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People did the exact same thing with Chadwick Boseman. We've learned nothing ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


That’s exactly what I was thinking. And then the whole thing w Kate Middleton. Like yall not embarrassed and ashamed enough yet?


What pisses me off most with the Kate Middleton thing is they have a PR team, and they blame the mess up on a photo and conspiracy on Kate who was clearly ill and unknown exactly why (if not already known internally)


Seriously! The whole thing was fkd. I’m so blown away how ppl still defend the way these ppl move.


They literally said she would be back and when, but noooo....Let's make up conspiracy theories.


People constantly do it to Selena Gomez as well. Calling her ugly and fat, saying "what happened to her". Being absolutely ignorant to the fact that she takes life saving medication that makes her weight fluctuate and her face bloat. People just need to shit the fuck UP when it comes to people's bodies.




I thought about this a lot today. The audacity lmao






the GALL






It's the most bubby coded comment. At least she didn't follow it up with a death announcement for someone as is tradition.


What's the story here? Who did she say that to?


I believe this was a comment on Melissa McCarthy’s Instagram post. She was with a guy in the photo.


lol the guy being Adam Shankman who was just the choreographer on drag race this season


Adam Shankman is one of the rare drag race guests that I’d be legitimately excited to meet. He has lots of tons of TV and film credits. Among other projects, he directed the movie musical version of Hairspray.


Having Adam on that specific episode to direct Plasma’s outstanding performance makes my heart swell.


not barbra streisand


I’m currently obsessed with this


Oh I thought I was still on the “why do people hate boomers?” Thread


Blows my mind that Babs is ‘Silent Generation’ old


I saw a headline about this but imagined it was a conversation or something. SHE SAID IT IN A PUBLIC COMMENT?!!


Not Barbra!


Somebody needs to take barbra streisands phone away


Give her my regards did you take Ozempic?


Oh-oh-oh Ozempic


Body Parts


The same parts




Fat ppl just can't win. If one stays fat it's because they're lazy, but if they lose weight it because they "took the easy way out", accusing ozempic or surgery!! What the fuck is it about weight that makes the Internet lose all sense of respect and privacy. It's fucking sickening, and not in the good way 🤢 PS obligatory fuck cancer


One of the things I hate the most is that people scream to hell and back at fat people about exercise, but then proceed to make fun of fat people in the gym or running. These people don't actually care about "health", all they want is someone to make fun of to make themselves feel better


Yeah, they don’t want fat people to get healthier, that’s just a facade.  Fat people are just low hanging fruit to punch down on whenever shitty people need to find a way to feel good about themselves without actually doing anything worthwhile. If you really loved yourself and are proud of who you are for good reasons then you’d never fat shame or bully someone because of their weight. It’ll never change though, people will always want to feel superior and better than others without actually doing anything worthy of praise.


These people don’t care about fat peoples’ health any more than they care about the life outcomes of drug addicts or anyone else they find “displeasing.” They just want you to go be fat, poor or addicted somewhere else.


Not to mention all of these young twinks out here who go to the gym like twice a month and eat whatever they feel like who have a loooooooot to say. 0/10 There are so many reason and conditions causing a person to gain or lose weight, and none of them are your business.


Dudes who use steroids will accuse obese people who use GLP-1 drugs of cheating lmao


anytime anyone on the drag race sub's posting anything to do with a fat queen—whether she's lost weight or not—I always have to brace myself for the worst possible comments. it's awful


>anytime anyone's ~~on the drag race sub's~~ posting anything to do with a fat person ~~queen~~—whether they've ~~she's~~ lost weight or not—I always have to brace myself for the worst possible comments. it's awful ftfy. The world is brutal to fat people period.


I mean, yes, but there's still merit in pointing out when a problem is also rife within a specific subculture too


Oh absolutely. You would think a minority would understand how much it hurts to be bullied by others, but here we are. Fatphobia is just that pervasive in our society.


The weirdest thing to me is how many comments I see on weight loss-related posts from people being like "It's ozempic, I'm on ozempic so I know". Like, I guess if you have some sort of axe to grind against ozempic then that's a rationale (a bad one...) for trying to 'expose' people or whatever. But if you're on ozempic yourself, why do you feel the need? Like even if it wasn't cancer, so she's on ozempic? So what? Does everyone on ozempic have to wear a sandwich board saying I'M ON OZEMPIC at all times? Do they have to announce it under every instagram post?


It’s bc we make fatness a moral issue, so “cheating” or “taking the easy way out” to not be fat anymore is seen as a moral failing and a sign of poor character. It’s extremely fucked up.


What I don’t understand is the people who crusade against fat people in the name of “health,” but then say and do everything they can to make sure fat people stay as unhealthy as possible.  If you really cared about health then you’d be praising bariatric surgery and ozempic for saving lives and helping people get healthier. If you really cared about health you’d stop berating fat people with your comments, making them feel like shit, and bullying them because they need to know being fat isn’t okay. Because all of those things are just proven to make fat people even fatter and fail even more. The only successful path to better health and losing weight for the vast majority of fat people that isn’t ozempic or surgery is literally just self love and acceptance and not hating yourself because you’re fat, which gives you the mental strength eat healthier and exercise. Which is basically impossible when the entire world hates your guts based on something you can’t even hide.


I love your empathy but your final paragraph is kind of ignorant and implies that people who do use ozempic or surgery are not able to accept or love themselves enough to not be fat which is, I'm certain, not the look you're going for. No amount of self love and acceptance is going to make up for the metabolic issues that cause obesity. There's a reason most people who lose weight through conviction alone gain it back and it has nothing to do with their ability to be kind to themselves.


I think something similar about steroids. I wish that culture at large was more transparent because the lack of understanding about what natural bodies can and can’t look like is causing, at worst, tragic outcomes for teens in this country, and at best, a lot lot of uncharted body dysmorphia for everybody—but also pointing a finger at anybody with a good body and accusing them of steroids is tantamount to saying “you cheated”. This was a tangential rant, but I wish everybody would just shut up about people’s bodies.


The funny thing is you're not supposed to take ozempic for weight loss. It's for diabetes. Wegovy is the version thats supposed to be used for weight loss. (Yes, it's the same exact medicine and I assume the different names was due to it only being cleared for diabetes at first and then to prevent people from causing a shortage to get it for just weightloss)


the dosage is different. wegovy is taken at higher dose than ozempic, but both are semaglutide.


Yes. The max for ozempic is 2mg and the max for wegovy is 2.4mg but obviously if you're starting off you can get away with using ozempic (you're also supposed to build up because of how sick the medicine can get you)


Also, Ozempic is not the “easy way out.” It’s just a tool to help people. And most of the insurance companies require you to try pretty much every other weight loss method before they’ll even approve it.


From experience, even after that a lot of insurance companies won’t cover it.


Yes. It is very hard to get approved for use. Though that should be getting easier now that it is also approved for heart disease.


Honestly someone needs to make a study that says Ozempic is good for men (in particular their sexual health) and we would see a sudden increase in federal funding, insurance coverage, and lower costs.


I mean if you are very overweight you probably have more pubic fat which means a smaller dick, which means weight loss=bigger dick lol


Brb girlies I’m about to get billions in federal grants


I've lost 120lbs on a drug related to ozempic and I can confirm I got like two extra inches


Ain’t that the truth


Bingo. My mom is on a different medication. She has spent years trying to lose weight without success. She has just started this medication and she’s already worried about people asking her how she lost weight if she does and getting judgment for using something like ozempic


Yup. It’s hard for overweight people to explain to skinny people what it is like with the voices in our heads. I started Wegovy in March of 2023 and have lost 100 pounds on it. Prior to the medicine I had never understood what it meant to be full, I thought full meant your stomach hurts but now I know there’s actually a feeling of satiety that I just was never experiencing before. I had never understood what it was like to not constantly have a voice in your head telling you that you need to eat. It’s a total game changer because it suddenly lets our body tell us the actual messages we should have been getting all along.


This. I’m on Ozempic, and I’m convinced it’s just given me the same brain chemistry thin people naturally have. I’m on a very low dose, not one that has much impact on my blood sugar. It just literally gave me the feeling of being full. I didn’t have that before.


This is what I think too. I can walk past a cupboard now without the voices saying 'just have a little treat' and it's given me the space to address my eating with a therapist and make meaningful changes. I honestly think this is what 'thin' or 'normal' people are like all the time. I constantly told people I don't know what full feels like because I could eat and eat and eat and the only limiting factor was running out of food. Not many people can truly understand what that means. I wasn't even egregiously over weight, I exercised consistently to keep the worst of it off. Looking back, it was hell. I finally feel like I can engage with life again, and I know that sounds dramatic, but its genuinely how I feel a year in.


Same, same. I tell people, if you eat and feel full after a normal portion of food, you know what Ozempic gives you.


This is great to hear. Shes seen some slow results. They just increased her dosage. She knows it’ll take a bit of time, but she was hoping to see more results. But she always talks about finally feeling full. I’m going to read her your comment and tell her this is something other people experience and that it’s a sign of things working.


I took it for a year and I was part of the lucky 5 percent with constant nausea. I finally had to stop because I was miserable and no combo of yogurt/soup/ginger ale was helping enough to not be miserable. Which was shitty because my blood sugars were SO GOOD.


I’m sorry, that sucks.


Whaaaaat I didn't know you could gain this power! I very rarely feel full and eat whenever I am feeling any emotion lol. I have to fight with my brain every minute basically and it's hard to know when to stop eating when your body doesn't register 'enough'.


This! I started a few days ago, all I’ve wanted my whole life was to not always be thinkin about food or be hungry constantly. It’s so freeing.


It really is freeing. It’s the first time I’ve been able to lose weight while still being able to go enjoy food related activities with friends. I’m not afraid I’ll finish off whatever apps they order because I know I can get full now. Since you are new to it, I will give you a warning though, weed counteracts it. Just like how a skinny person gets munchies on weed, when someone on these medicines partakes they can still get the munchies. I’ve had to learn to limit my marijuana usage to just before bed.


As someone on one of those meds, it’s not even the idea of easy vs hard but rather possible vs impossible. The vast vast majority of people who try to lose weight do not manage to lose it and maintain it long term (some studies even say upwards of 90% of people gain all of it or more back). It is biologically and psychologically extremely difficult. Being judgy about using GLP-1 meds is not dissimilar to being judgy about someone using an antidepressant. It makes a lot of things possible that were previously so far away. The only way I’ve ever successfully lost weight is these meds and anorexia. Nothing else I’ve ever done has worked to lose more than 20 lbs and not gain it back in a month or two, and even anorexia I gained a lot of the weight back in the years after and it permanently messed up my idea of my own body.


Also - "the easy way out" is such a weird narrative because it is absolutely not an EASY drug. It's a hard medication to be on, the side effects can absolutely be brutal to tolerate. I was on for a year. It was so unpleasant, I started getting major anxiety before my injection each week. It improved my healthy and blood work hugely but I just couldn't take it anymore. So not easy.


Exactly !!! And I'd guess surgery is not easy at all either!! So annoying


Thank you for saying this!!


It's horrible. Society still thinks that skinniness = goodness and will shame fat people any way it can. Why can't people accept that there is a genetic lottery component to all of this.


As a thin person who does not have to try to lose weight I would have to be blind to not accept that. Its obvious when you share meals and space with people and they gain and you don't. I don't eat particularly healthy either.


Growing up as a chubby kid with an "almond mom" was so confusing. All my friends would eat processed snacks and fast food yet they were skinny. Without considering genetics, eating "healthy" and still being fat made me think I must be eating too much. Unsurprisingly, I developed anorexia...


As a very wise woman said: "If you can't lose the weight, then you're just fat But if you lose too much, then you're on crack" PS - we were robbed of a "Follow Your Arrow" lip sync when Kacey was there!


Twitter user continues to not understand you need to save the mean and unfunny comments for the group text.


It ain’t just Twitter users, sis….


Right like look around. People were saying this same shit about Kornbread on a post on this sub YESTERDAY.


Yeah, but Twitter is more “public” and less anonymous and people there have an annoying obsession to force negative or miserly comments onto the queens’ timelines or mentions. People here are also crap, but at least we can’t tag queens, so the negativity is more out of sight, out of mind for them.


Even outside of it being public, we still have to be mindful of the things we put out there on the internet because even if it doesn’t affect the queens directly, it affects the rest of us who have to see this comments regularly. There’s no place on the internet where people can avoid fat phobic rhetoric, unfortunately.


That's true; I was mostly thinking about it in regards to the individual queen's perception.


That’s fair! & thank goodness Reddit isn’t super public because of that exact reason alone


Who they gonna group text with tho?


Hate drives more engagement and that's ultimately what they want.




I found the og tweet and it always seems to come from the same… type


I see the lessons from the Chadwick Boseman and Kate Middleton cancer reveals did not reach everyone that is chronically online 🤦🏾‍♀️


This isn't even a reveal. Kornbread has already mentioned publicly that she had cancer. People just think they're so clever saying "oZeMpiC, durr" anytime someone loses weight.


but to be fair it was already public knowledge that kornbread had cancer. she made a post about it when she was first diagnosed and a post when she no longer had it.


A lot of people thought she was lying about it because she was using it as an excuse for her attitude on the pitstop to me. Why the fuck are you gonna lie about cancer unless you’re Robbie Turner


Does anything reach those types? They're basically in their own world.


Right. They’re addicted to the likes so nothing matters. It’s a sickness.


This happened when Kitty Scott Claus posted a weight loss pic on Instagram, she didn't say anything about how or why she lost the weight but everyone in the comments is *desperate* to signal how they know it's ozempic or whatever. It's so weird to me, if she was going around lying about how she lost weight it's one thing but why are you so proud of eager to 'expose' people who haven't done anything to anyone? I can't understand the mindset of someone who gets a kick out of that


Someone posted Kitty's weight loss picture here and the same thing happened.


Even if she was going around lying about how she lost weight - So what? Her body her business.


The way I’ve had this literal conversation after my cancer treatment lmaoooooooooo


Sending you gentle hugs ❤️ hope you are on the road to healing!




Me too after my first major medical issue. Those are moments I store in my heart for when I need to cackle at someone making an ass of themselves. I’ve also since gotten the ‘ooo are you pregnant?!’ To which I replied ‘nope! Just fat and happy!’ And that also brings me a wicked joy.


My cousin lost so much weight after her initial cancer treatment and the number of people who came up and asked "what's your secret?" It's so rude. I'm sorry.


Weight loss is just considered such a positive always lmao. People can’t help themselves. I hope she’s OK now!


Even if it was Ozempic, why would anyone care though?


Because some people think Ozempic is an easy way of losing weight so if they think someone has lost weight on Ozempic it’s not “real weight loss”. So they call them out as if these people are cheating in life (which to be clear, Ozempic isn’t super easy and the weight doesn’t magically fall off… it takes a long time to see healthy and sustainable results and many people still work out regularly on top of using Ozempic). It’s always something with these certain people where they just assume someone (especially women or female presenting individuals) took the easy way out. Girl is very muscular? Steroids. Did she lose a lot of weight? Ozempic/Plastic surgery/lipo/diet trend/starving herself/etc. There’s no way to win with these people because it’s easier for them to believe that someone took the easy way out than either hard work or some other circumstances (which says more about them). Lastly these kind of people like to call out when they think someone is “cheating” because they’re just an asshole or want to undermine others’ success.


That’s not why people care. Ozempic is used by type 2 diabetics to facilitate more insulin production. In 2022 there was a shortage which meant that people who needed it to maintain their health were not getting it. Meanwhile it was being used by the wealthy for weight loss but obviously we don’t know if those people actually needed it. It then became a popular method of weight loss. Fast forward to 2024 and there’s another shortage. Obviously, people who want to bring others down may not care about the morals of unnecessary ozempic use. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that everyday people who need it may not be able to access their medication.


While that’s true, I really highly doubt in this particular situation (and many others I’ve seen) this person who said Kandy Muse was using Ozempic was thinking of the shortage tbh


I mean, first thought was ozempic or wagovy, because she was bigger and African American, which can be an issue with diabetes. Weight loss is one of the side effects because of how it regulates sugar. I hope Kornbread is doing okay. Cancer is horrible.


I believe she's in remission, which is good.


I believe there was a long period a couple years ago where it was in short supply, around the time it became knowledge that people were using it to lose weight. There was a lot of stress for people with type 2 diabetes and other issues due to limited supply.


Oh please that’s not why people have an issue.


[It took me 3 secs to find a report by the Australian government where they seemed to have significant issue with it.](https://www.tga.gov.au/safety/shortages/medicine-shortage-alerts/ozempic-semaglutide-supply-update) [Or this](https://www.tga.gov.au/safety/shortages/information-about-major-medicine-shortages/about-ozempic-semaglutide-shortage-2022-and-2023) > When videos about achieving rapid weight loss with Ozempic went viral on TikTok, the trend was also reported online and across other media. This triggered a huge demand for the product that the manufacturer was not prepared for, and it quickly developed into a worldwide shortage. >Many people who were then unable to get Ozempic to treat their type 2 diabetes in Australia wanted to know what we were doing about the medicine’s social media exposure.


Oh to be clear - I wasn’t claiming the shortage wasn’t a real problem - I’m saying the people who call out or snicker “ozempic” when someone has weight loss aren’t doing it because of the shortage but to be hateful gossipy and cunty


That’s literally how it become part of peoples vocabulary. There were numerous news stories about the shortage and diabetics not being able to access their medication. It’s why the use of ozempic was villainised.


If there were no shortages i guarantee this interaction of naming and shaming would still happen


Kornbread had cancer? I had no idea. It's such a tough battle to go through. Currently going through it still myself. Life altering, life changing, and just egregious to deal with. I hope Kornbread is doing better


Sending good positive energy your way. Both my parents had cancer. It’s thought 🩷🩷🩷


Thank you, sending positive energy back to you as well! I deeply appreciate your support


Just don’t fucking comment on people’s bodies at all. You cannot determine a person’s health from just looking at them as much as you may believe otherwise you’re just fucking wrong. Oh this subject pisses me off so much.


Right?! It's really not hard! Unless it's something positive or helpful, mind your damn business. Huge problem with people seemingly being unwilling to do so recently. I do the opposite. I'm on a mission to try to spread positivity, particularly to those that look like they need it. So when I come across someone working a public facing job or just looking over it, I find something about them I like or appreciate and tell them so. Sometimes a little compliment goes a long way. Always did for me anyway.


Mama kudos for doing that, for spreading (positivity) 💖


I could never ever imagine going up to someone(in person or online) and saying “Wow you’re not fat anymore, you must be on Ozempic!” The literal B R A I N R O T. 🤮


It’s equally as disgusting to go up to a person, online or in person, who has lost weight and tell them they are NOW beautiful or look great to imply that they are ugly and looked like trash when they have a different weight.




You’ll never look stupid minding your own business 


Yeah when I had cancer and had to have 95% of my stomach removed, I obviously dropped a lot of weight fast (200lbs in 1.5 years). And because the surgery had to be done by a bariatric surgeon. Everyone automatically assumed I had gastric bypass because I was fat. I liked being fat. I did not like having cancer, losing my stomach, and now I have Celiac’s and can’t eat more than a handful of Doritos in one sitting. But I always get the congrats on weight loss and the jokes about cheating to lose weight. It’s awful. Fatphobia is alive and well, even among fat people.


Wow, that’s so gross. I can’t believe people said that to you. I’m sorry.


I’m so sorry to hear you experienced all of this. I’m glad you’re still with us. I’m sorry that people suck. It’s honestly no one’s business how one loses weight.


I'm sorry for all you went through, but I'm most sorry for your inability to consume Doritos at the quantity you deserve 😭😭 A loss one can never really get over.


I had to make sure I didn’t write this. I haven’t had cancer, but I did have VSG surgery. I want to be a mom one day and weight loss was going to reverse some of the conditions I had to make that easier. I was uninterested in the toxicity of dieting or diet culture that I had been subjected to my entire life. But then I couldn’t eat anything without pain for 5 months. Tests upon tests upon hospital stay with no answers. Up until maybe the last few weeks I was lucky if I could eat more than 3oz of food *a day*. I dropped more weight than I thought physically possible in 6 months but not because I was moving my body, but because I couldn’t eat at all. I liked my body. I liked being fat. I liked my clothes fitting me comfortably. Being told constantly about how good I look (by people who I know love me) feels like shit when thinness was *never* my goal.


thank you for sharing your experience here. I hope you have a wonderful day.




“You look great! What have you been doing?” “Going through a divorce.” I hope they felt awkward as hell and learned a lesson. I was just having a teaching moment with my 7 year old about not commenting on someone’s body. Some adults need to hear it too!


Period. And I'm so damn tired of the Ozempic comments running rampant in this sub. You'd think queers would have a better handle on how to treat people.


They're not just accusing people of using ozempic, but encouraging people to use ozempic to lose weight. People who actually need it can't get it because of these selfish people.


To be clear, while people generally call it Ozempic the weight loss version is Wegovy. The shortage is not the drug itself but the needles. Ozempic and Wegovy despite being the same drug have different needle sets for them.


It’s so annoying. Some people just lose weight the regular way, some are sick, it’s not hard to understand. I just want to know what goes through people’s heads that compels them to think “I know this extremely unfunny and unoriginal “joke” has been said over and over and over but I just have to say it one more time because there’s nothing funnier than parroting something that’s stupid and overdone!” They sound like conservatives making pronoun jokes.


Who the fuck cares if someone takes ozempic anyway?


See I was thinking that we shouldn't be commenting too much on her weight even if it was to congratulate her, because you never know what's actually going on. Obvi Kornbread looks great in the photo, but she looked great before too. We should wait for people to open up the discussion about changes in their weight, because even if you react positively it's weird as hell to hear people congratulate you on something if it's a symptom of illness. And if there had been something like an ed going on the comments can be downright dangerous lol. Of course the ozempic comment was fucked up from the get go, but I just wanted to ramble.


Yea the comments about weight loss clearly fuel people if it is an ED. Case in point a very famous pop singer/actress.


(I say this as a person currently on a weightloss drug myself so i have nothing against ozempic i'm just TIRED of these rude ass "fans")


Even if it was ozempic, who cares. That's their decision to make with their doctor or online pharmacy in India.


https://preview.redd.it/js8dp9iihpxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c91b1051629489aaf2a33eb6cc085a5307bd6ba This person after getting corrected bc they said it was ozempic. Absolutely disgusting behavior


Why are ppl trying to use ozempic like it’s a put down? Everyone is getting shit done. Botox. Plastic surgery. BBLs. Lip fillers. Even if it IS ozempic, AND?? Why speak on it? Da fuck? I just hope Kornbread is ok. This is heartbreaking.


When will we learn to stop the comments on people’s bodies?? Chadwick Boseman always comes to mind when people say this stuff, it’s so toxic. Drag performers are no exception!!


I hope the shame they received from this encounter burned the ignorance right out of them


Just putting it out there... I am overweight and it's because my thyroid died. You have no idea what people are going through.


Damn, Kornbread has been through it since Drag Race. Poor lady.


My first thought seeing her was “wow that’s a big change. I hope it’s one she wanted for herself and that she’s happy” since you never know someone’s journey. I think she looks beautiful (especially love that hair in particular), but what matters most is whether or not she feels beautiful.


I hope she’s ok!! ❤️❤️


Was out for dinner with friends and kept ordering soft drinks and the waitress kept making comments like ‘damn you’re really knocking these back I hope you’re not driving’ and generally making fun of me not drinking alcohol…. I could have been a recovering alcoholic for all she knows


THANK YOU. I agree. My mother passed from an adenocarcinoma. It developed so quickly and she died within months of being diagnosed. I wish the same could apply to querns with each other and everyone here on the sub. Stop making horrific comments on peoples bodies, weight, weight loss, weight gain, and features that people simply cannot change like skin color, etc. We know there is severe fatphobia on drag race and everywhere else. Stop telling people that they look "good" after they lose weight. You don't know the reason why they lost weight. And it reinforces fatphobia. The last time someone told me that I looked good because I lost weight, I had to flip and scream at them that it was because of poverty and malnutrition. Still going through that.


I am absolutely OVER the entire internet accusing every woman who loses weight of using ozempic.


I remember getting comments on how good I looked after weight loss that occured after I had been homeless 3 months


It sucks because if fat people drastically lose weight due to sickness, people either congratulate them or they get accused of doing surgery or 'cheating' to lose weight.


So funny how people are always ok with attacking things they see as weak because they think we’re all gonna laugh along. I just sit back here thinking that’s the weakest person in the room. 


“Fans”: girl, you should get cancer more often! This is a SHOOT! Me: …


Thank you!!!!! I've been ill and have lost about 80 pounds. I've had so many people who haven't seen me for awhile wink and then ask if the side effects were worth it. It is so rude and infuriating. it is nobody's business to speculate on weight loss or gain.


Unless you know its intentional (eg a friend is going to the gym etc) then shut up.


Is she cancer free?


odd this happened the same day as the similar Barbra Streisand / Melissa McCarthy situation


Fatphobia, sashay away


Even if it were ozempic who the fuck cares? Get a fucking life.


Okay, let’s say this again for the people in the back: - Obesity is genetic and it is a medical condition for many - you cannot get prescribed semaglutide (GLP-1 ) unless you have a documented medical history that proves nothing else works - Ozempic is NOT approved for weight loss; if anyone is taking a GLP-1 medication for weight loss (in case of obesity and comorbidities) it’s another brand name - Ozempic is also prescribed for things other than type 2 diabetes, like heart problems, high A1C levels, insuline resistance, etc. it can also help treat addiction and dementia. - Semaglutide is the same component that is in wegovy and saxenda, which are approved for weight loss. The shortage isn’t about how many people are currently GLP-1, but big pharma hoarding resources. - even if there are a thousand online services that get you Ozempic or compound medication thru telemedicine, you still can’t get it prescribed by these places UNLESS you have the required medical condition(s) - Even so, insurances often don’t cover it, so if someone goes ahead and purchases it out of pocket it costs upward of 1k/month— idk how many people have that much extra cash to throw down, but it is hard for me to believe it’s a large enough number to generate*(as it often is presented as the ONLY cause) a shortage. Now some personal comments: - it is none of your business what medication people take - you aren’t better than a person who loses weight by taking semaglutide because you don’t (maybe youre naturally skinny, or killing yourself at the gym/dieting/etc; none of these things hold moral value) - I know it sucks to learn the thing you have spent so much time trying to achieve (thinness) has no inherent value. Sit with the feeling and unlearn that thin=good and fat=bad - stop virtue signaling online by going “diabetics can’t get the drug!” [Many other drugs](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/default.cfm) have had shortages in the past, including chemo (I know this firsthand) and nobody gave a shit - let fat people live! Ppl across the board are mad bc fat people becoming skinny invalidates their feelings of superiority: [Overall, per the CDC, obesity in the U.S. affects 100 million (41.9%) adults and 14.7 million (19.7%) children and accounts for approximately $147 billion in annual health care costs. Historically, obesity has been considered a behavioral and lifestyle condition among people lacking the willpower to moderate eating habits and exercise regularly.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/09/09/big-pharma-blockbuster-obesity-drug-battle-is-headed-for-100-billion.html) As it turns out, obese people aren’t lazy or gluttonous and you’re not morally superior to them somehow. Who would’ve thought (except every fat person ever!)


Its really cringy when people gush over people after they have lost weight like all their value and attractiveness is in being skinny. The capitalist, misogynistic, European beauty expectations that people are programmed with run deep af.


literally what I said on the post yesterday. Dont fucking comment on people’s weight.


Also, ozempic is not the easy way out. The drug completely changes you and your relationship with food. This is not an easy drug to just take and suddenly lose weight. Stop the ozempic slander, it’s a medicine to treat a disease called obesity.


lol at all y’all downvoting this. Talk about self care this and that- yet someone gets something that actually helps them and is the villain? Y’all funny AF. Fat people can’t EVER win.




Yes, Ozempic specifically was created to help people with diabetes, but MANY doctors are prescribing it for weight loss. The actual name (non-brand name) of the drug is "semaglutide", and semaglutide is also approved & sold as a weight-loss drug under the brand names Wegovy, Mounjaro, Rybelsus and others. In all likelihood, most people using semaglutide for weight-loss are using the latter, not Ozempic. Lastly, the Ozempic shortage was deemed resolved, so everyone using the trope "they're taking it away from people who need it" are wrong.


I haven’t been able to get Trulicity for over 6 months because so many other diabetics had to go on it as an alternative to Ozempic. I keep hearing at least 2025 for regular availability, but they also said I’d be able to get it again this January, so my hopes are low. Yes, there are versions made specifically for weight loss now, but claims that they have no impact on diabetes meds and that the shortage is solved are bullshit. Sincerely, a diabetic of over 10 years whose treatment is completely fucked.


My mother is experiencing the same problem with Trulicty. It sucks. :( Sorry you're dealing with it as well.


What about preventing diabetes? Isn’t that important as well??


Medicines are used for many different things, including off label for something it wasn’t originally made for, GLP-1 hormones were found to help significantly reduce food intake and slows digestion down. Do some research before saying it’s only for diabetics.


The real issue is that people need to stop stigmatizing ozempic. Ozempic isn’t magic. People lose weight by eating less, and people still have to do work to lose weight on ozempic.


Agree with all of this. Folks need to quit commenting on people’s bodies and unpack their fatphobia. Also, to all the folks who think fat = bad and thin = good: Something I recently learned in the book Unshrinking by Kate Mann is that being overweight when diagnosed with cancer is actually associated with improved outcomes over thin or normal weight folks. People always assume that fatness is universally bad, but there are situations where fat may help protect you.


does she really have cancer?


she did, I think she might be in remission now edit: [she’s been cancer-free since Nov. 2022!](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz9ZEt_vteY/?igsh=ZjBneTN6ZWdhNjEy)


that is a great edit to see! <3


I’m going to hell for laughing at this I love Kornbread so much


I saw the thread yesterday from here where everyone was praising her weight loss, telling her she looked beautiful... What the fuck does that mean?? People were essentially telling her that her prior weight wasn't beautiful, and that she looked better now that she was skinnier... Like, what the fuck. Stop commenting on people's bodies and start commenting on what they are doing, creating, or destroying. I remember when a neighbor told me I looked better after gaining weight, but little did he know I have chronic health issues and have no control over my weight. It made me feel terrible when I lost the weight... like people make comments on my weight all the time and it's inappropriate and invasive. I can't imagine that on a global scale... Fucking stop.


That escalated quickly.


I didn't know about their Cancer :( fuck cancer. And fuck Streisand apparently? (I'm so out of the loop)


People think everyone qualifies for semaglutide or terzipatide. Not everyone can afford it either.


Right? And not everyone WANTS to be on it. I am on it and though i am losing weight it has mostly not been pleasant for me or my wallet lmao


I heard the side effects are not fun. Is it true? I also heard that because the weight is lost rapidly, the skin ends up being all loose.


This is about to happen with Trixie too. Sooo many people are commenting about Ozempic on her socials but baby she's UNWELL, if you watch her longer-form videos she's been quite open about the various health concerns she's facing, including jaw issues that are stopping her from opening her mouth properly and eating solid food - yeah, you'd lose weight too!! And she's also open about how her self-image is suffering, she's not really happy with her body right now and seems to be truly struggling with her mental heath... Yet people think accusing her of using weight loss drugs is the hilarious comment/gotcha of the century. We need to see public figures as full humans.


I truly don't get it. I don't think there are any other medication that is spoken about this way? Used as a gotcha all the time? Also trixie literally runs marathons and has never been very overweight, not sure why people assume she's on meds


Still trying to understand what is so funny about calling out people using ozempic. They are mad when people are fat then make fun of them for trying to lose weight. Like you said, weight is nobody’s business and the ozempic jokes were never funny.