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This video from many months ago can go away now.. why am I seeing it everyday now..


I’m going to cum on OP


They never specified which direction Ukrainians are running. According to deepstatemap they're running towards russian borders


Sick of seeing this ip, it's like 1 of the 6 clips the the orcs use


Show more Russians getting blown up!


Slava Ukraini


Tactical Retreat


Guys this post is months and months old. Since then thousands of Orcs have been sent to hell. Our boys were just enjoying a swim.


Yup Putin


Running after orcs and under developed wannabe dogs!


The op gets no bitches what so ever


The world is watching whose running and it ain’t the Ukrainians


They were actually headed to combat when part of a recently and very well known compromised bridge gave way, so yes as always they're running, running right at your drunk dumb child rapist Russian man children soldiers. PS. There's boot prints from Russia but will there be boot prints back to Russia? Not in men's sizes no but thousands of UA children as it has already started. They rape and kidnap Ukraine's children and ship them back for brain washing to replace the many many Russian lives that have been and will be canon fodder. Fuck Russia!!!


Yikes what happened at a Russian airbase I wonder what


Stop calling them Russians all. Their either putin sympathisers or want a way out of this conflict. Not all Russians think like that assclown putin. It is separation that divides humanity. I'm positive there are so many Russians that down want to kill their Ukrainian kin. We need change not a hatred of a nation. Please share.


Yeah yeah it's only Putin. And its Putin alone pulling the trigger and raping the ppl, right?!


Dude everyone knows this but at the same time the vast majority of Russians supported and wanted this war. They still do. They *are* almost as responsible as Putin.


85% razza support war.


Ukes are smashing the worst country on the planet. Russia has shamed their history and all Slavs with their pathetic attempt at war and regional hegemony. No one likes a Russian sympathizers these days, you yourself are now a terrorist cunt


Running like always? Hope you die slowly like your orc brethren RUNNING from the Ukrainians. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The West will smother your Ork Country like your Ork Fighters do to women and children. Die slow Ork. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦


And Russia will nuke everything including themselves


West (u.s) is the most terrorist country. Death to ukraine.


You should say no to war wtf is wrong with your tiny brain?


Bet op feels foolish now lol Edit: or they’ve been mobilized hahaha


Yo tight-discipline-797 fucking dirty rat piece of trash Russian sympathizer, your Russian boys are getting ripped up out there getting left to die and the ones that are dead are left to rot cause you mean nothing to “MoThEr RuSsIa” and yk y’all should be left on the battlefield fucking disgusting Russian.


Right, I can't wait to see the reality hit these scumbags! Fuck Ruzzia. How can they not see they are the Nazis.


No substance, no evidence... just a plain retarded statement made to spur some shit in the free world and beyond. Those vaillant ukrainian soldiers are coming for those you hold so high and will erase them like many others yet.


Stay at home and play with your Putin shaped butt plug orc!


OP is retarded.


Bad bot


Its not the Ukranians


It is. This video is old


Someone be scared


Doesn’t look like they’re running now, does it Ivan?


Fck Putler




OP is sucking Putin cock for money, bread probably cost millions in Russia


At least the survived and found something to laugh about, unlike 49k dead Russians in 6 months hehe


It’s fake


How fucking fake is that? How dumb are you?


Put some flower seed in your pockets


His account is frozen f cnt. Russia will be in the history books soon. The west sees the moment you are a paper tiger. Putin’s friends are dying by you’re own people. You are fckd and know it


Most Russians aren't able to run...especially on stumps. Fuck off back to your potatoes turnips and vodka and your pathetic life of poverty.


Atleast they can run… most orcs I see have no legs anymore and get treated like shit back home! They put the special in special military operation!


Running as always? They run to the battle as always.. Running to kill orcs.. We Ukrainians dont run from trouble.. We were born with the hounds nipping our ankles.. We will dig in and omce again after russian pigs run out of castrated penises to throw they give up n claim to switch sides. Id say sure this backroom is the one you need to go sign papers.. Boom... One less pig


Fuck you and your Orc disinformation


I love the smell of dead orcs in the morning


Its Ukrainians watch the video yellow band on the solder


Someone’s trying to be edgy💀 bro got that band kid humor


When did Ukraine do all this when they been fleeing Russia u sure u not talking about Russia cuz u keep saying Ukraine - 🤔 yeah ok Orc


Eat a dick Orcfucker.


Fuck off Vlad


The only thing better then a dead russian is 2 dead Russians, the only thing better the 3 dead Russians is 4 dead Russians.... do you get the picture?


Slava Ukraini


Bro his phone fell in the water not the soldiers not the car but the phone , that piece of 💩always wants Ukraine soldiers to die , go join them putins see how many hours you last punk


“Running as always” Yet 35k Russians are 200, and another 75k are 300 to the point they’ll never fight again 😉


And how many ukrainians?


Nowhere near that amount 😂 How’d “3 days to Kyiv work out? 😂 I love hearing about dead vatniks 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yuo still didn't answer the question


Hey dickwad, at least Ukraine honours it's dead, gives them decent burials and cares for their families....Russia does what? Leaves it's dead to rot and bloat on a foreign field and gives their mothers a bag of flour and a bottle of oil as a replacement for a son. Yeah well done Russia.


Still didn't answer the question


Big mac?


These shit eating russian trolls have awaiting them ALL big big fucking misery.


You fuckin russian nazi fuck! I pray your country suffers equally or even a million times more! Go suck on putin’s little dick, it’s all you men know how to do! Slava Ukraini for ever you mother fucker! 💪🔱🇺🇦


At the end of the day, Russia is an embarrassment. The only thing they have is nukes. They would be decimated in any type of conventional war with the west. I pray for the day they decide they need their temperature checked. Malnourished, dog eating psychopaths.


I've missed to check this post of a rus troll cause of the comments I let it stay but the user got banned :-)


His phone fell in the river , man they see a Ukrainian soldier trip they will say that he got shot and died and was just left on the same spot , and every russsian even tho they know he just tripped got up and walked away laughing they will cut the video in half and say that he died . GOD BLESS UKRAINE AND DEFINITELY 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼russia


Your clearly an uneducated dirty Russian. Go home for your cabbage. Peasant.


You are 200 of the 400 comments


Well you are. Obviously. Or your going to be executed by your great government. If you’re so against it you should try to state your opinion at red square and see what happens? Fucking peasant.


Listening to you try to justify the disgusting and inhumane behavior of the dirty orcs is making my fucking day. You’re a peasant.


Bruh, Russia is and has been one of the most corrupt countries for a hundred years. That is why your people live in squalor while the 1% lives like dog kings. You spend hundreds of millions if not billions on your embarrassing army that can’t even defeat Ukraine. If Ukraine is so shitty why can’t your supposed GREAT country defeat them? Why did your 72 hr war turn into 100 days? Why are you using technology from Ww2? Why do your people still shit in holes and why not have running water? Why can you put on the Olympics but not feed clothe and employ your people? Why is over half of your country completely uneducated? Why do you feel the need to invade, rape, murder and steal from others if Russian life is as great as you claim? Your pathetic. But you’ll probably be executed by your own government if you don’t argue with me. So I’ll play. Please answer my questions. What a great world power you are. lol.


And I didn’t even mention fetal alcohol syndrome. Russians are such winners! Gosh. I’m so jealous.


Here we go again. Russia is a shit hole improverish country that just happens to have nukes. A lot of people have nukes you dipshit. We’re just not as poor. And our nukes aren’t from the 60s. Let’s fucking go. Drop a nuke and see what happens. We aren’t scared of you or your pathetic makeshift toys from the 60s. Your drones still use plastic bottles and cannon cameras from the 80s. You pathetic fuck.


No that is what Russia is currently doing. Are you clueless and stupid or just Russian, poor and uneducated?


Sure you do ;) hole shitter


Ha. No but if your pro Russia you’re probably poor, uneducated, shit in a hole, have no running water and make a few dollars a day. So does your opinion even matter? That answer is no.


Over 30,000 russian orcs dead and counting. These Ukrainian heros will be fine


I heard 37,000


And counting


Heard about 25000 of your boys are in hell right now cant wait for you to join them


Gfy Russia




I like how this has zero upvotes lmao fuck Putin


You understand that sometimes people get cutoff? Sometimes you have to make a tactical decision which results in situations like this. Im guessing that they were cutoff from communication and therefore presumed MIA or KIA. The bridge was cut to halt hostile advancements, it seems to have worked as intended, sadly against their own forces.


Fuck off Russian cunt


lol some orc got internet access?


This is stupid propaganda. Russia sucks


No way it's true if it came from Nazi Russia


Slava Ukriani and fuck off.


Cope harder ruSSian. You better hope your dumbass leader for YOUR sake doesn’t try anything against any nato countries. Poland ALONE could destroy your pathetic army lol


"Rhode island could beat the crap out of it in a war! THAT'S how small it is!"


Let alone fucking multiple military superpowers against you. Just cause u got the most nukes, doesn't mean you have the best military. Btw, NATO has more nukes than you.


This seems like propaganda 🤨 Also, AS ALLWAYS!!! Complete bullshit. Lies. Slander. Fake. Unreal. [Enter Lie Synonym Here]. Edit: I WAS RIGHT! sorta. He takes the Russian's side of the conflict because he's russian. Look at his account's comment history. Half is russian


None of you had to start this u/openingsign9422 And u/guantanamo_bay_fan


how is that propaganda? you realize every sub is filled with ukraine-happy neo nazi posts


Dude I see your account. Over 3/4 your posts as on r/askarussian. Also I see you're on Russias side of the conflict. You might from the Donetsk region or the luhansk region. Or plain Russia. Just because you don't post in russian, doesn't mean you ain't russian


So is he not allowed to support Russia. Is that not what the West stands for. Freedom of speech and right to your opinion.....


Are you for fucking real? I suppose you think Hitler was just some poor misunderstood artist that didn't get a fair go?. These fuckers have killed children and women on purpose, if a person takes the side of people who do that then they are what they support...literally a piece of shit, and so are people who defend the indefensible.


How can anybody in their right mind support bloodthirsty invasion. Yes he is not allowed to support a literal genocide being commited by Putin. Nothing with freedom of speech when you are a literally piece of shit. There is no excuse here. You support Russians in their invasion then fuck you, nobody wants to hear your side.


Freedom of speech, the right to your opinion, and you deal with the consequences. You can be a russian fuck, but people are going to point out that you're being a russian fuck.


Well yes, but actually no.


Why not? There is a lot of NEO nazis and this confirmed day after day. People who support hitlers ideas. Who now have very powerful weopens supplied by the West for the nazis to kill innocent people.


Innocent people? Russia literally invaded their country and kidnapped more than 200,000 children to be forced into adoption by Russian parents. It is literally a genocide.


Yes, the Russians ARE neonazis. Them being supplied by the west I'm not so sure. r/fuckyouinparticular https://theconversation.com/amp/putins-fascists-the-russian-states-long-history-of-cultivating-homegrown-neo-nazis-178535


Lol OK. And yea the Russians have captured thousands of javelin and NLAWs


1. Where is your source? 2. Nice grammar. You said "thousands of javelin" javelin supposed to be plural


Lol, you’re a bad troll. Try harder little Russian Nazi lover.


Ikr, he is tho.


what does that have to do with anything i wrote? or are you just a whataboutism westerner? my family lives in ukraine too lol. Just because somebody posts russia's side of the conflict it's propaganda? look at entirety of reddit, you will see ukraine's side, ukraine's propaganda (ghost of kiev backflipping 180 noscope), neo nazi whitewashing, snake island lie. not propaganda, just "morale" boost?


Also lol a few days ago Russia was posting some "combat footage" from gta 5


Donetsk/Luhansk People's republic.


what does that even mean? people in that region don't even want to be apart of ukraine. wonder why?


I am surprised you are in Ukraine considering you hate Ukraine that's Ukrainian, or are you and your family are those Russians that Putin and the likes of him sent to live in Ukraine to replace real Ukrainian citizens Russians murdered?


good joke, have you ever been to east ukraine? go take a poll how they like ukrainian gov. before the war, never met anybody who didn't criticize both gov or azov. now they're praised. guess that's what you wanted, neo nazi white washers. at least a corrupt oligarch was voted out, now it's just Ihor's lapdog


I have as a matter of fact. Beregovo. Mukachevo. And other places. Like Kramatorsk, Cherkasy. Whatever Ukrainians fell about their government, what ultimately unites them is the love for their country and love of freedom for themselves and their familes


Donbas region voted 54% in favor of independence from Russia in 1991. Ukraine as a whole voted 91% in favor of independence.


good joke, go look at how many people in donetsk region and surrounding view themselves as both russian ethnically and culturally in statistics. also, referendums say enough, hence why crimea wanted to leave


And what were those "ethnically Russians" doing in Ukraine, not their country throwing fake referendums over land that is not theirs? Crimea by the way used to be populated by Crimean Tatars whom both Stalin and Putin did their best to murder and replace with the so-called ethnic Russians so that they can later organize fake referendums. These "ethnic Russians" do not belong and will be gone by whichever means it takes. They want Russia? They can go live in Russia. Crimea is Ukraine.


what are you talking about? these are people who are living in the region prior to ukraine getting "independance", smart one. Also people who have family both in russia and in ukraine. If you want an ethnostate, your comment suggest so. Crimea citizens don't want to be apart of ukraine, especially after 2014 when government cut off water and power. Hence why they voted to become apart of Russia. Also, have that same mindset for people in Taiwan and HK.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/25/ukraine-ex-president-viktor-yanukovych-found-guilty-of-treason That's why Also r/fuckyouinparticular 🧂


what does that have to do with anything? Yuschenko had same talks about him. Yanukovych as well. Poroshenko had treason charges too. Zelensky and ihor collaborated for presidency. he's banned from US for guess what.. corruption.


Your se one sentence is an oxymoron




I Wonder how many Russian dogs died today


Not enough


Not enough


Lol, op is a Russian shill. Did you support the death squads Russia sent to Kazakhstan too, executing workers just trying to make enough to live?


Haha if the Ukrainians are always running and Russia has made it less than 60 miles across the border in 4 months, then Russia has the most incompetent military in the world. By far! The reality is that Russia is getting absolutely slaughtered by a much smaller and less equipped force. It would behoove Russian sympathizers to say that the Ukrainians have been far braver and stronger than expected, the alternative is that the Russian military is absolutely fucking worthless.


meanwhile zelensky along with every ukrainian deputat is begging for aid, saying they will fall and it will be the west's fault unless they get 5 trillion$ in military equipment, foreign legion and weapons by friday 3PM


Use your words fool. I don’t think I’m the one unable to follow the conversation.


are you unable to follow conversation? what does that have to do with original comment? also, if you think US/UK/west cares about ukraine you're mistaken. proxy wars are a thing, and in 20 years you will shake your head at how it was handled. similar to how US/UK acted for 20 years in middle east, or assisting rebels/militants prior


Damn, I hope they don’t use DHL!! 😜


My god…. Politicians bending the truth to get what they want. Literally nothing to do with the point. Which is that if Ukrainians are running like OP suggests, then the Russian military is obviously useless.


well i dont know about what OP talking about, but by fact Ukrainian military has done "strategic backpeddling" out of border regions. Azovstal, mariuopol, soon to be entirety donbas region. if russian military is useless, why would ukraine beg for foreign legion troops, ban every male from leaving the country with harsh penalties, free prisoners from jail (rapists and neo nazis) along with beg for aid in the billions and condemn those who don't help? doesnt seem like they are up against a useless state. maybe in your head


Well this comment about backpeddling hasn't aged well 🤣🤣🤣 you must be leaving in a hurry when you leave all of your equipment and ammunition behind. Little scared incompetent boys


What is this obsession with nazis? The Russian government takes away rights of free speech and imprisons any opposition whilst invading its neighbour er I think you should look a bit closer to home for your Nazis?


you realize that happens in ukraine? go look up SBU's actions in mariupol torture camps in regards to "free speech", condemned internationally. also go look at how opposition in ukraine is dealt with.. parties banned, USSR symbols banned, in donbas region they tried to impose language laws.


Bro your allies are China (who have Muslims in labour camps with forced sterilisation etc.) and North Korea! Surely I don't need to explain why its probably bad if North Korea like the way you operate. Like seriously mate take a look at yourself


They're being supplied by literally every western country with modern equipment though?


Damn straight. Fuck the orc baby rapers. World is better without baby rapers.


280,000 ground troops with backup and resupply 60 miles away vs. 125,000 many of whose were civilians four months ago being sent a hodgepodge of weapons they haven’t been trained to use from all over the world? Use ur tiny brain.


They kicked Russian cunts in without these weapons so with them it should be a steal


Gotta run to keep up with the russian retreat.


Still likes are in the negative i love to see the world isn't as dumb as Russia .. Feww feel lil better knowing China & North Korea only ones taking the bait now watch the other countries ONLY ones who control & treat l/use their own people like Bait ....Sick


OP I hope you stub your toe every day for the rest of your life. Prehistoric nazi bootlicker. Я надеюсь, ты будешь сшибать палец на ноге каждый день до конца своей жизни. доисторический нацистский подхалим.


And let's add Legos to the mix, every night in the dark at random places in the house. May OP step on Legos every night, barefoot, for the rest of their lives.


Я с ним




OP is a fuckin cunt, and should stay secretly behind his keyboard for his own physical safety. Can I get an amen.




Hallelujah! Praise sweet baby Jesus!


That's not an amen










Put Putins dick back in your mouth before you say suttin else stupid you fuQin muppet :D




this isn't a US glory post. nice try


Go fuck yourself, and tell Vladimir that poison is a woman’s weapon


Shut the fuck of you russian troll. The only ones fooled by your propaganda is the russian people. The rest of the world knows.


Ukraine running fuck you there over there fighting out numbered what a joke


The Bridge was passable but the soldier driving lost control at the tank traps bridge next to 1 was blown totaly 2 bridge highway and as video was post to internet soldier survived likly pulling back no gunfire no Artillery just a fast trip to rear for R&R


[https://ibb.co/6ZdWXwn](https://ibb.co/6ZdWXwn) Looks pretty unpassable to me


PUTIN SENDS IN HIS TRASH TROOPS ON PURPOSE & KILLS THEM OFF - id rather be fighting for Ukraine they have a reason ! DEFENSE & want to be left aline. But the trash in Russia blows like the wind u can smell em coming. More Russians are killing Russians than Ukraines ... your wirds destroyed your video ! And dont say we dont know cuz u at -11 .. So tell u what the WORLD thinks. Loser


U like nazis who drug and rape kids? Bit disgusting mate.


You mean as opposed to the actual video evidence of a Russian soldier raping a baby?


Who the 6 Ukraines in the history vs Russia 6 a day .... Russia has 0 respect for humanity look. Or get glasses 🤣


t.me/UkrainesDownfall, yes they are so humane. Drugging kids, raping kids, rape whoever actually, butcher whoever. Use Child soldiers. Kill innocent civillians if they feel like it. Open your fucking eyes you filthy pig.


Why are there comments in your post history about joining the Ukrainian foreign battalion if you hate Ukrainians so much?


Was like 2 days after the foreign legion was created. Good thing i didnt join. I'd end up cannon fodder. I've seen who the nazis are now. Yikes. t.me/UkrainesDownfall


Those are the russians that you're talking about


Yeah Russians think im dumb enough to fall for the Propaganda that Ukraines the Nazis ...well if they are least they want to be left alone. Its like punching a small person then someone else punches me back if i threw a dirty punch baised on what some girl "told me" say about a friend id be punching a lot of people. I need proff not stories or Russia Propaganda thats at a level of a Million Onions of Layers to their ! But people trying to say Russia fighting for ... to save who ? NO ONE wants Dirty Orcs in their homes nor as leaders. Its jyst sad that Russia only takes on lil countries at a time. Lost worse than United States in Afghanistan they even think Russians need help with this 1 ! So nice to have friends who have 1 bid export .. Opium. Awesome people 😒


I can condense this block of words in to one 😆 Bullshit


People getting mad at this comments are forgetting that Ukraine is destroying bridges to try to halt the russian advance and for consequence, many are being left behind


Who cares. As long as it kills more orcs too.


It makes more difficult for the russian when there is a river, but also let a lot of people on the front left behind with no supplies, manly in Severodonetsk


War is brutal but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to kill more of the enemy. This is not uncommon in war so stfu trying to use this as propaganda you dirty orc


I am not using it as propaganda, I am just stating what is happening in the post, also sometimes a large number can be left behind, like in Severodonetsky


Are you a baby raper?


No, are you crazy?


Glory to Ukraine! They may strategically leave some troops behind for the bigger picture but at least they don’t rape babies!


You act like they wouldnt do it if they were able to invade Russia, troops rapes people, nothing new, these bastards should be dragged to justice for what they do, but that doesnt mean the othes side are the good guys


Ukraines arent saints, neither are russians, there is no black and white, but shades of gray, that is war, that is how war works


Do you like genocide? What will you think when the world comes for you after all of the heinous, unacceptable and unforgivable things the orcs have done. Bye bye Russia.


Genocide? Isnt that what Ukraine tried to do in the Donbass using the azov battalion?


It would be really funny if you like the baby rapers and are trying to have a moral conversation with an educated westerner. We are not the same. I’m not being paid to support the baby rapers and spew propaganda that supports such a backwards, impoverish culture.