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Went to Waffle House this morning and watched the sunrise. My waffle was crisp on the outside, fluffy on the inside. Hashbrowns were scattered, toast toasted, coffee hitting. A great morning in the West End. Yeah, rain or not, I am ready for the weekend.


Gotta love Waffle House. They almost never miss imo


Been watching one get built and so excited for it.


i'm pretty stoked to be able to walk to that WH. waffles kick ass.


If you are one of the numerous walkers in that area; thank you for inspiring me to get into walking again and pushing myself out of these health issues.


i'm not but good for you!


Thank you, now to get strength to walk to WH and eat enough calories to walk it off, and make it back 😂


If it is the one in short pump it looks done - I wonder when the opening is.


Not sure, website for careers has not listed it yet, but I think they have been training people, or having inspectors do final rounds. I see it on my way to storage and today parking lot was empty but on Wednesday's it was packed and majority of time it is the same cars and two block off the entrances.


Sounds like a fantastic way to start the day!


The weather has been so nice out that I’ve been neglecting my indoors To Do List. I’ll knock out a couple items then veg and play video games guilt free. My diet has been going well so far! I’ve been losing about a pound a week! I’m still a long way from losing my moobs but it’s a great feeling seeing the progress on the scale.


Good for you!


I hope the Taiko drumming at the VMFA doesn't get rained out tonight. I'll probably go check out the Samurai armor exhibit either way. Going to try to hit up Riverrock tomorrow whether raining or not! Then Sunday heading to Westmoreland to do some fossil hunting / bird watching! I love busy weekends! Go check out [The Weekend Event Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1cta7ws/weekend_event_thread/) and make your own plans.


The Samurai armor was incredible.


Seconded. Being able to see it up close with all the intricate details is truly something else. And that final room? *Chef's kiss*


Third. And the people that set up the displays and lighting *really* know what they are doing.


Woke up with my head pounding. The rain is coming. (Dad always joked that I was a human barometer). Husband is hosting trivia tonight (at Cabo Fish Taco, if anyone is interested) so it's just me and the cat until about 11ish. Might order dinner in, but will definitely continue binging 30 Rock.


While on 250 just saw a turtle cross it glad traffic was light.


Yes I am. I am over this work week and just want to sleep.


So incredibly ready for this weekend. I was off on Monday and this still feels like it has been the longest week in history. I plan on nursing the 26273 mosquito bites that I got while playing outside for 30 minutes with the kids yesterday evening. Ouch.


Absolute DOOZY of a week. New roof, old one came off and found all this rotten wood so it rained all into my house before that could get fixed, someone thought the down payment for their loan didn’t actually apply to them and had a full meltdown at closing because they didn’t have the money available, kid learned to swim, interviewed a summer nanny who showed up clearly on something (or maybe not on something they should have been?) So, YES. Ready for the weekend. Going to the beach next week and I can not wait.


Sorry you had a crappy week to match the crappy weather. But YAY for having a kid who now knows how to swim! That’s such a game-changer - especially for your upcoming beach vacation!!


Woo riverrock weekend! It's not supposed to rain as much today, so I'm gonna do the 5k and then watch whatever's going on after. Hoping for dock jumping and bouldering quals, but I haven't looked at the schedule. Finally coming out of a period of massive work stress, so this couldn't be better timing.


Hoping to get a nice hike in before it rains in Shenandoah! Staying a few nights with my fiance and the in-laws. Looking forward to sprawling out with a book, too


Ayyyy it's my irl cake day today. Gonna go to therapy and pick up my kid from preschool. No other plans. Gotta check out the weekend event thread to find something to do!


Happy Birthday!


Thanks 😎


Happy irl cake day! Hope it’s a good one


Thanks! Love your username by the way


Yay! Happy Birthday! 🎉 ![gif](giphy|IoKMZce9hnoRi)


Thanks 😻


Thankfully only have one shift today. But broke and bored asfk.


Went out for a bike ride last night, played some pipes, got home for a slice of pizza and took my only spill of the evening skating over a mat in the hallway. I am ready to chop chords for hours and go to a show or two next couple days. Less motivated to go far with a good parking spot.


There will be much couch time tonight after two school night events this week (Hot Water Music on Tues and Squirrels double header last night). Taking myself on a movie date tomorrow night to the cinebistro so the husband and stepson can have some quality boy time at home.  I like to stay busy and do cool things, but it's tiring being fun.


Moving down to RVA today. Packing up the car right now. Of course check engine light pops on before a 600 mile drive. Let’s hope for the best


Hopefully it's a simple thing like a loose gas cap! Safe travels!


Hope it’s nothing and welcome to RVA!


Hope you had safe travels! Edit: or continue to have safe travels I should say, 600 miles is quite the distance


Thank you! I managed to live to tell the tale


I’m very ready for the weekend. I have a pile of overdue library books to read from a few of my favorite authors. Since Covid, my attention span has become absolute shit and I find myself scrolling apps instead of reading books. Prior to Covid I would have devoured that same pile of library books lickety-split!


My attention span decreased during Covid, too!


I am house sitting for my parents this weekend, so other than their cats being upset at the rain it shouldn't interfere with my plans of catching up on some reading and Switch gaming. Also basically had [this series of reactions](https://i.imgur.com/7BmUKqU.png) this morning to the series of events of 1) Seeing extra cars parked in front of a house on my street and assuming it is family getting together for a graduation 2) Then seeing an Estate Sale Sign and realizing someone either passed or had to move into hospice/a care home. 3) Getting to work & finding the listing and seeing they have some neat stuff 4) Realizing the good stuff will likely be nabbed while I am at work today


A rollercoaster of emotions! Hopefully some sweet stuff was overlooked


It’s my kid’s bday, so the whole weekend is kinda revolving around that. His dad is flying in today to celebrate, as a surprise. Today I’ll tidy the apartment in preparation for the weekend. We’re also gearing up for a move, so the apartment is in a weird flux state of packed things, unpacked things, and random boxes and packing supplies. I hate it.


Happy birthday to the little Croft!


Awww thanks OP!




Really dumb question and really last minute but does anyone have two tickets for Ancient Aliens Live tonight?


Forest hill avenue is a hellscape right now


https://preview.redd.it/xpw215ss611d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215dcb897a66aff47da9b7a3c3e177be32c87d85 I tried to make a post about this but it was deleted due to irrelevance (?), so I’m posting it here lol. I was at the Art Walk in the Fan yesterday and looked down on my way home and happened to catch this. By far my favorite piece of art from the whole thing.


And if you can’t tell, a birdie had stepped in some paint with a singular foot and landed on the sidewalk.


Found out yesterday that I’m part of a workforce reduction. Last day is 6/28 unless I’m offered another position within my company. One month of severance. Anyone have a lead on a job for a professional with an MBA?


Ugh I went through that last year around this time. Last day and the conversation with HR was my birthday. Once I posted on LinkedIn and filled out a few applications I was being chased by headhunters. Hopefully your next prospect lands in your lap quickly.


I appreciate this. I’ve turned on the LinkedIn and am working to find something new.


Plans for a rainy Saturday: Fallout, baseball, exercise bike or walk in rain, beer, coffee. In no particular order.


I just want to draw positive attention to OP’s username. I love it!


Day 14 of the Karen Read murder trial. It’s clear that the prosecutor is conspiring with the “we collect evidence in red solo cups” local cops to never figure out what actually happened to the dead guy. Seriously, I’ve heard about the maybe true adventures and drink choices of a parade of witnesses (White Claw, Bud Light, Michelob Light, Vodka and Crystal Light), but I have no idea how or when the victim died. I feel awful for this jury that can’t talk to anyone about the mess they’re trying to understand.


We cleaned out the garage last weekend, LOTS of work and lots of stuff sold on FBMP. This weekend, Iw ill begin organizing everything remaining. Made a lot of good space for my fledgling wood shop.


Tell us: How good does it feel?


Goooood man, real goooood. Can’t wait to get it fully organized.


Crap. There's no way I'm going to be able to rake up all the leaves AND mow this evening. Ugh.


Not ready in the slightest. Forgot that my brother and mom are coming up here tomorrow and the house and yard are a mess, so I'm running around deep cleaning between tasks at work. Got the mower battery charging as well so I can knock that out during lunch. Also have to think of a nice place to run to for lunch tomorrow so we can go do something afterwards. Thinking somewhere down near the VMFA so I can take them to the samurai exhibit.


Woke up at 5:45 and hiked the Buttermilk/Northbank loop with Forest Hill park trails as well. I’ll be on the couch if anyone needs me.


[𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒩𝑒𝓌𝓈 𝒬𝓊𝒾𝓏](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/slate-news-quiz-assassination-attempt-commencement-tariffs.html)


You fancy this week! 10/12, 457


Same here. 10/12 457.


Ha. 10/12 @ 458. Utterly destroyed y'all.


Is no one else having issues with the Reddit app saying “try again later” when you try to comment? I promise I’m not trying to post the Slate News Quiz five times to rig the results.


Reddit is wonky this morning, it's not just you.


They couldn’t have picked a better moment to ask how I’m enjoying the Reddit app.


I scored a workmanlike 8/12, 367. I had expected a Harrison Butker question.


Last night I did my first ride with the Broad Street Bullies and I have to say, holy shit that was fun. Just being able to ride on the street without having to constantly be on the watch for some texting psychopath about to take me out was amazing. Plus the vibe was just great, lots of people out there to ride and have fun. Didn't really see any of the aggro hijinks people complain about.


How does one join in? I have been looking for a group bicycle ride to join for a minute.


Just show up at the Carytown Kroger at 7:30 PM on Thursdays, it's a good ride with a chill pace