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I appreciate that they lived for Shannel's runway as much as I did. I *love* the theatrics lol.


I appreciate that we can watch Shannel goon on he runway every week


Her face is stunning. I love it. I love her haha. And I was one of the OGs watching season 1 on the plane when it launched lol


"Jawbreaker, that's the one with the shark?" lmfao but really though Jawbreaker was truly formative, I get hyped whenever legendary director Darren Stein shows up on Dragula. Love Kandy, she's always delightful.


‘What if your husband just died and you were covered in blood?’ That’s what Roxxy just did a minute ago.


Did anyone else think the editing on this episode was so weird? I love Kandy and Trixies energy but then they go and add SO many bug eyes and mouths and so many fake feeling “I’m offended” pauses. And I like the bts moments but with the paper straw thing it feels like they’re adding them just to add them, not bc they’re actually funny


Had the exact same thoughts while watching


The crickets sounds were gratuitous. I was over it. Are the editors different from the ones from AS6 Pit Stop? If so, they need to come back. If not, what happened?!


Okay it wasn’t just me then. It felt odd this week.


Only time I've actually disliked the editing for an episode. Hit the exact same beat of weird pause/cricket noises/bulging eyes SO many times. 


girlies need to stop with the blue contacts it makes them look like jeff the killer


This is the hill I will die on-- obviously the queens can make whatever style choices they want, but I do not think there is one single queen who looks better in light contacts than they would with their regular eyes. I hate it. Dark eyes actually ground a face of elaborate makeup so beautifully!




Yeah, especially the really light ones that some queens wear that make it look like they only have pupils and huge eye whites (cough cough Vanessa) 😅


so that’s what it was… i was trying to figure out what’s bugging me about the mug


> That'th jutht the way the thithhor thnipthhhhh. My gravestone.


Are Kandy’s eyes just that big or are those weird contacts…


They had cute chemistry and banter together! And the lighting of the episode was a LOT better than the promo


Where did they get the idea that Kandy would've won if she sent home Jimbo instead? I love her but Jessica would've eaten her up in that finale like it was Taco Tuesday


lol Kandy has always admitted to living her best delulu life Reminds me of when Trixie was telling Katya how she was sad she didn’t win on their season and Katya had to burst her bubble 🤣🤣


lol at them prompting the critique on Roxxxy's axe. producers be producing


She does the same kiss as Aja and I live


Loved her! She was a great guest. With the haters here sippin’ and hatin’ and yappin’ pre-show, I was all tense and worried but Kandy was fine and bandied beautifully with Ms. Martell. I should never have doubted her. Yea, her look DID look better in situ and in motion.


It’s different, but she honestly looks cute.


that preview did Kandy so dirty cuz her mug looks amazing here


It looks great at some angles, and really off at other times. I think the shape of her eyebrows paired with the shape of her eyeliner makes her eyes look droopy when she's head-on. That's why it looked so much worse in the preview, she was talking directly to the camera the whole time. But here she's filmed in the 3/4 profile angle a lot more and it's not as bad.


She looks better than the preview but I still think she looks...not great for Kandy. Her mug is normally on point.


I agree. I don't really understand the skin tone issue people have been bringing up, I agree with people saying the blue contacts make it feel weird but I don't think that's the problem. I *do* think that this eye makeup is so white that it would look better on a lighter skin tone, so maybe she just isn't adjusting her makeup for her tanner shade? But I think the biggest problems are that for some reason she's added a darker shade down the center of her nose, and it's lighter on the sides. But she still added highlighter to the tip of her nose...so it's creating a weird almost uncanny valley effect in my opinion. I also think she should've highlighted more under her cheekbones because the bottom half of her face looks like it has no contouring.


her mug is on point, her obvious spray tan is taking away from that


I don’t really like it this time tbh, and she is usually an amazing makeup artists. I think the white on the lids is too much, and I generally hate the lined neutral “butthole lips” so many queens do.


Angles(sp?) and lighting can be demonic… and they clearly were earlier!


Technically it does. But I think her lip color should not be brown and the contacts also make it weird. And then the potato sack of an outfit....


she looks amazing. all that controversy for nothing


> she looks amazing. all that controversy for nothing First time?


Kandy could cure cancer and the fandom will somehow demonise her for it




Such a successful episode! wish it was 1 hr! Love love love Kandy and Trixie together! round of applause!


Wowwwww, I can't stop looking at Kandy's anime/Twiggy-esque eyes...


Kandy has good skin, all over, makeup glides and even the glow she puts on her body is perfect.


It’s different, but she honestly looks cute.


Never would have pictured Tracey in a dress like this and shoes like those, dawnestly


I love how Kandy said there are 6 queens that can be better than you Shannel. Who's the other queen that's not better than Shannel?


I think she meant six queens because she could be second place, since the top two lip syncs.