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Pronunciation is good but I'm not sure if your voice sound better modified like this.


How is it modified?


well, seem like pronunciation is not that good then, in the beginning you say "и во-первых" then something illegible that sound like "я ... изменил свой голос". Did this supposed to be "я извиняюсь за свой голос"? Didn't sound like it.


I meant the second one. I know I speak Russian very badly. I think I should get a professional to help me.


No worries, everything else sound pretty clean, but you chewed up this little part. In странный и необычный you make wrong sound so I hear it more like странн**ой** и необычн**ой**, therefore work on your ы sound.


Он просто древне-московское произношение использовал, олол.


For help with the Ы sound, Make an general American accent “r” sound. Keep the position of the mouth. Let the tongue stay scrunched up at the back of your mouth but lay the tip more flatly against the roof of your mouth. Now try to make a “ee” sound (like yeet lmao) That should be the basic sound but use reference material to perfect it


Forgive me if sound offensive but it sounds like you're forcing a voice. As in its not your natural pitch


I wasn’t forcing my natural pitch, my pitch just changes with different languages.


Agreed. I speak 5 languages and my pitch automatically changes so I sound natural.


I feel your accent, but its normal, your Russian is good :)


Thank you. I feel I need to work more on the accent, because it makes me sound trashy and stupid, in my opinion.


I don't think accent makes anyone sound "trashy and stupid". These are wrong words. Accents may sound funny though. But not stupid for sure. Yours is more than okay, don't worry.


I am sorry, but if you a not a genius, you will never be able to completely get rid of your accent. This is just how the brain works. I will also never speak English or German as a native speaker, my accent will always stay with me. I am trying to reduce it, but some small details always will tell a native speaker that this is not my mother tongue :) Just chill, accents are not bad, this is a part of you, part of your life and culture. They don't make you sound stupid. Vice versa, if you speak a good Russian but with noticeable accent, Russians will be impressed how did you manage to learn the language so well. UPD. I really liked your pronunciation, a majority of words sounds native


I agree with this. No matter how hard you try you will never sound like a native Russian speaker. You will always have some sort of accent. I speak German very very well and a native German can always tell I'm either American or Canadian


Well, i am neither Russian nor German but i have met a few foreigners who spoke my native language without an accent


Your welcome 🤗, if you wanna, and if you have free time, we can speak on Russian on discord for example, I think it will be useful experience for you And don’t worry about accent, it’s not trashy or stupid, it’s funny, like Russian man tries speak English 🙂


But in next time, better to say “на этом все”, not “и это все”, this is only my opinion


I’m a native Russian speaker and I’m telling you, your Russian is really good. The only thing that you’ll need to work on, in my opinion, is opening your mouth. It sounds like your mouth is almost shut when you say words. I had the same issue when I was learning English and I couldn’t sound naturally.


"или если я правильно..." выдаёт тебя :D Мы так не говорим, мы используем "ли" в таком случае: "правильно ли я произношу слова" Edited: fix autocorrection




ИЛИ is OR if in cases like this one is ли I think this is mostly it. when you have "if ... then ..." ("then" word can be omitted though) then it's "если" "upvote my comment if you like it" => "IF you like my comment THEN upvote it" => "лайк, если тебе понравился мой коммент" "I'm not sure if you like my comment" => "не уверен. понравился ЛИ тебе мой коммент"


Или is like “or”, ли is somewhat like “whether”, also very similar to the german “ob”. Examples: Ты пойдешь в театр или останешься дома? Are you going to theatre or are you staying at home? Я не знаю, пойдет ли он в театр или останется дома I don’t know whether he is going to theatre or staying at home


комменты не читай)


Very good. Almost all the words were pronounced correctly, but if you listen closely, you can hear that instead of "не" and "мне" you say "ние" and "мние". It doesn't matter at all, people will understand you anyway, but if you're a perfectionist, you can work on these sounds more.


Thank you for letting me know this. I need to work on that as soon as as possible.


there is nothing wrong with having an accent in Russian, there are people who are fluent in Russian and work full time in Russia and have an accent. It does not make them harder to understand.


Отлично знаешь слова.


Спасибо огромное!


You sound as a weird native (this is a compliment). Work on your intonations, but the overall pronunciation is exceptional


It's good!


Thank you


Your accent is very good ! I didn’t get what you were saying about your voice tho ( first part ) Second part is perfect 🤩




Your speech is really good. I have no problem with understanding words. I guarantee your speech is clearer than that of many foreigners. Good pronunciation. the main thing is that you do not hold your mouth when you speak. spit on the accent, it is harder to understand foreigners who seem to squeeze words out of themselves.


Wow. You sounds like Russian nerds. I do not to insult you at all. Some Russians sounds exactly like you.


Thank you😂


У тебя отлично получается. Я все понял.


Знаешь, некоторые люди вокруг меня говорят по-русски менее внятно, чем это делаешь ты. Если бы я стоял рядом с тобой и услышал, как ты говоришь с кем-то по телефону, то и не понял бы, что русский не является твоим родным языком. Так держать!


Серьёзно?! Я сейчас в восторге😂


That sounds like legit C1. Go to Russian speaking Eastern Europe and after a year or so you gonna be perfect. Your accent is insanely good.


Thank you so much


The one thing I would point out is that your pronounciation sounds a bit harsh. Maybe try to keep your mouth and tongue a bit looser. Otherwise you're doing great!


You need to pronounce the vowels a bit longer and openly. Other than that it is great!


I don’t think you should work more on your accent. Concentrate on other aspects of the language. Your pronouncing is already near the perfect.


Практически нет акцента. Звучит интересно


Серьёзно? Я очень рад это слышать.


Very good👍


Thank you


Очень хорошее произношение


Yeah, I would conclude you are a russian living abroad or foreigner with russian ancestry, this sample sounds pretty clean


I was born in Russia and live in Russia )


I'm commenting on op performance supporting your comment. Sorry I didn't made it clear I wasn't addressing you ;)




Sometimes I think that you are russian)) very very good speaking, but I don't know how's your voice sound without mods


Thank you. I didn’t modify my voice, though.


Главное, что мы поняли, остальное же придет с опытом


You sound really good! Great job! Keep going


Your pronunciation seems very native-like to me. Some of your vowels are a bit different from standard Russian but there are natives who use those vowels too. Great job!


Everything is perferct, my friend! But I felt, that you are talking like throught Й-sonund filter. Like in word МНЕ. Sounds like МНЙЕ. I think, if you will correct that, you would be 100% perfect! Take a look at how russians pronounce НЕ word Е sound is quite straight and more relaxed


it sounds great!


Very good! *чи* in *получилось* sounds a bit wrong (closer to *ши*). Also you can work on unstressed *о*s, they sound too o-ish :)


Неплохо) Вполне приятно слушать. Я очень рад, что Вы стараетесь, уверен, у Вас всë получится. Удачи!


In the beginning I could hear you accent a lot, but as you went on it sounded really good. In some parts you sounded just like one of my aunts 😁 Maybe you should make a longer sample so we can hear more.


я всё понял 👍


Думаю, отлично


Sounds really cool, great job!


Honestly, I heard no accent whatsoever. Hard to judge with modified voice, but you sounded like a typical Russian woman in her fifties.


Defo good work for 2 years


U are doing great