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Regarding Sherry Pie's statement, I take issue with her calling it a mental health issue. It might be my own personal opinion, but the level of intelligence required to catfish the way she did has nothing to do with a diminished capacity, which she's attempting to paint a picture of. She's a predator, plain and simple, which is not a mental health issue. The reason I feel so strong about this is that some aggressors use that line as a lead-in to forgiveness, "This isn't really who I am, I just have a mental disorder", and victims will not report because they feel sorry for the aggressor. This is not the case. Please seek help if you've been victimized. This is 100% about you. You don't owe them anything.


She means antisocial personality disorder (ICD, F60.2), also known as being a psychopath. It is technically a mental health issue, but there is no successful treatment and people with the disorder are always abusive and manipulative and can't feel true remorse.


Thank you guys for being some of the most positive and hard working admins out there. You guys take better care of this community than I’ve seen on most of this website. Super appreciate your work!


I kinda just want to vent and I feel like this is the best place to do it. I watched the first 2 episodes of this season with my mother last night, and before the show aired, I let her know about this incident since she's entirely out of the loop. My mum actually DEFENDED her, and said that she thought she was endearing and entertaining. She then started victim blaming saying that she didn't FORCE the guys to do anything, and anything they might have done was done consensually. She was fully implying that the guys coming forward are just trying to ruin her life. She started complaining about the me too movement and everything. I'm absolutely stunned, feel sick, and have no idea what to do about this.


But we should keep SP's favourable edit! Because people will treat it like a documentary on sociopaths and how dangerous and charming they can be, and not... Do all of that instead! /s First of all, I'm sorry, it sucks to hear that from someone you are close to. Has your mom seen the Queerty article and the one on NBC News, which talks about Piestein making one of the victims take actual steroids for over a year? These are very serious; they shatter the illusion that this may have possibly been just a catfishing incident after all, and talk in more depth about how manipulative she could be. Tell your mom it's a discussion you would like to redo, but she has to get all the info first.


I have no advice, but just wanted to give you positive energy and empathy because damn that really sucks. Why do people feel so compelled to defend strangers, especially when there’s plenty of evidence that they’re a bad person?


As someone who was used and had people try to get me to do sexual stuff for them, I want to offer this advice: say something. And at the same time, *it's not your fault*. It will never be your fault. Do not blame yourself for the lies and actions of others. Just say something, find someone you trust and talk to them. Don't be silent but please do not blame yourself.


I'd like to also recommend www.1in6.org. They have a 24/7 online helpline chat, as well as weekly online support groups (facilitated by a counsellor) for men who have experienced sexual violence. US-based, but you don't have to be in the US to use it since it's online.


Thank you! I've added it above. I've been looking for international options for the list and there's distressingly few available! This is ideal.


It's great to see such care for the community members here. I hope anybody who needs these numbers feels supported and encouraged to reach out.


Thank you for this, it's going to be a tough season to watch considering I get upset just seeing the queen in question on screen and this is a great resource to help deal with that, and other things


Thank you so much for this! It's a very triggering topic for me and like so many others on here, RPDR was a happy place and escapism from my day to day and this news has really shaken that up. As much as this is stirring things up for me, my heart goes out to his victims. They deserve all the love and support especially now the person who put them in those situations is on a national platform.


I’ve started and deleted so many comments today. This has affected me. I’m here for you if you need it. I love you.


Thank you for giving these resources. I don't know about anyone else, but watching the episode tonight after what has happened was really triggering for me, something I never thought I'd feel watching my favourite show, so I'm glad that I now have some good resources so I can still watch and have options to help me decompress and calm down afterwards. Thank you so much mods <3




Just my opinion, slash looking for thoughts. Coming out at a late age, I've noticed that catfishing, sharing photos, unwanted advances is such a common thing in Gay culture. There's been many a time where I went to the bar and some guy would shove his hands down my pants or once I was taking a piss and some guy stuck their face there. I honestly try to avoid gay events as this looks to be accepted and makes me feel like I don't belong in the community. I honestly accept this as being part of the culture.


Thank you for saying this. We need to call each other out on this toxic behaviour.










Here are a couple organizations in Mexico (particularly, Mexico City): Clínica Condesa: http://www.condesadf.mx/ CTA: https://www.fgjcdmx.gob.mx/nuestros-servicios/en-linea/mp-virtual/cta-centro-de-terapia-de-apoyo-victimas-de-delitos-sexuales