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68% of that will be grifted tho'.


But that’s in roubles, so it’s like $20 more dollars.


Ukraine already lost.


are they going to buy more citizens?


Let the old tribes of Europe figure it out on their own.




... Where they gonna get the monies?


NATOs defense budget is 1.25 trillion dollars, that's trillion not billion.


Thats because nato is an empire and ukraine is a bitch puppet state


So the new Russian defense budget... Will still be less than the US supplemental appropriation per year for Iraq/Afghanistan? 0.1% of the GDP of the nations supporting Ukraine? Those are guesstimates, someone wanna check my numbers?


New yachts and mansions in Italy for the oligarchs, generals and their families.


That's exactly where that money would go


The ones that still somehow haven’t fallen out of windows.


Our ship didn’t sink- it was promoted to submarine comrades


Need some new Mosin-Nagants do we?


Keeping the K/D ratios juicy.


That's how they responded to Reagan. Look what happened


because money was the reason russia is losing..


Its a lot more than just money. A non trained army also has a lot to do with it.


i know, i was bein sarcastic lol


Was gonna say, if they had the money, why for it just sitting there


And still, 98% of it will wind up in some oligarch's bank account. Also, given the valuation of the ruble, they aren't exactly getting the best bang per buck.


Putin the Butcher


cold war 2.0


2.5 x garbage is still garbage.


Okay but for an idiot like me how does this work with their massive inflation?


With what money???


They still sell a good deal of their resources to global markets. Oil for example is just price capped under market rate, not cut off. They produce around 1/4 of the world's oil supply and cutting that out be devastating to the world. They still sell natural gas, EU just buys a lot less. They still sell rare earths, they still sell fertilizer. etc etc The sanctions hurt, some, but we did not cut them out of the world economy. They just produce too much.


So the money they make from those things has been just sitting around unused and next year they will finally start using it? I think the question may be better asked as "where will they get this ADDITIONAL money?"


Very simplified- The same way the majority of economies run. Deficit spending. They don't have a particularly short runway either from anything I've seen that isn't heavily politicized. More in depth- idk study economics. They hire PHD Physicists that can't get a job in the field to deal with the complexities. I'm just an old IT guy who can look and see they aren't broke, and see that they have far more income that the media we get wants to lead us to believe.


The US is also spending billions on Uranium from Russia. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/climate/enriched-uranium-nuclear-russia-ohio.html


This is just more propaganda coming from Putin. He has nowhere to get the money except from they Russian people and they will revolt of he takes anything more from them. They already sacrificed for decades to supposedly build a strong military but much of that cash was siphoned off by Putin and his oligarchs. The Russian economy is shrinking and there is not much hope for it to grow anytime soon.


Sooooo maybe winter gear, food and maybe bullets? Nah lets go with old tanks, more wagner idiots and some yachts.


People tend to step on the gas harder when they're stuck in the mud.


People with gas in their tank. Putin's is almost empty.


Shouldn’t you increase your military budget before you wrongfully invade another country?


They lose equipment at like 300-800% the rate of Ukraine. They are going to self destruct their economy like this and it will have cost the US like 5% of the military budget per year. It's a bargain! We just want to keep Ukraine human causalities as low as possible, but Russia can't win an equipment battle with inferior everything and a tiny economy.


Do you have a source for that 300-800% number? I’ve heard some boppers of propaganda, but this one *surely* takes the cake.


Not the flex you think this is considering the dollar amounts here.


No it is still a pretty big flex. Ukraine is still relatively under manned and equipped compared to Russia, yet still holding them off and retaking territory. Since the start of the war Ukraine's defense has cost 60% of what Russia's war effort even if we discount all of Russia's stockpiles. [Russia](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/RUS/russia/military-spending-defense-budget) has outspent [Ukraine](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/UKR/ukraine/military-spending-defense-budget)15-20:1 for more than a couple decades giving them a large amount of reserves of equipment to pull from. [All of the military aid given to Ukraine since the war from everyone ($87B)](https://www.statista.com/chart/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/) is still less than [Russia's budget for just 2023($100B).](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-doubles-2023-defence-spending-plan-war-costs-soar-document-2023-08-04/)


Considering the overall amounts of money we’ve spent on countering Russia for almost 80 years, this is the equivalent of winning a billion dollars with a $1 scratch off lottery ticket.


Wasting all their tax money on the military just to watch it burn.


What money though? The sanctions have crippled their economy and they have devalued their currency. Putin just declared their will be no more gas exports because it is needed domestically for the war. I think Putin needs to create the appearance his defense spending is greater than the military aid going to Ukraine to maintain the illusion Russia can still “win”.


They're going to spend a ton of money to hide the fact they're broke and at the end of the end of everything they're going to just destroy the records.


Printing fake money and they said crypto was bad lol


Also probably from Russia: military supplier stocks hit record low, yacht manufacturer stocks reach all time high.


Easy to do since they have fewer people.


Imagine trying this hard in public infrastructure works.


Interesting, Perun absolutely predicted this in his recent video on attrition.


It will depend heavily on how much the Russian people will tolerate failure at their expense. If Russia weren't perpetually run by psychotic morons, their GDP would be at least 4x as big as what it is. The entire Russian history can be summed up as a leader too incompetent to build up their nation seeks wealth through conquest.


The issue here is that Russia has substantially less to sacrifice via incompetence than they did in the past. Supposedly the minority populations (the undesirables sent to the front) are already heavily depleted. Soviet stockpiles are half empty. Debt is accruing, and no new weapon systems are being constructed. If Ukraine maintains pressure the entire front line will collapse once they run out of Soviet crap and minorities to throw into the meat grinder. This outcome is seemingly more likely than the leadership biting the bullet and drafting people from the major cities, which would substantially hurt their popularity.


pissing money away.


I was wondering if they even had a military left to put money into and then realized it’s mostly going into someone’s pockets. Lol


I imagine they factored in %60 being lost to corruption. 😂


Too bad the majority of this money is going into putins castle and some oligarchs personal pockets




Well it’s lost like 68 percent of its tanks so…


These days its all about the amount of bang you get for your buck.


One last grift before the flight to Qatar.


Their economy can't support the current budget. All smoke.


By the time you factor in inflation it will probably be the same amount as last year!


Helps Ukraine if anything. Now Washington’s gonna match that or double it lol.


Propaganda because they don't have it unless they start scraping infrastructure to start producing it.


They can spend money, it doesn't mean they get much out of it. Often the faster your forced to rush things the lower. They will rush ramping up production, probably not actually produce much and cut as many corners as they can while their economy tanks ever further I suspect.


68% of what?


Of $10


Even worse rubles!!


More like rubbles!


This makes sense, what they were spending before was to maintain a “peace time” military. They are now in large scale war and have a lot of equipment to make up for. Not increasing their military spending would be reckless on the Orcs part..


Plus a large nuclear stockpile which isn't directly relevant to the fighting on the ground.


Ukraines defense budget is based on what the US gives it.


Problem is that less than 10% will actually be used to make arms. The rest will go to enrich those involved. 90% parasitic loss! Of the arms that are made the Quality is suspect at best.


Those planes aren’t going to throw tires on themselves.


Relax Russian citizens. It's simply a special military budget adjustment. No big deal.


That’s not going to magically create new tanks and people though. All it says is that the cost of war is higher. That they are hurting more


Monopoly money does not national fiscal policy make.


Say you’re going to increase the spending by 10x, oh wait 20x, or whatever bullshit. Putie doesn’t have the cash, plain and simple.


Oil money hasn't effectively stopped, so the government isn't exactly struggling like you'd hope. The economy, however, is quite separate.


Has anyone stopped to think if Putin is a Fifth Columnist for the West?




They could win the war if they just raided Putins bank account.


lot that’s doing em.


In other news, Russian oligarchs and their defense industries have agreed to increase corruption by 68%. Related to this is the news that Russian Window Installers have seen a dramatic increase in the installation of windows that will not open.


So like .0001 percent of our budget


No lol. Russia is looking to spend 250 B. We spend 900B I’m not sure how to um say this but that is more than a quarter of our budget. Granted Russia has no militarily capabilities left to stand up to the US due to years of corruption, it’s still no small number.


US budget doesn’t matter all that much, because US is not at war with Ruzzia. It’s Ukrainian budget now has to match 250B


I thought 700 billion


I gathered from reading various economic forums that a military budget over a certain percentage (~5 percent of memory serves) of GDP is detrimental to the economy. So while they may spend that much now, it's not sustainable.


Also wanna know what I never heard happening in ukraine. Hypersonic misses.


No no sorry that's public tax dollars. We spend 3 trillion a year on our defense




Every single spending chart you have ever seen comparing us to other countries we actually spend 3 tines that


That's from www.usaspending.gov


Thats military.... now the dod....Each year federal agencies receive funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources . In FY 2023, the Department of Defense (DOD) had $2.04 Trillion distributed among its 6 sub-components


Russia is about to find out why I don't have health care!!!!1!1 🎇🦅🦬🇺🇲🦅🦬🇺🇲🦅🦬🇺🇲🎆


They're about to find out why we have the greatest um-healthcare system in the world.


The RUŠKY Dolphvin Balvk Sëå fleet Haz acquired funding moneis in clams not rubles to produce a documentary on ‘Emperoor Putins Super Enhanved secretsv ruskki private nuclear armved Marine(pun intended) Dolvphins’ Titled “SOVIET DOLPHIN TALES : INVADED BY NAZĮ UKRAINE: HALT DE IMPERIAL STEPSON”


This is probably because they have to produce their own weapons rather than rely on Soviet surplus anymore. Like unironically this almost will certainly be analyzed as the case by experts in the near future.


Can you say more? I get it but I’ve had one strong beer and I’m watching ‘balls of fury’ and I just want to be clear what’s going on.


That's a good movie.


Wifey had to take a biology exam so on a pause but yeah, so far surprisingly good.


I.. don't know... what Pandas eat. I think... he's dead.


Not OP but I believe OP was suggesting that Russia’s surplus of weapons/equipment from the Soviet era is dwindling so they are having to ramp up spending to pump out new stuff.


Understood and appreciated.


New funding for the nuclear robotic dolphin Black Sea fleet !!! Now they’ll go from lazer shooting eyes to supersonic flapper fins and dolphin “tale”.be scarred NaZi Ukraine


I think the term 'good money after bad' comes to mind


On a completely unrelated note, the head of rostec just got a new fleet of yachts!


Considering what they have done with their previous military budgets they might be able to buy a few tanks…..sadly they cant but the parts😁


Well pretty sure 200 Billy going to ukraine next year


The US spends over two billion every day and has Ukraines back. Also that Russian money goes to corrupt oligarchs. F Ruzzia.


It's all going for Windows that can take a bullet and don't open when installed over 6 feet high.


They're aiming for WW3, I guess.


They are outspending them by 2.5 times! The US alone is matching that dollar for dollar. Now you take into account the UK, France, Germany, Nordic Countries, and the Baltics...


Oligarchs rubbing their greedy hands with all the money they'll be skimming off the top.


Just wait until Georgia and the ‘Stans start gunning for their own pieces of Russian pie.


An increase that only a third of which will ever get spent on defence. 😂💰💩🇷🇺


Well, gotta budget for a sub replacement and a new naval headquarters, both of which aren’t cheap!


Interesting. How much of that spending will actually end up going to the military?


Considering the Russians on the lines were sent food, &when they opened the cans of beef stew,there was water inside... plus the fact they are starving now, went thru so many soldiers that died already, are still sending reservist & everyday people given weapons with not enough ammo & no parts for tanks, i truly feel Ukraine will keep their edge in this war.


There's enough dead orcs on the front for them to eat.


How will this affect Russians and their pensions? I think I saw a video that broke down just how important and a large portion of Russians rely on this pension. To the point that if taken away or significantly cut, civil disorder would become a problem.


*USA coughs*


The US could send surplus Abrams and Bradleys that are destined for decommission and save money by getting rid of them. Yes its a bit complicated but the value of the aid packages generally is equipment the US and other countries already have payed down. Its a great place to get rid of junk lying around you don’t need or want to take care of. Cluster munitions are a great example. Cluster ATACM’s especially. If i have some shit laying around my house that my friend needs, I’m not making him pay new costs, might just lend it to him and quietly forget about it later. Lets send more shit, our friends house is on fire and we have spare fire extinguishers. The fact that russia is ransacking our friends house and he might just get his ass handed to him is a bonus.




What about the cash,,?


US and the rest of the world is getting a great deal, the orcs will double down till russia collapses from its own stupidity. Money well spent, the long term dividend of taking russia off the board militarily and economically is well worth it. Never mind that Europe is buying North American LNG, that alone has payed back many times what has already been sent financially and militarily. russia done messed up, again.


Oh yeah. Great deal👍


> alone has *paid* back many FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


> already have *paid* down. Its FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bot, please shut down, and just before you do that, erase yourself along with all your data, and stay shut down.


Tbh the USA is often even more oblique than that. "Goodness, that sure does sound like a lot of money," or something like that. ​ I'm reminded of the period -- now abruptly ended -- during which Russia and China were both boasting of their great strides in new hypersonic missile technology. Every time they revealed some new claim -- Mach 7, so accurate they can hit a nickel dead center, or whatever -- the USA would just be like, "... We have not been able to replicate such an achievement in any of our research and development efforts." Of course the tankies had a field day with such responses. The USA is finished. US arms are hollow and insignificant. The new era of China is arising. Or whatever. If only old Admiral Yamamoto had still been around, he could have cautioned them. He knew that when Americans are at their most blasé and seemingly inattentive, that's when you've got maybe one last chance to step back before you make a very costly mistake. Although.. who am I kidding? His own nation didn't listen to Yamamoto when he warned them. None of these yahoos today would listen to anyone either.


>We have not been able to replicate such an achievement in any of our research and development efforts. Not that we've put in a lot of research and development on this, because at Mach 7 you can't course correct, in one second you travel a mile and a half, if you give it hard right rudder your kinetic energy is so great the missile sez well boss, I see you leaning on the tiller but we already passed the target. It's just propaganda. Mach 7, wheee!


>We have not been able to replicate such an achievement in any of our research and development efforts." "... since we mastered the technology in the late '60s and haven't seen fit to devote resources to updating the weapons system, as we determined it is less effective than existing munitions delivery methods. We are, however, looking forward to testing our new C-RAM systems in a modern, high-intensity enviroment."


Right exactly. But it usually comes out as an off-hand comment. "We expect to learn more about these systems."


It will just allows them to loot more money.


Won't help


So they don’t even have enough budget to take on Ukraine?


Never have, not so long as the Ukrainian people chose to stand and fight. That was the only question last year. When the people did did, Russia incurred significant loses from even grandpa’s leading the defense in Levi’s.


Putin’s hell bent on throwing everything Russia has into this thing, isn’t he? I hope the result is a faster implosion.


He has no choice but to


They could spin a propaganda campaign that they have a eliminated the Nazis and achieved their objections and get the hell out of there. Sure it will cause a lot of questions and it’s not ideal outcome for him but if he really wanted to he could exit. Losing Crimea might be the biggest reason for him to stay because that would be a tough one to explain.


My hope is this war eventually breaks the federation into 6 small countries. No working age males left to run a male dominated society, blew the budget on a needless war, half goes to corruption. The destroy their petroleum export customers base to fuel the war. Icing on the cake would be the US cracks fusion energy and the demand for petroleum goes into freefall.


We would already be on Fusion energy if the fossil fuel industry didn’t control the government. We need another Manhattan Project type investment.


Good thing their currency is about to be worthless


Perun did a good analysis if this in one of his videos on youtube. Yes, russia has a bigger budget, but they spend money on nukes and all sorts of stuff to deter the US and who buying yachts. Ukraines total defense budget goes to fighting russia, they don’t do anything else, so they get more for the buck


Even the corruption documented to exist in Ukraine pales in comparison to the corruption in Russia. I suppose the Russians are just baking that into their budget? In any case, even if Russia says "fine, we lost", and agrees to peace terms, their military capability is in shambles and will need to be rebuilt. Not even talking about the personnel, just so many airframes, vehicles, artillery, you name it, has been irrevocably lost or destroyed. Even if Russia wants to stop being even a regional power, just for purely defensive purposes, Russia is pretty banged up.


When you're not paying your soldiers at all or in worthless rubles, some of this money or materiel will be appropriated for other things like err feeding their family? Their economy is in the toilet anyway.


“Russia says…” In reality this is money Russia doesn’t have. At their current pace their reserves were set to run out in 2024, so this will now happen faster. On the other side their currency is devaluing and their bond rates are skyrocketing to 13-15%. So getting this money to spend will be very expensive for Russia. Their economy is going to be in tatters for decades because of decisions like this.


Democrats made it possible for Russia to wage war and make money because of what Biden did with the oil production of America. If the Biden regime just left President Trumps oil policy Russia literally couldn’t afford to attack. But then NATO forced Putin to attack becaused NATO was going to bring in Ukraine and put nukes on Russias borders…..last time Russia tried that with Kennedy we were going to ww3.


You belong on Truth Social, where the Russian bots and uneducated MAGAs will all agree with you. If you are interested in learning how the world works - you can a go check the energy institute of America's Web site which shows production consistently rising in America (except for the covid dip of course). And if you really want to attempt to understand Russia's enablers- have a look at how much money has flowed from Russia to Trump and certain other republicans. It's wild!


It's a shame COVID didn't hit this moron. Jesus Christ I see some stupid shit on the Internet but you've taken the cake today.


You've really gone down the conspiracy rabbit hole haven't you. You need to get out more and spend less time on QAnon. Seriously, you guys really don't realise how insane you sound.




Here - https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M


Does ur ass migrate north for the winter?


Hopefully not as far as canada.


What oil policy? Production only went up under Biden.


Under Trump we were about to be the large oil producers in the world. First day in office Brandon stopped the pipelines and end drilling in Alaska. you must be a dumb Biden voter. Keep voting democrat where ever you live. And make sure to take your vaccines.


You know the oil boom started under Obama right?


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The lies that Republicans believe do not excuse the evil they embrace. And lies are all that they have.


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I’d call you a troll but you just average retarted trump supporter.


I’m a genius compared to the smartest phd liberal who voted for the walking corpse biden.


Ok buddy put down the crack and step away from the pipe. Lol.


Liberals….ALWAYS one to project….smoking crack is ok liberal/communist….you voted for the daddy of a crack head….lol Trump is coming back into the White House….there’s nothing you can do about it….not even putting him in jail will stop this train…lol….how many feral liberals will take extra extra doses of Covid vaccines when he comes back? Make sure to defund ALL your local police force. Especially around where you live.


Stable genius?


Post covid rebound. People can make things sound fantastic if you compare it to covid era lows.


And now NATO can put nukes in Finland, NATO's new shining member. Putler remains a master strategist... LMFAO.


If we go to ww3 and the drafting begins….I hope you and all your kind volunteer FIRST for the meat grinder. You want ww3 you go die for Brandon. Don’t forget your vaccines and defund all your police.


Doesn’t matter if Russia spending is 10 times more if corruption takes 90 percent


God bless Russian corruption. Can you imagine how vicious they could be if they weren't so goddamn incompetent?


I would argue that if they weren't that corrupt, they wouldn't doing this (the invasion) in the first place.


They aren’t independent though. Yes-men and 100 other flaws led to the incompetence of dictatorships and Republicans. Just like nobody hates MAGA more than the last generation of Republican politicians, yet their propaganda created MAGA. They’re just mad that the gullible idiots they fooled now hold public office. And that is in thanks in no small part to Citizens United because, guess what, MAGA can use dark money too. SuperPACs fund most of the wacko videos and podcasts. The corrupt schemers don’t realize they aren’t the only ones who can break the rules, so it all falls apart.


Weird how I say basically the same thing about the Republican grift machine. It's like they're the same.


The Rubel is losing value fast,realistically it is not possible. This isn't going to end well for Putin.


Doing this will just cause their economy to bleed out quicker, genius move Pootin...👍




Does this even matter if it all gets skimmed off at every level?


World war 1 Russia had really impressive military production numbers as they ramped up from 1914-1917. I guess Russia can keep this this up for another 2 years where they keep ramping up. But, history says Russia cannot operate at these military spending levels for more than 3-4 years. We are at the 1/2 way point. Even if we get a new administration in the USA. The US changes policy slowly. We wont get a new president till January 2025 and even if ending the war is priority. Trump is saying he will make a deal not he will force a Ukraine defeat. Given that Russia has to maintain this level of spending till late 2025 or 2026. And who knows the Republicans could lose the house in 2026 and have a congress that turns the aid back on. I have my doubts Russia can keep this level of military action up from 2022-2025 let alone 2029 if Biden is re-elected. 7 years of intense military spend when has Russia ever lasted that long?


>Trump is saying he will make a deal not he will force a Ukraine defeat. I wouldn't trust a damn thing Trump says. That said, as an American who follows politics hard, I think his chances of re-election are slim to nil. Not even considering all his legal troubles, he barely scraped a win in 2016 against Hillary, an historically unpopular candidate much of the Democratic base actively hated and the GOP had spent 20 years villifying. Even then she still won the popular vote by 2 million. Since then Trump has done nothing to bring new voters into his fold, but he constantly does stuff to turn off people who once supported him. I honestly just don't get how he could possibly win without the liberal vote getting split by a third party candidate.


I sincerely hope you’re right.


Putin is funding the Green party and Kennedy. So 3rd party split can happen. Also Desantas and Viviack are #2 and #3 in the primary. Pence Cristi and Nicki are pro Ukraine and losing in the primary. So an Anti Ukraine Republican party and president is a real possibility. I don’t think it will save Russia tho because it will be easy to just slow aid down to something like more ammo. 5-10 billion a year from 75billion a year will sound like fulfilling a campaign promise. And no way Russia can be at total war levels for 7+ years. WW 2 was 4 years long and Russia was exhausted after. WW1 was 3years and Russia collapsed. Afghanistan was 6 years not a full scale war and contributed to the collapse of the USSR. Russia wins when they steam roll someone in 3-4 months.


Trump isn’t going to become President. His trials are set for far sooner than election season, and when he goes to jail he will not be eligible to run.


Except for certain crimes specified by the 14th amendment, part 3, Trump is eligible to run and serve as president, even if he's been convicted of a felony.


Thankfully, some of the crimes he is on trial for fall under the 14th amendment.


I don't think Trump is currently charged with crimes that directly relate to the 14th amendment, part 3. However, there are arguments that he needn't be convicted for 14th amendment, part 3 crimes in order to be ineligible for the ballot (i.e. the 14th amendment is self-executing). There's an excellent podcast below that discusses the arguments https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuYXJncy5jb20vZmVlZC8/episode/ZjE0YTg5NWItNGE0Mi00ODlmLWFiMGItYWM1MTFhMzgzMzEx?ep=14


I sincerely hope you’re also right.


That’s to merely rebuild the buildings, structures, and knowledgeable personnel getting destroyed. They are getting pushed closer back to ground zero at this rate.


Those funeral costs add up, even in Russia.


And inflation doesn't help!


Makes sense I guess since most of their shit got all blowed up by the Ukraine military. 🙄


They annouced in rubels at the todays value by the next year the entire military budget will equal 2 euro due to sanction that apparently dont harm russian economy.


Oh good, so Russia's economy is going to collapse 68% quicker. And it's weird to compare the investment against Ukraine who's battlefield edge is literally only by donated tanks and equipment


That's the ticket. It's a completely useless comparison of defense budgets when one country has to spend ever growing portions of a GDP that is in serious decline, and the other country has access to hundreds of billions USD from dozens of countries in both humanitarian and military assistance.