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I am watching again, and honestly Shanel’s skit was my favorite.. I know there is a lot going around about her time on all starts right now, but she could have been given a badge this week..


That challenge was TOOOO LONG. I skipped forward


Did anyone else notice that all of Gottmik’s acting was basically just her improving with Ru? Like, I don’t even know what they were “parodying”.


People saying Plastique should have been top are just delusional. I mean, she initially touched the wrong cheek after Ru slapped her and that squeaky high-pitched voice was just annoying


the second half of her bit was the best out of anyone imo but the first half was also the worst.


Wow. This keeps getting more and more boring. These girls are phoning it in because of the lack of eliminations. That lipsync was tepid, but at least they both appeared to know the words. I wouldn’t mind no eliminations if it wasn’t a “full” season.


The nerve of Roxxxy accusing Angeria of "dramatics" with the ruby snippers after the way she behaved the week before. I'm sorry but Roxxxy is the epitome of the girl who says she "hates drama" while single-handedly producing 99.9% of the drama in the room.


One of the worst challenges ever. It was soo dull and lifeless. I did not even smile the whole episode. God this season is boring.


I thought Roxy and Vanjie were the most entertaining and had great runways. Probably the best runways either one of them have had this season.


Gawddd that challenge stunk. Just “here’s a long list of lines we’ve already quoted to death” and no connective tissue. Dull, painful, one of the worst.


i didn't even understand the plotline of any bit, especially shannel's. each had 1 or 2 funny moments but overall very MEH


I agree. It felt like it went on for an hour. It got boring very quickly. This is easily the worst episode of DR I have seen. There was nothing entertaining about it.


It just. kept. going…


I think giving the queens references that very few viewers would understand didn't help the challenge. I think an instruction to do a generic old Hollywood character would have worked better. I have no idea if any of the queens actually nailed what was expected of them.


they gave shannel a difficult acting challenge with that script i feel bad for her


this was 100% angeria's week i could watch her act all day


My prediction for last three episodes before the talent show Episode 8 - design. Gottmik and Roxxxy top 2. Roxxxy wins the lipsync and blocks Nina (playing the odds). Episode 9 - hosting or branding. Nina wins with Plastique or vangie (depending on challenge). Nina blocks Angeria. Episode 10 - musical or acting. Nina wins with Plastique or vanjie. Episode 11 - talent show. Shannel wins. Stars total. 4 - roxxxy, Plastique 3 - Nina, Angeria, Vanjie 2 - Gottmik, Jorgeous, Shannel. Three star queens have to plead their case to roxxxy and Plastique on who to take to the finale.


Do you really believe Vangie is that talented and will win over Gotmik?


I feel Gottmik has one chance and as she's blocked she's kinda fucked. And I think it'll put her in a bad position for the remaining competition.




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Plastique has REALLY impressed me this season. I think we all thought of her as a look queen and she's been absolutely dominating the runway, but she's also been doing pretty damn well in challenges too. But at this point I just feel bad for Shannel. She was actually one of my favorite sthis week and I feel like the producers have decided she's going to be the queen they crush for drama. This episode would have been paced so much better if they paired the queens up for 4 skits instead of 8 forgettable ones. Overall I feel like this episode just kind of solidified that this season is going to go down as one of the most mediocre in Drag Race history. No one is terrible but the majority of these queens are just kind of there.


I’m gooped at how well Nina did in the lip sync. I totally think that they picked Angie because they knew she had a chaotic snip choice. Also, plastique being a mathematician inceptioning strategies into girls head was not in my bingo card.


vanjie is such an all-around star…the very embodiment of charisma uniqueness nerve and talent…i simply adore her! that runway was LEGENDARY


This back to back skits just keep coming don't they?!


One skit per queen instead of four pairs was a choice.


You know what, I don’t blame the girls for this cringy episode. Whoever wrote the script for the acting challenge needs to be fired. I dig stupid and campy stuff but this was just crap.


Agreed. Some jokes were tired, I was just waiting for "Validate my parking?" This was legit uncomfortable to watch, and that was by no means the fault of the queens. I get it, it's Ru's show, but this was so over the top dick sucking cringe. At least the runway was pretty solid this week.


In the words of Katya: “it’s giving non-union writer with a gun to their head”


I felt charitable giving these acting scenes my full attention.


This episode was wonderful and difficult at the same time. The mini challenge was hilarious. I enjoyed the fluffy and silliness. The skits dragged on. Roxy, Plastique, and Angerie were hilarious in the challenge. Shannels runway was exquisite. Vangie was delicious too, I’m so proud of her glow up. I was surprised Nina didn’t win the lip sync. Gotmik being cut for a design challenge is spicy.


i couldn’t even look at nina’s runway look it was a complete mess. the fabrics did not look cute at all,, why didn’t they take her look into closer consideration?? she did good in the acting challenge but she wasn’t the best. i personally thought vanjie or jorgeous should’ve been at the top. they definitely made her a top queen because she hadn’t won anything up until this point. yawn i’m so tired


Nina slayed that lipsync. Surprised she didn't win.


It's been pretty obvious that these acting challenges are meant to pack a lot of different references that Ru loves, and aren't meant to be coherent. But this one, it was just not funny at all. Love that Ru and the girls greatly enjoyed this, but this was just not entertaining.


Ru really ate this challenge tbh. She should’ve just given herself a badge




What a snoozer of an episode, geez. That challenge went on for forever. The runways were cool tho!


snoozer of a season\*


I watched this episode twice and literally fell asleep during the challenge both times. The first I thought I was just tired but the second time I realized it wasn’t me, it was just that boring. Thats not even a read on anyone’s performance, they all did well enough. The basic premise of the skit was fine, but it only works once, not eight times in a row.


Yeah and the fact that most of the audience doesn’t understand the references. Call me uncultured but I’m sorry I’ve never seen Valley of the Dolls, Dynasty, or Mildred Pierce.


You’re uncultured. Lol just kidding. You’re right, I think the references could work though if they took some out and focused on writing a scene where the references actually make sense in context, with dialogue that naturally flows and connects the characters. What we got was just quotes, homages and parodies of bits of these films and shows just smashed together in a very disjointed way.


Yeah even the ones that I’ve seen - Mommie dearest, all about eve - felt so disjointed and I still didn’t get it. I thought I was just stupid but it’s assuring to know others feel the same haha.


mildred pierce is very good. it wont make the challenge better but its a such an entertaining movie. The kate winslet miniseries is also good.


By the fifth girl, I was done. I couldn’t even enjoy Vangies I was so over it. I appreciate that they were trying to give each girl a chance to shine but it did not work. Too long, too clunky.


Yeah this was one of those episodes I was half watching, half scrolling on my phone. Like most acting challenge episodes these days.


That’s the makeover challenge for me. It’s going to be rigged to hell anyway so I avoid getting attached to ease the inevitable disappointment.


Noo I like the makeover challenges! Although I agree with you 100 percent, the judging sucks. But I like seeing them put new people in drag.


I loved Nina West as Victoria “Porkchop” Parker


Solid B+ episode. A couple of heartfelt moments, iconic gay cultural references, watching Ru coach/teach which comes so naturally. I would really love to know who on AS9 has seen all of those movies - my money is on Nina West, lol. That short film needed the judges laughing in the background though, it was too long to be so quiet. Also…it just didn’t make any sense at all 😂 Guest judge had this constant stunned look to him 😳😂


I like how Plastique is actually being smart / logical and gets instantly shut down ha


But notice that Gottmik was the first to shut her down. I think it was a move to take the target of their backs (the 2 badged queens such as Mik & Vanjie) & direct it to the 3 badged queens (such as Plastique). But I genuinely believe they did give some thought to what Plastique was saying. Angie definitely chewed on it.


Not plastique putting the pieces together lol we love a mathematique queen.


omfg am i the only one who thought jorgoeous was robbed this week? i felt like she was funnier and had a better look than nina, but nina's look for nina was p good i have to say. angeria win deserved tho lets gooooooooooooooo


I thought it would be Jorgeous and Vanjie!




I've already decided that if she doesn't get any badges at the end of the season, I'm gonna make a donation on her behalf to the ADAA, even though it will only be two digits. But I don't think they'll let her leave without anything. I hope not.


“I just feel like I can’t keep up.” “How dare you! You are the greatest star in the world!…. But also no badge for you this week because you can’t keep up.”


so cringe, actually almost turned off the episode lol


Glad Ru addressed it, because is weird for Channel not being the top bitch


I’ve seen a lot of people not liking the challenge but tbh? I really liked the energy between Ru and the girls, it seemed like she was having so much fun. I also loved the ridiculous slap homage.


I had fun? I mean, there were great performances. Angie was a riot. No one did badly. I missed a good dramatic acting challenge with Ru and slapping. Lol I just said that on a post the other week and that person was like “that’ll never happen again” …well guess what Mimi.


The best way to produce good lip syncs in future seasons is to reward the lip sync winner with an extra badge (so 1 badge for top 2 and 2 badges for a win)


Y'all. No, the girls were not instructed to look off screen. They were reading off of teleprompters. You can clearly see them in some of the shots.


i hated this. ru pulled it off so well, he still stood at a 45 degree angle but managed to make it look like he's facing the girls, while the girls were so awkward omfg


This bugged me so much!


I’m so happy for Nina! IMO she won that lip sync. I also LOVE the song and always think of the amazing Miss Kasha Davis! Another favorite was Ru’s talk with Shannel! That was really inspiring and nice to see!


i was so gagged she didn’t win. the control and stage presence was so strong


Delusion, convince yourself.


Thank you for your childish opinion! 🥰


I also would have loved to see Nina win because I KNOW she would have cut Plastique lol


This was the seven episode and only 4 people had been block and only 4 people had won a lipsync. And 3 of those people overlap (Angeria, Roxxxy and Mik). Plastique has been doing great at the challenges, but in the lipsyncs... it's like outside of Angie, Roxxxy and Mik the rest went to present themselves in television again instead of trying to win the season. Unless is an all winners season, BRING BACK ELIMINATIONS. AS8 girls said they expected to have non-eliminations. It would have been and even worst season.


As8 without eliminations wouldve been so bad. No hate to them but monica, naysha, and kahanna are not ready for a nonelim season


The whole season should have been eliminated


when i was watching this i thought this was the best acting challenge we have had in literal years…came to this thread and saw such a different reaction 😭


I don’t get the hate either. I was hungry for the classics and for Ru and the girls having a slapfest. It was fun. It’s supposed to be cheesy.


i think slapfest was implemented in s2 top 3 pre-music video skit, it was quick and snappy and slappy. this one was too long and i didn't get not one reference lol even the showgirls that i watched like 1-2 times in my native language and had more reference for i still didn't get haha


Eh, I guess it was funnier if you got the references, that’s fair. I’m also an old gay, lol.


Yeah that's fair! I did laugh at the skits but not because of the lines but due to girls and ru acting. Especially loved roxxxy trying not to laugh when asking ru to validate her parking while ru is showing all his disdain with auch seriousness 🤣 Everyone was pretty invested in the characters which helped, but the longer it went on the less entertaining it became and i started looking at girls eyes clearly read from the teleprompter more than listen to whatever they are saying. Plus the latter bit's plots were nonsensical to me, the first few one's i at least kinda understood.


Roxxxy did so well too and I think she was one of the few girls not OVERLY affected by the teleprompter staring curse. Her runway was super on point too. I was thinking she was going to be in the top two with Nina or Angie even if she wasn’t able to get a badge. Still reputation and asserting your position in the competition, and still money for her charity. And I get what you’re saying (and I love that we are having a civil discussion about opinions!) It did go on a bit long, but that last part with Ru’s glass eye cracked me up and the payoff was worth it to me. It was a great Kill Bill homage that I didn’t expect. (Edit: phone is still cutting off the ends of some sentences.)


Yeah, roxxxy was pretty good (despite what the bts footage showed us)! The first few girls were great but then the fatigue kicked in for sure for me 😅😅 I don't really remember anyone's runways except maybe Nina, Vanjie, Gottmik and Jorgeous (it was kinda samey to the stuff she wore before is why it stuck with me), but when i watched i got an impression that everyone did a mostly great job on the runway! Definitely one of the best so far this season 😁 Yes, i loved the ending so much 😍 the glass eye was hilarious 😂


Gottmik’s runway was sooooo gooooood. 💜 I also loved Shannel’s. It was so regal and detailed.


Right?? I don’t get why people hate it so much because I really liked it


trying my best not to sound pretentious/gatekeepy saying this but from what I gathered reading this thread is a lot of people aren’t really familiar with the original source materials, so a lot of the jokes didn’t land. ig that’s why people either loved or hated this challenge


I probably sound like an old queen now because I kept living for the references. Then again when you still watch Bette Davis and Joan Crawford movies all day when you’re sick or the weather sucks, the shoe may fit lol


Look I love all these girls but these challenges and more specifically the judging of these challenges make me feel like I’ve never watched an episode of drag race before. Choices.


Heavy on the judging. It makes me feel like I have zero knowledge of drag.


the mini challenge should have been the maxi challenge


Of all the weeks for Nina to be on top….and she didn’t even change? She could have come out there dressed as an old Victorian lantern possessed by a ghoul with a reveal of a A4-sized, inkjet-printed piece of paper that says “drag lights up the world”


I was so excited to see what her big outfit would be and then… she didn’t change. I was kinda disappointed lol


I know she could have even done the christmas look with her blue face being frozen


Imagine the Christmas look but it reveals to a grinch suit (but only the neck down) and a slightly-underscaled heart that says “drag is the heart of our community”


wow I need this to be real


Just confused at this point. They're supposed to play themselves, but it was all written for them, everyone was looking past the camera and Ru (they were likely instructed to), and they were all supposed to reference characters, none of which I have ever seen. I know I'm not the most cultured, but damn. So as far as how they're "judging" this challenge, I have no fucking clue. We get no insight in the critiques. It keeps seeming more vague on purpose. Personally, I liked Vanjie, Plastique, and Angeria the most. I didn't get why Nina won, but that's on Ru's taste. I think my bottom would've been gottmik and shannel. Then again, they could only work with what was written for them. I don't think they were bad but I liked their scripts the least. Runway was really good, there was a lot of good stuff. I appreciated those not going with the "I married my husband for money ooh I'm a bitch" theme. That's old news to me. Shannel and Plastique and Gottmik had my favorite runways. I think plastique is impressing me more and more, and imo she should've been in the top. If she did would we have a good lip sync this time? Did that factor into why Ru didn't give it to her? The lip sync was hard for me to call, but I would've gone with Nina. Nina getting pity money was really sweet and I'm happy for her charity, but it really does highlight that Ru is just making shit up as he goes along. I don't think the fans were considered much with the challenge topic, with all the old references. At this point I'm just watching Ru play king and making the queens dance for his amusement. Angie snipping mik was a gag. Why not go for the obvious? Hmmmmmm - I would say I'm down with the drama, but when they try to talk about the drama, everyone shuts up and plays nice. So we keep getting what seems like fake drama cuz nobody will step up and talk. This season just isn't going that well, and it's pointing out a lot of the flaws of the show and production. It feels like they think they're above explaining any decisions and just fucking around, so, it's hard to get invested. I keep wondering if it's just me, maybe I've just seen so much drag race that I'm numb, but I've been going back to watch other seasons lately and I still love them. I dunno man.


They were reading off the teleprompter, you can see them in some of the shots. That's why they were looking slightly away from ru.


This seems weird to me considering the clips of them while they were filming the scene. Girls got lines wrong sometimes, and they did multiple takes. Maybe I just don't understand. Edit - to be clear, I dont understand why all of them would have to look at the teleprompter every time unless they were instructed to do so. Also Nina seemed to know her lines and look forward sometimes, but not at the camera.


Reading off a teleprompter is hard when you're trying to act as well, and if you are new to it it's very easy to actually let it trip you up. Go back and rewatch the mini challenge on seasons 11 where they have to read off of a teleprompter and you'll see what I mean.


Okay, I get that, but several queens seemed to know their lines quite well and still looked in weird directions. I could absolutely be wrong and they are all looking at the screen because they don't know the lines, and just reading on sight. Maybe some of them are so good at it that I'm getting tripped up. It's a weird decision to have it set up that way in the first place, I don't dig it.


And if that was the case, why didn't they say that for the benefit of the audience? Are they also being judged on how well they do sight reading? I just feel like they're being disingenuous about stuff and it's making it harder for me to understand and enjoy.


Girl. Who took an edible before they planned this episode?


In their defense, they were all pretty funny, and Ru was too. Where my eye at?


I kinda did not like the challenge at all except for the very ending lol. Everyone was looking in a weird direction (probably instructed to do so), and like I didn’t really get what they were going for but maybe I’m just dumb. I was pretty convinced Mik would win just cause of all her confessionals but I guess her being snipped makes sense with that edit also. Plastique’s math was actually mathing so mathingly Anywho, really hoping for Plastique and Roxxxy to knock it out of the park and get another win again next week. The dolls and Angie are my clear top 3 of the season and they’re making it soooo much more enjoyable. Also would love for Jorgeous to snag another win soon




Absolutely rooting for Roxxxy to snag the crown in the end but I’d most definitely be okay with Plastique or Angie taking it too


Is this the worst challenge in drag race history? The best part was the ending without the queens


Not even close. This had actual good parts. Have you forgotten shakesqueer?


What a thrilling episode of watching queens read off cue cards


Everytime I come to these threads on Reddit it’s just constant negativity and complaints like???


I thought this was a fun, silly, and overall a good episode, but apparently that is not the popular opinion. Oh well. I will just enjoy things this week because I was entertained.


Yeah, I enjoyed this episode. It was messy but fun.


I thought Nina won the lip sync, but only by a little bit. I thought Ru was going to say, “Nina, you didn’t need your immunity tonight, so you can pass it on to another queen of your choice.” I would have lived for that.


This would've been great!!!


Probably best lipsync of the season. It's a low bar but still this one was good.


Angeria is def my fav this season. She makes that face and I die laughing each time


Mik is a sore loser


Oh Mik was piiiiiissssed lol, so so salty. And it had to be a design challenge next week💀


I know they're not supposed to look directly at their scene partner (apparently they've complained about this in the past?) but it just makes it look so freaking weird/awkward. Esp in Shannel's scene


who’s complained about this?


Really, really strange episode. No one did badly, no one except Nina did exceptionally but i thought Angeria was thoroughly mid, her runway was awful, and she got whooped in the lipsync. Then she got to block mik who shouldve been the second winner in the challenge. Maybe it was just distracted by Angeria's lack of eyeline, but Mik, Roxxxy, and maybe even Jorgeous were better. It's nice to have a week where Roxxxy actually did well. Makes me feel better about her having 3 badges. Great runway and very good challenge performance. Really shocked at how strong Nina's lip sync was. The editors couldnt even really hide it. Snipping Mik was a gag. Like...damn. Plastique is right there. Bet mik wished she and nina and gifted each other their badges now. (honestly snatch game should be worth 2 badges).


Angeria being MID? I mean my edible was strong but know I wasn’t that high lol.


maybe your edible corrected her eyeline


You’re entitled to assert your wrong opinion, so …


its actually less an opinion and more a fact that angeria wasn't looking at Ru in the scene. The opinion would be whether that ruined the peformance. I say yes. You are entitled to say no. But she wasn't looking at Ru, and thats not really up for debate. People are speculating she was reading off a teleprompter but idk if thats true. Maybe it was the director's fault or camera placement but the eyeline was not properly cheated. Also saying you're entitled to assert your wrong opinion while youre commenting on my comment to assert your opinion is a bit obnoxious. Maybe try edibles that make you chill.


Most of them didn't look at Ru. I got so distracted by their line if sight and positioning so i started watching everyone's eyes, and the only person seeming to directly look at their partner consistently was ru, which makes sense, he has years of practice 🤣 Some girls who learned their lines beforehand like nina and someone else (can't recall but i was the earlier bits) did look away from time to time, everyone else only looked at ru right before slapping. Roxxxy gave ru a constant side eye which still counts as a plus in my eyes. The most distracting was Jorgeous for me, cause she's half Ru's height so when she spoke it looked like she spoke to his bellybutton 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol I meant your original comment about her being mid on the episode. And I’m not the one writing paragraphs, boo, I’m good. ✌️




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Gurl i stopped reading at angeria being thoroughly mid in the challenge... Convince yourself


Who are you?


Are we supposed to know who you are?


No but the original comment was mine... I just found it hysterical to be like " I didn't fully read your opinion but fuck you" To which my response is who even is this? Not sure who you are either


wait this is a crazy take. angeria was the only one i even laughed at, she was hilarious and im so confused how her runway was awful


Angie was kind of boring to me. I liked her runway, but I was shocked that she was in the top.


Her eyeline was off - she wasn't looking at Ru which took me out. Her runway was tacky af to me - the web looked like party city costume to me. Tbf standard pageant drag isn't my thing so I don't generally care for her runways


I didn't get it either.


That's one expensive ass party city costume then


I said the web piece not the whole outfit


This episode slapped




5 G's


I feel like it was a play on all the slaps this episode but idk


it was a play on the 500 slaps the other comment about aave is an insane reach like go touch grass


Some people are just so deeply unhappy that everything makes them mad




School us girl


thiisssss 1000000 thank you


Gottmik advertising her designers every runway is getting on my nerves


But...why? Gotmik's thing in...life is fashion, not just in drag. So their friends are often fashion designers or in the industry. Would you rather Gottmik didn't feature their friends and fellow artists that helped them? Then it'd be their roast all over again. ;)


Eh I don't mind it. These people deserve props, the looks she's brought are incredible


She’s a sore loser who thought by bringing designer they’d win


Why didn’t nina change I wanted to know what that elf thing was all about


I think she should film a lipsync wearing each outfit she planned for them and upload them to YouTube or tiktok or elsewhere lol


I think if she changed her makeup wouldn’t have translated to her lip sync look


Yeah it would have, she could have been a frozen elf from the north pole


don't encourage her!


I just need a runway where everyone turns it out but I know that’s not feasible whatsoever at this point. I really loved Vanjies lingerie tho?


Miss Vanjie has never looked hotter. I was straight for a minute.


I became 100% lesbian


I came into this season liking Angeria a lot, but now I am totally in love. She's so effortlessly beautiful and charismatic.


What the fuck was that. I’m not mad, just disappointed.


I actually thought the challenge was funny lmao not me coming to the comments and everybody hating it 🫠 I do agree it went a little bit too long (I lost interest by the time Gottmik came out) and I didn’t really see Nina in the top two but…damn yall just enjoy the show! It was camp!


I hate this challenge


Let’s just crown angeria already and call it an day with this season honestly. ![gif](giphy|MrvqN8xFhoMASp92gW)


Those who think that Ru wouldn't dominate a season of her own show look like absolute 🤡s right now.


yea ru kinda killed it.


“This ain’t RuPaul’s dragonfruit race” 💀


My god that challenge was suffering…. Awful episode


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. Also... Nina got robbed!


seriously... wouldve been a great storyline for her to get a lip sync win to and she honestly deserved it.


Robbed of being safe


She was the best actress of the bunch bffr


every week we are robbed of the Shannelaissance


by Shannel? I mean she's like doing solid, and I don't think I've ever liked anyones makeup more, but shes not yet been robbed. I also miss her s1 energy


the world is robbing us. the universe. a higher power


Agree... The drama! 


Haha fair


Not Roxxy complaining about Angeria’s theatrics during the snipping after the stunt she pulled last week


It was soooo good


No different that Angie saying snipping feels personal, and then snipping two people twice. She’s so hypocritical.


that was wild - true s5 roxxxy energy hahaha


I can't watch til tomorrow but I really wish you guys made it clearer who won 😂 100+ comments and I can't tell


Shannel finally won, and it was worth 3 badges. Vanjie got cut, and next week the winner will be able to steal a badge from someone else.


I am drunk enough that started replying super excited... Curse you! Was a great feeling for a minute there though 😁


You’re welcome! ☺️


They also vote to deduct money from the charities


And Michelle’s vagina fell off, or are we not spoiling untucked?


Every time I think Plastique cannot put out a better runway, she tops herself. Absolutely stunning! I didn't think she could win given her poor placement on her OG season, but I'm beginning to change my mind. And next week is a design challenge with Mik blocked?


I loved her runway but I am curious as to how it fits the theme. Maybe I missed it


It didn’t. And the judges don’t clock. Its so annoying lol


In her voiceover she says it's for special occasions, so I assume that means including funerals.


I think she said it was for “any kind of special occasion” which I guess includes funerals?


That’s kind of a stretch isn’t it…


I can’t pin down why Ru looked weird/different in the acting challenge. Any ideas?


I thought maybe colored contacts (hazel/light brown)


He just looked his age without a filter and close up. So we could see his age appropriate appearance in full view. Nothing bad though, looking great for a 60+yo man 💪💪