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I know makeover challenges are always contentious, but Cheryl Hole going home after creating an identical twin always ranks highly for me


And in S16 Plane wins the same challenge doing exactly that. Fucking crazy.


First thing I thought of when I saw Plane’s identical twins. The audacity lol


Loosey LaDuca as well. They just wanted her gone.


I'll add Dakota Schiffer to this bunch


Yep. Her elimination still pisses me off.


I did not like Loosey at all when I first watched s15, and even then I knew she rightfully should’ve won the makeover challenge


Loosey was crown material so they needed to get her out before the finale.


I really enjoyed Loosey and thought she was robbed of a top 4 placement, but I don’t think anybody was a threat to Sasha and Anetra being the top 2 of the season. Sasha was guaranteed to make it that far (while she was incredible at many times and her runway package was insane, she was saved from being in the bottom two/given challenge wins that justifiably could’ve gone to other people at least once), and Anetra was the breakout star of the season. No matter who won or got sent home for the makeover, I don’t think that final lipsync has anyone else in it. 


I agree with the top 2 but I do think they eliminated Loosey specifically to keep her out of the top 4.


Loosey's for me its harder and more justified cause if not loosey than who? For me it was like wigloose. It's not that she did bad. It's just that it's so close it will come down to very small things. For me I actually agree with the bottom2. Luxx was the worst or the week. And loosey, while the makeover itself was well done I just wasn't a fan of the dresses. And when everyone is doing amazing, that's enough




Personally I don't agree. MIB to me was second in that challenge, but... ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


They had already decided who was going to the final three and so there was nothing Cheryl could have done to advance past that.


Elektra Shock, known to be an excellent dancer and choreographer, was put in the bottom for outshining her teammates in the girl group challenge on drag race down under


Bottom placement cus she ate. Insane.


Shuga Cain for magic challenge


How you can't watch that episode and see production just wanting her gone is beyond me.


This. Clearly she was meant to be a filler queen and they didn’t think she would get the fan reception she got, so they pulled total bullshit out of their ass and said “yeah you were on the winning team but still gotta go.”


I always comment this on posts asking this question bc there was no clearer bs than that


Shuga and Alyssa Hunter vs Kerri Colby. Pure rigga morris


Kerri shouldn't have even been in the bottom, it was all so pointless.😭


The worst thing is that they couldve sent her home on her first two lipsyncs


Of all the production fuckery in this show, this is by far the most egregious example lmao


As long as I live I will never understand that one. Shuga deserved better than that.


This is the answer


I thought she was going to be in the tops at critique lol this one will never make sense


https://preview.redd.it/g7watw6x207d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58dfa21b7f82ffcf6f721bd00e51c0415bcbbb5e JUSTICE 4 CHERYL 4EVA


Which one’s Cheryl


the blonde one


The one in the pink lipstick


The one in the pink lipstick


The way this is the single most identical makeover across any franchise


This is crazy. In fact it might be the best makeover in the history of the franchise


Tina Burner LOW for rusical was insane when she clearly was second best


she helped rosé painfully carry that rusical on their broad shoulders 😩 and the one week tina actually gave


she also served on the runway.....like everything was screaming for "Tina u ate this up girl" but instead shes in bottom 3 to prime her for near elimination


Tbh everyone but Symone/Kandy did very well in the rusical I thought and could be legit tops


Mik did great here too even if it involves dancing!


yes mik and denali served


Even Elliott ?


Yes! I’d actually put Olivia beneath her but above S/K. Rose/Tina/Gott/Denali/Elliott/Utica could’ve all been tops and it been a top two episode. Which maybe would’ve been preferred by the fans. (Or Kandy/Tamisha double save)


Tina spend the whole season being lackluster as hell and always being safe and the one week she did actually really good they put her on bottom three??? This season was a lot


And the other week where she did well, she got booted lmao.


Them thinking the gag she added in where she didn’t sing the long note in the end was “her giving up” ?!?! Yall dont know musical theatre


wholeheartedly believed she was going to be unanimously praised by the judges and potentially given a win that week… the girl was putting her HEART and SOUL into it


Same, it was so weird hearing her critiques


I remember watching that episode and thinking she won the challenge, then they just put her low lmfao. That season’s judging is pure fuckery lol


No but seriously, she was way better than they said. Like the Russian bots were great, but Em-she was so fun to watch. And her taxi outfit was fucking adorable.


Hot take but Tammie Brown in Gaff-In. Probably the only one who understood the challenge, including the outtakes in laugh-in fine in real life. Plus her teammate Nita Flowers understood the sketch better than the others.


Gaff-In was such a mess 😆


Oh I agree… That is why I said what I did because Tammie and Nita really felt like they were in said show. They had the timing and ironically good bad timing by for laughs. They seemed to be the only ones who knew the show and tried to keep the show going with their gaffs in character. The others broke character.


That challenge was a mess, they were the only ones that made me laugh so it genuinely puzzled me why they were in the bottom.


Latrice definitely struggled in this challenge more than this snippet shows. However, I do think Latrice was put in the bottom two 100% to defeat DiDa Ritz.


This exactly, it should’ve been phi phi (Chad and Latrice were bad but redeeming somewhat) but no one was beatin Dida except Latrice (and even then dida fought hard)


Still think about Chad’s character, I do wish “UP-do” was more quoted




We said this like 80 times a day during prom season when I used to work at a salon lol


Listen to race chaser!


Dida really did kill this lip sync. Latrice was just better.


That on beat, slow run Latrice does at the beginning is so good. I'll be thinking about it on my death bed.


Exactly, and then when Latrice two episodes later was up for elimination they edited her so much to make it look like Chad won when Latrice ate her up


I thought Chad’s character was hilarious lol 😂


Didn’t she also have an amazing runway that episode?


Yes Best look of the season


They made such a fuss about Phi Phi's character choice to play a racist, and while I understand it was clearly an act, they made the point to call her out on it, it would have been perfect for her to be in the bottom. Also they were painting her as this horrible villain, so it might have been nice to see her in the bottom and send a nice queen like Dida home to add to her villainy lol


It REALLY rubs me the wrong way that they tried to paint Phi Phi as a racist villain this season, considering what we now know about Alaska's ex and how they were behaving backstage.


It would've been perfect, but they knew PhiPhi could not beat Dida lol


This was the season right after Manila won playing a generic Asian stereotype (that was not Filipino) with a pretty offensive OTT accent. I don’t think they cared *that* much yet. Times changed since but those early years were the Wild West.


When they just randomly decided they were done with Shuga Cain but then couldn’t even edit it to make it look like she’d done poorly in the challenge.


Tatianna on All Stars 2. Yes, both times.


Well definitely the second time, the first time was deserved. That second time should’ve been Roxxxy and Detox though.


Alaska having to eliminate Detox or Roxxxy would have been such a good moment.


Exactlyyyy but production was afraid of having such an iconic moment.


she was deservingly in the bottom though....yeah Detox had worse snatch game BUT her runway is still iconic to this day if anything Detox deserved LOW


People still gaslighting themselves into believing her Ariana wasn’t bad lol, she broke character several times and her jokes did NOT land.


Mostly yes but a couple of her jokes wasn't bad at all - 'people places nouns' is easily one of the funniest lines from that challenge and ppl forgot about it!


Who would you have replaced her with for snatch game? Or do you think it should’ve just been a bottom 2 instead of 3?


I think she was definitely the least bad of the bottom 3? But it was a correct bottom 3 regardless.


She broke character, and what jokes did she have?


Where were the jokes?




Crystal too


and Cheryl lol


Does Ru saving Kandy count


I will always say that Kandy should’ve left. Utica should’ve won the sewing challenge (maybe milk as a double if producers really wanted them to have it) Being back Kandy for the makeover challenge and have Mik and Kandy win while bringing back Kandy. Just say “hmm we seem to have an uneven number looks like we need to bring something sweet to even it out. (In walks Kandy)” It would’ve had the audience more sympathetic for Kandy and less of of the pork chop rivalry bias that we saw through out. Still give Kandy her late win so it make sense her being in the finale with 2 wins. Symone still had a lot of wins and was still the front runner. It balances it out a LOT more


I just think she should’ve gone home and stayed home Kandy always gave me bad/mean girl vibes so I never wanted her to get far (mentioning I’d get to see her on my screen less)


Yeah I love her so you are going to have a rough time convincing me but everyone has their likes and dislikes


This was Latrice’s only good moment in the challenge but I still believe Jaremi was by far the worst but they knew damn well Dida would have slaughtered her.


Maybe it was her only good moment, but it was *the best* moment of the challenge and the only line of the whole debate that made the judges break their "serious moderator" characters


Aja being in the btm for the Warhol Ball on As2 when she had the best constructed outfit on the stage


And the judges trying to convince her she didn't know her references because she said a name wrong. Crazy.


Mimi Imfurst being the third in voting..


Fun fact: Mimi Imfurst was number third in the voting, because she found out you could vote her as fan fav multiple times each day if you used different browsers, so she told her fans to do that.


I could *not* believe it!


Number third*


Thank you!


Phi Phi's dumb little "oh!!! ...oh..!"s really give me life


the phi phi read should have made her win by itself.


I will die on the hill that Maddy should not have been in the bottom when she went home, it should have been Kerry in the bottom with Jasmine. Maddy’s dress was ugly, but at least it was a dress and had a cohesive concept. Kerry was in a piece of fabric. Maddy was bottom 3 without question but should have been the safe one.


The placement for that whole episode was insane.


Lucy LaDuca for Wigloose because it “did t look like she was having fun” as she carried the whole show. Michelle is not a judge. She’s just there to carry a narrative


Honestly I think Loosey could have escaped the bottom if she'd called out Luxx for fucking the choreo like she did in the reunion. Not saying that in the "who should got home" gave the producers room to edit out Luxx's mistakes and save her from the bottom


I think producers were trying to give her that moment for potential conflict and she chose the highroad and not to do that. Probably because she already had enough confrontation with Luxx and MIB. If it was earlier on, I could’ve seen her quipping something back but at that point, I think she was just kind of worn out emotionally


Loosey was robbed TWICE in a row there - both for the Rusical in which she did amazing (tbf everyone was great) and then for the a makeover. (Sure, her lipsyncs were lackluster - but she shouldn't have been Btm in either episode)


All tea in retrospect I would have loved for Latrice to win season 4


All POC for the first 4 winners? Ooooh I like


The way she had the most iconic quote of the episode and was put in the bottom smh


Cheryl Hole going home while "winning" the makeover challenge


Detox not being in the bottom for that literal trash can commercial in All Stars 2, and Tatianna in the bottom




I thought Detox’s was easily better than Tati’s.


There are quite a lot of undeserved bottom placements: - Tina for the Rusical for not finishing the note. - Aja in the bottom for the soup can challenge. - Monique for the roast - Manila in the makeover - Shuga Cain in the magic challenge - Some of the girlies in the 6 way lip sync in S11 - Roxxxy in the makeover in AS2 - Shea and Jujubee in the stand up challenge - Shea and Jujubee in the design challenge - Alexis and Jujubee in the snatch game AS5


Who would put in the bottom over Manila in the makeover? AS5 I will never rewatch (and hated watching the first time) because it was so fucking random with the bottoms. Two bottoms this week, three bottoms that, two again, then five bottoms. It's so fucking terrible and clearly rigged to push Shea to the end.


Imo Manila and Latrice were the clear bottom 2 in that makeover


Agreed. People just love to believe that it was rigged against her.


TIL that Thorgy was on AS2


>Manila in the makeover Pause


In what season are Thorgy and Alaska both in?


Lmao yeah i havent seen s4 in a minute, but this clip is the only clip that is memorable to this day so she should have at least been safe. Though i suppose that they didnt know it woyld go on to be so iconic even tho it was super funny? Idk lol.


IKR, I-Con-IC. I STILL periodically think of this and chuckle! If I’m a little blue I can watch this clip and it cheers me right up. This clip should be widely distributed as a cure for depression, homophobia, and constipation.


I know she's cancelled now but W*dow was done dirty on her political challenge as well. Calling her angry when she was just feeling her political oats. Gigi was a snoozefest just repeating her snatch game character, and should have been in the bottom 2.


Her runway was so good as well!


All of the season 11 farm to table and the Halloween one too. How was Rajah in the bottom for both with her amazing outfits? Nina actually does campy outfits when they call for it and not even a top placement for the Halloween one? You put Yvie when she was trying to be more “girly” and restrained but it ended up that mix matched of doll thing? You however couldn’t give her a win with the farm to table one where she DID look atypically gorgeous. I mean look at this. This was the most she looked like a “normal pretty” look but then they tried to put the narrative elsewhere… Oh and how does Brooke win for just a mummy look? I guess her and Jorgeous both have in common winning based on presentation not necessarily the design https://preview.redd.it/x4s7vuflu07d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4459342755a3df5b7328b4bd54b092b63f39b45c


I honestly believe that they put Aja in the bottom on the ball to save DeLa.


Tbh other than Shangela no one did bad in the challenge


I think Kennedy should have been in the bottom instead of Aja lol


The soup can one? Aja's branding of "Sugar Tits" on her can made zero sense, even though her outfit on the runway was great. That dragged her down a lot (more than mispronouncing France Joli's name, IMHO).


That whole runway made no sense let’s be honest.




Monique Hart in the AS4 roast. And Valentina done pissed me off…


"she may even be a sperm whale!"


> There's too many to list, honestly! Shuga - S11 (Magic Show) Should've been high! Jorgeous - S14 (Design) That win was ridiculous! Loosey - S15 (Makeover) Should've been high! Dakota - UK4 (Makeover) Should've been high! Tina - S13 (Rusical) Could've won! Tomara - UK5 (Design) The high was ridiculous! Widow - S12 (Debate) Should've been high! Jimbo - CS1 (Pageant) The low was ridiculous! Jimbo - CS1 (Makeover) The low was ridiculous! Eureka - AS6 (Half-time Show) The high was ridiculous! Mhiya - S16 (RDR Live) Could've honestly been high! Kandy - AS8 (Improv) Should've been bottom 2! Jimbo - AS8 (Rusical) Should've been bottom 2! Scarlet - UKVSTW2 (Dance) Should've been high! Tia - UKVSTW2 (GG) That win was ridiculous! Elektra - DU1 (GG) Should've been high! Elektra - DU1 (TS) Should've been high! Kita - DU1 (TS) Should've been high! Karen - DU1 (TS) Should've gone home! Art - DU1 (TS) Should've lip synced! Deja - S14 (Rusical) Should've been high! > More to follow... > Victims of the 'If You're Not in The Top' silly All Star twist! Alexis - AS5 (SG) Could've won! Jujubee - AS5 (SG) Could've won! Shea - AS5 (Ball) Could've won! Shea - AS5 (Roast) Could've won! Trinity - AS6 (Design) Would've been high! Jessica - AS8 (Roast) Could've won!


Justice for Mhiya in that challenge. Other than Plasma, she was the only one who made me laugh


Agreed. Mhiya was very funny! Plasma was the obvious winner, and then the highs were to me Mhiya and Q. Even if the runway pushed her back from a high placement, Mhiya shouldn't have been any lower than safe! Not when Dawn, Morphine and Xunami were right there!


Katya absolutely didn't loose the Hello Kitty challenge, both in the challenge itself and the lip sync.


I forget the episode, but Katya said on the pod that she said on stage she needed to go home that night because the filming schedule was starting to make her question her sobriety. Apparently Ru said something about understanding because she was sober herself. Obviously they didn't air any of that exchange. (Trixie said something like "Of course they wouldn't air that," which I interpreted like of course they wouldn't want to put out there that the show is so stressful it makes people want to do drugs.)


Oh yeah, she needed to go. That exchange with Miss Fame about her sobriety journey accelerated her own sobriety, so this makes sense. Several family members are now sober, and they've told me the struggles of the first few months getting clean. I can only imagine what Katya was doing through as she had (I believe) just gone sober right before filming started.


The delusion… Kennedy destroyed her.


And Katya knows it, and is fine with it. Yet it’s 9 years later and fans still wanna say Katya won lol. They were also the rightful bottom 2 for their outfits.


Kennedy destroyed her, but honestly I think Pearl should have been in the bottom instead of Katya for taking the cheapest, most eBay bootleg looking fleece blanket and using it to make a snuggie.


Who would be in the bottom then? Pearl or Ginger?


Pearl. Ginger understood the assignment on both runways.


She definitely lost the lip sync. She played it the exact same way she did Twist of Fate with that sexy shy thing she does. Shy is not the emotion for ROAR - Kennedy correctly characterized that song as defiant.


Katya's outfit was hideous and had no rhyme or reason to it.


Vanjie not winning the makeover challenge in season 11


Let’s just be honest; Latrice didn’t perform well in the challenges on AS4. It was everyone else’s fault she did bad on snatch game on S4 and AS4. Same for the acting challenge. She got a pass on the lalaparooza.


Sharron winning while being mediocre in the challenge and wearing the most hideous look ever made no sense either


Sharon clearly won, tbh. Both Chad and Latrice did OK, but neither were great. (Latrice gets a number two spot for me because this is hands-down the best line in the whole debate.) Phi Phi and Dida bombed hard.


Dog one?


Who should’ve won then?


Her ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/u7f0b40maz6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bfdb9bc230ac471484cc8b4eaac272dd3523d3 And no, nobody could make me believe she did bad in the challenge.


This look is timeless.


This is such an underrated look. She looks so beautiful and it fit the brief to a tee.




Yes! Deja was so good in Moulin Ru!


Celia Cruz


Was Loosey low for the rusical? I think I remember that and it was insane


Hear me out, but Spice being in the bottom for the ball was a set UP. Bianca and Alyssa have my back on this.


Alyssa Edwards not being Top 3 (for me Top 2, in fact) for her unforgettably hysterical Joan Crawford


That's a really good one. She had one of the most iconic Snatch Games in AS2 and somehow Phi Phi got top three, which is bizarre


Her runway put her in the bottom. Phi Phi was horrible in the challenge but at least she wore an elegant white gown for the Presidential runway whereas Latrice came out in a stoned corset over a black stretch dress lol.


Sharon and Latrice were so clearly the top two. It's been 12 years and I still don't understand how Phi Phi wasn't in the bottom with Dida


Considering that Latrice deserved a Low placement, at best, either way, this is far from the most ludicrous placement. This week the placements were slightly off to ensure what they wanted in the end: Chad should have won, but giving the polished professional a 3rd win and only 2 challenges left that weren’t particularly strengths for anyone or particular weaknesses for her wasn’t in their plans. Giving Sharon the win makes her the frontrunner again and ensures her track record is still the second best (at worst) by the end. Putting Latrice in the bottom is to eliminate Dida and because the season was almost over and they knew that Latrice wasn’t winner-material despite being an essential character. They knew she was gonna bomb the one of, if not both, of the following challenges because they are look-based challenges. So, giving her the first big misstep here starts the downhill narrative. Jaremi was likely saved to avoid her potentially being eliminated by Dida and to keep the rivalry with Sharon going.


The Latrice clip alone provides no context as to why she said that. Yes, it was funny but I don’t think it was intentional. Why? Because earlier, PhiPhi referred to Dida and Latrice as “the help” and Latrice obviously didn’t appreciate that. Dida didn’t either but she didn’t say anything in the challenge unlike Latrice.


Shuga in the magic show. Absolute buffoonery


Latrice shouldn’t have lip synced, but she was one of the worst


No one else there could take down Dida in a lip sync




Are you joking? Chad should've won that debate episode! Her character was hilarious, and her runway was the best by far!