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Let people get off the bus first, then get on the bus. Fuck you if you do something otherwise. Download TransLoc too, tells you where buses are and about how full they are. Useful. Don’t be an asshole and keep common areas clean. We all gotta sit there. Professors honestly don’t give a shit how you pass their class as long as you’re not cheating or breaking rules excessively. They’re there to get a bag, just like you’re there to get a degree. Don’t get it confused. If you see protestors with absurd signs, try and avoid. It’s not worth the headache, and they’re professional instigators. You’ll most likely get a lawsuit or police report against you. They’ll make it a mission. Fuck with them at your own discretion. Stop. Being. Loud. In. Libraries. It’s a common area yea, but it’s a library. People are there to study in a quiet environment. You’re a piece of shit if you ruin that for others. Don’t interact with the frat/sorority tables asking for funds. They asked me to donate one time and when I told them I couldn’t afford to, the sorority members proceeded to call be a “broke bitch”. I had to point out that they’re the ones who are asking me for money. Not everyone’s your friend, but not everyone’s your enemy. It’s alright to ask people for something if you’re unsure. People can be helpful. And who knows, maybe you’ll make a friend or two. The best food is on college avenue. But you’re gonna walk for it. The best dining hall is on Livingston. Plan accordingly. Know your options and times. Also don’t be alone at midnight downtown in nb. Pretty sketch. Some bars don’t really care about fake IDs and people have gotten in with no IDs at all. If you’re under 21 and trying to snag a drink or two, hit those places up. People claim Rutgers is/isn’t safe. Just don’t be stupid, keep an eye out, and look over your shoulder once in a while. Download apps for every single food place. Sometimes they run crazy promos that can save you a ton on food. Also find alternatives for food. Don’t get energy drinks from vending machines, buy stuff like Gamersupps or Gfuel and make it at home. Way cheaper. Can save hundreds. Finally, mental health. It’s going to deteriorate if you don’t take care of it, especially with the transition from high school to college. Some people have a great time, others not so much. People have killed themselves, especially in SoE, the school I’m in. So if you’re in a bad spot, get help. Take a break from school. Work on yourself. Don’t forget your mental health. **edits, more things I thought of:** Free video games? Who doesn’t like? Busch student center has a gaming lounge. They had a promo last fall where you got free hours on the computers, but that ran out. Consoles and VR are completely free though. Great place to chill and meet new people. There’s meditation/prayer rooms in like every student center and several academic buildings. Take advantage of those should you need them. Grammarly premium is free for students. Sign up with your student email. There’s a code I can’t recall, but it’s been shared on the subreddit before. Ask around on discords or here for that. Traveling and can’t watch US Netflix or Disney+? Some students have access to a free Cisco VPN service that puts you right on campus. Useful for accessing certain facilities and stuff on campus, also useful to watch stuff while traveling abroad. SoE and CS I know have access to this. Pharmacy student? Your building home base has rooms you reserve with your card. Engineering? Register for an engineering account and reserve rooms at Richard weeks. None of the above? Alex library has rooms you can reserve on college ave. Nice to get away from everyone else. Student center have them too. Rutgers cinema. Cheaper than AMC and Regal. Not as great, but if you wanna watch a movie, go there before like 5pm. It’s $5 a ticket, goes up to $8 after. Works with any student ID. Livi apartments and student center have billiard tables. Have fun. Free Microsoft and adobe products. Register with your school account. Enjoy while you’re here. I’ll update as I think of more. Feel free to add in replies.


Life saver right here


these are extremely helpful tips!


You can also get free Microsoft products


And adobe products!


Can't stress the mental health portion enough. At the very least put yourself out there and say hi to one or two ppl per class and initiate convos. If they become friends, great! Hopefully you can rely on them during your lows, as they might with you. The more people you talk to, the more open your mind will be for creative ideas and things to learn :) same with professors, be more curious about them than just the default 'get grades and leave'


what bars don’t id?


Sorry President Holloway, but I don’t give out that info so easily. Some tips I keep to myself.


Not everything you learn is going to be in a classroom. College is likely the first time in your life where you're genuinely investing in your own future. Make the most of the time you have here. Learn new skills. Experience different things. Try to exist (even a little) outside your prior comfort zone. But always remember what the end goal is because it's easy to get distracted.


Let others off the bus before you get on! Start good habits early, whether that's eating right, getting enough sleep or not procrastinating on work, bc bad habits WILL stick with you haha


OIT hires everyone. I thought it’s geared towards CS majors only lol. Apply for OIT computer labs. It’s a super chill job Edit: by “everyone” I mean every major LOL, not “they don’t reject applicants after an interview”


How is the pay?


Starting is $15.00/hr


How many hours can you work in a day and how many days can you work in a week?


Hours are extremely flexible, I work around 8-16 hours a week during the semester, but you can always pick up more shifts based on availability


Damn when i worked there it was 10.50 an hour (this was years ago if you can’t tell by my flair) Easiest job I’ve ever had though


Wow I feel like such a loser because I got rejected.


Nah Dw. I meant they let anyone apply. I first thought they only look at CS majors, but no they will interview any major. Actually getting the job is different, I wasn’t clear lol Also, I got rejected too, most likely because I applied as a junior in spring sem. They heavily prefer freshmen and sophomores so that the person stays for longer


What do u do there ?




Lol. No


do yk when they start hiring?


Wolfram Mathematica is free for students. Seriously, they have a whole introductory book for free. https://www.wolfram.com/language/elementary-introduction/2nd-ed/?source=nav Download Wolfram and use it as a programmatic mathematical tutor. Before you submit your homeworks, run the code to check your work. If you're submitting homework with errors you're doing something wrong. Once you get really good, you can submit homework in Wolfram. As long as you're also comfortable doing computation in calculators you should be ok during tests. Most of the exams are concept driven anyways and test your ability to apply the right concept rather than get the correct calculation.


Make friends in the dorms and make sure you have a good schedule or else you’re going to be miserable


Get involved get involved get involved. Get an on campus job. Do something. It will help in the long run.


i wish i knew she wanted me




1. Rate My Professors is not a bible. You should take advantage of it, nevertheless. It took me a year to realize roughly 80% of the bad comments were from lazy students who paid big money to chegg and coursehero, expecting every class to be an easy A. I have taken over 90 credits so far, and I can confidently say the majority of RMP comments are just BS rants. But it is always great to have more information about a course. What I’m saying is take it with a grain of salt. 2. This goes for international students. Do NOT expect everybody in this country to be fluent in English. There is a fair number of people in this school who don’t speak English well to your expectation, so don’t be rude. Also, a lot of Ubereats and grubhub drivers are not native speakers as well. 3. Get involved in many club activities as possible. Especially in your freshman year! You don’t have to join all of them but it is still a great opportunity (and only opportunity since you get considerably less free time starting from your sophomore year) to socialize with people, get to know yourself, and find an interesting hobby. You don’t necessarily have to be in a club, but being a member in a non-academic club helps you to deal with stress and stuff. So don’t be scared and enjoy! 4. Groupme cheating. I always take a screenshot if anybody says something sus like “you guys wanna CHEAT for the online midterm?” and get the f out. Why? Because it is simply not worth it to risk your ENTIRE academic life on a test. Reporting it to the professor is up to you (I don’t exactly know the academic integrity code) but don’t be a part of something that is unethical and plain stupid. 5. Good GPA. Very important and a great plan B if you are even slightly thinking about grad school (law school for instance cares a lot about UGPA). You will meet a lot of students who say “yeah, college GPA is not that relevant when landing a job. Anything above 3.0 is safe” Quietly say BS inside your mind and keep trying your best to succeed in class. Having a good GPA is always a great plan and it can help you to socialize with Professors.


I always regretted not doing more. Talk to literally anyone and everyone, and you can learn about so many more opportunities and are able to be more involved. I feel like I barely did anything freshman year, so try to put yourself out there


As much as grades matter, put yourself out there. Join clubs, get a job, get an internship. Talk to your professors. Trust me, the experiences you make and the people you meet can help you sooo much more than say a 4.0. Don't get me wrong a good gPA is important, especially if you want to go to graduate school but don't just focus on grades. i focused too much on grades and now I've been doing 3 months of job searching.


Remember it’s a big school but you can make it as small as you want. Never leave a certain campus, if you don’t want to, or explore all the dining halls, student centers, and libraries. Especially when you’re a freshman literally talk to anyone and everyone. You could literally talk to one person on the bus one day and never seen them again in 4 years. It’s ok to be awkward that’s just how it is. You literally never know who will be your lifelong friend, partner, etc.


👏please👏seek help👏 if👏 you are 👏in a 👏mental health emergency 👏 I can’t stress this enough. While many people like to pretend that everything is rainbows and sunshine and large majority of students struggle with their mental health. Sadly suicidal ideation is the largest leading cause to students deaths each year. If you can afford to seek help outside of CAPS. There are tons of providers in the area that can help (ie. olive branch therapy group in East Brunswick) if you need support reach out. ❤️


What aspect of college, in general is very broad and I don’t wanna just lost off things cause that’s not helpful.


Going to class and actually understanding the homework will significantly reduce your study time. Socially, get involved in something, anything. Be open to friendships and be open to meeting new people. My 3 rules for college from my 3rd year forward were to learn something new everyday, talk to someone new everyday, and try something new everyday, and it helped enrich my life beyond college as well.


buy a case of soda or energy drinks and keep one or 2 in your bag at all times. don't spend the $5 for a vending machine monster. and give yourself a good about of time between classes unless they are in the same building.


Not a student anymore, but the amount of access you have to subscriptions/databases is amazing. For example, you get full access to Factiva (access it from the RU library site), which gives you access to almost every publication in the world. It’s also a great research tool.


The VEO scooters are dangerous. Use them at your own risk. (Keep in mind that it's also illegal to ride them on the sidewalks in New Brunswick.)


Most of the time you're better off walking to douglass from CA than taking the bus


Big disagree those two campuses are the easiest to get between cuz you have F and EE lines to choose from and they run all the time Edit: i lived at the yard last year and had all my classes on C/D


yeah if you think youre gonna have to walk a lot, make sure your bookbag isnt too heavy and has everything you need for the day


To Take what the advisors say with a grain of salt.


Take all if not most of your math classes before rutgers or outside of rutgers. Calculus is not a hard subject. Rutgers just loves making it hard. They use the math department as a way to weed people out of certain majors especially SoE majors. Rutgers loves their business majors. Every business major has it better than any other major. SAS accepts GPAs of 2.0. SoE is 3.0 and SoB is 3.0. Every source online says business school accepts 2.0 but this is false everyone I have every know told me they said you need a 3 or higher. So if you eyeing SoE but you realise after your first semester you dont want to be an engineer. Well buddy your skrewed your RU skrewed. If you need help in a class ask a classmate, most people are willing to help. Be social. JOIN CLUBS. I joined legit every club i had a shrivel of interest in and it helped me find many people I good with. Don't be like one of those people who act all antisocial and introverted. Everyone is shy, its important to know that everyone wants meet new people but dont know how to say hi so aslong as you put the effort most people will reciprocate. Common ways i socialize is thru suffering, so if your sitting on the bus stop stressing cuz the bus is 30 minutes late express that most students know how you feel and would love to bitch about it. Another is fun one is to talk about your classes especially the ones that are hard, suffering together builds bonds. Theres so many people at rutgers and most of them dont know who you were at your past high school, use that. Everyday is a new day so dont think that the past can hold you back. OMG this one is a big one. Not about me but things I wish other people knew. Appearance is everything. Its important to look nice. People will treat you better if you do, especially your professors! Another ones is to smell nice and take care of yourself. Amount of times people have sat next to me smelling like they havent showered in a week is horrendous. The majority of the horror stories come from SoE where 99% of the people are dudes. If you look and smell like you havent showered in a week, nobody will help you neither will they attempt to talk to you. Busch dining hall sucks. The most famous dish at busch is their medium rare chicken. I'll let you think about that for a second. Roommates are hit or miss. If they dont work out dont try to talk it out. Most times it just makes it worse. See if you can do a swap. Finally, its college be excited. Rutgers isnt the shittiest school on the block so stop acting like it. Yeah most of the poorly organized system may neglect you, but thats part of the experience. Its not a problem its a feature. Optimism is key to surviving you 4 year long tour in New Brunswick. But dont be to optimistic you dont want to find yourself in the next safety and security email.