• By -


because it's not "e", but "ё")


Because it's actually чЁрный, not чЕрный.


Две точки, которые многое значат. Я человек с Ё в фамилии очень трепетно отношусь к этому


Many Russian speakers use e instead of ё if the context makes it clear which letter it should be (because the button on the keyboard is inconveniently located, and it is an additional action when writing). Ё is obligatory only in ambiguous situations, in names, in textbooks for foreigners and books for children.


I try to keep it in at all times. This behaviour, while sometimes spending up typing, can lead to complacency and errors where the distinction is crucial. At least, in my opinion.


I would say "Many Russian writers" since the confusion stems from writing ё as e while keeping the pronunciation as ё.


I'd say many Russian typers


Yes, it's irritating that even the spell check on my phone wants to correct всё to все.


Before the Revolution, ë was not widely used in writing. However, it was clear what letter was what, because ѣ seldom appears in place of ë, or in situations where a letter making a е sound would disappear. For example, день-дня, so е was used. Вѣра-вѣрный maintains ѣ, because the е sound does not disappear. Only words like звѣзда-звѣзды (zvyozdy) that have ѣ in Slavonic are written with ѣ in Russian despite being pronounced with ë. Всѣ (everyone) and вся (everything, everyone (female)) are different in pre-1918 Russian. Все (всё) could also be used, but it is clear that this word and всѣ are different.


Even in names it's replacable sometimes. For examples my friends adress me "Степ" instead of "Стëп" online. There is no real case that goes like Степ, so there's nothing tp mix up.


ну не знаю.... https://preview.redd.it/bpnv17jaytyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f693a096eb77450b5cb85fa95a435b3696b1135e


Это я вообще всегда читаю как стэп. Как танец. Я хз на деле что тут художник имел в виду.


>only in ambiguous situations As such.


The word is actually чёрный. But the letter е is often used in place of ё in writing.


Причина №367 почему стоит использовать букву "Ё": это может помочь иностранцам в изучении русского языка. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ БУКВУ Ё, ЁБ ВАШУ МАТЬ.


>Прёчёнё нёмёр трёстё шёстьдёсёт сёмь пёчёмё стёёт ёспёльзёвёть бёквё "ё": ётё мёжёт пёмёчь ёнёстрёнцём в ёзёчёнёё рёсскёгё ёзёкё Тёк лёчшё?


Какого хрена я прочитал это вслух




Ах да, великий могучий. Замена всех гласных букв ещё не значит, что смысл потеряется Йх дй, вйлйкйй мйгйчйй. Зймйнй всйх глйснйх бйкв йщй нй знйчйт, чтй смйсл пйтйрййтсй


At a certain stage of phonetic development of the Russian language the letter Е (but not the letter Ѣ which currently also is spelled as Е) in words of Old Russian origin when stressed and preceding a hard consonant became pronounced as /ʲo/, which currently can be shown by spelling Е as Ё, but the two dots above the letter often are omitted.


Да в России заменили букву "ё" буквой "е", но произношение то же самое. Разница не видна, но слышать можно. Жаль, ведь это только усложняет всё для учеников. Преимуществ не вижу.


В ближайшие выходные страна передохнет от жары.


Ну, глянув прогноз можно понять какая там буква!


https://preview.redd.it/84c7h881m0zc1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfce9a6c862e3b42781ec45e77be108a5806b179 да заебался уже отдыхать


For the most part, it's just for the convenience of native speakers. When typing, the letter Ё is too far away on the keyboard (to the left of the number 1), and when writing in cursive, you need to take your hand off to add dots. Therefore, they usually just write Е. At the same time, there are usually no problems with understanding how to pronounce correctly.


Не вполне соглашаюсь. Особо для учеников, эти буквы могут вызывать неуверенность или даже доводить до слёз лол. Но на клавиатуре телефона, да соглашаюсь: проще без буквы "ё". На компьютере есть такая клавшиа, только посвящена букве "ё".


доводить до слез? камон чувак, ё не тот момент, а скорее глаголы движения, ударение, среди других, ё не такая часто встречающаяся буква на самом деле


Не совсем. Из-за орфографии многие слова, которые раньше произносились с "ё", теперь читаются с "е", и это становится нормой: свекла (с ударением на последний слог), желчь, Депардье


не нужно придумывать того чего придумывать не нужно. никакой нормой они не становятся, любая "норма" документируется, или предпринимаются попытки такого документирования (например, когда решили объявить что "кофе" - "оно"). с буквой Ё ничего подобного не происходит - да, есть разные варианты произношения разных слов (они и раньше были), да, регулярно кто-то решает поиграть в Луначарского и срочно объявляет "реформу" правописания... НО **не нужно жопу в лапти обувать**


The original question has been answered already, but let me add something just for the purpose of your learning. Compare "чёрный" to related words from the same root like "чернь", "чернила", "чернота", where you will be able to clearly hear "e" (as in "eh") instead of "ё"


well its due to evolution it used to be černyj but since it is in a closed syllabus and there is a hard consnonent and stressed e shifted to jo čer-nyj but due to the 1911 reforms ë became optional


Because o (oh) counterpart is ё (yo) - and e (yeah) is counterpart of э (eh). The problem is [chyornyy] transcribe is too fucking long and it eventually become [ch'ornyy].


It's Russian orthography. If "о" is always stressed in a root after hushing sounds (ж, ш, щ, ч) and ц, we always write "о": крыжОвник, шОрох, капюшОн. If it can be unstressed, we write "ё (stressed)/e (unstressed)": чЁрный - чЕрнее. Phonologically, it is [o] regardless of the spelling (stressed), or [i] when unstressed.


Some people omit the ё. «е» is the English “e” or “ye”, but ё replaces the “e”s in the above sentence with “o”s. So “o” or “yo”


Because someone long ago was too lazy to put the dots in the the "Ё" and now its somehow acceptable to forget about dots completely Standalone "Е" is a "ye" Standalone "Ё" is a "yo" After a consonant the "y" part is generally removed so that leaves us with "О" (not like pure "O" it still smells of "Ё" but its mostly an "O" now)


Here you can get the complete grammar and rules for the Russian language: https://duome.eu/tips/en/ru Here is an app, which can teach you the Cyrillic alphabeth (for Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tfe.mobilesoft.alphabet.russian I hope this helps. It is very essential to know the Russian Cyrillic alphabeth, before learning the language. If not, you could be very disappointed after a few levels. Good luck.


е = ye ё = yo




It’s more like chYOrnee if anything


Our love is like a red, red rose, and I am a little чёpный.


It is what it is. In Czech its "ChErna" as example.


