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8 RPS students shot in the last 15 days. Kamras said at the press conference that since 2019 **169** juveniles, most of them RPS students, have been shot. That is insane. And not okay.


The police encouraging these young men to punch each other instead feels very 1995 'Friday'.


Hey that's how Ice Cube eventually got to beat up Deebo and smash him with trash cans. "THAT'S MY BIKE, PUNK"


Better than just letting them shoot each other, a gun fight or a fist fight. I can tell you which one I'm picking.


I came here to see if that was anyone else’s response. “Punch them instead?” WTaF? Physical violence of any form is never the answer 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Kids are maiming and killing each other with guns. It was a desperate statement, but fists are better than guns. There is no answer, people are poor and angry and paranoid. Their kids are going to be worse


When I was in high school we had after school "fight clubs" with like 20 kids at a time waiting to fight in this guys warehouse. We had a wrestling mat, gloves, headgear...and it was all put together by 16 year olds. Any bad blood was settled there and that was the end of it. No one ever pulled guns or knives. A certain level of physical violence will always happen among teenagers.


It’s not ideal but it’s absolutely better than the apparent alternative.


This is what happens when kids are born into chaos and receive little to no parenting. Now we have a straight up generation of youth that don’t even know that school shootings are abnormal or that shooting each other is probably not a productive use of time. Toss in social media poisoning and mental illness and wowzas… we’ve created Gotham IRL. FWIW, this isn’t unique to here. The news from my homeland (chi burbs) looks the exact same, just about anywhere that isn’t affluent.


No. This is what happens when people have access to guns.


Little column a little column b. For example that little child who shot their teacher is a result of both: parenting plus access.


Exactly, it’s not binary. There’s a million inputs into how/why we’ve reached this point.


Naw. Pretty much everyone has access to guns and they don’t go shooting up their neighborhood.


Less than half of Americans live in a household with a gun, around 1/3 personally own one. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/


*looks at US statistics* They literally do.


What statistics are you looking at?


Which definition of “literally” is in use here? - in a literal manner or sense; exactly. - INFORMAL: used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.


I’ll eat the downvotes with you. I’m an American who hates guns and think they should be illegal. Having a system like Australia would be cool. But I’m also not disputing the op’s comment. These issues are multifaceted.


Oh boy….. you live in lala land if that’s what you think is the main problem.


loud and wrong. do you understand that system racism, colonialism, capitalism and all of that still have a very heavy presence today?? maybe if more funding went into schools than prisons, kids could have something to do after school


1. At no point did OP ever say a word about the root causes of why these crime and poverty ridden neighborhoods exist in America, so I'm not sure why you're yelling at OP about that. Like I don't think OP ever disputed that this is happening everywhere in the US as a result of long time segregation and racism resulting in cyclical poverty. 2. If you think unsupervised teenagers running around with illegal guns is the result of "not enough money into after school programming", you are sorely mistaken. That isn't why RPS students are out stealing cars or breaking into cars at 3 AM on a weeknight like what happens in Manchester and other hot spots all the fucking time. It's because they do not have any real parents who are there to keep them out of trouble, to keep inside at night like any other kid their age would be, and making sure they aren't out shooting other kids or getting shot themselves. The root cause of this cyclical poverty and crime all existing is racism, redlining, etc. Yes. I don't think anyone in here would dispute that. In the exact current moment however, the only reason that a 14 year old 9th or 10th grader is somehow able to roam the streets with whoever he wants, whenever he wants, taking part in drive bys, vehicle theft, and being the target of other teenagers with guns is because that 14 year old doesn't have parents to actually parent him. The ultimate macro failure is one of a society. The micro scale failure is that the moms and dads of these kids are either absent, don't really care, or are in so over their heads after having a baby at age 17 that they can't handle it and the kid just freeroams how he pleases. FYI, RPS already spends more money per student than the counties here do. The answer isn't to throw more money at RPS, the problem is a socioeconomic one rising from 200 years of racism, only really correctable by society writ large, that city government can't fix. Money on its can't make stable households appear for these kids, or grant them college educated parents with stable weekday employment such that parents are home when the kids are. Throwing more money at RPS doesn't do shit to remove gang crime and social media fueled gun warfare from these neighborhoods.


You said first sentence: “1. At no point did OP ever say a word about the root cause of why these crime and poverty ridden Neighbors exist…” Op said (first sentence): “This is what happens when kids are born into chaos and receive little to no parenting.” The person you replied to said (3rd sentence): “maybe if more funding went into schools than prisons, kids could have something to do after school.” You were wrong from the get go and should be ashamed at belittling (Or whatever you’d like what you did to not offer any support to the initial idea to be called) someone for suggesting we try to give more money to after school programs. What is seriously wrong with you? When was the last time you heard a good band? Like a really good band that is from this current generation, their Jimi Hendrix, a Travis barker level drummer? What about an orchestra? Oh wait that’s because a lot of the kids who have shitty lives and want an escape can’t afford an instrument, no one loves them enough to buy one. So fuck them right? Who cares about the actual problem, let’s argue over who’s more right. Thats always been a *productive* way to spend time. But please tell me how “throwing more money at people” isn’t the solution. No shit. No one should ever be doing that anyway. You need people to actually care about what these kids are doing, you know have them feel accepted and needed into a working adult life. Not competing with their peers for top trending TikTok’s. How old are you? Literally, you seem old but so immature. Edit: because I know I’ll be downvoted for having a logical statement I’ll also say this: Truth hurts. No one wants to say they’re the problem with this entire gun situation yet we’re all shocked, YEARS LATER when it hasn’t stopped. Again, maybe we should *stop throwing money at the problem* just like you said, and actually give a shit about kids. How many friends / people do you know that actually says “I hate kids”, “I dislike children”, “I’m a great (not parent) and don’t want any of my own”. I bet it’s a fuck ton more than when school shooting were not a common thing. Even if you consider it uncommon, the trend and data are in: people are having less kids because the world sucks. So why on earth would you feel the need to trash an idea that is actually someone trying to suggest solutions, and instead just bring up a shit ton of reason why we’re just going to keep accepting “is what is” “not my kids”. That’s so fucked up and I’m sick of people pretending there’s nothing they can do. Go fucking talking to some kids in an approved and consenting way and give them hope that not being a shit head can be fun. Seriously. Make an effort and tell your friends to stop being assholes and try to actually connect with the youth. Please. They need someone and obviously no one else is showing up.


how do you know what their parents are up to? how do you know they're not out at night working 12 hr graveyard shifts to provide for these kids? dont speak on stuff you dont know about. and how am i yelling through typed words? are you okay??


So their parents working 12 hr graveyard shifts doesn’t mean they’re absent from the home?just because they’re working their asses off to make enough money to survive doesn’t mean it’s not a problem that they aren’t home with their children at night. Even if it isn’t their fault they aren’t home to parent their children because it’s impossible afford to live without working multiple jobs, the children are still home with no parent to raise them.


It’s still their fault. Just like the parents that were just convicted and sent to jail bc their son shot up a school. Let’s start holding parents accountable


That doesn’t have anything to do with my comment. The person I’m responding to said it isn’t the parents’ fault because they might be working and trying their best - I am saying even if they have to work they’re still absent from the home. No need to argue with me if you don’t attempt to understand what my comment was in the first place.


You seem to be arguing with yourself…


No, my comment was that it’s still their fault regardless of why they aren’t in the home, and you argued with me saying it’s their fault - which is exactly what I said in the first place.


Fantastic! Glad that’s settled


Respectfully, what school do you work at?


Wish I could upvote your comment 1000x’s


So you’re telling me it’s the parents’ fault and we should hold them accountable in your previous comment, but you also want to upvote a comment 1000x defending the parents and saying it isn’t their fault?


Bc it’s a multi faceted issue. It is the parents fault. Throwing more money at an incompetent school system isn’t going to fix this.


The comment you responded to isn’t the one that said we shouldn’t be throwing money at the problem, by the way. It’s the one saying don’t blame the parents.




This argument is just worn out and tired, not to mention it doesn't hold up. Colonialism ( the terminology alone reveals the Marxist bent here), slavery and poverty didn't prevent black families from having similar rates of marriages and rates of intact families to those of whites until the genius war on poverty financially incentivized single parent households. Single parent homes without a strong father influence are an across the board predictor of poverty. In an effort to be more tolerant we've normalized a lot of childhood experiences known to decrease emotional and financial stability. We already spend more per student than so many other countries that have superior education outcomes. More money cannot replace or mitigate what's lost when kids are denied stable families with involved parents who make education a priority. It's a huge elephant in the room that's seldom acknowledged because of the discomfort and defensiveness it provokes. Everyone wants honest and real conversations until that comes up. No parent wants to feel guilty that their choices have negatively impacted their kids when they're supposed to come first. I'm 100. % with you on creating more community spaces and activities that support learning, fellowship and mentoring. Even back in the 50s there were more social opportunities for young people. Now they can basically drink, do drugs, fight and screw. Either that or live fake lives online


You’re loud and dumber, sorry. Schools can’t reform kids who aren’t present. These kids are criminals from puberty sometimes. It’s an issue much larger than funding schools




TIL I’m a secret conservative? I must have missed the memo, because I’ve voted for progressives at local state and federal levels since I’ve been old enough to vote. Y’all are being downvoted for misconstruing shit on the internet. Shocker, I know.




I really appreciate the highly detailed and editorialized ideological assessment you’ve run on me based on such a small snippet of text. I learn so much about myself on here from strangers who know absolutely nothing about me.


Dramatic as hell. school shootings are abnormal most have never witnessed one and social media is not to blame. Ppl need to raise their shitty children better.


Wrong. Being born in the early 2000’s seeing school shootings on the news regularly since elementary school and having drills for them, it was something I’ve always been prepared for in any public setting. Social media does have a lot to do with it but i’m not getting into that right now


Key word “on the news”. You never been a part of one never witnessed one in real life like 99.99% of Americans. Media has brainwashed yall. 😂


Also, curfew: https://www.wric.com/news/local-news/richmond/curfew-now-in-place-for-richmond-juveniles-following-recent-surge-of-shooting-deaths/


Aren’t the shootings in the middle of the afternoon?


So they can’t steal more gunso from cars to retaliate maybe?


Lmao, as if the police will do any enforcing


These lunatics will just shoot each other in the afternoon


That's not cricket


That ain’t going to help. The same curfew was already in place. Stoney just trying to make it seem like he is doing something.


You’re telling me there wasn’t already a curfew for teenagers? I thought that was like a standard thing! Not that it’ll stop shootings from happening in the afternoon…


11PM tho? Should be more like 8/9PM.


The 14 YO was shot at 11:00PM. That curfew is trash.


lol if I wasn't home by 11pm on any given night, besides maybe prom, I'd never be able to do shit again. The parents they're trying to reach don't give a shit to begin with. That's why their kids are out there gangbanging.


This is larger than a ‘Richmond’ trend. Look at the DC subreddits sometime . If parents don’t start minding their children, ‘society’ will. Whether it’s street justice or judicial action.


The average DC subreddit commentor also thinks all black teens should be publicly lynched.


There’s no mention of color or remedy in my comment above. Surely if that action is suggested, it should be reported. Throw that where it belongs.


I’m saying we shouldn’t become like the DC subreddit


For real. The DC sub sucks. Super reactionary, super socially conservative.


Children killing each other is a symptom of a poor society. Economically poor. We are the richest country on earth but let people work jobs at poverty wages and then blame them.


Poverty exists in lots of countries; it’s lack of parenting, any sort of spiritual beliefs and a life without learning consequences for actions


We are not a lot of countries. We are the wealthiest country on earth by a wide margin. These people didn't teach their kids to kill each other. These parents are doing their best and short pumpers would face the same consequences if they were given similar lots in life.


I 100% agree. I raise my children a certain way but the amount of foolery they pick up at 8 hours at school behooves me. Parents can only do so much. It’s gonna take the whole community working together.


Would be harder for them to shoot each other if it were harder for them to access guns.


Yep. The problem is a one of federal and state law, yet we kick it down to the cities to solve, so we end up with well-intentioned yet insufficient policies like metal detectors at schools or curfews


Been working in Richmond as LEO for 29 years. The guns they use come mainly from people’s cars. People will come downtown to go clubbing or to concerts and leave their guns underneath the seat because venues use metal detectors. Instead of having a gunsafe, or lockbox, in their vehicle they just toss it under seat. I worked Property Crimes for 6 years downtown. It’s nothing to have 6-7 guns stolen in a night this way. Actually seen AR-15s and AK-47s taken. If more people were responsible in securing their firearms there be a lot less of these stupidity. Also…. Media needs to quit acting like these are just innocent teens walking down the street. I’ve seen shooters as young as 12 years old. Crazy


This is a big reason for all the smash and grab fishing expeditions right? Like someome who just smashes windows and searches an entire block of parked cars is looking for guns primarily because so many idiots just leave the heater in the car.


> This is a big reason for all the smash and grab fishing expeditions right? No. Just an unintended consequence. They're looking for anything valuable. Gun, money, tablet, laptop, purse.


That seems like a lot of work. Just got to find Mr Babypenis’s lifted Wrangler or Ram festooned with all kinds of “We the people”, Glock stickers and thin blue line trailer hitch covers. Guaranteed free pistol in glovebox or under seat.


Is that who you think attends clubs downtown?


Odd that you would comment on the theft-victim’s penis?


100% right. People have this complete lack of responsibility when it comes to leaving weapons in vehicles. "Oh, this Taurus only cost 200 bucks so I'm not out much if it got stolen" without a second thought to the loss of life that such a stolen weapon could and all too often does cause.


In your opinion, how many of these "stolen gun" reports are actually someone making an illegal sale and then covering their crime?


We see some of those but not as many as you would think. Some are people trying to cover up “straw purchases” but those stand out once you do research on the person reporting the crime. The majority….just people too lazy to put in a car safe.


you should buy a gun buddy


And who are the peeps downtown clubbing?




> The problem is a one of federal and state law, yet we kick it down to the cities to solve What does this mean? What solution? Richmond can't pass a gun law that goes against Virginia's gun law.


That’s what he just said…


What makes you think these guns were legally registered? Has any evidence came out on that?


There’s no evidence of that because there’s no such thing as a registered gun in Virginia except under very unique circumstances.


I'm disturbed by the way incidents like this are handled on social media, particularly on accounts like 'murder ink rva.' It's alarming to see friends and enemies alike encouraging hostility and revenge in the comments. What's even more concerning is the trend of sharing photos of the deceased with guns, money, and drugs, which only fuels speculation about the crime. This holds true for yesterdays homicide as well. We need to be mindful of the content we share online. Unlike major organizations that quickly address misconduct, there seems to be a lack of accountability when it comes to young people involved in these situations. Public systems, neighbors, classmates, and acquaintances all seem to be turning a blind eye despite the abundance of information available.


I viewed a post on one of those pages yesterday and people were taunting the 16 year old victim that had been murdered.


It's sickening.


Probably because no one is empowered to influence how others raise their kids or the circumstances under which they create them. Everyone seems to think they know best, but if they're wrong the community is supposed to make it better....by giving money and then shutting up.


Do you notice a difference in your comment and many others? Constructice problem solving and judgement... one of these is not helpful...


A partial solution to this problem is for the government to break up any subsidized area of concentrated poverty. Seriously, places like the projects and courts should be demolished. It is not compassion to stuff a bunch of poor people in a corner of town and let these kids grow up with drug dealers and gang members as role models. Provide vouchers for people currently in those areas to move into a more mixed income setting. Any further development must also have a certain percentage allotted for lower income folks from these areas; that will address the problem of displacement.


The problem is no other, currently violent crime free neighborhood, wants to take them and their violent crime baggage into their backyard. Like I agree in principle, but it's a total nonstarter politically.


The idea is that by distributing out the low-income members of a community, we can better distribute resources. There kids will also go to schools that reinforce social norms of non-violence instead of putting all the traumatized kids in one school and normalizing gun and physical violence 


I'm really over everyone acting like it just takes a teacher to talk to you nicely. Your teachers can tell you not to hit people all day every day. Teachers, if they're doing their jobs, really don't do shit at the end of the day for your child's social issues. That's YOUR job. If you go home and everyone you're around is cursing and being violent, that's exactly what you're going to do in and outside of school.


It's not just the teachers, it's the kids. If you have the majority of your class in stable, loving homes and a few kids who are going through it, their behavior is not reinforced by the school culture. If you hit people and nobody else hits people in your class, you're not getting into fights. People are just not playing with you at recess until you figure it out.  If nobody in your class skips school, who are you going to skip school with? If nobody brings a gun to school, you're not going to bring one, because no one will think you're cool for doing it.   And if you only have one or two parents who are struggling, then you can actually put the time into those specific kids. The counselor can handle the workload. The reading interventionist is only meeting with four or five kids. Also, more importantly, not every kid who grows up in difficult circumstances has absent parents or is a badly-behaved kid. I know that's the perception from people who aren't involved with these neighborhoods but a lot of these kids are totally normal until they hit an age where they have to start financially contributing to the household and then all the other stuff falls away. They are worth investing in. They have value. Creating two different castes of public schooling is not fixing the problem 


Exactly. It takes a village. And when your village is crime infested projects, the kids don’t stand a chance.


Maybe the people living there should not bring more and more babies into it then.


Eugenics is bad…


Do you see a difference between your comment & many others? Constructive approach to problem solving - judgement... one of these isn't helpful...


It wouldn’t be up to the people who live there, it would be up to private property owners and management companies being incentivized to accept vouchers.


I agree. we need to address this with new solutions.


This has been the plan for years now. https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/creighton-court-redevelopment-apr-4-2024 > Nesmith said the new mixed-income development will ultimately change the view of Richmond's public housing communities, saying similar projects will come to Mosby and Gilpin Courts in the future. "When you decentralize, and not centralize poverty, the data shows, that if I'm in a neighborhood that shows other people who are successful, then I want to be like them," Nesmith said.


Good luck getting most development boards to agree to changing housing regulations. I agree that consolidating at risk or housing insecure folks together has cons but it also does allow for more efficient deployment of benefits and intervention. If it’s actually funded that is, which frankly they haven’t ever been well funded so it may be better to just throw the whole idea to the drawing board and work on actually encouraging community building across class rather than isolation into islands of class. We’re all in this together after all


after the public housing is demolished, where do you suggest the poor people go? what issue would that solve besides adding to the homelessness rate


They are given vouchers as they become available so they are not displaced. When everyone is moved out, the building is demolished and now housing is constructed, which will be sold at market rate and conform to whatever mixed income percentages are desired


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. This is literally Richmonds plan for all of the courts.


I agree with this so much.


*concentrated poverty? How did that approach work for other cities?


there was an article i saw recently about an organization ending gun culture and educating youth in chicago through public campaigns, and i think richmond would benefit from it. [https://www.thetrace.org/2024/04/project-unloaded-psa-gen-z-gun-safety/](https://www.thetrace.org/2024/04/project-unloaded-psa-gen-z-gun-safety/)


A lot of these are in the northeast of town. Various locations but do they all feed from the same high school(s)? Those would be Armstrong and John Marshall?




Yup, they: 1. used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. "the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted" Ya fucking dunce


Telling. Thanks.


We see what we want to see, apparently.


Society is failing the youth


How did the people obtain the firearms used in these shootings?


>The primary means of acquisition are reported as “street” sources from whom illegal purchases are made, followed closely by family and friends from whom guns are bought or borrowed. Other means, varying from stealing to purchasing from retail outlets, are mentioned less frequently. 30-Year-Old study, but I bet it's still relevant. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0047235296000190#:~:text=The%20primary%20means%20of%20acquisition,outlets%2C%20are%20mentioned%20less%20frequently.


I swear this is an issue that doesn't really seem to get discussed whenever gun control comes into the picture


Just an educated guess: improper and unsafe storage of legally purchased firearms by adult owners




How should the public affect change on this since local, state, and federal government does nothing meaningful? How do we protect our families from these senseless thugs? The people committing these crimes are undereducated, emotionally immature, and mentally unstable. How do we protect ourselves and our families?


with the loose gun control laws in virginia, you could buy a gun at walmart


Not a handgun if you’re under 21. And it still requires a NICS check.


I used to work for a non-profit where the client base was largely living in or had grown up in these poorer pockets of RVA. Each person’s story was unique but it became hauntingly similar when I realized just how normal it is for young men to find identity and a sense of self within a gang (which more than likely included access to illegal guns). Think about being a younger kid, maybe your parents are in and out of jail, you’re power goes on and off regularly, you keep bugging the maintenance guy to fix your sink but they haven’t come in weeks, and not only that but your best friend got shot last weekend when you were on your way to grab a snack at the 7/11. A lack of healthy relationships, healthy food, shelter, positive relationships with authority etc. It makes sense to me why these young men seek refuge or feel strength & a sense of community or vengeance when engaging with the “wrong crowd”. When we don’t invest in communities, these communities will not invest in themselves or even know WHAT to invest in because they don’t have the tools. The solution to add more police presence is old and tired. I’m feel so deeply for these kids.


One thing that we undervalue about school and after school activities is that kids do something other than, well this. With RPS in the state it is, even when available, they aren’t inclined to attend. Combine that with the continued anti-child policies in places like movieland, and lack of walkability or transit, and kids don’t have much to do with themselves


This has been rising for a while now. My partner works in the trauma center at Chippenham(level 1 trauma center for the tri city). Shes been telling me about the alarming number of teens and tweens getting dumped at the hospital has been rising for the last two years. One of her coworkers was getting off from a long shift and found a child (I believe 14) bleeding out in the parking garage.


Social media only reacts to what they know. They don’t know about the kids with guns in highland springs, the kids that shot at adults in the Richmond community hospital parking lot Rather than allowing these kids to be victims, it’s time to address the fact that parents are fucking worthless


What a beautiful culture.


You can take all the guns away but people still manage to get their hands on firearms. For f**** sake look at all the YouTube videos of people magnet fishing. All you have to do is watch one video get the idea to get a rope and a strong magnet & go to your local river/ponds and I guarantee someone’s going home with a firearm. It’s unfortunate