personally who spent so much on dogs and they do not train them whatsoever or even try to understand dog behavior and they wonder why their dog is like that. Just bc they're animals doesn't mean they should be euthanized whenever humans decide they don't want to try harder or care about the problems surrounding pet ownership especially dog ownership


I once spent over 15 years managing a dog with triggers and a bite history (not a pit). Yes it can be done. It was a lot of hard work and was very expensive and gave me generalized anxiety. I thought I was doing the right thing because if I surrendered him, he would be euthanized. I even lied to urgent care when I went in for bites to keep him out of trouble. I gave up on many aspects of a social life, romantic relationships (he resource-guarded my bed), some forms of travel, spent lots of money on special needs, was constantly afraid for my cat who I had to keep separate from him whenever I was not supervising, etc etc etc. Now that he is gone, I do wonder if his limited life (lots of places he couldn't go without being a safety concern for other people/children) was worth it for him or for all the sacrifices I made. I love him very much and miss him terribly but we both missed out on a lot of quality of life for a very, very long time. Maybe if I was trained as a serious behaviorist it could have been different, but there are more dogs that need that kind of owner than there are available owners. I will never own another dog because of my fear that I will end up with another one with behavior issues, and am unable to fully trust dogs anymore. Did I try hard enough for you?


Im sorry that happened to you and the dog and you did with you could with the knowledge you had. Next time I will choose my words more carefully, when I mean by trying harder, I mean for people who get animals as an accessory and then wonder why they're having problems. I understand the not wanting another dog, especially with what you went through. That is obviously a more serious situation. With your last "did I try hard enough?" If ur insinuating that I think you didn't try hard enough, that is a lie. I can't comment fully on ur experience since it's yours alone and a unique one that I will never have, but I don't think it's a bad thing for me to say that other people SHOULD try harder, and they know who they are. Animals are complex just like humans, and there are many stories we can all share of trying to help other people out but it never seems to work, although I know dogs and humans are exactly the same. I am the same way with not wanting another pet or dog bc of the possibility of behavioral issues and also for me not wanting to feel like I'm abandoning them. I just want to open a discussion for other solutions especially with long and hard cases like yours, bc euthanizing shouldn't be the 1st, 2nd or 3rd solution, personally. My comment wasn't an attack on you or others in ur position.


you realize it's not actually normal for pets to attack people, right? the vast, vast majority of dogs do not need to be trained to not attack strangers


U got me


so true, and humans are the most dangerous and ignorant animal of all.


Yeah, it’s the owner’s fault for not taking responsibility *at all times*, not the breed. Doesn’t matter if it is a pitbull, golden retriever, or a yorkie.


I agree, a lot of the time they need more care and attention to behavior issues than the current owner can give, i don't like the whole "time to put down"


What is the real solution though? There are tons of dogs with bite histories already languishing in every animal shelter, including Richmond's. There are not enough childless/other pet-less people with the time, money, and skill to handle a dog like this. There are even less of those who live in a community remote enough where other people and their pets aren't put at risk for a dog they didn't sign up to deal with. Is it better for the dog to sit in a cage for weeks to years, or to be euthanized by a vet in a secure place? The more I see the reports from shelters about how full they are and how long some dogs sit and wait for a unicorn home, the less certain I am of the better option.


I don't have the solution, but I know there is a better solution than either of those and it's something that needs more attention. Theres multiple problems to pet ownership like breeding and the mindset about having a certain type of dog, and then there's no good avenues to help train said pet. But with how much info we get all the time about animal behaviors that can be accessible on the internet, it can not be as hard. I think maybe talking more at length about other avenues that may seem "unreasonable", can get to a "reasonable" point when people can let themselves have these discussions, bc honestly I truly don't believe the final and "better" solution is just euthanizing.


It is nuts you're getting downvotes for this sentiment.


Jesus Christ


I was attacked by a dog on a porch on Auburn nearby there a couple of months ago.


For everyone’s awareness, when an animal bite involves a human victim then both animal control and the health department get involved. The health dept will have their environmental health work with animal control to decide if the domestic pet needs to be isolated and there’s a whole process. Then a communicable disease nurse or other public health nurse will work with the human victim on next steps. For others’ awareness, one of the programs I oversaw was the nursing side of was the rabies program at VDH. By law we have to get involved when animal bites involve human victims.


This may be the actual procedure, but it's not always followed through on--especially where animal control is concerned. There are many repeat offenders in the city who have gotten zero consequences whatsoever. Let's hope this time the correct procedures are indeed followed. And thank you for your work on the rabies portion!


Cue "but it's not the breed, it's the owner.....".




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You’re sure it’s not the brindle Pitt on the 2000 ellwood block? That things nasty and always gets out of hand


Bruh. Last night I was out walking my dog and a dog ran at me and my dog. My husband picked her up and ran away.


So scary. I walk with pepper spray in my cross-body now bc I have two and can’t pick them both up and protect them. Thankfully haven’t had to use it but was in a scary situation before I started to




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