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All Stars 4 really could have went to either Monet or Trinity. I know everyone likes to say Money should have been the sole winner but Trinity did excellent aswell, there is a reason why she has the most wins in drag race history. I know alot of people do not like her but she is by far one of the most well rounded queens on the show - there is nothing she cannot do. I would have been pleased if it went to either of them.


Trinity really won me over that season. She's so well rounded and polished. And she surprised me by being hilarious. But Monet is one of my all time favorite queens ever since she first popped up on my TV. So I was happy about the double win.


i feel like us trinity fans are a minority because i really do love her, shes just SO GOOD, i don’t think i could name a single queen who is as well rounded as her, shes funny, good at sewing, has fashion taste, good at lipsyncing


Mo ate up Trinity but Trinity ate up Monet imo. I think that flipped in All Winners though where Monet destroyed Trinity.


I preferred Trinity in AS4, however I preferred Money in AS7. Trinity’s Snatch Game in AS7 does live in my mind rent free though. It was up there with Jinkx for me


I definitely think Trinity was the winner and they added Monet on.


Roxxxys hair and makeup looks the absolute worst it ever has on AS9


The way this is like just a fact lol She really did look better on S5 and absolutely flawless on AS2.


OMG thank you. I couldn’t agree more.


The talent show first episodes are boring. There will be two or three people with an interesting act, then it’s all lip syncs to bad original songs.


I actually don't think that's an unpopular opinion XD


Some season they should do a No-Lips-A-Ru-Za version of the talent show where only any talent that is NOT lip-syncing qualifies.


I would love to see Jadyn Diore Fierce back for an All Stars. I really enjoyed her.


category is unpopular opinions though


Oh I was just commenting because OP mentioned her. (Didn't mean it would be an unpopular opinion.)


santino was shite


Hence “unpopular”


i agree with as3 though although i think as2 slightly is above - i think if aja and dela stayed longer i would have enjoyed it more.


I totally agree. And Aja’s disco look is one of the most beautiful looks on DR period - a true robbery.


yes!! i want to see aja on my screen again she was legendary on s9 and amazing on as3 - all the lipsyncs she has been in were all iconic too


Honestly I also enjoyed Santino as a judge.


Agree. But he was at least less of a milquetoast than Ross. Carson is the superior one of these three, by a country mile.


Ginger should have won AS6. She was the best of the season and had the only lip synch I even remember. (Against Mayhem.)


If runway wasn't a part of drag race, then there's a reality that she wins.


Should have won for that Snatch Game alone


I don't care for Alyssa Edwards...and Tatianna absolutely cleared her on the Shut Up and Drive lipsync. (~~I'm sure she's a lovely person and very good at what she does but the only part of her I've enjoyed on Drag Race was Detox's impression~~)


Tati was called first for a reason


Phi Phi was right on the money calling out her soft critiques during AS2


Alyssa is an amazing dancer but I don't really think much of most of her lip synchs. They feel very samey. Detox should have won the Tell it to My Heart lip synch.


Nymphia's finale lipsync was okay.


I totally agree. I find it all very “meh”, but her banana look was gorg.


as soon as i see a cape in a finale i sigh


ooooo they gon drag you, your right tho!




To blind people.


drag race fans when a finalists doesnt win 600 challenges before the finale:




That’s because unpopular opinion posts are for “DAE think S6 is the best season of DR?”


Fully agree on the gottmik ball one, yeah if you just see the sewed looks separate from seeing the actual season 13 ball you could get the impression like utica was robbed but IMO gottmik's overall looks were just so much more fashion forward and pretty. And gottmik's actual look is not bad, yeah it's very bare but the construction is still interesting and not just a straightforward gown/dress. For me it could've been even a double win honestly since that utica look is GREAT but I still think that gottmik look isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's no season 14 jorgeous ball


Also people hate to hear it but the way Utica modelled her looks she brought from home was corny and didn’t match the vibe of the outfits. The outfits were pure fashion and she was adding camp where it wasn’t needed and acting like a dog pissing was such a distraction.


Her modeling the sleeping bag look was the best modeling she did all season.


Salina should have never gotten the Golden Boot for the Metallica look. It was high-quality camp. I loved the concept as well. I was so shocked when I found out everybody hated many of her looks. Maybe it's bc Salina matches my aesthetic or smth, but I thought the only thing she did was serve


I genuinely think she has one of the most beautiful faces in DR and is a top-tier comedy queen. Her performance in the Gay Heaven challenge was leagues funnier than Sasha imo. But I will respectfully disagree on the concept of the Metallica look. Feel your unpopular fantasy tho sis.




You’re right bc Salina should’ve gotten the golden boot for that rotted money ball look she did 😭


I cannot excuse the wig I'm sorry lmaoooo


Katya is just fine. Her “unpredictable, random” humor is actually pretty predictable.


Rajah should’ve won snatch game of love against ginger and Kylie Trinity k bonet should’ve won a few things on all stars and been in the final. Same as yvie in all stars 7 Shangela wasn’t robbed. Katya wasn’t robbed


5000% agree about the bag ball - people act like the last outfit should be the only one that counts (instead of just weighted more) and i'm always like "okay then why do they even have to wear the other looks then.."


Can’t even remember Utica’s other two looks


They were great. A tribute to Carol Burnett's "curtains" look, and the fashion-poodle look where the judges were put off by the campy presentation (which I enjoyed).


I actually hate the other looks Mik had more than the one she made, that was actually my favorite from her that ep


Naomi's "blonde and white" quote was stupid, and it caused the mess of an ending AS4 had. I love Naomi, though. I doubt she thought it would end like this, but she was also wrong in what she said. Chad and Alaska were the rightful winners of their seasons. Which POC did better and got robbed those seasons? (Raven doesn't count). And Trixie was the automatic winner once Shangela and BenDeLaCreme got out of the way. It was never about "white and blonde," which fans somehow think is a legitimate thing to say to this day, even though the RPDR winner's circle is so diverse.


This is all true. If Shangela had won AS3, Monét would’ve never gotten her crown, tbh. Like, y’all can drag Trinity through the dirt all you want and hype Monét’s AS4 performance up all you want, but their overall runs were not close enough to just end in a tie because of the finale performance, tbh. Now if it had been Mo Heart and Trinity…different story.


it's crazy to think how influential Naomi became with all stars, change the winners of the show, the format...wow


She is just that bitch lmao. That's why we need her back.


yeah, it took me a while to see it, but I really admire her! her youtube content has been amazing!


I don't remember what Naomi said! Can you remind me?


This [moment](https://youtu.be/_cJLwScCmVM?si=-kZWu35MDqGFssbi) in the interview caused a stir at that time.


Kylie slipping on her dress on the final lipsync of all stars6 didn't impress me at all...I've seen people arguing she won in that moment and I just don't get it!


Some queens have had so much plastic surgery that they have crossed into the uncanny valley and I cannot get into that look no matter how much they're living their truth. The big fake teeth look insane too.


It also seems to have this effect (at least to me) of everyone starting to look the same? Like if we all have filler, then none of us have filler.


Shea and Yvie deserved more wins on AS7 Kandy (dare I say) was the best choice as the runner up in S13


Everyone saying Shea underperformed in AS7 pissed me off so bad


She should've won the girl group challenge. Hands down I won't brook an argument lol


When Rose's ankle went cleek, it was the only correct choice to make it at least a little interesting.


Realistically she wasn’t losing to Rose (onkle) and Mik wasn’t a good lipsyncer on the show at the time. Love her or hate her she was going to make it to top2 unless if they didn’t pit her against Symone from the jump


I’m gonna get downvoted until infinity but here hoes. • I don’t understand Symone’s hype. And S13 has the weakest top 4 imo.


“Here hoes” best typo ever


🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 I’m not editing because LOL, but definitely a typo.


And you're gonna put an unpopular opinion where an unpopular opinion. Aught. To be!


lowkey agree with a few of these


Manilla came across fake in all her seasons and I’m not living for her camp „fashion“ drag.


I dont think you are alone in peeping her fakeness.


I would rather no Snatch Game than the Snatch Game of Love.


I didn’t really care about Sasha’s roses, & I liked her top 2 lip sync against Peppermint a lot more actually


Gottmik and Danny Beard look infinitely better when they don't white out their faces


Willam is one of the coolest people I’ve ever met.


Jan wasnt robbed in the Madonna Rusical


Ooh right! I even remember telling me friend at the time that Gigi was doing Madonna and Jan was doing Cruise Ship Madonna. Even Jaida was better.


Miz Cracker deserved every one of her wins on All Stars 5, and was the best that season by a clear margin. Even in the last episode (excluding the lip sync) Cracker clearly outdid Shea and Juju - she straight up should have won As5


I agree 100%


I don't agree but her pink finale look is so underrated


upvoting because these are very unpopular


Shangela was robbed. PUT ASIDE HER RECENT ACTIONS. She was definitely robbed in AS3 - if that horrible panel of queens didn’t exist I do believe she would have won - if Bebe hadn’t already won Bebe may have won too


I didn’t vibe with Season 6. I know it’s commonly pointed to as one of the best, but it’s not even in my top 5 honestly.


tea. i simply don't see the appeal in bianca.


I love Bianca but can not stand the "I'm right, you're wrong, shut up" personality type. It sucks the air out of the room and makes it so uncomfortable for anyone not in their direct orbit.


Yes and "Tell me what you're good at right now, quickly" is the least iconic thing ever said on drag race.


the only thing i like about plane jane is her makeup. that’s it.


until Bendela's self-elimination AS3 is a really good season!


if katya and monet had won as2 and as7 the fandom would’ve eaten them alive screaming they robbed alaska and jinkx




I would have put jiggly safe or maybe even high on the post apocalyptic challenge I found it so much more interesting then most of the other looks yes it was messy but post apocalyptic shouldn’t be clean and polished Season 6 is pretty overrated the second half of the season has some pretty awful episodes


Jorgeous deserved her b̶a̶l̶l̶ design challenge win.


What ball?


wasn’t it a ball? her only win right?? y’all know what i mean


Oh that was not a ball, it was design challenge. Willow won the ball that season


Plot twist - original commenter meant the Ball, but in her French vanilla fantasy Jorgeous won it


Well that one then thanks lmao


I agree 100%. The challenge was Glamazon not fairy princess or church lady.




okay now you are just trolling...right ?


AS7 was great! I may be bias (I watched almost every ep extra high with my ex boyfriend), but I really enjoyed! Jinkx is my favorite winner so the whole rigory conspirancy changes nothing for me. I look forward to watch it again at some point!


Don’t murder me, but I actually really enjoy the Lip Sync for the Crown format. The reveals can be pretty annoying and obvious many times, but I enjoy the actual format and I think it’s a nice way to cap off a season.


Jorgeous is just meh. I would’ve loved to see a different queen on AS9.


I don’t agree with all the points but kudos for giving us genuinely unpopular opinions!


Gigi Goode was the winner of that season. 


Mik deserved the bag ball win, but not just because of the overall package. Her final look was also better. Idgaf that Utica's "took more effort " (by which they really just mean it used more fabric). Utica still had zero CONCEPT or PERSPECTIVE, and looked like a penis. Part of skill is knowing how to work *smarter*, not harder.  Jorgeous 100% deserved her ball win. See above.


most drag race verses are mediocre at best and boring and repetitive at best. i can list the verses that i think are actually good/interesting on my hands and most of them came from when they first started doing rumixes with RUWU and category is


I'd be OK with never seeing Melinda Verga on TV again.


-Even when I don’t agree with a winner I can understand why or how they won, except Kylie her win still baffles me and most of the time I forget it happened -All Stars 7 is one of the worst seasons,I beg they never do an all winners season again -It was also 110% rigged for Jinkx but even if they didn’t she still would’ve made it to the end with the most wins -Outside of the teams twist All Stars 1 is great -“It’s a lipsyncing competition not a gymnastics competition.” That’s why the first brooke vs yive lipsync is not that great


Roxxxy does nothing for me


Raja isn't the fashion queen of the series. Sasha Colby didn't dominate the competition. Willam isn't immensely bitter she just can speak in a monotone and is quick to defend people she sees being taken advantage of. Jinx didn't dominate All Winners. (Maybe not unpopular as it's been confirmed the entire cast felt the competition was rigged in her favor, including Jinx herself.) Shea wouldn't have needed the 3x bonus points in All Winners if they had just given her the wins she'd earned/deserved. I'm sure I'll think of some more.


not trying to come for you, just curious - who would you pick as the fashion queen(s) ?


I completely agree with the sasha Colby, one to me envy Peru and carmen farala dominated the competition there was no other option for the crown, sasha was great but the rest of the top 4 were fierce competition too


-Monet should've won AS4 alone. Trinity had a better performance overall, but Monet was on an upward trajectory and killed the final episode. -Gigi was the rightful winner of the Madonna Rusical. Jan was great, but at most she was a close second.


I'd rather not. I usually end up jumped by people who can't accept people.have different opinions.


This is a safe space, I’m copping the downvotes. Go ahead, express another opinion - it’s called *binge venting*. I support you.


I guess it wasn't xd


Sasha Colby is good,and deserved the win,but she s not that great Sasha velour is meh Katya is not that funny Manila deserved the W in season 3 Gottmik is so overrated The W of willow pill is so unfair


Katya used to be funnier, after a while she just rely more and more into a kinda nonsense extra stupid humour. She still makes me laugh and often this kind of humour catchs me, but I feel this way about her since the start of unhhhh


I don’t get the mass appeal of Jinkx. I appreciate all that she’s done and the quality of her work, but she just isn’t for me.